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The Spiritual Self

At the end of the chapter, you are be able to:

• Demonstrate understanding of the spiritual self.

• Explain the importance of spirituality in ones life
• Discuss how spirituality is connected to religion.
• Identify the different spiritual beliefs.
Spiritual is defined as relationg to or affecting the
human spirit or soul as opposed to material or
physical things.
Religiosity is about beliveing in a God or a group
of Gods snd conciously adheres to the beliefs of
his/her religion.
-greek word “spiritus” breath or
life force
Why spirituality is
Meaninglessness in life is a significant factor in causing
anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.
Spiritual practices are associated with optimal
health and well-being.
Contemplative practices
can be broadly understood as a method to develop

concentration, deepen understanding and insight,

and cultivate awareness and compassion.

1. Meditation
2. Prayer

3. Yoga
4. Journalizing
The practice of religion
Religion is defined as belief and worship
of a superhuman controlling power,
especially a God or gods.

A particular system of faith and worship.

The psychology behind religious beliefs
The 16 Strivings for God
1.Acceptance 11.Romance
2.Curiosity 12. Saving
3.Eating 13.Social contact
4.Family 14.Status
5.Honor 15. Tranquility
6.Idealism 16.Vengeance
7. Independence
9. Physical activity
The Four Dimensions of Religion

Beliefs- generalized system of Spiritual experience- feeling

ideas and values of immediate connection with
a higher being.
Rituals- repeated gestures or
activities such as prayers and Unique social forms of
mantras. community- unite in one
single community called
Religious Classification
Polytheism Multiple gods Hinduism, Ancient
Greeks And Romans
Monotheism Single god Judaism, Islam,

Atheism No deities Antheism,buddhism,

Animism Nonhuman beings Indigenous nature
(Animals, plants, worship, Shinto
natural world)
The Major Religions
1.Judaism 4.Hinduism
2.Christianity 5.Buddhism
Dungan, spirit and souls .

The Babaylans
Babaylans- considered as the first
psychologists in the Philippines; a spirituals
leader and a medium.

Our ancestors believed that souls can exist

outside the body and that they continue to
exist even after death and becomes multo.
Dungan, spirit and souls.
How do “dungan and “ginhawa” differ?

Dungan is a life force, an energy, an external entity with a will of its own that
resides in the human body and provides essence to life; can temporarily leave the
Ginhawa (Visayan word for breath or breathe) is responsible for the heart ability
to beat; may be affected by foreign elements.
“Dungan and Ginhawa both exist in the person. Ginhawa was the breath of life
while dunagn was concious intellectual and emotional aspects.”
Soul and the spirit man differ?
The Soul and Spirit are the two primary immaterial aspect ascribed to humanity.

Brief and general overview of the difference between soul and spirit according to:

• Etymology
• Biblical beliefs
• In western culture
• In eastern culture
Rituals and ceremonies
Ritual is a ceremony or action performed in a customary way
Ceremony is a formal act or ritual often set by custom or traditions.
Origin of rituals

1.Origin approach – earliest form to explain rituals.

2.Functional approach – to explain ritual behavior.
3.History of religions – holds the view that rituals behavior is
an expression of the sacred.
Imitative rituals -are patterned after a myth and
the ritual repeats the myth or aspects of the myth.
Negative ritual -focuses on the rules of
Sacrificial rituals -are seen as the earliest form of
Life crisis rituals -are traditions of one mode stage
of life to another.
Barang is a miligrant sorcery that usually targets a
Kulam is voodoo or witchcraft which uses black magic
or spell on a victim.
Albolario/ mananambal a traditional healer.
End of Presentation

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