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Digital marketing

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to

market products.

Also known as online marketing.

Digital marketing promotes brands and connects

them to potential customers via the internet.
It takes many forms, including:
 Search engines
 Websites
 Social media
 Email
 Mobile apps
 Text messaging
 Web-based advertising
company’s use of digital marketing depends on its
Business-to-business (B2B) :
companies sell to other businesses, which requires a
longer, more strategic approach.

Business-to-consumer (B2C) :
companies sell directly to everyday customers,
which requires shorter sales cycles and a larger
The benefits of digital marketing

• Reach a large demographic

• Cost efficiency
• Results are measurable
• Opportunity to engage with customers at various
Types of digital marketing
• Content marketing
• Search engine marketing (SEM)
• Search engine optimization (SEO)
• Social media marketing
• Pay per click (PPC)
• Affiliate marketing
• Email marketing
• Mobile marketing
• Video marketing
• Influencer marketing
Content marketing

Content marketing can be defined as a marketing

program that revolves around creating, publishing,
and distributing content for an audience.

In layman’s terms, content marketing is all about

creating content for the right audience at the right
time to intrigue them and bring them to your
content marketing comes in many forms, including:

• Blog posts
• Ebooks
• Newsletters
• Infographics
• Audio content, like podcasts
• Video content, like YouTube Shorts
Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is a set of practices designed to improve the

appearance and positioning of web pages in organic
search results.

SEO is all about optimizing your website’s presence on

search engines through various tactics, and because
organic search is one of the greatest ways for people to
discover your website, a good SEO strategy is
necessary in increasing traffic to your website.
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a
business using paid advertisements that appear on search
engine results pages (or SERPs)

These ads appear when users enter a certain search term.

As the advertiser, you pay every time someone clicks on

your ad.
The two most popular SEM platforms are Google Ads
and Bing Ads.

“search engine marketing” refers to paid search

marketing, a system where businesses pay Google to
show their ads in the search results.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is different

because businesses don’t pay Google for traffic and
clicks; rather, they earn a free spot in in the search
results by having the most relevant content for a given
keyword search.
Social media marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media
platforms to connect with your audience to build your
brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

This involves publishing great content on your social

media profiles, listening to and engaging your
followers, analyzing your results, and running social
media advertisements.
The major social media platforms (at the moment)
are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.
Pay per click (PPC)
PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of
digital advertising where the advertiser pays a fee
each time one of their ads is clicked.

Search engine advertising (also known as paid search

or search engine marketing) is one of the most
popular forms of PPC.
Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process in which an

affiliate will promote a business’s products and
services and receives a commission if the affiliate
achieves a sale.

An affiliate is a person that utilizes its networks

and online marketing capabilities to promote
products and services.
Types of Affiliate Marketing

• Unattached
• Related
• Involved


In the unattached business model, the affiliate marketer

has no connection to the product or service they are

Related affiliate marketing is for those who don’t

necessarily use the product or service, but who are
somehow related to the niche audience.

For example, perhaps you’re promoting a clothing

brand you’ve never used before, but you have an
audience through a fashion blog or YouTube channel.

In this case, you would be considered a related

affiliate marketer.

As the name suggests, involved affiliate marketing

describes those who are closely tied to the product
or service they’re promoting.

The affiliate has tried the product themselves, trusts

that it will provide a good experience and has the
authority to make claims about its use.
Email marketing
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing where
you reach out to your customers through strategic
email messages.
Types of email marketing
1.Welcome emails
2.Promotional emails
3.Newsletter emails
4.Survey emails
Mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is any advertising or marketing

campaign that promotes products or services through
mobile devices.
Video marketing

Video marketing is a type of digital marketing

where you promote your business through
either long-form or short-form video.
Influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is a digital marketing strategy
that brands use to promote their products or services
through popular content creators.
Influencer marketing is similar to affiliate marketing
in that you can capitalize on an established, captive
audience that inherently trusts the influencer.

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