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In partial fulfillment in Applied Economics

Submitted by:

Cabral, Nichole Christian P.

Flores, Pat Jerumil Dane
Menodiado, Louise Francine R.
Paredes, Micko Jan M.
Rabor, Ciara Jane C.
Serico, John Robin C.
Submitted to:
Ms. Franchette Sandra C. Rosal, MBA.

MARCH 2023
Executive Summary
The Philippine economy depends heavily on transportation to connect its
major population and commercial centers. Road, water, air, and train
transportation are all part of the Philippine transportation system. The
nation's transportation network has been built out and dispersed.
Strengthening the investment climate and fostering economic growth
requires improved transportation infrastructure in terms of roadways
development. To make it possible for the cost-effective flow of goods and
services within the nation and to promote inclusive economic growth, the
islands must be connected by a seamless transportation network.
 The country's current traffic congestion may be mostly caused by the
significant rise in the vehicle population, underdeveloped road systems
and road development stagnation. Public transportation is viewed as
unsafe, unhealthy, unreliable, and uncomfortable since numerous people
are using it, in addition to that there is lack and unclear signages.
Moreover, there are areas that are prone to flooding due to unsystematic
and unclog drainage. There is intense competition among many different
forms of transportation, which causes overlapping routes.
For the economy, effective transportation is essential to facilitate
increase in tourism, faster and efficient flow of business transactions in the
country . For people, businesses, the environment, and the economy, good
transportation linkages are directly advantageous. They can encourage
innovation, facilitate employment access, create cleaner, healthier
environments, and draw in new businesses. Through decreasing
transportation uncertainty and short timelines, enhancing the system, and
assuring integration of transportation, economic and infrastructure
development, increased control over transportation trough better roadways
system, can help communities make the most of their infrastructure .
Time Context
- 2017
View Point
DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways)
Central Problem
National road network's poorly developed regional connectivity and the poor state of
the roadways in the metro area.

To increase roadways development.
To avoid excessive traffic concentration.
To make the roadways more efficient and systematic.

To improve the level of service of the existing public transport.
To enhance traffic safety through law enforcement, puclic campaigns, training, and
To keep the affordable public transport fare.
To boost economy through tourism.
Areas of Consideration

- Developments plans (Build Build Build Project).
- To enhance live ability
- To improve safety.
- Allow motorists and pedestrians to reach their
destinations without any incident.
-To improve local air quality and noise pollution in areas
of habitation.
- Insufficient Funding
- Visibility of Sufficient Workers and Equipment
-Traffic intercludes and Vehicles entering when it is
under construction
- The construction of green roads, such those with bike
lanes and walkways for pedestrians, can encourage
sustainable transportation and lower carbon emissions.
- Roadway efficiency and safety can be increased with
the use of smart traffic management systems, toll payment
systems, and other technology developments.
- Road construction initiatives may draw private
investment, which would bring resources and knowledge.
- The construction of road infrastructure, as funding
might be abused or siphoned off.
- Prone to natural disasters
- Cause road construction projects are postponed or
- Soil changes and other related issues.
-Good Movement
Alternative Course of Actions
ACA#1 : Road Widening Project
 • The thus widened road will be able to handle more
traffic than before.
• Enough roads for pedestrians.
• Demolition of the already established structures by the
side of the road.
• Increased accidents.
 •Problems going around the construction in the initial
days for the common public.
ACA#2 : Upgrade existing roads and bridges.

 • Upgrading existing roads and bridges can lead to a more sustainable

use of resources by utilizing and maximizing the existing infrastructure,
instead of creating new ones that require additional resources and energy.
• Upgrading existing roads and bridges can help improve the country's
resilience against natural disasters such as floods and typhoons. This is
because existing infrastructure can be designed to withstand and adapt to
such disasters.
 • One of the main advantages of road safety education is that it reduces
the number of traffic accidents.
• Upgrading existing roads and bridges can be more cost-effective than
building new ones.
•Thisoption can be less disruptive to communities than building new
highways and expressways.
•Upgrades can improve safety and reduce accidents on the roads.

• Upgrading existing roads and bridges may not be sufficient to meet the
growing demand for transportation in the country.
• It may be difficult to upgrade certain roads and bridges due to limited
space or other constraints.
• Upgrades may take longer to complete than building new highways and
ACA#3 : Flyovers and Underpasses Projects

•Improve the availability, connectivity and ease of access

to all road users
•Improve the economic development of a city
•Improve and support quality of citizen's life

•Higher and occasionally non existent speed limits

•Worsen the road safety conditions as an abrupt
•Higher accident costs
•Higher construction costs
Our recommendation is to pursue ACA #2, which is to
upgrade existing roads and bridges.
The reason why we choose ACA #2 is that it offers a cost-
effective and practical solution to improve the country's
transportation infrastructure. The Philippines is a
developing country, and resources may not be readily
available for the construction of new highways and
expressways. Upgrading existing roads and bridges can
help improve the country's transportation infrastructure at
a lower cost. Also, upgrading existing roads and bridges
can be less disruptive to communities and may have more
community support compared to building new highways
and expressways. This is because upgrading existing
roads and bridges may not require acquiring private
property and resettling communities. Lastly, upgrading
existing roads and bridges can improve safety and reduce
accidents on the roads, which is essential given the poor
condition of many roads in the Philippines. Additionally, it
can lead to a more sustainable use of resources and
improved resilience against natural disasters. So
upgrading existing roads and bridges is a practical, cost-
effective, and sustainable option that can help improve the
country's transportation infrastructure.
Activity/Strategy Objectives Person/ Department Involved Time Budget

Conduct a feasibility study of the To identify the strengths and Department of Public Works and 5 months 1,500,000.00
current roadways system weaknesses of the current system Highways (DPWH), Department of
and recommend improvements Transportation (DOTr)

Develop a comprehensive road To create a roadmap for the Department of Public Works and 1 year 2,500,000.00
network plan development of the road network Highways (DPWH), Department of
that will support the country’s Transportation (DOTr), Department
economic growth and development of Finance (DOF)

Implement road safety measures To reduce road accidents and Department of Public Works and Every 6 months 2,000,000.00
and improvements ensure the safety of road users Highways (DPWH), Department of
Transportation (DOTr), Department
of Interior and Local Government

Upgrade and rehabilitate existing To improve the quality and Department of Public Works and 1-2 years 100,000,000.00
roadways condition of the roadways to Highways (DPWH)
provide efficient and safe
transportation for the public

Construct new roadways and To expand the road network and Department of Public Works and 2-3 years 200,000,000.00
bridges improve connectivity within and Highways (DPWH), Department of
between regions Transportation (DOTr)

Integrate technology in the To improve traffic management Department of Transportation 1-2 years 2,000,000.00
roadways system and provide efficient and reliable (DOTr), Department of Public
travel information to the public Works and Highways (DPWH)
 These budget estimates are purely hypothetical and can
vary depending on the specific details of our case study. In
addition, all of the departments' teams or stakeholders
may differ on our specific case study.

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