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IV. B.




SY 2022 – 2028


A. Strategic Leadership and Management

B. Curriculum Implementation
C. Human Resource Development
D. Resource Management
E. Partnership and Linkages
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.1 Communicate the DepEd Mission, Vision, and Core

Values to the wider school community to ensure shared
understanding and alignment of school policies, programs,
projects, and activities.

MOV: State of the School Address (SOSA), Attendance

Sheets of Orientation Programs for Parents
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.2 Engage School Community Planning Team and other

stakeholders in the preparation of the Enhanced School
Improvement Plan and/or Annual Improvement Plan
aligned with Division Education Development Plan.

MOV: Notices of Meeting, Minutes of Meeting,

Attendance Sheets, Approved ESIP/AIP, Proof of
Engagement of Stakeholders (e.g. MOU, Deed of
Donation, etc.), Photographs
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.3 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of policy

implementation and review to ensure that school
operations are consistent with national and local laws,
regulations and issuances.

MOV: Memorandum-Notices of Meeting, Minutes of

Meetings with specific DepEd Orders or QC Ordinances
as topic
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.4 Promote a culture of research to facilitate data-driven

and evidence -based innovations to improve school
performance and foster continuous improvement

MOV: Approved research proposals, Certification of

completed research projects, Proof of school activity
focused on research
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.5 Design and implement needs-based programs in the

school to support the development of learners.

MOV: Approved program proposals (e.g. School Reading

Remediation Program Proposal, Accomplishment
Reports on needs-based programs of the school
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.6 Utilize learner voice such as feelings, views, and/or

opinions to inform policy development and decision-
making towards school improvement.

MOV: Accomplished Survey Forms, Proof of FGDs OR

other proof of engaging learners in the school’s decision
making process.
K.R.A. # 1
A. Strategic Leadership and Management

1.7 Utilize monitoring and evaluation processes and tools

that are customized to the school’s PPAs to promote
learner achievement

MOV: Accomplished monitoring and evaluation tools for

all school PPAs, revised and or adapted tools,
K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.1 Work with department heads/chairmen/master

teachers/grade level coordinators in the conduct of
review, contextualization and implementation of learning
standards to make the curriculum relevant for learners

MOV: notice of meeting, LAC Matrix and documentation

K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.2 Engage master teachers and department heads in providing

technical assistance to teachers on teaching standards and
pedagogies within and across learning areas to improve teaching

MOV: Monitoring and coaching matrix, minutes of FGD/

coaching and mentoring, memo on school based demo-teaching,
Demonstration-teaching observation forms and post-conference
K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.3 Use validated feedback obtained from learners,

parents and other stakeholders to help teachers improve
their performance.

MOV: Accomplished feedback forms from learners and

K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.4 Utilize learning outcomes in developing data-based

interventions to maintain learner achievement and attain
other performance indicators

MOV: Project proposals, School Report Card

K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.5 Oversee the development of quarterly summative

assessment tools per learning area and per grade level
based on expected mastery of learning competencies.

MOV: Departmental summative assessment material

per grade level
K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.6 Work with department heads/master teachers/grade level

coordinators in evaluating teachers’ use of learning assessment
tools, strategies, and results consistent with curriculum
requirements to ensure accountability in achieving higher learning

MOV: Item analysis, list of least mastered skills, intervention/

remediation plan
K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.7 Maintain a learner-friendly, inclusive and healthy learning


MOV: Accomplished Child Friendly School Survey (ESIP, Annex 2A), Child
Protection Policy implementation (ESIP, Annex 2B) School Watching and
Hazard Mapping (ESIP, Annex 2C)
K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.8 Undertake initiatives to integrate career awareness and

opportunities in the learning experiences provided by the school.

MOV: Guidance Teacher/Counselor’s Accomplishment Report

K.R.A. # 2
B. Curriculum Implementation

2.9 Develop learner discipline policies in collaboration with the School

Governing Council.

MOV: Student’s Handbook, Document of Undertaking

K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.1 Set personal and professional development goals based self-

assessment aligned with the Philippine Professional Standards for
School Heads.

MOV: Accomplished Individual Personal Development Plan

K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.2 Initiate professional reflections and promote learning

opportunities with other school heads to improve practice.

MOV: School Heads’ LAC Plan, Proof of benchmarking activities

K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.3 Participate in professional networks to upgrade knowledge and

skills to enhance practice.

MOV: Proof of membership

K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.4 Implement the performance management system with a team

to support the career advancement of school personnel, and to
improve office performance.

MOV: School Calendar of activities showing full cycle of RPMS

implementation; MSP of school; proof of commitment-setting of
teachers with SH, HTs and MTs with SH; signed IPCRFs and OPCRFs
K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.5 Implement professional development initiatives to enhance strengths

and address performance gaps among school personnel.

MOV: Accomplishment Report on INSET, SLAC, and other PD programs for

teaching and non-teaching personnel
K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.6 Provide opportunities to individuals and teams to perform

leadership roles and responsibilities.

MOV: Designation papers of personnel to leadership roles (e.g.

Coordinators); Assignment of special tasks; Proof of delegation of
duties (e.g. Officer of the Day)
K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.7 Implement laws, policies, guidelines, and issuances on the rights,

privileges, and benefits of school personnel to ensure their general

MOV: Accomplishment Report on GAD-related Activities, proof of no

delay in salaries and other benefits, proof of implementation of
special issuances within the SY
K.R.A. # 3
C. Human Resource Development

3.8 Implement a school rewards system to recognize and motivate

learners, school personnel and other stakeholders for exemplary
performance and/or continued support.

MOV: List of learners with honors, Accomplishment Report on School-

based PRAISE or Parangal and Stakeholders Convergence
K.R.A. # 4
D. Resource Management

4.1 Manage school data and information using technology, including

ICT, to ensure efficient and effective school operations.

MOV: Innovation on data management. Updated LIS entries.

K.R.A. # 4
D. Resource Management

4.2 Manage finances adhering to policies, guidelines, and issuances in

allocation, procurement, disbursement, and liquidation aligned with the
school plan.

MOV: Approved SIP, AIP, PPMP, APP, SOB that are consistent with one
another. Updated transparency board, with quarterly posting.
K.R.A. # 4
D. Resource Management

4.3 Manage school facilities and equipment in adherence with

policies, guidelines, and issuances on acquisition, recording,
utilization, repair and maintenance, storage, and disposal.

MOV: Certification of Inventory by CO, LGU, DO. Minutes of SBAC

meetings, SBAC documents. Other pertinent documents.
K.R.A. # 4
D. Resource Management

4.4 Manage staffing such as teaching load distribution, grade and

subject area assignments in adherence to laws, policies, and
guidelines and issuances.

MOV: Approved class and teachers’ programs conformed by

teachers, job descriptions conformed by NTP
K.R.A. # 4
D. Resource Management

4.4 Develop contextualized learning resource materials to meet

the needs of the learners and help improve their performance.

MOV: Constitution of SQAT; Minutes of Meetings of SQAT; Quality-

assured school-made learning materials.
K.R.A. # 5
E. Partnership and Linkages

5.1 Build constructive relationships with authorities, colleagues,

parents, and other stakeholders to foster an enabling and supportive
environment for learners.

MOV: Minutes of and attendance at consultations, meetings; Letters

seeking support; invitations to school events; etc.
K.R.A. # 5
E. Partnership and Linkages

5.2 Evaluate the accomplishment of school organizations such as

learners’ organizations, faculty clubs and PTA, to determine their
impact on the attainment of institutional goals

MOV: Accomplished QAME form and recommendations for

improvement; Impact studies
K.R.A. # 5
E. Partnership and Linkages

5.3. Exhibit inclusive such as gender sensitivity, physical and mental

health awareness, and culture responsiveness, to foster awareness,
acceptance, and respect.

MOV: Accomplishment Report on GAD-related projects and activities.

Accomplishment Report on Mental Health-related activities;
Guidance Office Intake Sheets and Reports; Proof of partnerships
with appropriate agencies
K.R.A. # 5
E. Partnership and Linkages

5.4 Initiate partnerships with the community such as parents,

alumni, authorities, industries and other stakeholders, to strengthen
support for learner development as well as school and community

MOV: Proof of partnerships such as MOUs, Letters seeking support,

Accomplishment reports of completed projects with partners
K.R.A. # 5
E. Partnership and Linkages

5.5 Increase knowledge of stakeholders' products/services whether

existing or potential partners for greater collaboration in the area for
demand-driven networking initiatives

MOV: Proof of activities to build ties with possible stakeholders, such

as Stakeholders’ Convergence, Open House, etc.

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