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Children of Yayoute: Folk Tales of Haiti

“How Malice Went to

Learn a Trade”

Presented by: Maggie, Erika Polonio, Joyce

• Haiti: A Brief History
• Haiti: Oral traditions, stories, and superstition
• Haiti: Folklore and folkloric figures
• Plot summary
• Literary elements: setting, main characters, conflicts, lessons and
Assignment Specification:
• Research on the country's oral tradition: Based on the Caribbean country from which your story
originates, provide an overview on the oral stories, folklore, superstition and folkloric figures, etc.
found within that region.

• Provide a brief plot summary and discuss the literary elements found in the story: Provide an
overview of the plot, setting, main characters, conflicts, lessons and themes of the story.

• Close reading of text: Choose at least three significant quotations from the text, and discuss how
these are important to the whole story.
A Brief History
• ‘Ayiti’ or ‘Quisqueya’ was first inhabited around 5000 BCE by the Taino and Arawak
• The first farming villages were established around 3000 BCE.
• Christopher Columbus sighted the island on Dec.06.1492 and named it “La Isla Espanola”.
• Disease and brutal working conditions decimated the indigenous populations.
• By mid 16th century, French and British buccaneers established settlements and
• By the 1780’s, France’s foreign investments were mainly based on Saint-Domingue
• 1791-1804: the Haitian Revolution took was ignited by racial segregation, labor abuse and
rising revolts.
• Independence was gained on Jan 01.1804.
Oral traditions, Stories, and Superstitions
• First bullet point here
• Second bullet point here
• Third bullet point here
Folklore and Folkloric Stories
• First bullet point here
• Second bullet point here
• Third bullet point here
Children of Yayoute:

Folktales from Haiti

How Malice
went to Learn
a Trade
Plot Summary
Main Characters
Significant Quotations
From: “How Malice Went to Learn a Trade”
Quote 1:
• First bullet point here
• Second bullet point here
• Third bullet point here
Quote :
Quote Discussion
Quote 3:
• First bullet point here
• Second bullet point here
• Third bullet point here

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