Citation Guide 2020 - Final

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Appendix 6

HAMK citation guide

Valid from 01/11/2020

Basic issues
These slides explain why citations are important, what a citation is and
what a list of references is.

Contents: basic issues
Note: These are active links to the slides in question.

Basics of citations

Citation of references

In-text citation forms

Page numbers in an in-text citation

In-text citation: one or several sentences

In-text citation: direct quotation

List of references

Printed or digital source?

Online source: DOI, URN and URL

Referencing (see Contents: precise instructions for creating citations)


Basics of citations
• You must always clearly differentiate between your own original thesis text and text taken
from somewhere else. The latter must be cited, including your own previously published
• There are several good ways to cite sources. The citation entry used at HAMK is based on the
APA 7th style and is explained in these slides.
• References are cited as accurately as possible to enable the readers to find the original
information, should they wish to do so.
• The HAMK citation guide should be followed systematically throughout the work.
• Remember to be critical when selecting the sources you use! For example, think about how
well-known and highly rated the author of the source of information is, how recent the
information is, and the extent to which the author is impartial.

Citation of references
• A citation is composed of two parts: the in-text citation and its counterpart in the list of
• A parenthetical in-text citation is embedded in the text. An in-text citation is enclosed in
parentheses at the point where the idea or information is presented. See next slide.
• An in-text citation incorporates the author of the publication, the publication year and,
where possible, the page number(s). For example: (Sääksvuori & Immonen, 2008, p.
249) or (Voutilainen, 2020, pp. 34–36)
• Each in-text citation has its counterpart in the list of references, which provides more
detailed information (see as an exception unpublished sources, slide 45). An entry in the
list of references must start with the same name as that in the in-text citation. For

Sääksvuori, A., & Immonen, A. (2008). Product lifecycle management. Springer.

Hancock, J. F. (2020). Strawberries. CABI.
In-text citation forms
• Where a reference consists of one or more sentences, in-text citations are marked separately for
each paragraph.
See Slide 7.
• In-text citations can be marked in two different ways: either a) in an author-centric (narrative
citation) or b) subject-centric manner (parenthetical citation). For example:
Väliverronen (2016, p. 59) claims that scientists can assume five different expert roles in public.
These roles are populariser, interpreter, critic, manager and participant.
Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public. These roles are a populariser, an
interpreter, a critic, a manager and a participant. (Väliverronen, 2016, p. 59)
• The citation comprises the following: (Source, year or n.d., p. no).

In-text citation: one or several sentences

It is very important to mark an in-text citation so that it covers the text based on the
source information.
• If your citation is limited to a single sentence, the in-text citation should be included
within the sentence:
Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public (Väliverronen, 2016, p. 59).
• If your citation extends across several sentences, the in-text citation should be inserted
after the sentence, and no full stop is included within the brackets:
Scientists can assume five different expert roles in public. These roles are a
populariser, an interpreter, a critic, a manager and a participant. (Väliverronen, 2016,
p. 59)

Page numbers in an in-text citation
If the reference is on one page of the source, use the abbreviation p. plus the page number, and when referring to
more than one page, use pp. Use an en dash − between page numbers, not a hyphen -!
NOTE: Online sources can often have page numbers too!

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Traficom, 2020, p. 9) Traficom. (2020). Telecommunications Markets
in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 2019.

(Ha, 2020, pp. 14–15) Ha, H. (2020). Smart and adaptive traffic light
system. Bachelor’s thesis. Electrical and
Automation Engineering. HAMK.

In-text citation: direct quotation
• Sometimes the original source just nails it, and you wish to quote the text word for
word. If so, quote directly. Put a short direct quotation in quotation marks.
Timonen et al. (2016, p. 15) summarises it accurately: ” - - - joint energy production will reduce the costs
of farm inputs in the integration of energy processes (energy and fertilisers).“

• A lengthy direct quotation is indicated visually by indenting the block of text, and
there is no need for quotation marks.
• Direct quotations should be used very sparingly!
• A quotation should be connected to your text by means of an introductory sentence, a
personal comment, or a comparison with another source. This will improve your flow
of thoughts to the reader.

List of references
• The list of references is placed at the end of the article/thesis.
• The sources are recorded in alphabetical order in the list of references by family name
of author or, where there is no author’s name some other identifier (e.g. the name of
an organisation). All sources should be entered in the same list of references.
• However, personal communications are not included in the list; see slide 45
• A reference begins with the exact same wording as an in-text citation.
• The list of references contains specific information on a source: the title, year,
publishing house, etc. It also contains other necessary information, such as the name
of the translator, edition number, etc.
• Slide 51 gives an example of a list of references.

Printed or digital source?
• Many sources are available both in print and digitally. Always refer to the version that you have
• For a digital source in the list of references, add a hyperlink at the end of an entry showing the
web address where the source is from. Never add a full stop at the end of a web address, or it
may not work. See Slide 12.
An example:
Littlejohn, A., & Hood, N. (2017). How educators build knowledge and expand their practice:
The case of open education resources. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2), 499–510.

• A digital source hyperlink should be as precise as possible to allow readers to find the material
as easily as possible, should they wish to.
• See slide 47 for an entry for sources accessed via databases.

Online source: DOI, URN and URL
• A publication may have a permanent unique identifier, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Uniform
Resource Name (URN) or website Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The publication’s DOI, URN or URL is
recorded in the list of references starting with http:// or https://. If a source has both a DOI and URN
or URL, just enter the DOI. If a source has an URN and URL, just enter the URN. Enter the URL if there is
no other identifier.
An example of a reference with the DOI:
Reilas, T., Katila, T., Kosola, M., & Virtala, A.-M. (2020). A registry-based study of declined foaling rates in
Finnhorses. Agricultural and Food Science, 29(3), 189–197.
An example of a reference with the URN (many PDFs):
Weimer, L., Hoffman, D., & Silvonen, A. (2019). Internationalisation at Home in Finnish Higher Education
Institutions and Research Institutes. Ministry of Education and Culture.
An example of a reference with the URL:
Rinneheimo, K.-M., & Joutsenlahti, J. (2020). Towards better comprehension of the theory by enhancing
languaging in engineering mathematics course differential calculus. FMSERA Journal, 3(1), 32–43.

The following slides show how references to different source materials
should be created. The left-hand side of the slide contains the citation, the
right-hand side the corresponding entry in the list of references.

Contents: precise instructions for creating citations
Publication, one author Master’s thesis
Publication, two authors Website 1/ 3
Publication, 3-20 authors Website 2/ 3
Publication, more than 20 authors Website 3/ 3
More than one source in the same in-text citation Acts and decrees
Several publications by a single author Standards

Author unknown
Radio or TV programme
Blog post
Publication year unknown 1/ 2
YouTube video, Podcast, Webinar
Publication year unknown 2/ 2
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Translated publication
Computer programs, Mobile apps
Chapter or article in an edited publication
Research material as sources
Article in a printed scientific periodical
Unpublished source
Article in a digital scientific journal
Image and map
E-book with no page numbers and audiobook
Database special cases
Chapter in an e-book
Secondary source
Article in a journal Stating role of author
Article or news item in a newspaper Example of a list of references
Dissertation Citation tools

Publication, one author
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name, publication year, p. page Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of
number) publication in italics. Publisher.

Scott, W. R., & O'Brien, P. C. (2020). Financial accounting theory.

(Scott & O’Brien, 2020, p. 161)
If the edition is noted in the work, it should be included in the
middle of the notation. This is where the possible translator’s
name is also inserted.

(Family name, publication year/year of Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of
publication of the translation), p. page number) publication in italics. (Translator and edition details) Publisher
(Year in which the original work was published written as four
(Kurz, 2013/2017, p. 22) digits).

Kurz, H. D. (2017). Economic thought : a brief history. (J. Riemer,

trans.). Columbia University Press. (Original work published
Publication, two authors

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name & Family name, Family name, first letter of first
publication year, p. page number) name. & Family name, first letter of
first name. (Publication year). Title
in italics. Publisher.
(Olson & Lauhoff, 2019, p. 88) Olson, D. L., & Lauhoff, G. (2019).
Descriptive Data Mining. (2nd ed.).
Springer Singapore.

Publication, 3–20 authors
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

Only use the first one of the family names The maximum number of authors recorded is 20. If
followed by et al.: there are more, see the instruction in slide 18. The
authors are listed in the same order as in the

Family name, first letter of first name., Family name,

(Family name et al., publication year, p. page
first letter of first name., Family name, first letter of
number) first name., & Family name, first letter of first name.
(Publication year). Title in italics. Publisher.

Venäläinen, A., Ruosteenoja, K., & Lehtonen, I.

(Venäläinen et al., 2019, p. 37) Projections of future climate for Europe, Uruguay and
China with implications on forestry. Ilmatieteen laitos.

Publication, more than 20 authors
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Only use the first one of the family names Enter the first 19 authors, then a comma, an ellipsis and the name of
followed by et al.: the last author.
(Family name et al., publication year, p. page
Campbell, C., Ma, H., Ringle, P. A., Parsons, M. W., Churilov, L.,
(Campbell et al., 2019, pp. 140–142) Bendszus, M., Levi, C. R., Hus, C., Kleining, T. J., Fatar, M., Leys, D.,
Molina, C., Wieratne, T., Curtze, S., Dewey, H. M., Barber, A., Butcher, K.
S., De Silva, D. A., . . . Williams, M. (2019). Extending thrombolysis to
4.5–9 h and wake-up stroke using perfusion imaging: a systematic
review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. The Lancet,
394(10193), 139–147.

More than one source in the same in-text
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Different works are separated by a semicolon. The publications are then listed in alphabetical
If the sources are of equal importance: order.

(Family name(s), publication year, page number;

Family name, publication year, p. page number)
Nothhelfer, R. (2017). Financial Accounting. De
(Nothhelfer, 2017, pp. 122–123; Scott & O'Brien, Gruyter Oldenbourg.
2016, p. 14)

If the first source is the most important, insert the

instruction see also: Scott, W. R., & O'Brien, P. C. (2020). Financial
(Scott & O'Brien, 2016, p. 14; see also accounting theory. Pearson.
Nothhelfer, 2017, pp. 122–123)

Several publications by a single author
There may be several publications by the same author that have the same publication year. If that is the case, they
need to be distinguished by adding a lower-case letter after the publication year.

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name, publication year, publication year, In the list of references, the author’s publications are listed
publication year) from the oldest to the newest. If the author has also
participated in a joint publication, his or her own publications
If the same author has published several books in the are listed first, followed by co-authored publications.
same year, insert a letter right after the year.
Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer‐Mueller, J. D. (2012a), General and
(Family name, publication yeara, publication yearb) specific measures in organizational behavior research:
(Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012a, 2012b) Considerations, examples, and recommendations for
researchers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(2), 161–
If you also cite the page numbers, use semicolons to 174.
separate the sources.
Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2012b). On the value
of aiming high: The causes and consequences of ambition.
(Family name, publication yeara, page number; Family
Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 758–775.
name, publication yearb, p. page number)
(Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012a, p. 169; Judge &
Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012b, pp. 770–771)
Author unknown
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Publisher. (publication year). Page heading and any clarifying
If no-one has been cited as the author of the information. A DOI, URN, or URL link to the publication starts with
source, a reference is made to the name of the http:// or https://
publisher. If this is not available either, reference is
National Cancer Institute. (2018). Facing Forward: Life After Cancer
made to the title of the publication. Treatment (NIH Publication No. 18-2424). U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
(Publisher, year)
(National Cancer Institute, 2018)
Publication title [Possible reference type]. (Publication year).
(Publication name, year) equisite specifications.
(Plant-based cooking, 2020) Plant-based cooking. (2020). https://www.plant-
(Concert raises thousands for earthquake victims,
2019) Concert raises thousands for earthquake victims. (2019, August 9).
The News Review.

Publication year unknown 1/ 2
Always research the source carefully! If the publication year is not mentioned anywhere, add the
abbreviation n.d.

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

Name of author or publisher as usual. (n.d.). Name of
Publication year should be publication in italics. Requisite specifications. A DOI, URN,
replaced by the letters n.d. (no or URL link to the publication starts with http:// or https://

(Author or publisher, n.d.)
National Museum of Australia. (n.d.). The fight for civil
(National Museum of Australia, n.d.) rights.

Publication year unknown 2/ 2
If there are several publications by the same author with no publication year, they are separated by adding a
hyphen and a lowercase letter after the abbreviation n.d.

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.-a) U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.-a). U.S. and world
population clock. U.S. Department of
(U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.-b) Commerce. Retrieved August 26, 2020,
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.-b). Explore
Census Data. U.S. Department of
Commerce. Retrieved August 26,
2020, from

Translated publication
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name(s) of the writer(s) Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication
year of the translation) Title of publication in italics
of the publication, publication (First letter of the translator’s first name. Family
year of the original/publication name, Trans.). Publisher (Year in which original
work was published written as four digits).
year of the translation, page(s)
referred to)
Kurz, H.D. (2017). Economic thought : a brief
history. (J. Riemer, trans.). Columbia University
Press. (Original work published 2013).
(Kurz, 2013/2017, pp. 92–94)

Chapter or article in an edited publication
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name(s) of the author(s) Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year).
Title of the article. In a work, first letter of the editor’s
of the article, publication year, first name, family name (ed.), Title of the work in italics
page referred to) (page range). Publisher.

NOTE! Use an en dash − between page numbers, not a

hyphen -!
Smith, R. E., & Rupnik, I. (2019). Productivity, innovation
(Smith & Rupnik, 2019, p. 260) and disruption: a study of offsite construction in the
United States. In J. S. Goulding & F. P. Rahimian (Eds.),
Offsite production and manufacturing for innovative
construction (pp. 257–284). Newgen Publishing UK.

Article in a printed scientific periodical
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
(Family name(s) of the author(s) Family name, first letter of first name
(publication year). Title of the article. Title
of the article, publication year, p. of publication in italics, volume(number),
page number) page numbers covering the article.
Van Beveren, L., Roets, G., Buysse, A., &
Rutten, K. (2018). We all reflect, but why? A
(Van Beveren et al., 2015, p. 6) systematic review of the purposes of
reflection in higher education in social and
behavioral sciences. Educational Research
Review, 24, 1–9.

Article in a digital scientific journal
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Family name, first letter of first name (publication year).
(Family name(s) of author(s), Title of the article. Title of publication in italics, issue
publication year, page referred to if any details (page range if available). A DOI, URN, or URL link to
the publication starts with http:// or https://
page number exists)

Polat, H. (2020). Investigating the use of text positions on

videos: an eye movement study. Contemporary
(Polat, 2020, p. 12) educational technology, 12(1).

E-book with no page numbers, and audiobook
In-text citation Lähdeluettelomerkintä
E-book with no page numbers: E-book with no page numbers :
State which part or section you are referring to:
e.g. the title of the chapter and the paragraph
Surakka, A. (2012). Access to Finnish Law. (2nd
number in the chapter cited. ed.). Alma Talent.
(Surakka, 2020, Bankruptcy chapter, Creditors’
meeting paragraph)
Identify the start of the cited section counting in Audiobook:
hours, minutes and seconds from the beginning:
Sinek, S. (2020). Leaders eat last : why some
(Author’s family name, publication year(s) of work, teams pull together and others don't (S. Sinek,
Narr.) [Audiobook]. Penguin Random House
(Sinek, 2014/2020, 1.03.24) Audio. (Original work published 2014)
Chapter in an e-book
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
A chapter in a free online e-book. Lim, C., Kim, S., & Lee, J. (2016). Designing the flipped
classroom in higher education in J. M. Spector,
(Name(s) of writer(s) of the article, year, D. Ifenthaler, D. G. Sampson, & P. Isaias (Eds.),
p./ pp.) Competencies in Teaching, Learning and Educational
Leadership in the Digital Age: Papers from CELDA 2014
(pp. 245–248). Springer.
(Lim, Kim & Lee, 2016, pp. 245–246)

Article in a magazine
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
(Family name(s) of author(s), Family name, first letter of first name
publication year, page referred to (publication year). Title of the
article. Title of the publication in italics,
if any page number exists)
volume(number), page numbers covering
the article.
Ford, P. (2020). Your 2073-74 course
selections. Wired, 28(11), 14–17.
(Ford, 2020, pp. 14–15)

Article or news item in a newspaper
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Printed articles
If the writer is known:
Family name, first letter of first name (publication date). Title
(Family name, publication year, p. page number) of article. Name of the newspaper in italics, section, etc.
(Hess, 2019)
Hess, A. (2019, January 3). Cats who take direction. The New
(Duke, 2020) York Times, C1.

Electronic articles

Duke, S. (2020, October 26). Jack Ma no fan of ‘old people’

If the writer is unknown:
who regulate global banking. The Times. Retrieved from
(‘Title of the article/piece’, publication year)
(“U.S. flood risk,” 2015).

Note: in an in-text citation the title may be abbreviated. Writer(s) unknown

U.S. flood risk could be worse than we thought. (2015, July
27). Retrieved from
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Published dissertation:

(Family name, publication year, p. Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of
dissertation in italics (series, if any, and number) [Dissertation, Name of
page number) the University]. Database name, if available. A DOI, URN, or URL link to
the publication starts with http:// or https://

(Ruuskanen, 2020, p. 84) Ruuskanen, J. (2020). Modelling nonlinear effects in high temperature
superconducting magnets. (Tampere University Dissertations 202)
[Dissertation, Tampere University]. Trepo.

Unpublished dissertation:
(Harris, 2014, pp. 22–25) Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year). Title of the
dissertation in italics [Unpublished dissertation]. Name of the University.

Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of

elementary school leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University
of Virginia.

Master’s thesis
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Family name, first letter of first name. (Publication year).
(Family name, publication year, p. Title of dissertation in italics [Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis,
page number) Name of university]. Database name, if available. A DOI,
URN, or URL link to the publication starts with http:// or
(Hassan, 2019, pp. 18–20)
Hassan, Z. (2019). Smart mailbox [Bachelor’s thesis, Häme
University of Applied Sciences]. Theseus.

(Lintala, 2018, p. 13) Lintala, J. (2018). Effective Fundraising through Digital

Marketing : Soi Dog Foundation [Master’s thesis, Häme
University of Applied Sciences]. Theseus.

Website 1/3
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

• Cite the author and publication year of the Publisher. (Publication year). Page header.
website. Possible elaborative details. A DOI, URN, or URL
link to the publication starts with http:// or
• If no-one has been cited as the author of https://
the website, a reference is made to the
name of the publisher. Ruukki. (n.d.). Steel roofing sheets. Retrieved
October 26, 2020, from
• If the publisher is unknown, a reference is
made to the name of the website. fing-sheets
• If the publication year is not known, use
the abbreviation n.d. NOTE: There may be a need here to put the date on which
it was accessed, because content may be updated, or
different content may be found at the same address.

(Ruukki, n.d.)
Website, 2/3
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Publisher abbreviation

Publisher abbreviation. (Publication year). Page header. Publisher. A

DOI, URN, or URL link to the publication starts with http:// or

(APA, 2017) APA. (12.1.2017). Understanding and overcoming opioid abuse.

American Psychological Association.

Webpage on a news website

McGrath, M. (2020, June 2). Climate change: older trees

(McGrath, 2020) loss continue around the world. BBC News.

Website 3/3
The source may be different subpages on the website of the same author/publisher. Mark your citation for every
section of the publisher’s website and not, for example, just for the main page.
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Arnold. (n.d.-a). Arnold.
(Arnold, n.d.-a).

(Arnold, n.d.-b).
Arnold. (n.d.-b). Arnold Render Setup.
(Arnold, n.d.-c).
Arnold. (n.d.-c). System. 36
Acts and decrees
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Name of act/act number/year issued. If (Name of act number/year issued.) A DOI, URN, or URL
reference is made to a certain section, this link to the publication starts with http:// or https://
should be added to the citation in the text) Government Decree on Security Classification of
Documents in Central Government 1101/2019.
(Government Decree on Security
Classification of Documents in Central 91101
Government 1101/2019 § 5, § 6)

ViaSat v Commission 2017/2020. Case T-649/17:

Judgment of the General Court.
(ViaSat v Commission 2017/2020)

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

Electronic standard:
(Acronym of standard, year of Standard’s acronym. (Year of entry into force). Standard
entry into force, p. page number) title. Name of electronic database or service.

ISO 3966:2020. (2020). Measurement of fluid flow in

(ISO 3966:2020, 2020, p. 6) closed conduits -- Velocity area method using Pitot static
tubes. SFS Online.

Printed standard:
Standard’s acronym. (Year of entry into force). Standard
(ISO 9004:2018, 2018, p. 22) title. Publisher.

ISO 9004:2018. (2018). Quality management — Quality of

an organization — Guidance to achieve sustained success.
International Organization for Standardization.

Radio or TV programme
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Family name, first letter of first name. ( (title).
Name of programme [file format]. Publishing platform.
A DOI, URN, or URL link to the publication starts with http://
or https://

Mottram, L. (2020, January 8). Hazard reduction burning is

(Mottram, 2020) not a panacea to bushfire risk: Expert [Radio broadcast].
(Favreau & Filoni, 2019)
Favreau, J. (Writer) & Filoni, D. (Director). (2019, November
12). (season 1, episode 1) [Television series episode]. In J.
Favreau, D. Filoni, K. Kennedy & C. Wilson (Producers), The
Mandalorian. Lucasfilm; Golem Creations.

Blog post
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name, publication year) Family name, first letter of first name.
(Publication year, date). Heading of blog
post. Blog name if available. A DOI, URN,
or URL link to the publication starts with
(Klymkowsky, 2020) http:// or https://
Klymkowsky, M. (2018, September 15).
Can we talk scientifically about free will?

YouTube video, podcast, webinar
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Publisher. (yyyy, Month d). Video title [video]. Platform. A DOI, URN,
or URL link to the publication starts with http:// or https://
Harvard University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for
jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.
(Harvard University, 2019) v=guRoWTYfxMs

Bates, K. G. (Host). (2020, October 3). A New Look For The Fashion
Industry? [Audio podcast]. National Public Radio.
(Bates, 2020)

Micka, K. (2020, March 10). Why Diversity and Inclusion Need to Be

(Micka, 2020)​ Small Business Priorities. [Webinar]. SCORE

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
In-text citation Notation in the list of references

An example of a Facebook post

(Family name, publication Family name, first letter of first name. (yyyy, Month d). Up to 20 words of the name of the post [file format or
year) descriptions]. Facebook. Facebook post link

News From Science. (2019, June 21). Are you a fan of astronomy? Enjoy reading about what scientists have
(News From Science, 2016) discovered in our solar system—and beyond? This [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.

An example of a Twitter message / a Tweet

Family name, first letter of first name. [author’s Twitter @username]. (yyyy, Month d). Up to 20 words of the
name of the tweet [possible tweet descriptions such as links] [Tweet]. Twitter. Tweet link
(Gates, 2016)
Gates, B. [@BillGates]. (2019, September 7). Today, it’s difficult for researchers to diagnose #Alzheimers patients
early enough to intervene. A reliable, easy and accurate diagnostic would #hashtags [Thumbnail with link
attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

An example of an Instagram post

(Uxgoodies, 2020) Family name, first letter of first name. [author’s Instagram @username]. (yyyy, Month d). Up to 20 words of the
name of the Instagram post [Post, Video, Profile or Highlight]. Instagram. Instagram post link

Uxgoodies [@uxgoodies]. (2020, May 29). Reasons People Uninstall Apps [Highlight]. Instagram.

Computer programs, mobile apps
Only special programs are marked in the sources; not, for example, Microsoft, Adobe, etc.

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Borenstein et al., 2014) Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J., & Rothstein, H.
(2014). Comprehensive meta-analysis (Version
3.3.070) [Computer software]. Biostat.

Reference to a specific entry in a mobile application:

(Epocrates, 2019) Epocrates. (2019). Interaction check: Aspirin +
sertraline. In Epocrates medical references (Version
18.12) [Mobile app]. Google Play Store.

Research material or data sets as sources
Refer to research materials as sources when you have already used existing published research material or

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(D'Souza & Wiseheart, 2018) D'Souza, A., & Wiseheart, M. (2018). Cognitive
effects of music and dance training in children (ICPSR
37080; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR.

(Pew Research Center, 2018) Pew Research Center. (2018). American trends panel
Wave 26 [Data set].

Unpublished source
Unpublished sources might be lectures, email messages, text messages, instant messaging citations, telephone
conversations, personal interviews, speeches, letters, notes, or unarchived discussion group messages. These are
not included in the list of references, but only as an in-text citation. Furthermore, intranet pages and study
materials that not all readers necessarily have access to (e.g. Moodle) should also be treated as unpublished
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
(Family name, personal communication, date and year) N.B.! In these cases only mark the in-text
(L. Packalén, personal communication, January 20, citation: there should be nothing in the list of
2016) references.
NOTE: The text must show the reader who For that reason, it is important to have an
communicated and what sort of information source it unpublished source in the text cited as
precisely as possible.
In her lecture Windows to the World of Crisis and
Trauma Work, Leena Packalén, Principal Lecturer
(personal communication January 20, 2016)

Image, map
NOTE: Make sure you find out if an image or map is protected by copyright! State where the image/map has been taken from
and check the guidelines on the website of the person or organisation that produced the material.
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
Sequential number of the image. Image title (source,
year). BetterWorks. (n.d.). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs [Image].
Image 1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (BetterWorks, n.d.).
NASA Goddard Photo and Video. (n.d.). How far does Hubble see?
Image 2. How far does Hubble see? (NASA Goddard Photo [Image].
and Video, n.d.).​
MAP Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions from Evo Hiking Area to Evo
See the guidelines on websites providing cartographic services on use Sorsakolu, Finland]. Retrieved 28.10.2020 from
and referencing, e.g. Google and HSL .

Image 1. Map directions from Evo Hiking Area to Evo Sorsakolu, HSL Journey Planner for Cycling and Walking. (n.d.). [HSL Journey Planner for
Finland. (Google Maps, n.d.) Cycling and Walking map directions from Viikki Science Park to Vallila,
Helsinki, Finland]. Retrieved 28.10.2020 from
Image 2. Map directions from Viikki Science Park to Vallila, Helsinki,
Finland. (HSL Journey Planner for Cycling and Walking, n.d.) Shell Oil Company. (1956). [Map]. Shell Street Map of Houston.
Image 3. Shell Street Map of Houston. (Shell Oil Company, 1956)

Database - special cases
The names of databases and the URL addresses for the sources accessed in them are not generally mentioned, except in a few exceptional
cases, such as online glossaries, Cochrane, the JBI Database and Terveysportti, the content of all of which is not available anywhere else. If a
source is not readily available to anyone, cite the general address for the online service or database.

In-text citation Notation in the list of references

(Family name/name of service/organisation, Rodriguez, M. B., Lethaby, A., Farquhar, C., & Duffy, J. M. N.
publication year, p. page number) (2020). Interventions commonly available during pandemics for
heavy menstrual bleeding: an overview of Cochrane Reviews.
(Rodriguez et al., 2019) Cochrane Library. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from
(Joanna Briggs Institute, 2020) Joanna Briggs Institute. (2020). Older People: Antipsychotics.
[Recommended Practices]. Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence-
based Practice Database. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from
(The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and
Sciences, 2013)
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences. (2013).
NOTE: the year in this case is the year the Mikrobiologia:maljahajotus. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from
page was updated.

Stating role of author
In the choice of author, other than writers or editors, there are special cases. Here are a few examples. The
author’s role is stated in the list of references in parentheses after the name. For example: Karukoski, D.

Publication type  Author In-text citation Notation in the list of references

chosen (Karukoski, 2011) Karukoski, D. (Director). (2011). Napapiirin sankarit
• Film  Director [Film]. Sandrew Metronome.

• TV- or streamed series  Main

producer(s) (Micka, 2020) Micka, K. (2020, March 10). Why Diversity and Inclusion Need
to Be Small Business Priorities. [Webinar]. SCORE Association.
• Podcast episode  Podcast
episode presenter ed-be-small-business-priorities
(Anand, Khan, &
• Webinar  Webinar host,
Yasin, 2020)
adviser, or instructor
Anand, C., Khan, M., & Yasin, D. (2020). [Series of
• Streamed video  Person, photographs from Kashmir]. The Pulitzer Prizes.
group or organisation that
recorded the video khan-and-dar-yasin-associated-press
• Photograph  Photographer
Secondary source
In-text citation Notation in the list of references
N.B.! A secondary source should only be cited if the Only the secondary source, which in this
original source is not available or if you cannot read it, example is Berning, is noted in the list of
for example because you are not able to read it in its
original language.

You can insert the secondary source into the body of Berning, N. (2011). Narrative Journalism in the
your text, for example. In the following example, Age of the Internet. New Ways to Create
Berning is a secondary source. The original source, Authenticity in Online Literary Reportages.
which the author has not personally read, is Textpraxis, 3(2).
According to Nora Berning (2011, p. 23), Margareth berning-narrative-journalism-in-the-age-of-the
Lünenborg (2005) defines authenticity as a property -internet

Shortening long domain names in the list of
• Shortening long domains is a stylistic and aesthetic issue and makes them easier to read, but it is not
• Shortening long DOIs using the
• Shortening long URLs using, for example, the TinyURL
service at:

• For example, the article Phylogeny and Evolution of the Brown Algae, whose long DOI is, can be shortened using the ShortDOI service to
• For example, the URL is shortened to:

Example of a list of references 1/2
Anand, C., Khan, M., & Yasin, D. (2020). [Series of photographs from Kashmir]. The Pulitzer Prizes. Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions from Evo Hiking Area to Evo Sorsakolu, Finland]. Retrieved October 28, 2020, from

APA. (12.1.2017). Understanding and overcoming opioid abuse. American Psychological Association. Government Decree on Security Classification of Documents in Central Government 1101/2019.

Arnold. (n.d.-a). Arnold. Hancock, J. F. (2020). Strawberries. CABI.

Arnold. (n.d.-b). Arnold Render Setup. Harvard University. (2019, August 28). Soft robotic gripper for jellyfish [Video]. YouTube.

Arnold. (n.d.-c). System. Hassan, Z. (2019). Smart mailbox [Bachelor’s thesis, Häme University of Applied Sciences]. Theseus.
Bates, K. G. (Host). (2020, October 3). A New Look For The Fashion Industry? [Audio podcast]. National Public
Radio. Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school
leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.
BetterWorks. (n.d.). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs [Image]. ISO 3966:2020. (2020). Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits -- Velocity area method using Pitot
static tubes. SFS Online.
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J., & Rothstein, H. (2014). Comprehensive meta-analysis (Version 3.3.070)
[Computer software]. Biostat. ISO 9004:2018. (2018). Quality management — Quality of an organization — Guidance to achieve
sustained success. International Organization for Standardization.
Concert raises thousands for earthquake victims. (2019, August 9). The News Review. Joanna Briggs Institute. (2020). Older People: Antipsychotics. [Recommended Practices]. Joanna Briggs
Institute Evidence-based Practice Database. Retrieved August 27, 2020, from
Duke, S. (2020, October 26). Jack Ma no fan of ‘old people’ who regulate global banking. The Times. Retrieved
from Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer‐Mueller, J. D. (2012a), General and specific measures in organizational behavior research: Considerations, examples, and recommendations for researchers. Journal of Organizational
5x0 Behavior, 33(2), 161–174.

Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2012b). On the value of aiming high: The causes and
Epocrates. (2019). Interaction check: Aspirin + sertraline. In Epocrates medical references (Version 18.12) consequences of ambition. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 758–775.
[Mobile app]. Google Play Store.

Favreau, J. (Writer) & Filoni, D. (Director). (2019, November 12). (season 1, episode 1) [Television series episode]. Karukoski, D. (Director). (2011). Napapiirin sankarit [Film]. Sandrew Metronome.
In J. Favreau, D. Filoni, K. Kennedy & C. Wilson (Producers), The Mandalorian. Lucasfilm; Golem Creations.
Klymkowsky, M. (2018, September 15). Can we talk scientifically about free will? BioLiteracy.
Ford, P. (2020). Your 2073-74 course selections. Wired, 28(11), 14–17.

Gates, B. [@BillGates]. (2019, September 7). Today, it’s difficult for researchers to diagnose #Alzheimers patients
early enough to intervene. A reliable, easy and accurate diagnostic would #hashtags [Thumbnail with link
attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.

Example of a list of references 2/2
Kurz, H. D. (2017). Economic thought : a brief history. (J. Riemer, trans.). Columbia University Press . Ruuskanen, J. (2020). Modelling nonlinear effects in high temperature superconducting magnets.
(Original work published 2013). (Tampere University Dissertations 202) [Dissertation, Tampere University]. Trepo.
Lintala, J. (2018). Effective Fundraising through Digital Marketing : Soi Dog Foundation [Master’s thesis,
Häme University of Applied Sciences]. Theseus. Scott, W. R., & O'Brien, P. C. (2020). Financial accounting theory. Pearson.

McGrath, M. (2020, June 2). Climate change: older trees loss continue around the world. BBC News. Shell Oil Company. (1956). [Map]. Shell Street Map of Houston.

Micka, K. (2020, March 10). Why Diversity and Inclusion Need to Be Small Business Priorities. [Webinar]. Sinek, S. (2020). Leaders eat last : why some teams pull together and others don't (S. Sinek, Narr.)
SCORE Association. [Audiobook]. Penguin Random House Audio. (Original work published 2014)
Smith, R. E., & Rupnik, I. (2019). Productivity, innovation and disruption: a study of offsite construction in
Mottram, L. (2020, January 8). Hazard reduction burning is not a panacea to bushfire risk: Expert [Radio the United States. In J. S. Goulding & F. P. Rahimian (Ed.), Offsite production and manufacturing for
broadcast]. ABC. innovative construction (pp. 257–284). Newgen Publishing UK.
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.-b). Explore Census Data. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved August 26,
National Museum of Australia. (n.d.). The fight for civil rights. 2020, from

News From Science. (2019, June 21). Are you a fan of astronomy? Enjoy reading about what scientists U.S. flood risk could be worse than we thought. (2015, July 27).
have discovered in our solar system—and beyond? This [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.
er Van Beveren, L., Roets, G., Buysse, A., & Rutten, K. (2018). We all reflect, but why? A systematic review of
the purposes of reflection in higher education in social and behavioral sciences. Educational Research
Review, 24, 1–9.
Reilas, T., Katila, T., Kosola, M., & Virtala, A.-M. (2020). A registry-based study of declined foaling rates in
Finnhorses. Agricultural and Food Science, 29(3), 189–197. Uxgoodies [@uxgoodies]. (2020, May 29). Reasons People Uninstall Apps [Highlight]. Instagram.
Rinneheimo, K-M., & Joutsenlahti, J. (2020). Towards better comprehension of the theory by enhancing
languaging in engineering mathematics course differential calculus. FMSERA Journal ,3(1), 32–43. ViaSat v Commission 2017/2020. Case T-649/17: Judgment of the General Court.

Ruukki. (n.d.). Steel roofing sheets. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from Weimer, L., Hoffman, D., & Silvonen, A. (2019). Internationalisation at Home in Finnish Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes. Ministry of Education and Culture.
Rodriguez, M. B., Lethaby, A., Farquhar, C., & Duffy, J. M. N. (2020). Interventions commonly available
during pandemics for heavy menstrual bleeding: an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Library.
Retrieved August 27, 2020, from

Citation tools
• You can use the Word referencing tool; free online applications, such as
Mendeley and Zotero; or RefWorks or EndNote, there is a charge for these.
• However, your citations must always follow the guidelines consistently and
comply with the general practices of the language used, Finnish or English,
(e.g. date and page number references).
• The use of tools requires special care when filling in the requested fields!
• The positional system imposed by the tool must be eliminated from the
final text and the citations tidied up manually to conform to the guidelines.

• You may sometimes encounter a situation where these instructions are
not helpful. In that case, use your common sense. The key thing is that
the reader can find your source based on your citation.
• Finally, check that for every entry in the list of references there is a
corresponding in-text citation beginning with the same wording.
• Also check that all citations in your thesis have been systematically noted
in the same way.
• If you need advice, contact the communications (or English) teacher of
your field of education.


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