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ESL basics:

Young learners and more.

Think of the children!
• When children learn their first language
they listen more than trying to speak!
• They watch mommy and daddy and copy
them with actions like – Grabbing,
touching, holding, looking and hitting.
I can do it! What is that?!
What can we do to mimic this?
• We use TPR (Total physical response)
style activities and games in the
classroom to help recreate that early
learning environment that they used to
build their first language.
Help create a TPR environment!
The teacher will make the classroom a performance, with
any number of commands or physical games. The teacher
becomes the director and the students become the actors
who listen and follow the directions.
Make use of all the classroom has to offer-Chairs, tables, hula
hoops, dice, balls and more to create an active and
interactive environment.
So what Teacher Nik?!
• This is just one of the methods that
teachers can employ to help give the
best possible education and create an
optimum learning environment for the
children in our classes.
Whole lot of learning.

Another method we can

make use of is called the
Whole brain method or
whole brain teaching.
in traditional learning
methods, we tend to focus
on the use of the left brain
only (charts, logic,
mathematical formulas). In
the ‘Whole brain method’
you use both parts of the
brain (creative and logic)
Some ways to make use of this.
• There are many ways, we as
teachers can make use of
this style of learning. Such
as, music in the classroom or
using different coloured pens
to stimulate memory , adding
pictures or visuals on the
white board and mind maps
as well.
• Sounds and chants can play
a large part in this. You can
help increase focus and
responsiveness by using key
phrases such as
• “Who can try?”-”let me try”
• “Class” –”yes”
• “Question”-”Answer”
• “Look, listen, follow
• “Mirror”-”Say”
• “Line up!” -”one, two”
Our main tool for this.
• With this we can use through the four key
learning experiences -- listening, speaking,
reading and writing.
Children will be exposed to
listening and reading of text
for meaning first (whole)

Followed by learning language

features such as vocabulary
and grammar (part)

Finally using their new

knowledge to read, speak and
write (whole )
What’s the method with you?
• Remember!
• Kids are fickle and can be annoying Young kids
have short attention spans, don't plan a 20 minute
game, they'll be bored after just 5!
• Keep your activities plentiful and short.
• In the same vein, don’t just read at them for pages
and pages. Break it up with chants, marches, high
low drills etc
• Keep active.
• Warmups, greetings, songs, chants, marches,
readers, computer games and more are there to keep
your class interesting and keep the children focused
on you!
Lesson plan basic structure:
• 1)Greeting -2mins
• 2)Warmup (active activity)- 3mins
• 3)Review previously learned material- 10mins
• 4)Introduce new target vocabulary- 10mins
• 5)Game / activity on new words- 5mins
Break time
• 6)Review new vocab- 5 mins
• 7)New sentences (using new vocabulary)-10mins
• 8)Games with new setences -7Mins
• 9)Phonics practice -5mins
• 10)Warm down- usually a fun song or quick activity to
make them go home happy. - 2mins
See you next time!


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