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National Service Training

Program 1
Civic Welfare Training Service

Raniel Santiago

Civic Welfare Training Service
Learning Objectives

 At the end of this module, the students should be able to

know the importance of one’s health.
At the end of this module, the students should be able to
know how to prevent drug abuse
What is Health?

 Health is the complete fitness of the body,

soundness of the mind and wholesomeness of the
emotion, which make possible the highest quality
of effective living and of service.

 Health is a state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease and infirmity
Why do we have to study health?

The following are the reasons why we have to study health:

1. Medical health records show that current health
practices are poor
2. People’s attitude towards health does not lead to
hygienic living
3. People lack basic information regarding health matters
4. Habits affect health and the school can develop health
Carriers of contagious disease

There are three agent-carriers of disease germs according to

Meñez (1970) and these are:
1. Man. Man, whether directly or indirectly, is a carrier of a
contagious disease, even if they have not contracted the
disease themselves.
2. Water. Drinking water is another carrier of a disease. We also
get the disease by using the glass and utensils of a sick person.
3. Food. Avoid eating dirty, covered leftovers to prevent pests.
Avoid buying from outside vendors due to uncertainty about
preparation, cooking, and serving methods.
 Fuentes' research on nutrition emphasizes the importance of food
nourishing the body. It outlines the two classes of nutrients:
Macronutrients, found in large quantities, providing energy, and
Micronutrients, needed in smaller quantities for calorie intake and
essential body chemistry. Well-nourished individuals require adequate
nutrients and energy.
Common communicable diseases
 these are the diseases that can be transferred from the source to another.
Some example of these are the following:
1. Sore eyes 7. Measles
2. Chronic Bronchitis 8. Pneumonia
3. El tor or cholera 9. Tuberculosis
4. Common cold 10. Dengue fever
5. Chicken pox 11. Typhoid fever
6. Whooping cough 12. Mumps
Basic elements in food
 Food is a substance out together by nature into plant or animal life.
There are two general groups of food:
1. Those that give energy for life, growth and repair (energy-growth
giving foods)
Under this group are the carbohydrates and protein.
2. Those that are needed by the body to help do its work (regulating
Under this group are minerals, calcium and vitamins.
Water is not food, but plays a very essential part in changing substances
for digestion, in helping waste elimination and in regulating our
Drug Education
What is drug?
 A chemical substance that brings physical, emotional or behavioral change
in a person taking it and can be harmful when taken in excess.
Drug Abuse
Drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance, licit or illicit, which
results in an individual’s physical, mental or social impairment.
It may refer to any of the following practices:
1. Using, without benefit or prescription, useful drugs which have the
capacity to alter the mood or behavior.
2. Using drugs and substances for a purpose different from the one for
which the drug has been prescribed.
3. Using drugs and substances having no legitimate medical application for
purposes other than research.
What are the ill Effects of Drug Abuse?

1. Malnutrition. The lives of drug dependents revolve around drug

abuse. They miss their regular meals because they lose their
2. Panic Reaction. Loss of thought processes can lead to panic
reactions, invulnerability, injury, and death, with prolonged harmful
reactions including anxiety and depressive states lasting a few days to
3. Physical Damage. Unsterile syringes and contaminated drugs can
cause medical problems like kidney failure, hepatitis, weight loss, and
vitamin deficiencies.
The life of drug abusers is a dreadful one. To support the habit, they
resort to committing crimes like stealing, prostitution and gambling,
wherein they hamper their emotional maturation.
Why do people turn to drugs?

1. “Medicines” can solve problems

2. Widespread access to various drugs
3. Peer pressure
4. The notion that drugs give enjoyment to users and in the
context that it is used as an alcohol substitute
Ways to prevent drug abuse?

1. Maintain good physical and mental health

2. Use drug properly
3. Understand your own self
4. Develop your potentials
5. Learn to relate effectively to whom you can communicate your
problems freely
6. Learn to cope with your problems and other stresses without the use
of drugs
7. Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with your problems
8. Develop strong moral and spiritual foundations
Direction: Read the statements carefully and write TRUE if the given
statement is correct and write FALSE if it is incorrect.

1. Health is the complete fitness of the body, soundness of the mind and
wholesomeness of emotion
2. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
3. People lack basic information regarding health matters.
4. Habits affect health and the school can develop health habits.
5. Man, whether directly/indirectly, is a carrier of a contagious disease,
even if they have not contracted the disease themselves.
6. Two classes of nutrients are macronutrients and micronutrients.
7. Food is a substance out together by nature into plant or animal life.
8. Examples of drug are glue, gasoline etc.
9. Drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance.
10. In order for us to prevent drug abuse we must maintain good physical
Thank you!!!

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