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February, 2024
CPU College, Ethiopia
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• Background of the study
• Statement of the Problem
• Research Questions/ Hypothesis of the study
• Objectives of the study
• Conceptual framework of the study, if any
Methodology of the study
• Research Design and Approach
• Sampling Design
• Data Sources and Method of Collection
• Method of Data Analysis
• Results and Discussion
• Summary ,Conclusions and Recommendations
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1. Background of the study
Proper human management activities are essential for
employees’ satisfaction.
The relationship between effective HRM activities and positive
employee attitudes, such as employee happiness, engagement,
and productivity, must be thoroughly examined Silvestro
For many years, developing countries have been concerned with
conducting research on the influence of HRM activities on job
It is to be observed that the research conducted is not in the
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government butExcellence!
in the private sector. 3
Background contd…

describe that the planning of human resources is essential for

establishing and forecasting a workforce with the appropriate skills
and knowledge required to attain organizational goals.
It is to be observed that the research conducted is not in the
government sector but in the private sector.
Employee job satisfaction is improved by using a good appraisal
method or process.
Advani (2015) describes that employees’ satisfaction is greatly
affected by the employee’s participation in the decision.
As Ethiopia is a developing country, the effect of HRM practices on
employee satisfaction was studied and the problem addressed,
according to a recent study by Ijigu (2015), Terefe (2016), and
Yehuala (2016).
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2. Statement of the Problem
Ijigu (2015) explains that each conduct is in the employee’s’
job-related outcomes, but on the job, the pleasure of
employees in HRM practices is little.
HRM is an incredibly vital activity for managers, according
to Mudor et al. (2011), because human resources have certain
qualities that make them valuable.
Kim & Han (2013) conclude that it is not easy to improve
the services of the organization until the employees’
satisfaction is well defined.
In addition, Yehuala (2016) describes that Ethiopian public
service organizations are not well established and are
considered inefficient in developing services
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Statement of the Problem ..contd
In Ethiopia, studies of job satisfaction are not frequently
occurring, and it looks small in several publications on it.
Moreover, their appearance in different sectors of the
civil service is not sufficiently usable yet.
Each public civil service delivery worship in Yeka sub-
city should implement proper HRM practices to be a
source of satisfaction, and then employees should be
willing to stay longer in their organizations.
Satisfaction on the job reduces the practice of
absenteeism and upset intentions among public servants.

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3. Research questions
The following basic questions was answered by this research:

What is the effect of human resource planning on employees’ job

satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city

What is the effect of training and development program on employees’

job satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city

What is the effect of performance appraisal on employees’ job

satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city

What is the effect of working environment on employees’ job satisfaction

in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city

What is the effect of employees’ participation in decision making on

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administrations of Yeka
4. Objective of the Study

General Objectives
 The general objective of the research is to examine the effects of human resource
management practices on employees’ job satisfaction: the case of Yeka Sub-City
administration in selected Woredas.
Specific Objective
 To examine the effect of human resource planning on employees’ job satisfaction
in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
 To examine the effect of training and development program on employees’ job
satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
 To examine the effect of performance appraisal on employees’ job satisfaction in
selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
 To examine the effect of working environment on employees’ job satisfaction in
selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
 To examine the effect of employees’ participation in decision making on
employees’ job satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
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5. Conceptual framework of the study

Independent variables
Human Resource

Training and
Dependent Variables

Performance Employees' Job

Appraisal Satsfaction


Participation in
Decision Making
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1  N (e 2 )
6. Methodology of the Study
Research Design
The researcher chose to use an explanatory research design for
several reasons.
One of the most common reasons for using this type of research
design is to test a hypothesis about the relationship between two or
more variables.
Research Approach
Quantitative research approaches were those that used numerical
data to answer research questions.
The quantitative research approach enabled the researcher to
effectively analyze and infer the numeric data.

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Methodology. Contd….
Data Type and Source of data
Primary and secondary data collection. Primary data was
collected directly from the field through interviews and
secondary data involved gathering information from various
research papers, documentary reviews, journals, and staff records.
Methods of data collection
The researcher used different data collection instruments like
distributing questionnaire.
Regarding the primary data, questionnaires (consisting of open
and closed-ended questions) were distributed to the selected 250
clerical/professional employees.
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Sampling and Sampling technique
Due to constraints such as a large sample size, time limitations, and
cost considerations, a non-probability convenience sampling method
was used to draw the sample from the target population.
By using of (Yemane, 1967) formula, these researcher used around
250 sample employees at 95% confidence level.
Methods of data analysis
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 was
utilized for data analysis, considering the selected variables and the
questions asked.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for the data
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7. Reliability test

Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability test

Variables Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
Human Resource Planning .767 5
Training and Development Program .734 4
Performance Appraisal .597 4
Working Environment .755 5
Employees’ Participation in Decision Making .761 4
Employees’ Job Satisfaction .846 9

A reliability analysis was carried out on the perceived task values

scale comprising 29 items. Cronbach’s alpha showed the
questionnaire to reach acceptable reliability, α =0.743.
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8. Results and Discussion
Descriptive statistics
Human Resource Planning
Table 7: Descriptive Statistics Result for Human Resource Planning
Item Mean Std. Deviation
The Woreda’s human resource planning process is 3.7126 1.12725
The Woreda forecasts the human resource needs. 3.9069 .93456
The Woreda aware me its vision and goals. 4.0648 .72964
The Woreda adopts continuous training & 4.0810 .81246
development to improve performance.
The Woreda includes the employees in the HR 3.9636 .94712
planning process.
 The mean value of 3.7126 suggests that, on average, the employees'
responses leaned towards agreement with the statement that the
Woreda's human resource planning process is transparent.
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8. Results and Discussion

Training and Development Program

Table 8: Descriptive Statistics Result for Training and Development Program
Item Mean Std.
I have training opportunities to learn and grow. 4.1943 .64604
Available training matches with my job. 3.9028 1.04700
The training and development given by the 4.0972 .72602
Woreda’s enhance employees’ competency.
The training given by the Woreda helps me for 4.0648 .76233
my next promotion.

 The survey findings reveal that employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a

strongly agreeing attitude towards the availability of training
opportunities for learning and growth.
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Results and Discussion…..contd
Performance Appraisal
Table 9: Descriptive Statistics Result for Performance Appraisal
Mean Std. Deviation
The appraisal system is unbiased and 3.9879 .81889
There is a formal and written 4.0850 .85353
performance appraisal system.
The appraisal system in this Woreda is 4.0931 .88542
growth and development-oriented.
Employees are provided performance- 4.1417 .72706
based feedback and counseling.

 The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a
notably agreeing attitude towards the unbiasedness and transparency of the
appraisal system. Website:
The House of Academic Excellence! 16
Results and Discussion…..contd

Working Environment
Table 10: Descriptive Statistics Result for Working Environment
Mean Std. Deviation
The work environment is pleasant, attractive, and 3.6964 1.05581
I have adequate tool to do my job. 3.7085 .82396
Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job 3.6802 .97057
I am satisfied with the overall job security in the Woreda. 3.8138 1.08469
My group leader encourages me to work harder to give 3.9312 .77520
the result.

 The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a
somewhat agreeing attitude towards the pleasantness, attractiveness, and
comfort of theofwork
The House environment.
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Results and Discussion…..contd

Employees’ Participation in Decision Making

Table 11: Descriptive Statistics Result for Employees’ Participation in Decision Making
Mean Std. Deviation
Employee participation initiative at the Woreda 3.9069 .89000
contributes to employee job satisfaction.
Employees should be involved in the Woreda-wide 4.0607 .77062
activities at all times.
I am satisfied with the given right to put forward my 3.8462 .87919
opinion at the Woreda.
I contribute to decision-making at the Woreda and I 3.9312 .93232
am therefore satisfied with the way things are done.

 The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a notably
agreeing attitude towards the contribution of employee participation initiatives
at the Woreda to employee job satisfaction.
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Results and Discussion…..contd

Employees’ Job Satisfaction

Table 11: Descriptive Statistics Result for Job Satisfaction
Mean Std. Deviation
Work assignments are fully explained. 3.9717 .82836
I feel a sense of pride in doing my work. 4.0364 .78779
Work communications seem good within this Woreda. 4.1781 .69306
Raises are too few and far between. 3.9271 .78783
There is too much bickering and fighting at work. 4.0081 .80644
I am satisfied with Woreda’s concern for employees’ well-being. 4.1741 .65492
I feel that the work I do is appreciated. 4.1498 .74751
I like the people I work with. 3.9150 .81951
Those who do well on the job stand a fair chance of training and 3.8381 .85901
 The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City exhibit a
strong agreeing attitude towards the clarity of work assignments, as evidenced
by the mean value of 3.9717.
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Results and Discussion…..contd
Correlation Analysis
Table 13: Correlation Matrix

The correlation analysis shows it is significant at the 0.01 level of confidence.

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Results and Discussion…..contd
Correlation Analysis
Table 13: Correlation Matrix

The correlation analysis shows it is significant at the 0.01 level of confidence.

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9. Conclusion
The study found that employees have a positive attitude
towards the transparency and effectiveness.
The study also found that employees have a high level of
job satisfaction, which is influenced by the availability of
training opportunities.
The study revealed a significant positive relationship
between human resource planning, training and
development programs, performance appraisal, working
environment, and employee participation in decision making
and job satisfaction.
The study recommended that managers and policymakers
should improve the human resource management practices.
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10. Recommendations
The Woreda should continue to enhance its human resource planning
process, as it has a positive impact on job satisfaction.

The Woreda should offer adequate and relevant training and

development opportunities for its employees, as they can improve their
competency, performance, and job satisfaction.

The Woreda should implement a formal and written performance

appraisal system that is unbiased and transparent.

The Woreda should improve the working environment of its employees,

as it is a universal determinant of job satisfaction.
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11. Direction for Future Research

Investigate how cultural factors influence the

relationship between HRM practices and job

Explore the mediating and moderating factors that

may influence the relationship between HRM
practices and job satisfaction.

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Thank You

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