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GEN ED 001
• ABSTRACT. A brief summary of a research articles, thesis, review,
conference proceeding or any in depth analysis of a particular subject
or discipline.
2. BOOK REVIEW. It evaluates recently- written works and typically
ranges from 500- 700 words.
3. LABORATORY REPORT. Also known as “Lab Reports”. It is the
detailed results of experimental research projects.

4. RESEARCH ARTICLE. Is the culmination and final product of an

involved process of research, critical thinking, source evaluation,
organization and composition.
5. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION. Researchers present papers on the
research they completed and obtain feedback from the audience. Papers
are usually published in a volume called a conference proceeding.


An umbrella term that comprises a range of subskills relating to
various types of reference material.

1. PURPOSE. The reason the writer composes the paragraph.

2. TONE. The attitude the writer conveys about the subject of a
3. AUDIENCE. The individual or group whom the writer intend to
• This dictates what the paragraph covers and how it will support one
main point.


It is tantamount to know the purpose by which we write. In academic
settings, the reasons for writing fulfill four main purposes; to summarize,
to analyze, to synthesize, and to evaluate.


Include people with whom you are familiar as well as people you may not
know personally. Identifying your audiences, demographics, education,
prior knowledge, and expectations will affect how you write, but purpose
and content play an equally important role.
Combines two or more items to create an entirely new item. The writer
uses a variety of sources to create a new idea.


An evaluation judges the value of something and determines its worth. An
academic evaluation communicates your opinion, and its justification,
about a document or a topic of discussion. Evaluations are influenced by
your reading of the document, your prior knowledge and experience with
the topic or issue.
• Tone identifies a speaker's attitude toward a subject or another
• Just as speakers transmit emotions through voice, writers can transmit
through writing a range of attitudes, from excited and humorous to
serious and critical.
• Content refers to all the written substance in a document. Content may
consist of examples, statistics, facts, anecdotes, testimonies, and
observations, but regardless of type, the information must be appropriate to
purpose and interesting to audience.
• Content is also shaped by tone.

A. General. It applies to a topic that might concern anyone.

B. Specific. Occasionally you will be writing to a single
individual, like your best friend, or a group, like your parents.
More often a specific audience is defined by:
1. age; 5. location;
2. culture; 6. gender;
3. education; 7. beliefs; and
4. interests; 8. experiences.
Audience is a critical consideration in writing because it affects:

1. CONTENT is the information you chose to include or

exclude in the text.
2. TONE refers to the attitude you have about the subject.
3. DICTION also means "word choice".
1. Paragraphs separate ideas into logical, manageable chunks of
2. The content of each paragraph and document is shaped by purpose,
audience, and tone.
3. The four common academic purposes are to summarize, to analyze, to
synthesize, and to evaluate.
4. Identifying the audience's demographics, education, prior knowledge,
and expectations will affect how and what you write.
5. Devices such as sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, and
formal or informal language communicate tone and create a relationship
between the writer and the audience.
6. Content may consist of examples, statistics, facts, anecdotes,
testimonies, and observations. It must be appropriate in terms of purpose
and tone and interesting for the audience.
An analysis paper stresses that you perform many tasks: formulate a
thesis, gather sources, evaluate them, use them to support your original
ideas and meticulously document everything
you have done.
According to Bullock and Goggin (2013), thera are key features
when doing textual analysis, and these are:
1. A summary of the text. Your readers may not know the text you are
analyzing, so you need to include it or tell them about it before you
analyze it.
2. Attention to the context. Texts do not exist in isolation. They are
influenced by and contribute to ongoing conversations, controversies, or
3. A clear interpretation or judgement. Your goal in analyzing a text is to
lead readers through careful examination of the text to an interpretation or
reasoned judgment, generally announced clearly in a thesis statement.
4. Reasonable support for your conclusions. Written analysis of a text is
generally supported by evidence from the text itself and sometimes from
other sources.
1. Choosing a text to analyze. Generally your professor might assign a text or
a type of text to analyze like a poem in a literature class, the work of a
political philosopher in a political science class, a speech in a history or
communication course, a painting or sculpture in an art class, or a piece of
music in a music class.
2. Considering the rhetorical situation.
a. Purpose c. Stance
b. Audience d. Media/ Design

Academic Writing refers to a style of expression that researchers use to

define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their specific
areas of expertise.
A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source that you
consulted and obtained information from while writing your research
Properly citing the works of others is important because:

1. Proper citation allows readers to locate materials you used.

2. Citing other people's words and ideas indicates that you have
conducted a thorough review of the literature on your topic; therefore you
are operating from an informed perspective.
3. Other researcher's ideas can be used to reinforce your arguments or, if
you disagree with them, can act as positions
from which to argue an alternative viewpoint.
4. Just as other researchers ideas can bolster your arguments and act as
evidence for your ideas, they can also detract from your
credibility if they are found to be mistaken or fabricated.
5. Outside academe, ideas considered intellectual property and there can
be serious repercussions if you fail to cite the reference
where you got an idea.
Referencing your sources means systematically showing what information
and ideas you are quoting and paraphrasing from another author's work
and identifying where that information came from.
Procedures used to reference the sources you have relied upod vary among different
fields of study. However, always speak with your professor about what writing style
for citing sources should be used for the class because it is important to understand
fully the citation style to be paper in your paper and to apply it consistently.


1. On referencing other people's work
2. On finding that your idea has already been examined by another researcher.
3. On using an adapted version of someone else's work.
4. On citing for several authors who have published very similar
information or ideas.
5. On finding exactly what you want to say in the writing of another
6. On citing a source of long ago.
Plan the Research Process.
Efficient time management is crucial for research project success. Allotting
sufficient time for each step allows you to develop expertise in a subject,
preventing desperation that may lead to plagiarism.
Be realistic and plan ahead for your research project. Time is essential, s
create a feasible plan with intermediate goals to track progress and avoid last
minute rushes before the due date.
Generally, about one third of your available time is allotted to each of the three
phases of the research project: (1) conducting research, (2) writing your rough
draft, and (3) revising the draft following the many little things that research
When conducting research, select a relevant topic in your field and consult with
your professor. Expect challenges when accessing materials, and use multiple
sources to gather information. Read carefully, take detailed notes, and ensure a
full understanding of the material. photo next slide.


As a student you can always organize a proposal in various ways, but you will
always start with a problem.

call for action or

Introduce and explain the Identify possible solutions and Propose a solution and give reiterate your
problem consider pros and cons reasons why it is best posed action

call for action or

Introduce and explain the Give reasons that makes it the
explain the proposed action reiterate your
problem best solution proposal

and answer

Throughout your research, meticulously documenting source materials is essential. This serves two
main purposes: to prevent plagiarism in your writing and to effectively compile your bibliography.

Keep all your research materials for drafting; avoid last-minute library visits and accusations of
plagiarism. Jot down organizational ideas or topic adjustments immediately to avoid forgetting
them, maintaining a separate "idea notebook" from your research notes
To improve focus, treat research and drafting as separate processes and create
an outline. Save all drafts separately and use distinct file names for each draft
when using a computer to track progress.


When revising a research paper, it's important to review and correctly cite
sources to avoid plagiarism. This takes more time than revising a standard
essay. It's essential to double-check sources and compile the bibliography,
especially if there were oversights during the research phase. Save all
drafts, including initial handwritten ones, as emphasized in "The Writing
Good note-taking habits are important for evaluating and integrating
information, saving time during revision, and avoiding plagiarism. It hones
skills necessary for academic and professional pursuits after college.

Here are some note-taking tips taken from Bullock and Goggin (2013) that you may
find useful:

1. Create a comprehensive record by photocopying or printing relevant pages

from sources. Include copyright details for books and exact URLs for online

2. If unable to photocopy, use index cards to copy important passages, ensuring

to note page numbers.
3. Engage in seemingly mechanical tasks while working on your project to
stimulate idea generation. Immediately record any emergent ideas in a separate
"idea notebook."

4. In your notes, either summarize in your own words or use quotation marks for
exact quotes. Avoid attempting to paraphrase to prevent confusion later.

5. Organize materials meticulously to trace each idea or quote back to its precise
source, including author and page information.
6. Maintain a working bibliography with all necessary details for compiling the
final bibliography, preventing the need for last-minute library visits before the
paper's deadline.

7. Save copies of all research materials, whether in paper, photocopies, or

electronic files. Always back up digital files outside the primary working drive

The Following tips and tools were adapted from

Dr. Sarah Boon's (2006)

These tips aim to assist undergraduates in navigating the paper publication

process. Whether you're an independent researcher in academia, industry, or an
NGO, writing research papers can be both exciting and challenging. Despite
numerous resources and books offering advice, as a student researcher, finding
time to learn effective paper writing amidst other responsibilities can be
challenging. The goal is to provide a head start on writing scientific papers and
guide you to more detailed advice.

To write a successful research article, there are several key steps to follow.

Firstly, it's beneficial to save relevant journal articles in a reference

management system like Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote during your background
reading. Secondly, ensure that your research project has a clear research goal
and set of objectives. Thirdly, maintain detailed notes on the materials and
methods used to answer your research question. Lastly, it is recommended to
start writing once you have completed your analyses and created essential plots
and tables that support your research goals.

A typical research paper is divided into eight sections:

1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Materials and Methods
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledgement
8. References
• Title and Abstract: Craft a captivating title and complete the abstract after the
paper, summarizing the research question, results, implications, comparisons,
and suggestions for future work.
• Introduction: Begin broadly, narrowing down to articulate specific research
goals and objectives. Outline the methodology, ensuring there's enough detail
for replication.
• Materials and Methods: Detail the research process, from data collection to
analysis techniques. Include more information than needed initially, as it can be
refined later.
• Results and Discussion: It is important in a research paper as it presents the
findings of the study. Reyes (2017) advises that the results should address the
theoretical and empirical questions raised in the paper and be organized
thematically or analytically. Some researchers choose to number their results
for clarity.
5. Conclusion: interprets and explains the implications of the research,
including acceptance or rejection of hypotheses. The discussion section
allows for reflection on broader themes and ties together the results, while the
conclusion summarizes the research, acknowledges limitations, and proposes
future research.

6. Acknowledgments and References: should recognize contributions from

assistants, funding agencies, and colleagues, while a reference management
system simplifies creating a reference list.
This section provides guidelines on designing print, spoken, and electronic
texts, emphasizing the importance of choosing typefaces, formatting, and
adding headings.
• To enhance visual appeal, printed materials should include photos, tables,
and charts.
• Designing print text should align with purpose, audience, genre, and subject
for both print and electronic texts.
As with all writing tasks, your rhetorical situation affects the
way you design a print text.
• Consider how you can design your text to achieve your purpose.
• Use charts, tables, photos, or pull quotes to present data, engage
readers, or convey a specific issue.
• Do you need to do anything designed for your intended audience like
changing the type size, add headings, tables, and colors?
• Does your genre have any design requirements? Must (or can) it have
headings, illustrations, tables, graphs, or a certain size paper?

• How does your design reflect your attitude toward your audience and
In making decisions as regards various designs, you must consider the following:

1. What typeface(s) should you use?

2. How should you arrange your text on the page?
3. Should you include any headings?
The following guidelines were taken from Bullock and Goggin (2013) that will help
you answer each of these questions.

1. TYPE.
• Choose typefaces wisely, as they impact readability and tone.
• Serif fonts like Times Roman appear academic, while sans serif fonts like Arial
are often used for headings.
• Limit decorative fonts, use sparingly based on audience and purpose.
• Maintain consistency in font use is crucial, assign specific fonts for headings,
captions, and main text.
• Use regular font for main text, bold for major headings, and italic for book titles
or emphasis.
• Avoid italicizing or boldfacing entire paragraphs, adhere to style guide
requirements (MLA, APA, etc.).
• Consider appropriate line spacing, academic writing is typically double-spaced.

• It refers to the arrangement of a text on a page, typically centered at
the top, with one-inch margins and double-spaced text, often
incorporating headings, images, captions, and works cited.
• Dividing text into paragraphs helps readers process information by
dividing it into manageable chunks.
• Shorter paragraphs for narrow columns, longer for academic essays.

• Indent paragraphs by five spaces in double-spaced text.

• Present information in lists for easy accessibility.
• Number items for sequential importance, use bullets for non-
sequential points.
• Separate lists with extra space above and below.
• Adjust spacing between items for readability.
• Headings enhance text structure to follow and help readers find
specific information.
• Certain genres require standard headings like abstracts or lists of
works cited.
• Headings can provide section overviews and guide readers in longer
or detailed texts.
• Consider phrasing, typefaces, fonts, and positioning when including
Visuals enhance presentation aesthetics and add color, but you need to be
cautious in using photos, graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams effectively.

• Support arguments and illustrate events
or processes.
• Present alternative viewpoints.
• Help readers contextualize information in time
and space.

• Show changes in data over time.
• Each line represents a different set of data.
• Plotting lines together enables comparison
• at different time points.
• Compare quantitative data.
• Horizontal or vertical.

• Display information concisely.
• Useful for comparing several
• items.

• -Illustrate relationships and processes.



1. Use visuals as part of the content of your text; one that is as

important as your words to your message. Therefore, avoid clip
art, which is usually intended as decoration.
2. Position visuals in your text as close as possible to your discussion of the
topic to which they relate.

3. Number all visuals, using a separate sequence for figures (photos,

graphs, and drawings) and tables(i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2 Table 1, Table 2)

4. Refer to the visual before it appears, identifying it and summarizing its

point. For example: As Figure 1 shows, Japan’s economy grew dramatically
between 1965 and 1980.

5. Provide a title or caption for each visual to identify it, and explain its
significance (Le., Table 1. The New Personal Income Tax Rates [For the
years 2018-2011]).
6. Document the source of any visuals you found in another source.
Document any tables you create with data from another source. You need
not document visuals you create yourself or data from your own
experimental or field research.

7. Obtain permission to use any visuals you found in another source that
will appear in the text you publish in any form other than for a course.

8. Label visuals to ensure that your audience will understand what they
show. For example, each section of a pie chart should be labeled to show
what it represents.
• Evaluate design’s relevance and appropriateness
• Typeface and visuals convey message, support arguments, and highlight key
• Design must meet audience’s needs, be visually appealing, and aid
• Ensure headings and visuals align with audience expectations and are
clearly labeled.
• Check if the design meets genre requirements (MLA, APA, etc.) for
typeface, margins, headings, and visuals.
• Design reflects writer’s stance and tone, considering seriousness,
playfulness, or conservatism.
• Visuals should not show bias and should align with the writer’s beliefs and

This topic offers guidelines to help you prepare and deliver effective spoken
texts, along with the visual aids you often need to include.

Key Features of a Spoken Text (Bullock & Goggin, 2013)

1. To deliver a good speech, organize it clearly. Begin by engaging the
audience, introduce the topic and preview the main parts. Focus on a few key
points in the main part, and leave a lasting impression in the end.
2. To help your listeners follow your text, provide cues and summarize complex
points as necessary.

3. Ensure that your tone suits the occasion. Use an academic tone when
speaking to professors, and a more casual tone when speaking to neighbors.
4. Be mindful of how words and phrases sound during a speech.
Repetition and parallel structure can make a presentation more
powerful and memorable.

5. Using visual aids like PowerPoint, transparencies, and flip charts is

important to present information and emphasize key points to an audience.

Considering the Rhetorical Situation

As with any writing, you need to consider your purpose, audience, and the rest
of your rhetorical situation:
1. What is your primary purpose? Is your purpose to inform, to persuade or
evoke an emotional response, or to entertain?

2. Think about whom you will be addressing and how well you know
your audience.
3. Writing structure depends on the genre. Anticipate
counterarguments for argumentative writing. Prepare handouts
for report writing.
4. Consider the attitude you want to express. Is it serious, thoughtful,
passionate, well informed, funny, or something else? Choose your words
Delivering a Spoken Text
The key to a successful presentation of a spoken text is very much dependent on
delivery. That is why it is important to follow the following guidelines from
Bullock and Goggin (2013)
1. Speak clearly. form your words distinctly, match your pacing to your
audience, and make sure your talk is engaging and successful.
2. Pause for emphasis. As a speaker, pause at thought phrases to give listeners
time to consider or prepare for a statement. These pauses can highlight
surprising or amusing statements.
3. Avoid reading, write as if talking, practice, and listen to
oneself while speaking to identify areas that sound like reading
and work on the delivery to sound more relaxed.

4. To impress your audience while speaking, maintain eye contact and stand up
straight. Confidence in your delivery is key.

5. Use gestures for emphasis when speaking in front of a group. To overcome

nervousness, take deep breaths, relax, and move your arms. Use your hands for
emphasis, most speakers use one hand for points and both for larger gestures.

6. Practice, practice, and practice some more. Pay particular attention to how
much time you have-do not go over your time limit.
1. Use the planning time to prepare what you are going
to say.
2. If you are allowed to have a note card, write short
notes in point form.
3. Use more formal language.
4. Use short, simple sentences to express your ideas clearly.
5. Pause from time to time and do not speak too quickly.
6. Speak clearly and at the right volume.
7. Have your notes ready in case you forget anything.
8. Practice your presentation. If possible record yourself and listen to
your presentation.
9. Make your opinions very clear. Use expressions to give your
10. Look at the people who are listening to you.
1. Write out the whole presentation and learn every word by heart.
2. Write out the whole presentation and read it aloud.
3. Use a very informal language.
4. Only look at your note card. It is important to look at your listeners when
you are speaking.
5. Use effective language for presentations
6. Explain what your presentation is about at the beginning:
7. Use these expressions to order your ideas:
• First of all, ... Firstly, ... Then, .... Secondly, ...
8. Use these expressions to add more ideas from the same point of view:
• In addition, What's more, Also, ... Added to this, ...
9. To introduce the opposite point of view you can use these words and
• However, On the other hand, ... Then again, ...
1. Violent computer games should be banned.
2. The sale of cigarettes should be made illegal.
3. Homework should be limited to just two nights a week.
4. Should college students be required to wear a school uniform?
5. How to become the most popular teen in school.
6. Dogs should be banned from cities.
7. Teenagers must have curfews.
8. Divorce must be legalized in the Philippines.
9. Two-child policy must be implemented in the Philippines.
10. Other topics you can think of
This is a complete guide on APA in-text and reference list citations, making
citing any sources easy. The source is the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, 6th Edition.
1. APA Referencing Basics: Reference List
The basics of APA referencing, specifically the reference list. It should include the
author's name, date of publication, title, and more. It must be on a new page, centered,
and alphabetically arranged by name of first author or title.
➤ Multiple works by the same author are ordered by date. If the works are in the same
year, they are ordered alphabetically by title and allocated a letter after the date.
Include full references for all in-text citations.
2. APA Referencing Basics: In- Text Citations
In-text citations should be included after a quote or paraphrase and only include the
author's surname and publication date. They correspond to a reference in the main
reference list.

Mitchell (2018) states... OR... (Mitchell, 2018).

The structure changes depending on whether a direct quote or parenthetical
citation is used:
• Direct Quote: The citation must follow the quote directly and contain a
page number after the date, for example:

"Presentation skills require a juxtaposition of content and performance" (Mitchell,

2018, p.104).

• This rule holds for all of the variations listed.

• Parenthetical: The page number is not needed.

a. Two authors. The surnames of both authors are stated with either "and" or an ampersand
"&" between.

Mitchell and Smith (2017) state... OR... (Mitchell & Smith, 2017).
b. Three, Four, or Five Authors. For the first cite, all names should be

Mitchell, Smith, and Thomson (2017) state... OR (Mitchell, Smith, &

Thomson, 2017)

Further cites can be shortened to the first author's name followed by et al.

Mitchell et al. (2017) state... OR... (Mitchell et al., 2017).

c. Six or More Authors. Only the first author's surname should be stated followed by
et al. (see the above example).
d. No Author. If the author is unknown, the first few words of the reference
should be used. These words serve as the title of the source. Hence, the title of
a book, periodical, brochure or report should be italicized.

A guide to citation, 2017.

However, if this is the title of an article, chapter, or web page, it should be in

Example: quotation marks.

"APA citation," 2017.

e. Citing Authors with Multiple Works from One Year. Works should be cited with a, b,
c, among others following the date. These letters are assigned within the reference list,
which is sorted alphabetically by the surname of the first author.
Mitchell, 2017a OR Mitchell, 2017b

f. Citing Multiple Works in One Parenthesis. If these works are by the same
author, the surname is stated once followed by the dates in chronological or
reverse chronological order.

Example: Mitchell (2007, 2013, 2017) OR (Mitchell, 2007, 2013, 2017)

If these works are by multiple authors, the references are ordered alphabetically by
the first author separated by a semicolon.
Mitchell & Smith, 2017; Thomson, Coyne, & Davis, 2015

g. Citing a Group or Organization. For the first cite, the full name of the group must be
used. Subsequently, this can be shortened.
First Cite: International Citation Association, 2015
Further Cites: Citation Association, 2015

h. Citing a Secondary Source. In this situation the original author and date
should be stated first followed by "as cited in" followed by the author and date
of the secondary source.

Lorde (1980) as cited in Mitchell (2017) OR

Lorde, 1980, as cited in Mitchell (2017)

3. Citations of Different Source Types.

In-text citations are the same for all sources, except when the author is unknown.
Reference list citations, on the other hand, vary depending on the source. To cite a
book in APA format, simply follow the basic template, which excludes the URL

Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation.
London, England: My Publisher
Jones, A.F & Wang, L. (2011). Spectacular creatures: The Amazon rainforest
(2nd ed.). San Jose, Costa Rica: My Publisher

4. Citation of an Edited Book in APA Format.

his reference format is very similar to the book format apart from one extra inclusion:
(Ed(s)). The basic format is as follows:

Williams, S.T. (Ed.). (2015). Referencing: A guide to citation rules (3rd ed.).
New York, NY: My Publisher.

5. Citation of a Chapter in an Edited Book in APA Format.

Edited books are collations of chapters written by different authors. To reference a single
chapter, a different format is needed. The basic structure is as follows:


Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to
citation rules (2nd ed., pp. 50-95). New York, NY: Publishers.
6. Citation of an e-Book in APA Format
An e-book reference is the same as a book reference except that the publisher is
swapped for a URL. The basic structure is as follows:


Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to citation. Retrieved from

7. Citation of an e-Book Chapter in APA Format.

This follows the same structure as an edited book chapter reference except that the
publisher is exchanged for a URL. The structure is as follows:

Last name of the chapter author, initial(s). (Year). Chapter title. In editor initial(s),
surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp. chapter page range). Retrieved from URL

Troy, B.N. (2015). APA citation rules. In S.T, Williams (Ed.). A guide to citation rules (2nd
ed., pp. 50-95). Retrieved from
8. Citation of a Journal Article in Print or Online in APA Format.
Articles don't include publisher and location information, unlike books. Instead, they use the
journal title, volume number, issue number, and page number.
Last name of the chapter author, initial(s). (Year). Chapter title. In editor initial(s),
surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp. chapter page range). Retrieved from URL

Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95
Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Citation: Why is it so important. Mendeley Journal, 67(2), 81-95.
Retrieved from

9. Citation of Newspaper Articles in Print or Online in APA Format.

The basic structure is as follows:

Author surname, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title. Title of Newspaper,

column/section, p. or pp. Retrieved from URL*
NOTE: Only include if the article is online.
Mitchell, J.A. (2017). Changes to citation formats shake the research world. The Mendeley
Telegraph, Research News, pp.9. Retrieved from

10. Citation of a Magazine Article in Print or Online in APA Format.

The basic structure is as follows:
Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. Title of the Magazine, pp.


Mitchell, J.A. (2017). How citation changed the research world. The Mendeley, pp. 26-28

11. Citation of a Non-Print Material in APA Format.

The How to cite an image in APA Format? The basic format to cite an image is:
structure is as follows:

Millais, J.E. (1851-1852). Ophelia [painting]. Retrieved from
12. Citation of a Film in APA Format.
The basic format of a film citation is:
Producer surname, initial (Producer), & Director surname, initial (Director). (Year of Release).
Title of film [Motion Picture]. Country of Origin: Studio.
Beyonce, Diplo, MNEK, Koenig, E., Haynie, E., Tillman, J., and Rhoden, S.M. (2016) Hold up
[Recorded by Beyonce]. On Lemonade [visual album]. New York, NY: Parkwood Records
(August 16)

13. Citation of a Website in APA Format.

The basic format of a film citation is:
Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. Retrieved from URL
Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to reference. Retrieved from

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