Module 2 Mathematics As A Language - Presentation

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Module 2. Mathematical Language
and Symbols

• Grammatical conventions in
mathematical language.
• Sets, Functions and Binary operations
which are basic tools used in presenting
mathematical sentences and concepts
• Basic mathematical logic.
Language of Mathematics

Characteristics of Mathematics as a
1.It is precise.
2.It is concise.
3.It is powerful.
4.It is non-temporal.
5.It has vocabulary and parts of speech.
Lesson 2.1 Mathematics as a Language

Like any ordinary language, mathematics also has

syntax and structure.

A mathematical expression refers to objects of interest

acting as the subject in the ordinary language.

A sentence with a complete thought is a mathematical

sentence which can be regarded as true or false.
Lesson 2.2. Basic Concepts of Mathematical
Language: Sets, Functions
and Binary Operations.

This section introduces the students to different

forms of representation of a mathematical sentence.
Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

1. 2. 3. 4.
know and identify if a given perform binary
demonstrate set is a function. operations on
sentences using
understanding of sets.
set notations
the basic
concepts in sets,
functions and
Relations- it is a set of ordered pairs.
Ex. A = { (1,2), (2,3), (3,4)}
B = { (1,1), (-1,1), (2,4), (-2,4)}
Parts of a Relation
1. x-value
2. y-value

Domain – is the set of the x-values.

Range – is the set of the y-values.

Ex. From A, Domain = {1,2,3} Range = { {2,3,4}

From B, Domain = {1,-1,2,-2} Range = { 1,4}

NOTE: Even though the number 1 and 4 in set B is listed twice in

the set, you only note the number once in the range.
Function – it is a relation that assigns each y-value
only to one x-value.

2 Ways to Determine if a Relation is Function

1. Vertical Line Test
2. Mapping


1. Draw two ovals.

2. In one oval, list all the elements of the domain.
In the other oval, list all the elements of the
3. Draw a line connecting the pairs of domain and
4. If any domain value maps to two different range
values, the relation is not a function.
-2 1


Functions 1 4

A function f assigns each element

x of set A to a unique element, y
of set B. In notations, we write,

1 -1
X f(x)

4 1

Binary Operations
A binary operation takes two input elements from a
set and gives a unique result
that also belongs to the same set.


In operation addition. In “3 + 5 = 8”

The operation “+” takes two real numbers 3 and 5

and gives the result 8 number
Binary Operations
A mapping from a set A to a set B is a set of ordered
pairs (a,b)

Where a is an element of A and b is an element of B.

A binary operation on a set S is a mapping denoted by

* which assigns to
each ordered pair of elements of S a uniquely
determined element of S.
The set S is closed under the operation * which means
taking the binary operation
with any two elements of S will give a result that
belong to S
Binary Operations


Addition and multiplication of real numbers are

binary operations which combines
two real numbers to produce a unique real number

+ : (a,b) a+b
• : (a,b) a• b

where a, b, a+b, a• b ϵ R
Binary Operations
Addition and multiplication are also binary
operation on the set of integers Z.
However, Z is not closed under division because a /b
is not always an integer

Let the operation * be a binary operation on the set of
natural numbers N defined by
a*b = a2 . The set N is closed under the operation,
however it is not commutative
a*b ≠ b*a

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