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By:- Group E
Arnav Taneja (CR) - 500228626
Eshjot Singh – 500227052
Vishal Kumar – 500226824
Jarmanjit Singh – 500228284
Nitesh Kumar – 500230084
Jaismine Mehrana - 500228150
What is environment degradation

 Environment degradation is depletion of natural resources such as water, air

and soil. In addition, also the demolition of various ecosystems in which living
beings reside.
 Basically, when humans perform such an activity which is against the
environment, it rises concerns regarding the depletion of environment and
affecting animals, flaura and fauna and their ecosystem.
 Environment degradation is one the potential threats nowadays and if it
cannot be handled properly, then everyone will be in a major problem.

 Depletion of ozone layer(O3): when Chlorofluorocarbons comes in the
contact of ozone in the stratosphere which destroys the ozone layer
molecules and make it O2 after the reaction.
 Population: Because of the increasing rate of population there are
some recourses which are getting extinct that has resulted
environmental crisis.
 Industrialisation: There are increasing number of industries which are
releasing harmful gases in the air that is causing air pollution

 Deforestation: Removal of large number of forests for industrial
development and agricultural purposes.
 Air Pollution: The release of harmful particles into the air such as methane
(CH4), Carbon monoxide(co) which are emitted by cars and big industries.
 Water Pollution: The industrial waste such as harmful chemicals are mixed
with pure water by humans which is dangerous for humans and aquatic
animals' survival.
 Soil Degradation: The quality of soil is decreasing day by day that all because
of deforestation and agriculture done by humans.

Major impacts of environment degradation and
plan to prevent the same

 Here are couple of impacts regarding environment degradation

1. :Air and water pollution:
Environment degradation resulting in the release of pllutants into air and water
oftenly that has impacts on humans and ecosystem too.
Many respiratory diseases are caused by air pollution; however, water pollution
impacting acquatic life.
2. Social and Economic Consequences:
Degradation results in the growth in social inequaltities and leads to have conflicts
due to scarcity of resources.
Many of the communities which are dependent on natural resources affecting their
lives. Loss of Bio-diversity:Extinction of species disrupts food chains and ecosystems
that disturbs the overall balance of nature.
 Many of the communities which are dependent on natural resources affecting their lives.
3. Loss of Bio-diversity:
 Extinction of species disrupts food chains and ecosystems that disturbs the overall
balance of nature.
 Preventing Environment degradation requires efforts that would create win- win situtaion
for many. Here are the ways to do the same:
• Reduce Deforestation: Promoting reforestation and afforestation can act as a prominent way to
resolve deforestation.
• Minimize Pollution: Implementation and enforcing regulations to control air and water pollution
from industrial and agricultural activities will has a positive impact.
• Raise Environmental Awareness: Various campaigns can be created so people know the
significance of environment and living in a sustainable manner.Environment friendly products
should be promoted on global level.

Solutions to Prevent Environment
 Transport Choices:- Wisely choosing which mode of transport to use while
travelling can help in low traffic and low carbon emissions.
 Food Choices:- Transporting food from various parts of world leads to use of a
huge amount of fuel, which can be minimized by consuming local grown or
harvested food products.
 Energy Choices:- Ensuring to switch of the lights and other electronic
appliances when not in use.
 Conservation of water:- Avoiding unwanted usage of water by fixing leaking
taps and avoid washing dishes with running water.

Our role in preventing environment
from degradation
• Through various actions and initiatives we can prevent environment from
getting deteriorated .
1.Sustainable practices:-By Adopting sustainable lifestyle such as eco-friendly
products and using RRR which is recycle, reuse, reduce.
2.Renewable Energy Adoption:-Use of renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind and hydropower we can reduce environmental degradation. We can also use
fuel-efficient vehicles.
3. Reducing pollution:-Reducing the use of plastic bags , dispose of
waste and hazardous materials, and participating in community cleanup
efforts .


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