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Keyword Research: Boost

Your Website Visibility

Keyword research is a vital component of SEO, enabling you to analyze search

terms and enhance your content ranking. By understanding the different types of
keywords and following effective research methods, you can optimize your
website and increase its visibility. Let's dive into the world of keywords and
explore the top tactics for keyword selection.

by Focus Institute
Types of Keywords
Short-Tail Keywords Long-Tail Keywords

Broad, competitive terms with high search More specific phrases with lower search volume
volume. Example: "shoes" or "cars". but higher conversion rates. Example: "best
running shoes for flat feet".

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) Geo-Targeted Keywords

Location-specific keywords for local businesses.
Related terms that enhance content relevancy. Example: "pizzeria in Brooklyn".
Example: "fruit" or "orchard" for "apple".
Effective Keyword Research

1 Understand Your Audience

Gain insights into their needs and search preferences.

2 Start with Brainstorming

Generate potential keywords related to your product or service.

3 Use Keyword Research Tools

Utilize tools like Google's Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest.

4 Analyze Search Volume

Balance high search volume with competition for optimal keyword selection.

5 Check Keyword Difficulty

Assess the difficulty of ranking for a keyword.

Top Tactics and Steps for
Keyword Selection
1. Choose seed keywords.
2. Brainstorm potential keywords.

3. Analyze Google search results, Wikipedia, and use keyword tools.

4. Select five keywords based on competition, search volume, and revenue
Keyword Research Tools
Google SEMrush Ahrefs Ubersuggest
Offers keyword Provides insights into Offers keyword
Planner research, competitor search volume, difficulty, search
analysis, and site audit keyword difficulty, volume, and content
Provides keyword
features. and potential traffic. ideas.
ideas and search
volume estimates.
Additional Keyword Research Tools
Moz Keyword KWFinder by AnswerThePu Keyword
Explorer Mangools blic
Provides keyword Shows keyword Visualizes search Generates keyword
suggestions, search difficulty, search questions and suggestions using
volume, and ranking volume, and related suggested queries. Google Autocomplete.
predictions. keywords.
More Keyword Research Tools
Google Trends Bing Keyword Keywords Long Tail Pro
Research Tool Everywhere
Uncovers long-tail
Shows keyword Browser extension keywords and offers
popularity over time. showing keyword data keyword
Provides suggestions
in Google search competitiveness
and search volumes
results. analysis.
based on Bing data.
Final Tips for Keyword Research
1 Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Focus on creating valuable content that meets the needs of your audience.

2 Concise and Persuasive

Choose keywords that effectively convey your message and encourage action.

3 Continuously Optimize

Monitor keyword performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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