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Project Name:

Covid Finder App

Project Mentor: Team Member:
Rahnuma Tasnim Mehedi Hasan
Assistant Professor Nusrat Jahan
CSE DEPT. Sabuj Chandra Roy
Primeasia University Anamul Haque Riaz
Banani Dhaka
-Project Objective
-What we learnt?
-Software Requirements
-End Users?
-Context Diagram
-Future Enhancement
Project Objective:
To develop an interactive Android App which provides :
-Covid-19 patient condition update
-Risk zone detect(where covid positive patient located).
-Using the simple and cheaper android based platform.
-Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging
from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory.A
novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China.
What we learnt?

Technical Learning

-Android Programming
-Slide Menu

General Learning
-Team work

-Make an Android Package Name

-First of all we made a class and its xml file-
-Main task of this file is to give startup image.
-Made a java class
-According to class we made an android xml file named-activity_main.xml

-Under we added one

button which name is login button.

-After clicking the login button it gives us the information of the user.(Name,NID
number,Mobile,Health status,Vaccinated status and can trace the location)
After click on tracking we get the covid-19
status and user name.From this page we can
also go to the map to see the risky zone.
There are also a ellipsis after click on the login
button.After click on the Ellipsis it will show
some feature-Log out,All user list,Vaccinated
people list,Non-vaccinated people list,Corona
negative people list,Corona positive people
list,Good health people list,Weak health
people list.
Software Requirement

-Android Studio.
-Standard Development Kit(SDK)
Context Diagram
Future Enhancement

-Desinging our own web-viewer instead of using Android provided Web-viewer.

-All types of covid live information can be added as feature in future.
By using the App user can be know about the risky
zone and they can check their covid status,vaccine
status etc.It will help us to make a covid free world.
Thank You

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