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Quarter 2 – Module 2:

Renaissance and Baroque Period

Sculpture: Elements and Principles


Renaissance and Baroque Period
Sculpture: Elements and Principles

Funtion or Uses
Renaissance artworks play an
Role in increasing awareness of
Nature, a revival of classical
learning, and A more
individualistic view of man.
Elements and
Principles: ”David” by
1. Balance and Unity- the body is in an asymmetrical
position wherein the
weight is rested on the right lower body while the left part
of the body is
slightly curving an S shape. More so, the size of the lower
and upper body is
not proportional.
2. Movement- the use of contrapposto.
Instead of a rigid pose, the flexed left
arm, the left gaze of the head, and the
slightly bent left leg insinuated
movement in Michaelangelo's sculpture
of David.`
3. Pattern and Emphasis-the emphasis of
the entire sculpture was set on the
naked body of David which imparts the
notion of “power and stature.” Also, it
demonstrates the subject’s heroism.
4. Rhythm- in this sculpture it 5. CONTRAST -contrast is
is expressed through the evident on the treatment of the
lower body and the
pattern of well-
upper body. At the upper part of
defined muscles and the the human figure, an elaborate set
curves of the lines of the of details
body. can be seen such as the lush hair,
stern facial features and fully
nude torso while the lower body
is only accentuated by the male
genitalia and
the unbalanced feet posture.
USES - The Roman Catholic Church
highly encouraged
the Baroque style to
propagate Christianity while the
aristocracy used
Baroque style to impress
visitors, express triumph, power,
and control.
Elements and Principles: “David
“ by Bernini
1. Movement-the composition in the
shape of interrelated arcing diagonal
lines immediately suggests movement
and energy and drama. It also
expresses dynamic and instability of
his body movement.
2. Space- Baroque art wants us to be able to relate to the image in our bodies,
not just in our minds. Bernini’s “David” uses the 3 Dimensional form and
space around it—reaching out into the space of the viewer.
3. Emphasis-intense emotion as
seen on his facial expression like
the biting
of lips and the eyebrows knit
together and energy and tension
as he launches
the rock.
4. Contrast- because of the intense body
movement, the effects of light shows
the contrast between highlights and shadows.
Image of
”David” by
1. Which of the following Functions or uses belongs to
the Renaissance Period?

A. propagate Christianity B. impress visitors

C. express triumph, power, and control D. increasing
awareness of nature
2. Which of the following Functions or uses
belongs to the Baroque Period?
A. propagate Christianity B. encourage individualistic
view of man
C. a revival of classical learning D. increasing awareness
of nature
3. Which of the following Renaissance
art elements and principles refers to
the asymmetrical position wherein the
weight is rested on the right lower
body while the left part of the body is
slightly curving an S shape?

A. Balance and Unity B. Contrast

C.Movement D. Rhythm
5. Which of the following Baroque art
elements and principles refers to the
intense emotion as seen on David’s
facial expression like the biting of
lips and the eyebrows knit together and
energy and tension as he
launches the rock?

A. Contrast B. Emphasis C.
Movement D. Space
“Let’s Connect”

Instruction: Draw the complete figure shown below

by connecting the dots.
Guide questions:

1. How did you complete or form the


2. What element of art did you use to form the image? Why?
“My own David”

Instruction: Draw your dream sculpture then explain the function or

its use to the society and the art elements and principles applied.

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