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Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Session 2023-24 ODD

CODE - 7CS7-40
Technical Seminar- MAIN Presentation




Advancements in Question Answering with Pre-trained Language model

SESSION 2023-24

Presented by Guided by :
Name: Prakhar Jain Name: Mr. Mohnish Sachdeva
Reg No: PIET20AD035 Designation: Assistant Professor
Year: 4th Institute: PIET
The evolution of natural language processing has seen a
revolutionary stride with the emergence of pre-trained
language models, notably exemplified by OpenAI's GPT-
3. This article delves into the profound impact of these
models on the domain of question answering (QA). From
the foundational principles of transfer learning to the
intricacies of contextual understanding, fine-tuning
methodologies, and ethical considerations, the narrative
navigates the diverse landscape of QA advancements
facilitated by pre-trained language models.
The research paper delves into the architecture and
capabilities of LexNLP, a cutting-edge legal NLP solution.
Highlighting its importance in the evolving legal
informatics landscape, the paper underscores LexNLP's
role in efficiently deciphering complex legal texts and
advancing natural language processing in the legal
The history of the research paper traces the development
of LexNLP, a pioneering legal NLP solution by
LexPredict. Emerging as a response to the challenges
posed by specialized legal texts, LexNLP has evolved to
offer comprehensive NLP functionalities and seamless
integration with machine learning frameworks,
showcasing its commitment to innovation in the legal
informatics field.
1. Methodology centers on key tools: Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
and scikit-learn, chosen for stability, licensing, and community support.
2. LexNLP commits to linguistic diversity, offering English support with
plans for full German language integration by 2018.
3. Development practices ensure reliability, including continuous
integration, unit testing, and adherence to coding standards (PEP8).
4. Integration of word embeddings and text classifiers, with word2vec and
doc2vec models trained on diverse legal material.
5. LexNLP's methodology empowers precise document, contract, and
clause classification.
6. The outlined approach positions LexNLP as an innovative force in legal
natural language processing.
Methods Studied
The research adopts a rigorous methodology, leveraging
prominent tools like NLTK and scikit-learn to delve into the
intricacies of natural language processing (NLP). LexNLP, the
focal point of investigation, exhibits methodological
robustness through its strategic use of established frameworks.
Its emphasis on linguistic diversity, coupled with continuous
integration practices and advanced machine learning
techniques, positions LexNLP as a pioneering solution in the
evolving field of legal informatics. The comprehensive
approach and methodical foundation of LexNLP contribute to
its efficacy in handling the complexities inherent in legal texts.
The research culminates in a transformative outcome,
Advancements in Question Answering with Pre-
trained Language model.
1. LexNLP excels in accurately extracting a wide
array of information, from addresses and amounts
to citations, constraints, and more.
In conclusion, LexNLP emerges as a powerful tool in
the legal domain, providing a versatile solution for
information extraction. Despite certain challenges, its
integration of NLP and machine learning contributes
significantly to advancing natural language processing
in legal informatics. Further developments addressing
multilingual support and refining information
extraction algorithms will enhance LexNLP's
Future Scope
The future scope for LexNLP involves expanding
language support to include French, Spanish, and
Mandarin, establishing its global presence. Continuous
improvements in development practices, such as
integration, testing, and adherence to coding standards,
will ensure LexNLP's reliability and robustness.
Collaborative efforts with the broader NLP community
and acknowledgment of the rich ecosystem it builds
upon will further contribute to LexNLP's evolution and

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