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Presentation Content:
1. Definition of Terms; Social Computing
2. Benefits of social computing
3. Types of social computing
4. Examples
5. Importance of social computing in business
6. Refrences
1. What is Social Computing?
Social computing is a branch of computer science
that studies how people interact with computers
and computational systems. Computing is
inherently a social activity. Networks connect
people for research, education, commerce, and
entertainment. Social Computing is concerned
with how to make technology more person-
2. Benefits of Social Computing
Social networking allows organizations to do many things, including
disseminating information among its various users, keeping them up to
date on new knowledge and experience, reducing interruptions, and
connecting them with the best experts for particular needs.
The notion of “social computing” refers to increasing knowledge access
speed. In addition, it allows for a wide range of information to be shared
through interactions with numerous people. By connecting people and
thus lowering the cost of communication, computer technology improves
communication among many users. The methodology improves user
performance and efficiency, increasing access to specialists. Users obtain
a better performance and greater efficiency due to this method.
Social computing reduces traveling expenses since it is linked to the
internet process, lowering labor and travel costs. As employee satisfaction
rises, so does its role in improving performance and quality of service.
Since this method is used, the overall program’s operation costs,
including labor and travel expenses, are reduced. This technique
also aids in reducing the amount of time it takes to market your
product. It increases economic revenue while also assisting in
creating profit as opposed to previous traditional ideas. Social
Media has resulted in several large-scale benefits for businesses,
including increased traffic to websites and mobile apps and
improved web/mobile business performance.
The technique has many more technology interactions and a
larger total number of successful inventions. Lower product
development costs and marketing expenditures are additional key
advantages of the approach. The method also aids in the reduction
of overall program research costs.
3. Types of social computing
Social computing is a social phenomenon whose study includes
both a method and an approach. It has two main research
themes: sociological study and applied research. And these two
research trends affect one another in many ways.
1. Social science-oriented social computing
Computational social science is a field of study that emphasizes
the application of computer technology to the study of society.
Social networks analysis and computational social science are
two examples of this study area.
First, social network analysis focuses on social fluidity, healthcare,
key node mining for disease transmission, and community
detection. The various methods of social network analysis are
classified into three categories: agent-based modeling, theoretical
physics method, and graph theory. In addition, there have been
other important research findings, such as strong and weak ties,
structural holes, and information cascades, among others.
Computational social science is also a hybrid discipline employing
equation-based and computational modeling. The main emphasis
of computational social science research is a sociological
simulation and social system modeling via equation-based and
computational modeling. As a key technology for computational
social science, data mining uses machine learning techniques to
find interesting and useful patterns in big data.
2.Application-oriented social computing
Application-oriented social computing is a specific type of application
that uses its principles and technologies, such as communities, social
networks, and sociology. The application-oriented social computing
era was divided into three stages: group software, social software, and
social media.
Groupware was first conceived in the 1970s, though it was initially
employed in research institutions. The objective of groupware is to
allow for cooperative activities via collaborative technology.
Computer-based collaborative work and computer-supported
cooperative learning are two prominent group software packages. In
2005, with the fast development of Web 2.0, social media was born.
Social media emphasizes user participation; users may generate,
consume, and interact with one another over social networking sites.
The wide use of ubiquitous gadgets such as mobile phones and smart
devices has garnered much attention from academe and industry.
4. Examples of social computing
Social computing uses computers and software to create
communities around shared interests. All of these examples and
blogs, wikis, Twitter, RSS, instant messaging, multiplayer gaming,
open-source development, and social networking and social
bookmarking sites are all forms. Web 2.0 is closely linked to the
notion of social computing.
Many less obvious kinds of social computing are accessible to us
today. Consider eBay, where buyers can leave user reviews of
sellers and their responses. Look to Amazon, where you may now
rate the reviewer rather than only the product.
5. Importance of Social Computing in business
a) Enhanced innovation:
Most businesses that break away from the norm
discover something-an opportunity -that can be
exploited to continue the current success.
A successful corporate innovation strategy builds on
current assets and concepts innovatively. The use of
social computing opens a new stage for innovation,
allowing for the easier detection of patterns and ideas.
b) Increased productivity:
Productivity is generally enhanced due to more efficient
access to accurate information. This shortens the time
required for research and troubleshooting.
All scenarios, therefore, benefit from greater cooperation
among members. As more questions are answered, the
repeatability of answers improves. There is a baseline of
knowledge to assist new employees in getting up to speed
more quickly as they join the firm. Much of that information
may be found in the social computing infrastructure as
c) Improved employee relations and engagement:
Thanks to social media, employees can interact more
readily with one another and the company as a whole.
Shared connections also improve face-to-face
conversations and feelings of belonging to the broader
corporate community. Users interacting with one
another around similar objectives establish new
friendships, common interests are discovered, and
cohesion improves as they interact.
d) Attracting and keeping younger workers:
Many argue that companies must modernize
their IT infrastructure to appeal to younger
employees. These professionals expect a
more interactive, mobile, and ubiquitous
working environment than previous
e) Promotion and public relations:
Publicly visible social computing is becoming increasingly popular
among businesses to project brands. However, if this isn’t done carefully,
it might be detrimental. An obvious blog authored by the PR department
would irritate individuals. The forced “community” events will appear
manufactured or opportunistic.
Social computing can help businesses get closer to their consumers and
promote their brands. Social computing may improve customer relation
management (CRM) because it allows a firm to respond quickly to client
concerns by monitoring public opinion about its brand. Many major
businesses have also begun using crowdsourcing for research.
1.Eray Ellacik (2022). Socialization on the verge of Web 3.0 (Social Computing).
2. O'Reilly, T. (2005). What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next
generation of software. O'Reilly.
3. Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and
scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
4. Dabbish, L., & Kraut, R. E. (2006). Understanding email use: Predicting action on a
message. In Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported
cooperative work (pp. 431-440).
5. Norman, K. L., & Shalizi, C. R. (2013). Stochastic models of online community
dynamics. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7(1), 1-47.
6. Kraut, R., Riedl, J., Resnick, P., Konstan, J., & Chen, Y. (2012). Building successful
online communities: Evidence-based social design. MIT Press.
7. Börner, K., Sanyal, S., & Vespignani, A. (2007). Network science. Annual Review of
Information Science and Technology, 41(1), 537-607.

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