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Deutsche Bank

Continual Service Improvement

iIntegrate - CSI Team
June 2022
Version 3.0

© 2021 DXC Technology Company. All rights reserved.

Learning objectives
This training is intended for DXC colleagues that like to learn
more about how Continual Service Improvement (CSI)
functions and how CSI can be utilized within DB Account to
improvise the existing services.

After completing this course, you should be able to


How to engage with the iIntegrate CSI Team Governance

Process Objective, Scope & Policies Reporting

Process Models & Triggers

Roles & Responsibilities

Process Activities & Touch Points

Tools & Templates

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The Team

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The Team and how to engage us
Team Members CSI Account Process Lead: Indrasish Banerjee
Service Excellence Lead: Rajshekar Salimath
Shared Mailbox NA
Service Now Queue Not applicable for this process
Hotline Not applicable for this process
SharePoint Reference Click here (right click to open hyperlink)
Click to add text

DB Process Counterparts Soumyendu Mohanty

Lavina Serrao

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Process Objective, Scope &

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CSI Objective and Goal

The primary purpose of Continual Service Improvement (CSI) is to align IT services and processes to the changing operational
and business needs by identifying opportunities for improvements.
CSI in the context of the DB Account aims to:
 Identify and implement activities to improve IT services/processes
 Improve the effectiveness (achieve or surpass the objective) and efficiency (to the lowest cost) of enabling processes and IT
 Ensure applicable methods (including but not limited to Six Sigma, SCRUM, LEAN) are used to support continual
improvement activities
 Make improvements visible throughout DXC Technology (DXC) and Deutsche Bank (DB)

CSI will only analyze or deal with systemic issues

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CSI Scope
In Scope Out of Scope

DXC iAction, iFix, iBuild, iEnhance, iSolve, iServe DXC CSO activities/services/processes (this is managed
activities/services/processes. through CSO directly)
Cross functional processes applicable to all the iFunctions as stated
above, Project Services and Application Migration delivery teams.

Improvement initiatives governed through the CSI process directly – Improvement initiatives governed through other parties and
officially registered Service Improvement Plans registered through other mechanisms:
• Service Level Management Service Improvement Plans (contractually referred to as
Corrective Action Plans) for
• amber and red SLAs (governed through SVLM team and FCG)
• Pro-active Problem Management (governed through problem management process)
• Service Management Road Maps (governed through Service Management Leadership)
• Maturity Assessments (facilitated through CSI team)
• Bionix
• Other non-governed CSI initiatives, e.g. big programs with own project and
governance structures

While above initiatives are not governed by the CSI process

directly, they are reported for information only to enable an E2E
view of improvement initiatives lead or supported by DXC.

DB Initiated/Lead Improvement Activities (those initiatives will

be supported by DXC, but will not run through the DXC CSI
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CSI Model* – the cycle
1. Determine the vision –
Embrace the vision by getting an insight into business/operational goals or contractual obligations and
translate them into IT and organizational goals

2. Record the current situation –

Assess the current situation to obtain an accurate, unbiased snapshot of where the organization/service
process is right now.

3. Determine measurable targets –

set priorities (internal/external) on what needs to improve first, how extensive must the improvement be
and when should it be finished

4. Plan-
Draw up a detailed service improvement plan (SIP) including actions to achieve the desired situation

5. Check-
Measure whether the objectives have been achieved and whether the processes are complied with

6. Assure-
Engrain the changes in order to maintain them, keep the parties informed


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CSI Model – practical view
Account Live Services Strategy (Goals, Objectives, CSF, SLAs)
Leadership team, CSI Sponsors, CSI Manager Trigger: Input
Who: Role

How do we keep the What is the How do we keep the

momentum going? momentum going?
vision ?

Report Data
Assessments, Audit, Service Reviews,
CSI Owner, CSI Manager,
Service/Process Owner
Are we Where are we Baseline/Report Data
improving? now? Service/Process Owner, CSI manager

IT Services &
How do we keep the How do we keep the
momentum going? momentum going?

Service Improvement Plan,

Registration of CSI activity How do we get Where do we CFS, SLAs, KPIs other measurable targets
CSI Owner, CSI Manager, CSI Sponsor want to be? CSI Sponsor, Service/Process Owner
How do we keep the
momentum going?

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CSI Focus Areas
CSI concentrates on the following 4 criteria:

Operational Effectiveness – are we delivering against what we committed to and against our obligations?
Is the organization aware of the services and processes and if so do the follow them as described? Do we utilize best practice? Is
there potential to reduce volumes?
Quality – how well are we doing it?
Do the various activities meet their goals?

Performance – how fast or slow are we doing it?

How efficient is the process/service? What are the elapsed times to progress an activity? Can we automate?

Value – is what we are doing making a difference?

How do we internally and the client externally rate the process/service? Is there room for cost reduction including both

Why do we talk about continual and not continuous service improvement?

Continuous means that the organization is involved in an activity without interruption; the efforts are constantly on the same
level. Continual means a succession of closely placed activities that have a defined start and end. In this way a sequence of
improvements efforts can be created.

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CSI Policies - “The way we want to work”
 Improvement initiatives governed through the scope of this OM must be formally registered in the central CSI tracker
 All functional groups in scope of this process have a responsibility for CSI activities - CSI is not a department it has to
become an attitude for everyone
 Service and Process Owners are primarily responsible to identify and highlight improvement initiatives to the CSI Manager
 For CSI initiatives that span cross DB and DXC, the DXC CSI manager will act as SPOC to ensure touchpoints and initiates
are aligned and appropriately supported
 Services should have either clearly defined services level agreements or operational service targets that can be used to
determine if there are gaps in the service or performance provided
 Service Management Processes must have critical success factors (CSF) and/or key performance indicators (KPI) to
determine if there are gaps between the expected and real outcome
 Client service expectation needs to be understood and translated or mapped into service or process measures wherever
 Data must be gathered and analyzed in a consistent and repeatable way
 Trend reports should be in place wherever possible and appropriate

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What is expected
from you?

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Don’t wait – start today!
Ask yourself and your team for ideas of
• Where are we losing time? Where are we wasting the effort? Where are we doing re-work? Where are we hitting obstacles? What is holding us
Develop a list of the top 10 things that would help you drive service/process improvements, and try to define them in terms of
• Describe (and measure) where we are today
• Describe (and define the measure) of where we want to be
• Describe why this will be better (Service, Operability, Certainty, Cost, Efficiency, Quality)

Pick up to 3 and assign a different owner to each one and ask

• How do we put the measure in place
• Can we map the involved end-2-end process and procedures
• What could we do differently
• What should we start doing
• What should we stop doing
• What is the cost of change
• What is the prize for getting to that changed level of service/activity
• What help do we need

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CSI Roles & Responsibilities
CSI Process Role Key Responsibilities

CSI Initiator  Identify potential improvement opportunity

 Communicate and highlight opportunity to DXC CSI Manager
 If the CSI Initiator is from DB, communication might be triggered through the DB process owner or
through other participants of the CSI Functional Control Group

DXC CSI Manager  Responsible for the daily operation of the CSI process
 Measure, report and communicate CSI initiatives
 Maintain CSI Tracker
 Facilitate/attend SIP status review meetings
 Consult SIP Owner and other process stakeholders on activities and request for support and information
 Support SIP/CIP Owner in case of escalations or issues that potential risk the overall success of the plan

DXC SIP Owner E2E accountable for the creation and successful implementation of the Service Improvement Plan by:
 Triggering early escalations towards DXC CSI Manager in case SIP is not going to plan
 Set-up working level meetings with all stakeholders (internal/external) supporting implementation
 Work-out detailed implementation and time plans
 Analyse the required datapoints, baselined in the project and provide or get the required analytical
 Attend SIP status review meeting as scheduled by the CSI manager
 Prepare SIP governance reports
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CSI Roles & Responsibilities
CSI Process Role Key Responsibilities

DXC SIP Sponsor  Evaluate and approve invest for SIP execution
 Evaluate SIP status in context of account goals, objectives, Critical Success Factors
 Actively control progress of the SIP in regard to defined deliverables and progress of detailed action
 Inform and Support escalations towards CSI Manager if needed
 Sign-off deliverables

DB SIP Sponsor  Evaluate and approve invest for SIP execution in case DB support needed
 Evaluate SIP status in context of Deutsche Bank goals, objectives, Critical Success Factors
 Actively control progress of the SIP in regard to defined deliverables and progress of detailed action
 Inform and Support escalations towards DXC CSI Manager if needed
 Sign-off deliverables
DXC  Collect data and analyse trends compared to baselines, operational targets and SLAs.
Service/Process  Highlight areas of improvement and raise request for SIP
Owner  Act as SIP owner or delegate to respective Subject Matter Experts
CSI FCG  See Terms of Reference

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Version Control
Version Date Description of Changes Author Approved by

Former version based on Operations Manual 1. 0 – no

1.0 Christiane Stenzel Wayne Carter
version control of former document

Updated version based on Operations Manual Version 4.0.

2.0 03/07/2018 Christiane Stenzel NA
Updates done to all slides.

2.1 19/09/2018 Slide 4: Updated Hpyerlink from HPE to DXC SharePoint, Christiane Stenzel NA
Exchange CSI Manager Name from Wayne Carter to Harsha
Ananda Murthy
2.2 20/05/2019 Slide 4: Modified Team Members Harsha Ananda Murthy
Added Slide 12 – To explain CSI Activity Spread – Across HUB
Removed CSI FCG and added CSI Governance on Slide 26
Added Internal and External reporting details on Slide 28
Added CSI Questionnaire for Assessments on Slide 33

3.0 02/06/2022 Template has been updated Indrasish Banerjee NA

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