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Capstone Project

Review - 1
By: Bharath Selvam
Topic :
Targeting Employees
Emotion To Motivate And
Improve Performance

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“Emotions are conscious mental reactions (such as
anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong
feelings usually directed toward a specific object and
typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral
changes in the body.” – American psychological

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Emotion and productivity
Numerous experiments and research studies have shown the significant impact of emotions on
employee productivity. Emotions can influence cognitive processes, motivation, decision-making,
and overall job performance.
Some examples of the relationship between emotions and employee productivity found from
researches includes:
 Positive moods enhance cognitive abilities, motivation, and engagement, leading to better
problem-solving and decision-making.
 Emotions are contagious among colleagues, influencing overall mood and productivity.
 Negative emotions, chronic stress, and burnout can impair productivity by causing exhaustion and
reduced focus.
 Effective emotional regulation positively impacts job performance.
 Emotions also influence decision-making processes, with positive emotions leading to more
innovative choices.
Research Initiation

This shows the need for the companies to find the best ways to manage and make
use of various emotions experienced by the employee. Then, this can lead to
increased motivation and, consequently, the maximization of their productivity.
So in this research, I would explore those different emotions and how they have
effects on the performance of an employee and identify various strategies that
companies can employ to capitalize with this knowledge, for their benefit

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