Gender - Sex, Issues, Soc. Construct

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SEX and
Introduction Lines
• FOR MARRIED ONES/ with Partners
• I am ______________________
• I am married to/ partner of__________
• Because I am a woman I can………….
• If I were a man, I could……………
Introduction Lines
• I am ______________________
• I am the daughter of _____________
• Because I am a woman I can………….
• If I were a man, I could……………
Basic Assumptions
 This is not the
“war of the sexes”.

This is not anti-

Basic Assumptions
 Both women
and men are

…but women are more

Basic Assumptions
 Both women
and men have
a stake in the
struggle for
The P and T Game
Word Association

Woman Man
1) For the Male- When you hear the
word ‘woman’, what are the thoughts
and images that cross your mind?

2) For the Female- When you hear the

word ‘man’, what are the thoughts and
images that cross your mind?

Woman Man
SEX and Gender
• Given at birth • Culturally and
– Male or Female socially dictated
• Congenital and – Masculine or Feminine
biological • Variable
• Permanent – Differ in societies
– Constant even in – Differ at times
different countries
– Constant even in “What happens afterwards”
different times due to social and cultural conditioning
Gender is not what one is,
“What you were born but what one does
….refers to the biological and
physical characteristics of a

….man has a penis and the woman

has a vagina and a uterus …..

Refers to the socially defined attitudes and

values, roles and responsibilities of women
and men, girls and boys
• Biological Differences • Behavioral Differences
• Our sex is determined • We learn our gender
at birth from society
• Universal: The • Gender attitudes: roles
distinction between and responsibilities
males and females are change across different
culture and historical
the same across
places, cultures and
What are

• The belief that one sex is superior to or
more valuable than the other;
• The belief that one gender is superior to
or more valuable than the other;
• A feeling of distrust towards the opposite
sex, most frequently operating at
unconscious level.
What are gender-linked
“labels” (stereotypes)?
• Activities,
qualities and traits
appropriate for
boys and girls and
for men and

Some examples:
• Girls are prepared to do
household chores and take
care of her family in future
while boys are taught hard
work to face the world to be
the breadwinner for the
• Boys get toys like trucks,
guns and super heroes while
the girls are given dolls and
cooking sets
What is canalization?

• Putting boys or girls in

a “box,” thereby
preventing them from
achieving their full
Some Manifestations of
• In school- Boys are encouraged to
participate in different sports, while not
many schools have such activities for girls.
• Through sports, boys not only develop their
muscle power, but also learn skills like
negotiation, decision making and several
others, which girls are deprived of
• Men’s work outside home is valued,
household chores are not even considered
real labor
What is subordination?
• Treating a person (usually women) as
second-class citizen

• It is used to define male domination in our

society, to the power relationships by which
men dominate women and to characterize the
system where women are kept in a
subordinate position in various ways
Manifestations of Subordination

Some Examples:
• A man is considered the head of the
household; within the family, he controls the
decision in the family
What is multiple burden?

• A working mother/wife
who still does most of the
household chores after
she is supposed to rest
after a day of work
• A working father/husband
who, after a hard day’s
work, is forced to do
heavy tasks at home
• Production/Reproduction Roles
• Women are for the home and men are
for the public
– Those who belong to the public
sphere (usually men) are perceived to
have primacy in society because of
their productive function. Women are
relegated to the reproductive
function and are perceived to be
confined to secondary pursuits.
– Women are supportive while men
take the dominant role.
At home after work…
At work
At home after work…

What is abuse/violence?
• Inflicting pain/injury in
a person (on the bases
of one’s sex, class,
race, etc.)
• It could be
• Physical (battering)
• Emotional/
• Verbal (insulting)
• Financial
• Sexual (rape, incest,
Gender and the Role of Social
Activity 2: The Five Finger
Talk Activity
• Groups #1A FAMILY
(Preparing for a BABY GIRL)
Instruction: Answer the ffg:

1. What provisions do you need for the baby?

*describe the type of clothing, toys and materials you need to
decorate the room the
baby will occupy
2. What plans and dream do you have for the baby?
* education, profession, hobbies and interest.
3. As the child grows, what leisure or recreational activities will
you teach her?
4. How would you like your child to help you at home?
5. Why would you be happy that your child is a girl? (Character
6. How do you raise your daughter?
7. What roles do you expect for your daughter?
8. Do you invest more on your son or your daughter?
A. Groups #1B (FAMILY )
(Preparing for a BABY BOY)
Instruction: Answer the ffg:

1. What provisions do you need for the baby?

*describe the type of clothing, toys and materials you need to
decorate the room the baby will occupy
2. What plans and dream do you have for the baby boy?
* education, profession, hobbies and interest.
3. As the child grows, what leisure or recreational activities will
you teach him/her
4. How would you like your child to help you at home?
5. Why would you be happy that your child is a boy? (Character
6. How do you raise your son?
7. What roles do you expect for your son ?
B. Community
1. what are the women and men’s
role in the community?
2. What are the usual crimes
committed by men and women?
3. Discuss the role of the
government in responding to the
gender related issues:
4. Discuss your recommendations
C. Church
1. How did the church look into the
role of woman and man?
3. Discuss the role of the religious
communities in responding to this
gender related issues.
4. Discuss your recommendations.
E. Media

1. List down the gender related issues and

concerns you find in the media:
*how did they portray the image of women and
men in the film industry/ prints? Comics?
Commercials? Soap opera?
* in your experiences how do these portrayals
affect women, men and children?
*discuss and probe the role of the MTRCB in
responding to these gender related issues and
2. Discuss your recommendations.
• How are boys and girls treated in school?
Give similarities and differences.
• What gender issues are present/
happening in school?
• How are these responded to by the school
• How are boys and girls disciplined in
• Gender Roles are deep-seated in the
culture, as well as in the beliefs and value
system of the society
We learn our gender and how to
behave according to our sex from
6 Social Institutions:

• Family- throughout
childhood and
adolescence, parents
orient their children to
certain gender role
standards, behaviors and
Infancy/Childhood and Adulthood and Older Ages
 Gender roles are assigned to  Women are shy to initiate sex
boy and girl children. Boys can because they might be
help with “hard” work such perceived as “hot”.
farming, construction, gathering
firewood, while girls can help
with the household chores and  Men decide on house
taking care of younger siblings. construction, farm management
and forest activities,
thanksgiving activities like
 Further, girls are seen as easier “honga”. Women decide on
to discipline, while boys are a family and health related
source of pride since they will concerns including the use of
carry on the family name. FP, education of children and
household chores.
• As children grow up, they constantly absorb
messages that the society throws at them and try
to mould themselves in those roles.

• Girls who do not conform to stereotypical

expectations can experience criticism, ostracism
and even violence.

• This also puts unwarranted pressure on boys who

love to read, dislike fighting, or dislike sports or
mechanics. Similarly, it hurts girls who struggle
with body image, and who wish to excel in sports
Other Socialization Institution
• SCHOOL-gender stereotyping exists
very much in schools.
• In the classroom, boys are asked to
move ‘heavy’ tables and chairs, while
girls are asked to do the cleaning. The
truth is; nobody is born with skills,
these are taught and learnt.
• CHURCH- further reinforces that “women’s
place is in the home” "Wives, submit to your
husbands as to the Lord." This verse, in
particular, has been taken out of context a little
and depicts women as martyr-like; restricting
women to certain behaviors that restricts them
from fully discovering themselves. THE NEXT
• “Be very careful if you make a woman cry,
because God counts her tears.
• The woman came out of a man’s rib,
• Not from his feet to be walked on,
• Not from his head to be superior,
• But from his side to be equal,
• Under the arm to be protected,
• And next to the heart to be loved.”
MEDIA- print and broadcast
decidedly influence the way of
shaping people’s minds; people
spend long hours listening to the
radio or watching television;
reinforces role stereotypes
learned in the home and school,
usually depicting 4 major types of
• Woman who has to buy
products to lighten her burden
• As beautiful woman who has to
buy products to remain attractive
to her husband
• As sex object whose body is
used as come-on for men to buy
Gender Equality- means equal treatment of
women and men in laws and policies, and in
access to resources and services within
families, communities at the workplace and
society at large.

Gender Equity- means fairness and

justice in the distribution of benefits and
responsibilities between women and
Important Points:
• It is important that girls and boys/ men and
women should be given equal
opportunities to learn and develop their
potential and have options to choose their
future path based on their interests and
skill sets and not based on their sex
Being a Woman
• A man was sick and tired of going to work every
day while his wife stayed home, so he prayed:
"Dear Lord: I go to work every day and put in 8
hours while my wife merely stays at home. I
want her to know what I go through, so please
allow her body to switch with mine for a day.
God, in His infinite wisdom, granted the man's
wish. The next morning, sure enough, the man
awoke as a his wife, and she as him.
• He arose, cooked breakfast for his spouse,
awakened the kids, fed them breakfast,
accompany them in school. Then went back
home to do the laundry, dust, sweep and mop
the kitchen floor and do all the household
chores while tending to their 1 yr old baby.
After which, she went to clean the garden.
Then he cleaned and feed the pigs and then
bathed the dog. Then it was already 4:00pm
and he hurried to go to the market for
• At 6:30 p.m. he began preparing the dinner.
After dinner he cleaned the kitchen, ran the
dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids.
Taught the kids with their assignments and
then tucked them in bed after that.
• At 9:00 p.m. he was exhausted and, though his
daily chores weren't finished, he went to bed
where he was expected to make love, which he
managed to get through without complaint.

• The next morning he awoke and immediately

knelt by the bed and said, "Lord, I don't know
what I was thinking. I was so wrong to envy my
wife's being able to stay home all day. Please,
oh please, let us trade back."
• The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, replied, "My
son, I feel you have learned your lesson and I
will be happy to change things back to the way
they were. You'll just have to wait nine months,

• You got pregnant last night.

• The human race is
a two-winged bird:
“ • -one wing is
• -the other is male.

• Unless both wings

are equally
• The human race
will not be able to
Prepared By: Aginaya Dinumla-Cabanayan
May 2015

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