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-Jonathan Carlo T. Lopez

 The Nature and Importance of

 The Characteristics of Research, its

Process and Ethics
Learning Objectives:
At the end of our session you will be able to:
• Define research.
• Identify the significance of research.
• Describe characteristics, processes, and ethics
of research.
Let’s watch a VIDEO!
From the video, state one (1)
significance of research and
give situation that relates to
 Nature and Importance of
Research of Research in our
Daily Life

• Research is a systematic process

of collecting, and analyzing data
and information to provide
answers to questions.
• In a nutshell, research has always
been perceived as an important
means to understand a problem.
Specifically, the following are the
importance of research in most
Importance of RESEARCH:

1. Research helps solve recurring,

long term and real-life problems.
Without it, problems remain as
Importance of RESEARCH:
2. Research provides a better
understanding of the concerns and issues.
Through this means, it may act as an
avenue to know more of the experiences,
perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes of
certain group of individuals in each
Importance of RESEARCH:
3. Research makes recommendations
based on the existing situation.
The basic purpose of conducting
research is to list down solutions that
can be useful for the general welfare of
the concerned individuals.
involves a process,
research must be
understood in these
following notions:
Notions on RESEARCH:

1. Research is a careful and

systematized effort of gaining new
Notions on RESEARCH:

2. Research is a science-based
approach that aims to obtain
scientific inferences.
Notions on RESEARCH:

3. Research is a collection of data

which primarily scrutinizes
information for further investigation.
Notions on RESEARCH:

4. Research is a way of fulfilling a

gap between the existing and the
new knowledge.
Characteristics of RESEARCH
Characteristics of RESEARCH:

1. Empirical- Research is based on

direct experience or observation by
the researcher.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:

2. Logical- Research is based on

valid procedures and principles.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:

3. Cyclical- Research is a cyclical

process because it starts with a
problem and ends with a problem.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:
4. Analytical- Research utilizes
proven analytical procedure in
gathering the data whether
historical, descriptive, and
experimental and case study.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:

5. Critical- Research exhibits careful

and precise judgement.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:

6. Methodological- Research is
conducted in a methodological
manner without bias using
systematic method and procedures.
Characteristics of RESEARCH:
7. Replicability
- The research design and
procedures are replicated or
repeated to enable the researcher
to arrive at valid and conclusive
Characteristics of RESEARCH:
1. Empirical
2. Logical
3. Cyclical
4. Analytical
5. Critical
6. Methodological
7. Replicability
The Process of RESEARCH
Process of RESEARCH:
1. Define research problem
2. Review the literature
3. Formulate hypothesis
4. Design research
5. Collect data
6. Analyze data
7. Interpret and report
Ethics in RESEARCH
Ethical Principles in RESEARCH:
1. Honesty
2. Objectivity
3. Integrity
4. Carefulness
5. Openness
6. Respect
7. Competence
Ethical Principles in RESEARCH:
8. Respect for Intellectual property
9. Confidentiality
10. Responsible publication
11. Respect for colleagues
12. Social responsibility
13. Non discrimination
14. Legality

Complete the activity below by

answering the Frayer’s Model illustration.

The Frayer’s Model is a type of graphic organizer

that uses a four-square model to determine, clarify,
and analyze word meaning and structure.
Complete the activity
below by answering the Frayer’s
Model illustration.

Examples of illustration to use:

(stairs, wheels, pyramid, sequence
chart, bubble/circle map, brain
puzzle map, idea pond, etc.)

Rubric for checking:

Content: 10
Clarity of thoughts: 10
Quality of output: 10
Total: 30
Thank you!

God bless. 

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