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Non-verbal communication

group 4
Non-verbal communication
• Includes messages send through: body language without using words
• Forms of non-verbal communication include: facial expressions, eye
• Action cues such as: touching, gestures and postures
Characteristics of non-verbal communication
Personal appearance
• Your physical appearance influences patients’ perception of care,it
takes longer to establish trust if your clothing differs from your
patient’s preconceived image hence a nurse will wear their uniform or
Posture and gait
• The way people sit, stand and move is a form of self expression.
Posture and gait reflect emotions, health status and self concept, e.g
erect posture and a quick purposeful gait indicate sense of wellbeing
and confidence.
Facial expression
• The face is the most of the body, reveals emotions such as surprise,
fear, anger, happiness and sadness
• Facial expressions reveal, contradicts or suppress true emotions
• When facial expressions are unclear seek verbal feedback about the
sender’s intend for instance, a patient who frowns after receiving
information may be confused, angry, disapproving or simply
concentrating on a reply.
• By maintaining eye contact during conversation you communicate
respect and willingness to listen.
• Lack of eye contact indicates anxiety, defensiveness, discomfort or
lack of confidence in communication.
• Eye movements communicate feelings and emotions
E.G Looking down on a person establishes authority, whereas
interacting at the same eye level indicates equality in the relationship.
• Gestures alone carry specific meanings or they may create messages
with other communication cues. E.g a salute, a thumbs up and a
tapping foot.
• Territoriality is the need to gain, maintain and defend one’s exclusive
right to space.
• Personal space is invisible, individual and travels with a person.
• During interpersonal interaction people consciously maintain varying
distances between themselves, depending on the nature of
relationship and situation.
• A nurse must frequently move into patient’s territory and personal
space because of the nature of caregiving.
• Convey confidence, gentleness, and respect for privacy, especially
when actions require intimate contact. E.g A nurse must knock before
entering a room and as they leave ask if a the patient wants the door
opened or closed.

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