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Prevention Plan
• Limit community transmission of SARS-
• Prevent the spread of the virus
• Unit and Site-specific COVID-19 Prevent
ion Plan
About COVID-19
What is COVID-19?
• Illness caused by a new coronavirus: SARS-CoV-2

How does it spread?

• Contact with respiratory droplets from an
infected person
• Touching contaminated objects and surfaces
About COVID-19
What do I do if I feel sick?

• Stay home

• Get tested
• Notify your Employee Health Center
• Take precautions to avoid getting other
people sick
Roles and Responsibilities
• University Executive Office
• UW Facilities
• Environmental Health and Safety Department
• Unit Leaders
• COVID-19 Site Supervisors
• Personnel Supervisors
• Personnel
• Building Coordinators
UW Executive Office
Roles & Responsibilities
• Develop policies and procedures for working on-site
• Develop planning parameters
• Communicate new requirements
• Lead and coordinate University-wide response
• Coordinate central procurement of supplies and
• Coordinate central expense tracking
• Assess liability and risks
• Retain COVID-19 Prevention Plans
UW Facilities
Roles & Responsibilities
• Perform daily cleaning of common areas
• Perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection
following a COVID-19 exposure
• Manage University-wide transportation and
• Perform regular building maintenance
• Train and coordinate University Building
Environmental Health & Safety
Roles & Responsibilities
• Develop University-wide policies, plans and
• Perform case follow-up and contact tracing
• Assist units with COVID-19 Prevention Plans
• Respond to health and safety concerns
• Monitor compliance
Unit Leaders
Roles & Responsibilities
• Identify personnel to return to the workplace
• Oversee unit and site-specific plans
• Assignment of COVID-19 Site Supervisors
• Ensure personnel are trained
• Acquire supplies and equipment
• Approval of tasks where 6-foot distance is not
• Communicate about protections against COVID-19
• Communicate plan changes
COVID-19 Site Supervisors
Roles & Responsibilities
• Develop site-specific COVID-19 Prevention Plan(s)
• Provide training on the unit and site-specific plans
• Update unit and/or site-specific plans
• Monitor compliance and answer questions
• Report implementation and safety concerns
Personnel Supervisors
Roles & Responsibilities
• Train direct reports on unit and site-specific plans
• Create schedules for workspaces and shared
• Provide instructions on the use and disposal of
• Review daily symptom attestations reports
• Report safety concerns
Roles & Responsibilities
• Follow site-specific plan
• Practice social distancing
• Wear a face covering
• Follow instruction for the use, maintenance, and disposal of
required PPE
• Follow procedure for time away from work when sick
• Report COVID-19 symptoms and positive test results
• Report close contact with a person with COVID-19
• Report safety concerns
Building Coordinators
Roles & Responsibilities
• Ensure cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer are
• Post COVID-19 prevention posters
• Distribute information to building occupants related to
COVID-19 prevention and response efforts
• Attend trainings
• Access control, building operations, emergency
Prevention Plan
Prevention Plan
1 Physical Distancing
2 Procedures For Sick Personnel
3 Practicing Good Hygiene
4 Cleaning & Disinfecting Surfaces
5 Personal Protective Equipment &
Alternative Strategies
6 Communication & Training
Physical Distancing
 Stay 6 feet away from others at all times
 Workstations, lunchrooms, breakrooms, elevators, vehicles
 Work in shifts
 Use drop boxes
 Limit number of people in each workspace
 Take separate vehicles
 Avoid touching
2 Procedures For Sick
• Daily symptom attestation
• Stay home or leave work if you have even mild
symptoms of:
Fever Sore
Cough Runny
Shortness of breath Headache
Loss of taste and/or smell Muscle ache
2 Procedures For
Sick Personnel
• Contact your health care provider and discuss
COVID-19 testing
• Report COVID-19 illness to the Employee Health
• Report close contact to your Employee Health
2 Procedures For
Sick Personnel
• University response to COVID-19 cases
— Document symptoms, locations, close contacts
— Recommend self-isolation
— Notify school, unit and/or close contacts
— Clean and disinfect spaces
— Protect identity of individuals
2 Procedures For
Sick Personnel
• Human Resources Assistance
— Time away from work
— Protections for higher risk personnel
3 Practicing
Good Hygiene
 Wash hands often and at key moments
 Use hand sanitizer
 Avoid touching your face
 Avoid contact with people who are sick
 Stay home when you are sick
 Cover coughs and sneezes
4 Cleaning &
 Your workspace
 Frequently touched objects
 Shared equipment between each use
 Approved cleaning products for SARS-CoV-2
 Manufacturer’s instructions, including PPE
5 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
 Face coverings are required
• Indoors when other people are present
• Outdoors when not possible to maintain a 6-foot distance
from others
 Hallways, stairways, restrooms and elevators
 Not a replacement for 6-foot distance
 Follow instructions for safe use
 Cloth face coverings do not replace job-specific PPE
such as medical/procedure masks, face shields,
5 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
 Face coverings are required
• Indoors when other people are present
• Hallways, stairways, restrooms and elevators
• Outdoors when not possible to maintain a 6-
foot distance from others
 Not a replacement for 6-foot distance
5 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
 Cloth face coverings do not
replace job-specific PPE
such as medical/procedure
masks, face shields,
Refer to the EH&S COVID-19 PPE
Selection Guide for more
5 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)

Tips of Face Coverings

 Cover mouth and nose
 Do not touch your face

 Wash hands before and

after removing
 Launder daily
5 Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
• Follow instructions for safe use of face
• What to do if someone is in a public
space without a face covering
6 Communication
& Training
 COVID-19 prevention training is required
 Unit or site-specific training is required
 Stay Healthy, Huskies resources
We all have Responsibilities
1. Stay 6 feet away from other people
2. Do daily symptom attestation if working at a University location
3. Stay home, report to the Employee Health Clinic, and get tested
• You are sick, even if you experience mild symptoms of illness
• Your health care provider suspects or confirms you have
• You had close contact with a person who has COVID-19
We all have Responsibilities
4. Practice good hygiene
5. Clean and disinfect work surfaces and equipment
6. Wear a face covering
7. Use required face coverings and/or personal protective
8. Participate in COVID-19 training
• To receive credit for completion of this training, please have
your supervisor contact EH&S Training at

• There are two main web sites for resources mentioned in

this training.
• COVID-19 Health and Safety Resources
• Novel coronavirus & COVID-19: facts and resources

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