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Why Lighthouse?

Before you do anything

• Get to know your players

The 3 Pillars

• Develop the Human Being

• Develop the Athlete
• Develop the Hockey Player
There is no sacrifice

• Investment vs. cost

• Are you investing time or is your time being stolen?
• Where are you directing your time and attention?

• First framework we teach from

• Mindset
• You don’t control events that happen to you
• You don’t control outcomes
• You only control your response
E+R=O Skillset

• Mistakes
• Use it only in times of adversity
• Use it from left to right

• Navy Pilot Training

• Need to increase speed of processing
• OODA loop
• Higher level of hockey is faster
• We can’t slow the game down
20 Square Feet

• You control your attitude and actions in your part of the organization
• You have 100% control in your area
• Inside your 20 you have control
• Outside your 20 you can only attempt to influence
We Don’t Hire Talented Jerks

• Netflix broadcasts this to potential prospects

• NZ All Blacks Rugby phrase it as
• NO Dickheads
Layering Behavior Skill Training

High Low High Low GameDays Recovery
Day in Cycle Game +2 Game +3 Game +4 Game +5 0 0 Gameday +1
Day of Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Meetings Human Leadership Email Psych PP,PK, Prescout Leadership

Development Council

Practice OZ/OZT, skills,SA DZ/DZT, FC, skills NZ, Transition, SA, walkthrough, ST Off Day

Training/ Post: Film, Player Post Meet:

Meeting Development Strength Problem Solving Speed Game Game Off Day

flush, cold, smash, contrast, smash, carbs and carbs and protein, 3R
Recovery high protein mobility protein, cold, mobility, smash/massage protocol 3R protocol Smash, Flush
flush, smash
How to Teach it?

• Get them involved

• Don’t lecture at them in your meeting
• Watch the video or read the article the night before
• Then prompt the players with questions
Example from book

• Let’s say you want to teach proactive pauses

• Get them to decide and agree how they want to respond to:
• Penalties, missed calls, bus getting to rink late, etc
Accountability Practice

• Let’s say the next practice you want to teach accountability

• Split them up into pairs and have them role play and get reps
• Allow them to screw up
• Most kids don’t say anything because they have never done it before
• So practice it
Find out their why

• Ask them to write down what motivates them to come to the rink?
• Why they love hockey?
• What they hope to get out of their experience?
• Have players share aloud at a future practice
Get your players to reflect

• The most important thing you can teach your players is reflection
Have players write you a text response

• Ask one question a day from The Guide at the end of each practice and have
players text you a response
• Or pose the question at the beginning of a team meeting, give them 5
minutes to think about it and then have a team discussion
Team Building Ideas

• Play 2oo years ago

• Split players into small groups
• Give them an item from today that wasn’t around 200 years ago
• Have them explain it like it was 200 years ago
• Example: cell phone
• How would you explain that to people 200 years ago?
Thanks for watching, explore the bonus

• Player profile, glossary sample, practice plan sheet, morphocycle sample, peer grading

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