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Types of Friction

What is Friction?

Friction is the resistance to the sliding,

rolling, or flowing motion of an object
due to its contact with another object.

When a moving object comes in

contact with another object, friction is
the opposing force that slows or stops
the moving object.
Without friction, an object would continue to move at
constant speed forever.

The strength of the force of friction depends on the

type of surfaces and how hard the surfaces push

Rough surfaces produce greater friction than smooth

Without friction you could not
 Write
 Drive a car
 Fly an airplane

Why not?
Four Types of Friction

Rolling Friction
Sliding Friction
Fluid Friction
What do all these things have in common?
Rolling Friction

Rolling friction is friction

that occurs between surfaces
in motion in which one of
the surfaces is a wheel,
roller, or ball.
 Riding a bike – tires and ground
 Bowling – ball and lane
What do all these things have in common?
Static Friction

Static friction is friction

that occurs when the
surfaces in contact are at
rest (not in motion).

 A book resting on a desk.
 A potted plant sitting on a
What do all these objects have in common?
Sliding Friction

Sliding friction is
friction that occurs
when solid surfaces
slide over one another.
 Writing – pencil point and
 Combing your hair –
surface of comb and
strands of hair
What do all these things have in common?
Fluid Friction

The force that tries to slow objects down when they

move through a liquid or a gas. It's also known as
"drag", or "air resistance".
All gases and liquids are fluids.
An airplane and a swimmer both experience fluid
Ways to Reduce Friction

Smooth the surface

Replace rolling with sliding
Add oil or another type of lubricant
Friction Song

What is friction?
 Friction Video
Gravity and Free Fall

An object is in free fall when the only

force acting on the object is gravity.

Free-falling objects do not encounter

air resistance.

In free fall, the force of gravity is an

unbalanced force.
Calculating Free Fall

All objects in free fall accelerate at the same rate –

9.8 m/s² - regardless of their mass.
in one second = 9.8 m/s²
in two seconds = 19.6 m/s²
in three seconds = 29.4 m/s²
in four seconds = ________
The velocity continues to increase as the object
Gravity, Free Fall, and Projectile Motion
An object that is thrown is called a projectile.

If there is no air resistance, an object that is dropped

and an object that is thrown are both in free fall.

Without the force of air resistance, both objects will

hit the ground at the same time.
Gravity and Air Resistance

Most objects falling through air

experience a type of fluid friction
called air resistance.
Air resistance is not the same for all
The greater the surface area of the
object the greater the air resistance.
However, since the elephant has more
mass, it has more downward force of
gravity and falls faster.
What type of friction?
Static Friction
What type of friction?
Rolling Friction
What type of friction?
Fluid Friction
What type of friction?
Static Friction
What type of friction?
Sliding Friction
What type of friction?
Fluid Friction

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