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HTM 491 Leadership and Self Savvy Midterm/Fall 2011

Tiffany Leggett

Name of Movie: Apollo 13 Instructions: Fill in the template on the next two slides. Use 10 point font. Fill in every section for each of the 7 theories listed in the table. When finished, save the 3 slides as a pdf file. Print and bring a hard copy of the pdf file to class October 25. Post a pdf file of your midterm on your blog, but do not post until after class October 25. Post by noon October 26. Grading: Based on clarity of ideas, being able to distinguish among the different theories based on the definitions/examples you provide. You must refer to at least 4 characters (total overall, not in each example) in your examples. Remember to be specific and refer to the slides and articles throughout.


theory of collection of theories. Response should include information from the slides and/or the articles. Can include your opinion if backed up by evidence, but should not only be your opinion. Make sure to include the components of the theory if applicable. Do not provide examples here.

scene you will reference. Set up the situation to include where it occurs in the movie and the plot overall.

Character Example
Describe the character and/or characters in order to give us a reference related to the situation you will reference. Give a detailed example of the theory and tell us why this illustrates the theory. Refer to the definition and key components of the theory as much as possible. Be as specific as possible. It is okay to add your opinion if it is backed up by evidence you cite about the scene and character. Do not make the reader infer anything about the scene or character. For example, if you discuss intellectual stimulation as part of transformational leadership it should be defined. Mrs. Lovell showcases leadership traits in various situations throughout the movie- both in positive and negative situations. She uses her innate traits and personal qualities in each situations. During the launch, she remained calm and helped encourage the other wife and she was able to comfort Jack (her son) when he found out his dad might be in trouble. She again showcased the same passion and courage when speaking with the man from NASA about not letting the media stations set up on her lawn. Even though the nature of the situations changed, she used the same traits to help others.

Explanation Using 10 pt. font, define the Describe the

Trait Based Trait based leadership says that people are born with Theories

Multiple Marilyn Lovell scenes: The is the wife of certain traits and these night before Jim Lovell. traits. The combination of Apollo 13 traits that a person has will launch. determine if they are a Apollo 13 just successful leader. According launched. to the article Trait-Based Mrs. Lovell Perspectives of Leadership comforting by Stephen J. Zaccaro, Galton Jack after the (1869) argued that the explosion. personal qualities defining Mrs. Lovell effective leadership were speaking with naturally endowed, passed NASA from generation to representative generation. This article about press also says leader traits can outside the be defined as relatively house. coherent and integrated patterns of personal characteristics, reflecting a range of individual differences, that foster consistent leadership effectiveness across a

Skills and Competencie s (Use HTM Model)

The Kaleidoscope Model focuses on three areas of skills and competencies: people savvy (interpersonal communication, networked, coaching/training, superior expressive service), business savvy (numberwise, planning, strategic decision making, superior technical service) and self savvy (professionalism, time management, spirit of optimism. Each area focuses on specific competencies that a person should have to be a strong and balanced leader. The model encourages one to identify and improve their weaknesses and continually develop their strengths.

Ken Mattingly is brought in to the simulation to shuttle to find a way to get the astronauts home safe.

Ken Mattingly was supposed to be on Apollo 13, but the doctor thought he had measles, so he was banned from the flight. He was originally the most qualified man to drive the shuttle.

Power began running low on the shuttle and there was question about having enough to get the astronauts home safely. Ken Mattingly was an expert in the space craft and its operations. He used his people savvy, business savvy and self savvy skills to figure out how to have Apollo 13 re-enter Earths atmosphere on a limited number of amps. Specifially, he was people savvy because he used interpersonal communication with the man who did not believe it was possible. He was numberwise in calculating the number of amps used for each program and strategic decision-making to choose the order to power up each program. He used optimism the entire time because he would not let any engineer discourage him and he did this in a timely manner.

Skills and competencies are Behavior the bridge between traitBased based theories and behaviorTheories based theories. These (Use MLQ or theories are based on LPI) observations, or things that

people are doing. They represent a one-to-one relationship and are also known as 360-degree models of viewing leadership. The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) is an instrument used by leaders to identify their strengths and weaknesses through self and second party evaluations. The importance of this instrument lies in identifying the differences

The Apollo 13 Jim Lovell is team learns the commander what their of Apollo 13. plan of action from the ground is to return home safely.

Although Jim is the commander of Apollo 13, he does not think they he can do everything on his own. He identifies his strengths and weaknesses and then he identifies Swigerts and Haises strengths and weaknesses. For example, he inspires a shared vision by reassuring the men that the ultimate goal was to get home. He enabled Swigert to act when manually steering the space craft using only the earth as a target by encouraging him.

Leader/Memb er Exchange (LMX)

The Leader Member Exchange Theory is all about developing a relationship based on social exchanges between two people (a dyadic relationship). There are three phases of leadership in this theory that occur in this particular order: stranger, acquaintance, partnership. The stranger phase has a contractual relationship where the follower does not yet trust the leader, but is willing to follow them to get certain benefits. The acquaintance phase tests the relationship and the leader and follower begin to trust each other. They focus on the good of the group involved. The partnership phase consists of high quality exchanges, negotiations, reciprocating influences and mutual decisions are made.

The LMX theory is seen between Jim Lovell and Jack Swigerts relationship.

Character Example
Jim Lovell is the commander of Apollo 13. Two days before the launch he learns that his team has the measles. As a result, he will now complete the mission with the back-up, or replacement crew. The LMX theory begins at phase 1: stranger during Swigerts first failure on a test run just two days before launch. It is obvious that Lovell and Swigert dont really trust each other, but each knows they must cooperate to launch on time. Phase 2: acquaintance occurs when Swigert successfully aligns and parks the shuttle in space. This tested the their relationship and they really began to trust each other. Stage 3: Partnership occurred when they were working together to power of the LEM module. They make mutual decisions together that are best for the mission as a whole.

Path/Goal Theory

Path/Goal Theory is a behavior-based theory that has a mixture of task and relationship, but the task is most important because the driver of the theory is how the leader and follower work together to get the task done. It focuses on how a leader motivates the follower

The ground team in Houston learns that the CO2 levels are quickly rising to a fatal level.

The team leader (name not given) realized that the must find a way to fix the problem.

The team leader uses a directive path and goal clarifying to get his team to fix the problem. They must find a way to fit a square peg in a round peg using only the supplies on the space craft. The leader does work with the team, however accomplishing the task in this situation is the most important.

Gene Kranz is Gene Kranz realized the readiness of Situational Situational leadership argues The flight that a leader should not use director must the flight his team members and utilizes each Leadership only the leadership style that comes naturally, but also use the style that best fits the situation they are in. Therefore, it argues that there is no best leadership style. There are four basic leadership behavior styles in this theory: telling (high tasklow relationship), selling (high task-high relationship), participating (low task-high relationship), delegating (low task-low relationship). It also considers the readiness level of its group members, or the extent to which a follower has the ability, willingness and confidence to accomplish a specific task. communicate with his ground team and his astronauts to find a way to get Apollo 13 back to Earth. director in Houston. He leads the entire ground ream during the flight.

component of situational leadership accordingly. He uses the telling behavior when giving instructions about telling the President what the odds of the men returning are- he states what needs to be done, but doesnt care about the relationship aspect. He uses selling when encouraging the astronauts because he knows they have to complete specific tasks, but also need support in this crisis. Finally, he uses delegating when he brings Ken Mattingly in to solve the power issue because he understands his ability to complete the task, so he knows he doesnt need a lot of support or direction.

Transformational Leadership

James McGregor Burns, the Father of Leadership, synthesized all leadership theories in creating the transformational theory. It is a process that involves more than two people and creates a morally good and positive change. Specifically, in 1978 he defines transformational: occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and

After the explosion, Houston becomes very chaotic as all the engineers work towards the safe return of the astronauts.

Gene Kranz is the flight director in Houston. He leads the entire ground team during the flight.

Gene Kranz showcases the transformational theory throughout because he engages with his followers to raise their motivation and morality, especially when the situation changes. The situation changes from a goal of landing on the moon to a goal of getting Apollo 13 home safely. Kranz changes and becomes more directive during crisis. The rest of the flight team becomes more motivated and innovative to reach their goal. Overall, the 4 Is are utilized.

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