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Life of

Prophet pbuh
in Madinah
Age Year of A.D Important Events
Hijrat (Emigration) to Madinah.
53 YEARS 1 623
The beginning of the Islamic Calender (A.H)
Battle of Badr
Expulsion/ removal of Banu Qainuqa , Fasting, Zakat,
54 YEARS 2 624
Eid Prayer and Sacrifice
Change of Qibla from Jerusalem to Makkah
55 YEARS 3 625 Battle of Uhad
57 YEARS 5 627 Battle of the Trench
The Treaty of Hudaibiyya
58 YEARS 6 628
Letters to Kings
59 YEARS 7 629 Conquest of Khybar
The Expedition of Muta
60 YEARS 8 630
Conquest of Makkah
The Expedition of Tabuk
61 YEARS 9 630
First Haj of Muslims
62 YEARS 10 631 Year of Deputation and Farewell Pilgrimage
The demise of Rasullulah
63 YEARS 11 632
1 Year of Hijrat
Mosque of the Prophet
Azan (Call for Prayer)
Arrangements for the inhabitants of Madinah
a) Settlement of Muhajirin
b) Treaty with the Jews
Mosque of the Prophet:
Upon his arrival, they publicly welcomed the Prophet pbuh wholeheartedly and young girls even sang
songs for him. Everybody wanted the Prophet pbuh to stay with them but the Prophet pbuh said that his
camel was under divine instructions so he would stay where the camel stopped. The camel stopped at an
open ground which belonged to two orphans Sahl and Suhail, and the Prophet pbuh decided to build a
mosque on that place after paying the orphans its price. The price was paid by Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a (10
dinnars). Meanwhile, the Prophet pbuh stayed at Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari’s residence.
This mosque was known as the Mosque of the Prophet – Masjid-e-Nabawi.
The materials used for the construction included unbaked bricks which were used to make the walls. The
roof was made of mud and date palm leaves. Trunks of date palm were used as pillars. A large platform
with a thatched roof was built in one of the corners. It was known as Suffah. It became the training centre
for Islamic education and also a shelter for poor Muslims specially, the emigrants from Makkah. The
Prophet pbuh himself took part in building the mosque and was assisted by many of his companions. It
served as a residential place for the Prophet pbuh and his family. It also became the political and military
head quarter of the state and served as an institute of learning. After the Holy Ka’abah, the Masjid-e-
Nabawi is the holiest mosque.
Azan (Call for Prayer)
In Madinah, a problem emerged. They did not know how to summon the
Muslims to the Masjid for prayer. The Jews summoned their congregations
to the synagogue by blowing trumpets, the Christians by striking bells. The
Holy Prophet pbuh did not like these customs, and he did not want to use
these practices as a call for prayer for Muslims. It is narrated that Hazrat
Zaid r.a and Hazrat Umar r.a both dreamt the same wording which they
narrated to the Holy Prophet pbuh. He was pleased and approved the
wording for calling out people for congregational prayer. Hazrat Bilal r.a was
appointed as the first Muazzin to summon the worshipers for the obligatory
congregational prayers.
Arrangements for the
inhabitants of Madinah
a) Settlement of Muhajirin
b) Treaty with the Jews
The Muslims in Madinah belonged to 2 categories. Those who had migrated to Madinah
from Makkah were known as Muhajirin or emigrants. Those who belonged to Madinah and
had given shelter to the emigrants and helped them were known as Ansar or the Helpers.
When the Muslims of Makkah first arrived in Madinah they were without belongings. They
had left their wealth, trade, homes and property in Mecca. The Muslims of Madinah were
happy to welcome the migrating Muslims. To unite the two groups, the Prophet (pbuh)
made them brothers. He paired each of the Ansar (helpers) with the Muhajireen. This was
to help each other financially and spiritually. He told them: “Be brothers for the sake of
The Ansar were ready to provide muhajireen with accommodation and food. They took
their Muhajirin brothers to their houses, treated them with hospitality and shared all their
wealth and property with the emigrants and they were even allowed to inherit from them.
The emigrants, on the other hand, did not become a burden on the Ansar and
soon started living independently. They made an effort to find means of earning
their livelihood, and soon succeeded in them.
The emigrants demonstrated their nobility of conduct and character, and avoided
to ask for help as much as they could. As they had been expert businessmen, they
soon started their trade and business, and made wealth in a short time. The
Prophet (pbuh) gathered two groups. He then started calling out the name of one
Ansar and one Muhajir. Ali had complained that he had been left out of the
pairings. The Prophet pbuh replied, “you are my brother in this world as well as
the Hereafter.”
Sa’d bin ar-Rabi and Abdur Rahman bin Awf were made brothers. The emigrants
demonstrated their nobility of conduct and character, and avoided to ask for help
as much as they could. As they had been expert businessmen, they soon started
their trade and business, and made wealth in a short time.
It is reported that Hazrat Saad r.a, an Ansar, said to his fellow brother, Hazrat Abdul
Rehman bin Auf who was a Muhajir, “I am the richest man amongst the helpers. I am
glad to share my property half and half with you.” He also offered to divorce one of his
wives for Abdur Rahman to marry. Abdur Rahman refused and said ‘direct me to the
nearest marketplace so that I may make my fortune with my own hands.’ The Ansar
wanted to share their date palms with the Muhajireen but the Muhajireen refused. They
did not want to become a burden on Ansar’s. So, the Ansar offered them to work in their
orchards. In return they were given dates. They worked hard to earn money for
themselves and as they had self-respect. Madinans gave protection and financial help to
their Makkan brothers. In return, Muhajireen preached Islam in Madinah. The
relationship between them shows that Ansar’s were selfless and wanted to help
The Prophet described them as Allah’s favorites as Quran says, “Those who believed and
those who suffered exile and fought in the path of Allah, they have the hope of mercy of
Written Task
Q(a) The Prophet paired Muslims from Makkah and
from Medina after the migration (hijra). Give examples
to show the character of the relationship between
various Emigrants and Helpers. [10]
(b) Today Muslims often seek refuge in neighboring
countries. Show how the example of the Emigrants
and Helpers can still provide a model today. [4]
(b) Muslims should look after people coming to their country from other
places. We should help in any way we can such as providing food,
shelter etc. This will increase brotherhood in Muslim community.
Refugees should not be considered as a burden. Instead, they should be
welcomed whole heartedly. For example, Pakistan welcomed refugees
from Afghanistan as they were affected by war. We can try learn new
skills from them such as their language. For example, muhajireen taught
ansaars about Islam.
Treaty with the Jews: (Charter of Madinah)
There were 3 main tribes of Jews: Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza,
settled in the suburbs of Madinah in their own strong fortresses.
The Holy Prophet pbuh realized that the foundation of the Islamic Empire would be
very weak unless it was based upon the support of all the people living in Madinah.
This situation called for a strong measure of coordination and adjustment, particularly
as the Muslims were seriously threatened by the Quraish.
Therefore, as soon as the Holy Prophet pbuh was settled in Madinah, and after easing
the financial distress of the Muhajireen through the establishment of brotherhood,
the Holy Prophet pbuh turned his attention towards the establishment of friendly
relations between the Jews and the Muslims for peaceful co-existence in Madinah.
In this regard, the Holy Prophet pbuh signed a treaty with the Jews of Madinah.
Following are the main conditions of this treaty:
1. The Jews and the Muslims are politically one nation. If someone invades Madinah, they
will jointly defend it.
2. The Jews of Madinah will not give refuge to the Quraish of Makkah and their allies
against Muslims.
3. In case of controversies and disputes between two groups of people, the decision of the
Holy Prophet pbuh will be final and no one will challenge it.
4. In case of an attack, Jews and the Muslims will help each other.
5. All the people of Madinah will bear the expenses of the battle and share the benefits
6. Murder and killing in Madinah will be prohibited.
7. The Jews and the Muslims are free to follow their religion. They will show respect and
tolerance toward each other.
This treaty is known as, “The treaty of Madinah”.
The Prophet was always fair in his dealings with the non-Muslims.
The Prophet pbuh took side of non-Muslim when a Muslim and non-Muslim were
having a dispute. The Prophet (pbuh) did trade with them. He sometimes borrowed
money from Jews and also gave loans to them. One day a Jew held cloth of the
Prophet (pbuh). He asked to repay the loan he had taken from him. Hazrat Umar r.a
got angry with the Jew and scolded him. The Prophet (pbuh) ordered to pay off the
loan to Jew. He told Umar r.a to give more money than what owed as he scolded the
Jew. Prophet pbuh gave religious freedom to non-Muslim. Their churches could not be
destroyed and replaced by mosques.
The Prophet (pbuh) sent letters to various non-Muslim rulers inviting them to Islam.
The Christians of Najran (60 people) visited the Prophet (pbuh) in Madinah. They
asked questions about Islam. They then signed a peace treaty, known as Treaty of
✔ Complete protection of life, religion and property.
✔ Freedom to practice religion.
✔ Christians would pay Jizya tax (a per capita yearly tax historically levied by Islamic states on certain non-
Muslim subjects permanently residing in Muslim lands )but do not have to pay Ushr(the 'ushr is payable on
each crop/ a 10% tax on the harvests of irrigated land and 10% tax on harvest from rain-watered land and 5% on Land
dependent on well water.).
It completely changed the political, social and religious life of Madinah. It
established political unity, and transformed the city of fighting tribes into a
peaceful state. The life and property of every person was protected and the
sovereignty of Allah was established. It also guaranteed equal rights and duties to
all the citizens of Madinah and granted religious freedom to Muslims. In addition,
it gave a leading authority to the Holy Prophet pbuh. He was not only accepted as
the head of state, but also a supreme commander and a lawgiver.
Not everyone was happy with the Prophet’s (pbuh) leadership of Madina. Some
non-Muslim clans planned to take the Prophet’s (pbuh) life. Two of the Jewish
tribes – the Banu Nadir and the Banu Qaynuqa broke the treaty. They were a
threat to Muslim community. So were sent out of Madinah for breaking the
treaty. Banu Qurayza (Jewish tribe) also broke their treaty by helping Quraysh in
Battle of the Trench. They were dealt according to their own laws, and were put
to death.
Hypocrites / Munafiqin
At the time of the Prophet’s s.a.w migration, many people of Madinah accepted Islam. However,
among them there were some who did not like the success of the Prophet’s s.a.w mission. They
were known as Hypocrites or Munafiqin in the Holy Quran that says the following about them:
“When it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed, and to the Messenger’ , thou(you) seest
the hypocrites avert(turn away) their faces from thee in disgust.”
To all appearances, they became Muslims and prayed and fasted as if they belonged to the Muslim
community. Deep at heart, however, they did not believe.
Their hearts were full of hatred for Prophet s.a.w and his companions.
They spared no effort in their attempts to cause harm to the Muslims.
They proved to be more dangerous than the unbelievers, because they were able to know the
secrets of the Muslims and pass them on to the enemies of Islam.
Their leader was Abdullah bin Ubbay.
Before the Prophet’s s.a.w migration, preparations were being made to crown him king of
Madinah, but after the Prophet’s s.a.w migration, he was deprived of that position.
He, however, continued to have great influence over all those who viewed Islam with hatred and
He continuously plotted with the chiefs of Makkah to wage war against the Muslims.
His behaviour at the time of Battle of Uhad, when he withdrew 300 of his supporters and
almost broke the strength of the Muslims was damaging to the cause of Islam.
After the Battle of Trench, he was in secret contact with the Jews who had been exiled
from Madinah, to inform them of the movement of the Muslims.
Abdullah bin Ubbay built a mosque outside Madinah, where, he along with his
companions used to hold meeting against the Prophet s.a.w.
When Allah revealed verses against this house of conspiracy, which the hypocrites called a
mosque, it was demolished and burnt by the order of the Prophet s.a.w.
Soon after the Tabuk Expedition, Abdullah bin Ubbay fell ill and died.
With his death, many of the hypocrites repented and turned to the genuine faith.
Written Task
Q(a) Write about the way in which the Prophet
pbuh interacted with non-Muslims after his
move to Madina. [10]
(b) How can Muslims now apply the lessons
learnt from the Prophet’s interaction with non-
Muslims? [4]
(b) How can Muslims now apply the lessons
learnt from the Prophet’s interaction with non-
Muslims? [4]
(b) Non-Muslims were respected by the Prophet (PBUH) and invited to
Islam. If they did not accept it, they were allowed to live their lives freely.
We should invite non-Muslims to Islam by teaching them about our
religion. If they do not want to accept Islam then they should not be
forced to follow our practices. Muslims sometimes kill people from other
faiths because they do not believe in Islam. This is against the teachings
of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We also learn that there should be
written agreements with non-Muslims. This will ensure both sides live
peacefully and their rights are protected.
b) How this agreement is important for
Muslims today? [4]
(b) In this agreement Muhammad (pbuh) provided complete religious
freedom and security to minorities living in Madinah which shows flexibility
of Islam towards other religions. So, Muslims should make sure to protect
rights of all non-Muslims living within the premises of their country.
Muhammad (pbuh) taught us to have mutual relation of brotherhood with a
community living in Muslim state and never isolated them from social and
political activities of Muslims. So, we should also try to work together with
non-Muslims living around us to establish brotherly relation with them that
helps to maintain peace and security. Muhammad (pbuh) also showed
confidence and trust over Jews when he made them responsible for the
defense of Madinah which is most sensitive and confidential issue of any
Q (a) Write about the brotherhood that developed in the
new community of Muslims in Madinah. [10]
(a) It is witnessed in human history, whenever the two nations are combined, the results are
always disastrous. That is the reason, after the construction of Masjid-e-Nabi the Prophet
(pbuh) turned his attention towards cementing the ties of mutual brotherhood among the
Muslims of Madinah, which is extremely unique in the history of mankind.
The Muslims in Madinah belonged to two categories. Those who had migrated to Madinah
from Makkah were Known as Muhajireen or Emigrants and those who belonged to Madinah
and had given shelter to the emigrants and helped them were known as Ansars or the
The emigrants were generally poor as even those who had been well off in Makkah, had left
all their belongings behind and they came empty handed in Madinah. Ansars were mostly
dependent on farming unlike the people of Makkah who were traders. The emigrants and
their hosts were united into a bond of brotherhood. Even the tribes of Aus and khazraj,
forgotten their old grudges and became brothers. The Holy Quran mentions this in these
words," And remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you for ye were enemies, and he
joined your hearts in love so that by his grace ye became brother."
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) established brotherhood between Ansars and emigrants he told the
Ansars that the Muhajireen needed help, so he wanted to create brotherly relationship between
them. A gathering of ninety men, half of whom were emigrants and the other were helpers
assembled in the house of Anas bin Malik (R.A) where Muhammad (pbuh) gave the spirit of
brotherhood his official blessing. He gave the hand of one Emigrant into the hand of one Ansar
and declared them as brothers in faith. On the turn of Ali (R.A) no one was left from the Ansars to
be declared as his brother in faith. Ali (R.A) got the honor that the Prophet (pbuh) took him as his
own brother.
The Ansars received their emigrant brotherhood very warmly. They took their Muhajir brothers to
their houses, treated them with hospitality and shared all their possessions with them. Emigrants
also responded very responsibly and took only what helped them to make a reasonable living.
The Holy Quran praises this spirit of sacrifice from both Emigrants and Helpers in these words,
“Those who believed, emigrated, and strived with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah, as
well as those who gave them shelter and help—they are truly guardians of one another.”
Brotherhood in faith was holding subordinate every distinction and kindred/relative and
supporting the Islamic principle: none is superior to the other except based on piety and God-
fearing. When either of the two persons who had been paired as brother, passed away, his
property was inherited by his brother in faith. This practice continued until the following verse
was revealed at the time of Battle of Badr, and the regular rule of inheritance was allowed to take
its regular course: "But kindred by blood are nearer to one another regarding inheritance."
The atmosphere of brotherhood created a spirit of selflessness deeply infused in
the hearts of his followers, and produced very healthy results, for example, sa'd bin
Ar-Rabi (RA), a helper, said to his fellow brother Abdur-Rahman bin Awf (RA), "I am
the richest man among the helpers. I am glad to share half of my property with
you, I have two wives, I am ready to divorce one and after the expiry of her 'Iddah,
you may marry her". but Abdur-Rahman bin Awf (RA) was not prepared to accept
anything, neither property nor home. So, he blessed his brother and said "kindly
direct me to the market so that I may make my fortune with my own hands" And
he did prosper very shortly by his own struggle.
The helpers were extremely generous to their brother-in-faith. Abu Hurairah (RA)
reported that they once approached the Prophet (pbuh) with the request that their
orchards of palm trees should be distributed equally between the Muslims of
Madinah and their emigrant brothers. But the Prophet (pbuh) was hesitant to put
this heavy burden upon them. It was, however, decided that the emigrants would
work in the orchards along with the helpers and the yield would be divided equally
among them.
Such examples point directly to the spirit of sacrifice and selflessness on the part
of the helpers, and to the feeling of gratitude, appreciation, and self-respect that
the emigrants held dear to their hearts. The brotherhood between Muslims is
universal and Mawakhat is the best example of the concept of Muslims as one
ummah universally The relation with each other in purely on basis of faith and it
removes the difference of the boundaries of race and color.
In short, this policy of mutual brotherhood was wise and timely that many
expected problems were resolved wonderfully and reasonably
b) How is this brotherhood a good example for
Muslim communities now. [4]
b) The main learning from this event of brotherhood is to establish a relationship
among Muslims based on selflessness, mutual cooperation and working for the
welfare of those Muslim brothers who are in need in many parts of the world. Now
we can see that Muslims were displaced from their homeland for example Syrian and
Afghan refugees who are mostly in Pakistan. Sometimes people even internally
displaced in their country because of some natural disasters or military operations. It
is the responsibility of settled Muslims to accept their brothers with open arms and
show generosity towards their miserable circumstances. Brotherhood also teaches to
share material belongings with each other whether with friends of family or in
charity. As the Holy Quran condemns those who refuse to provide daily usage objects
to their Muslims brothers, "so woe to those... who refuse to give even the simplest
aid..." Through showing this loyalty and protection with others can establish a
brotherly international relationship among the Muslims which is important to provide
a just and balanced Muslim community.
b What lessons can Muslims learn from
the brotherhood created in Madinah. [4]
(b) The brotherhood that was established by Muhammad (pbuh) in Madinah,
was indeed unique in the history of world and it teaches many lessons to the
Muslims even today. We saw that helpers received their emigrant brothers
warmly in the hour of trouble. They were very kind, shared their wealth and
even family with their brothers in faith. This teaches us that we should also open
our arms and hearts for those Muslim brothers who are facing difficult
circumstances and need our help. On the other hand, emigrants were ready to
sacrifice in the way of Allah, what they had. They left their homes birthplaces
and running businesses purely for the cause of Allah and his messenger and
came empty handed. They also did not overburdened helpers to maintain their
self-respect which teaches to prepare ourselves for giving up every comfort and
sacrifice anything beloved in the cause of Allah
Q (a) Give an account of the tribes living in Madina and the details of the
Constitution of Madina that brought them all together. [10]
(a) The Aws and the Khazraj were two of the most prominent tribes of Madinah.Most of the people
belonging to these tribes had become Muslim and were together called ‘Ansars’ after the migration.
These tribes had been fighting for 120 years. The Battle of Bu’ath was fought between them near the
city of
Madina before the arrival of the Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet’s migration resolved the rivalry between
There were also some Jewish tribes living in Madinah, most prominent of which were Banu Qaynuqa,
Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza. They had been waiting for the arrival of a prophet, but they had
expected him to come from the lineage of Ishaq. There were also some Christians living there. After
the arrival of the Muslims in Madinah, another group was formed called ‘hypocrites’ in the Qur’an,
although this was not a tribe. “When it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed, and to the
Messenger’, thou(you) seest the hypocrites avert(turn away) their faces from thee in disgust.”
To all appearances, they became Muslims and prayed and fasted as if they belonged to the Muslim
community. Deep at heart, however, they did not believe.
Their hearts were full of hatred for Prophet s.a.w and his companions. They spared no effort in their
attempts to cause harm to the Muslims. They proved to be more dangerous than the unbelievers,
because they were able to know the secrets of the Muslims and pass them on to the enemies of Islam.
Their leader was Abdullah bin Ubbay. Before the Prophet’s s.a.w migration, preparations were being
made to crown him king of Madinah, but after the Prophet’s s.a.w migration, he was deprived of that
position. He, however, continued to have great influence over all those who viewed Islam with hatred and
All three Jewish tribes were rich and powerful, and also considered themselves more knowledgeable than
the Arabs. Whereas the Arabs were all farmers, the Jews were the controllers of industry, business, and
commerce, in Arabia, particularly in goldsmithing. Consequently, they had a high profile in the economic
life of Madinah As there had been fighting between the tribes, and there was also the chance that the
Quraysh would try to attack the Muslims in Madinah, the Prophet (pbuh) tried to unite the residents of
Madinah. He hoped to maintain friendly relations with them. One way to do this was to create a treaty
for the citizens of Madinah, including non-Muslims, about their rights and responsibilities as part of the
community. The constitution had two parts; the first part governed the relations between the believers,
Migrants and Helpers, while the second part included Jews. The treaty included that believers and Jews
were to form one Umma (nation). Each would have complete freedom to practice their religion. The
Jewish tribes and the Muslims were to offer peace and expel any enemy facing the city. If anyone were to
attack, Jews and Muslims would help each other to fight off the attack. Anyone causing oppression or
breaking the Treaty would have to face the consequences.
The Prophet (pbuh) would judge between them if disagreements occurred among them. Madinah would be a sanctuary for
all the people of the document. No protection or refuge will be granted to Quraysh or their allies. The constitution also had
provisions for a system of financial aid. The Quraysh were to be boycotted commercially. The constitution stayed in place for
10 years and initially the relations between the different groups remained sound. They engaged in commercial dealings with
each other and gave and received help from each other. This treaty is known as, “The treaty of Madinah”.
The Prophet was always fair in his dealings with the non-Muslims. The Prophet pbuh took side of non-Muslim when a Muslim
and non-Muslim were having a dispute. The Prophet (pbuh) did trade with them. He sometimes borrowed money from Jews
and also gave loans to them. One day a Jew held cloth of the Prophet (pbuh). He asked to repay the loan he had taken from
him. Hazrat Umar r.a got angry with the Jew and scolded him. The Prophet (pbuh) ordered to pay off the loan to Jew. He told
Umar r.a to give more money than what owed as he scolded the Jew. Prophet pbuh gave religious freedom to non-Muslim.
Their churches could not be destroyed and replaced by mosques.
It completely changed the political, social and religious life of Madinah. It established political unity, and transformed the city
of fighting tribes into a peaceful state. The life and property of every person was protected and the sovereignty of Allah was
established. It also guaranteed equal rights and duties to all the citizens of Madinah and granted religious freedom to
Muslims. In addition, it gave a leading authority to the Holy Prophet pbuh. He was not only accepted as the head of state, but
also a supreme commander and a lawgiver.
Not everyone was happy with the Prophet’s (pbuh) leadership of Madina. Some non-Muslim clans planned to take the
Prophet’s (pbuh) life. Two of the Jewish tribes – the Banu Nadir and the Banu Qaynuqa broke the treaty. They were a threat
to Muslim community. So were sent out of Madinah for breaking the treaty. Banu Qurayza (Jewish tribe) also broke their
treaty by helping Quraysh in Battle of the Trench. They were dealt according to their own laws, and were put to death.
2 Year of Hijrat

Fasting, Zakat, Eid Prayer and

Change of Qiblah
Battle of Badr
Fasting in the Month of Ramazan was made obligatory upon all adult Muslims in the 2nd year
of Hijrat in these words of the Quran: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it

was prescribed to those before you so that you may(learn) self-restraint.”

The payment of Zakat was also made obligatory upon all rich Muslims in the following
“And spent of your substance in the cause of Allah; ------ do good: for Allah loveth those who
do good.”
Eid Prayer
Eid Prayer was made wājib (obligatory) in 2 A.H. It is a thanksgiving prayer which is offered on
the first day of Shawwal.

The sacrifice on the occasion of Eid ul Adha was also made compulsory in 2 A.H. It is offered
on 10, 11, 12 of Dhul-Hajj every year. The Holy Prophet pbuh offered Eid Prayer and sacrificed
two goats.
Change of Qiblah
An important event of the second year of Hijrat was the change of Qiblah, that is the
direction to which a Muslim turn his face while saying his prayers.
In Makkah, the Muslims used to pray facing the direction of the Mosque of Al- Aqsa in
In Madinah, they continued to do so for over 16 months.
In 2nd A.H, while the Prophet pbuh was leading the Asr prayers at the mosque in Madinah,
he was ordered to pray facing the direction of the Ka’abah, which henceforth, became the
religious centre for Muslims.
The Holy Prophet pbuh and the congregation immediately turned their faces towards
In this connection, the Holy Quran says: “We see the turning of your face (for guidance) to
the heavens; now shall We turn you to a Qiblah that shall please you. Turn then your face
in the direction of the sacred Mosque.”
Battle of Badr(2A.H/624A.D)
Causes of the Battle:
The Quraish were greatly displeased with the people of Madinah for
giving shelter to the Holy Prophet pbuh and his companions. They feared
that if the Muslims prospered in Madinah, then one day, Islam would
spread all over Arabia. Hence, they demanded the Ansar of Madinah to
drive the Muslims out. This demand was turned down by the Ansars,
which angered the Quraish further. So to maintain their superiority, they
decided to fight the Muslims and crush their strength once and for all.
The Holy Prophet pbuh sent a group of eight people under the command
of Abdullah bin Jahsh to the south of Makkah, to keep an eye on the
movements and the activities of the Quraish. The party reached a place
called, Nakhla. There, Abdullah bin Jahsh and his companions came across
a small Quraish caravan led by a Quraish chief named, Amr bin Hazrami.
They attacked the caravan, and Amr bin Hazrami was killed and his two
companions were captured, but one escaped to Makkah. Abdullah bin
Jahsh returned to Madinah with the booty and the prisoners. The Holy
Prophet pbuh was displeased with him for fighting. The incident of Nakhla,
however, aggravated the tensions between the Quraish and the Muslims.
Quraish were looking for the opportunity to take the revenge of
assassination of Amr bin Hazrami from Muslims.
The Holy Prophet pbuh received revelations in which the permission was
granted to wage a holy war against invaders. “Fight in the way of Allah
against those who fight against you; but do not transgress, for God does
not love the transgressors.” In the light of this verse, Muslims were
allowed to defend themselves against any invasion and to use their
strength in this respect.
In 624 A.D, Abu Sufyan was returning to Makkah with a trade caravan which
was worth of 50,000 gold dinars from Syria. The Holy Prophet pbuh decided
to intercept the caravan on the way, so he dispatched a party of Muslims.
However, Abu Sufyan was informed in time, and he diverted his caravan to
the Red Sea coast. At the same time, he sent a messenger to Makkah asking
for a rescue party. The Quraish leaders led by Abu Jahl, at once raised a well-
equipped army of 1000 to save the caravan and to teach a lesson to the
Muslims for daring to obstruct their trade route. The army consisted of 200
horsemen and 700 camels.
A couple of days after the departure of the army from Makkah, Abu Sufyan
with his caravan safely reached the city. On his arrival, he wrote to the
commanders of the Quraish to return to Makkah, as the purpose for which
they had marched out had been fulfilled. Abu Jahl, who was a bitter enemy
of the Holy Prophet pbuh and the Muslims, insisted on advancing towards
Badr. His opinion was accepted and the Quraish army advanced forth and
camped in the plain of Badr, which is located nearly 80 miles from Madinah.
Events of the Battle of Badr
When the news of the departure of the Quraish army from Makkah reached Madinah, the
Holy Prophet pbuh with a small army of 313 men, left Madinah. The Muslim army only had 2
horses and 70 camels (82 Emigrants, 61 from Aus and 170 from Khazraj tribe). The Holy
Prophet (pbuh) divided the army into 2 battalions, the emigrants with Ali (R.A) and the
ansars with Sa'ad bin Muaz as their leader. When the Muslim army reached Badr, the Holy
Prophet pbuh prayed to Allah for help in the following manner: “O Allah! If this small band
of men perishes today, there will be no one left to worship you and your faith will be
destroyed forever.”
The Muslim army had a strategic position. The ground on which the Muslim army was hard
and firm, as it was a sloping ground of the hill, while the Quraish encamped on flat and
sandy soil. On the night before the battle, rainfall started which made the sandy soil
extremely difficult to walk on. Furthermore, when the battle started in the morning, the
Quraish army was surprised when they saw the Muslim army. Due to divine help, the
Muslim army seemed like a huge army to the Quraish. Moreover, Allah sent 1000 angels to
assist the Muslims in this battle.
Early in the morning, the Quraish army assembled and marched towards the Muslims. When they
reached the battleground, the battle started in the classical Arab fashion. Three of Quraish
leaders, Utbah bin Rabia, his brother, Shayba and his son, Walid bin Utbah, stepped forward and
challenged the Muslims to single combat. At this Hazrat Hamza r.a, the uncle of Prophet pbuh,
Hazrat Ali r.a and Hazrat Ubaidah bin Harith r.a, the cousins of the Holy Prophet pbuh came out.
In a short time, Hazrat Hamza r.a killed Utbah, Hazrat Ali r.a killed Walid, while Hazrat Ubaidah r.a
with some difficulty and with help of his two companions also killed Shayba.
After the Muslim success in the single combat, general fighting began on 17 th Ramazan. The
Quraish fought with great courage. But with the special help of Allah and an excellent battle
strategy of the Holy Prophet pbuh, the Muslims fighting well and were breaking the morale of the
army of the Quraish.
According to a hadith, Satan himself came to help Quraish and assured them about their victory.
In this battle there were only 2 horses with Muslims and Prophet pbuh gave one to Zubair bin
Awwam r.a, as he was the best warrior. Zubair r.a wore yellow turban in this battle. Prophet pbuh
saw thousands wearing yellow turbans, and he told that angels had come to fight for them, and
all of them were dressed like Zubair r.a. Allah granted victory to Muslims.
The Quraish fled in disorder, leaving a large number of dead and wounded on the battlefield.
Overall, 70 pagans were killed which included very famous chiefs and warriors like
Shaiba, Utba and Abu Jahl (the leader of Quraish was killed by Abdullah Bin Masood).
70 were taken as captives. The Muslims lost only 14 people, 6 Muhajirin and 8 Ansar.

The Prophet pbuh treated the prisoners of war mercifully. Muhammad (pbuh) decided to
take ransom from the captives, those who could not pay were released freely, on the
condition to teach ten Muslim children. Those captives were distributed as slaves to the
Muslim army and Prophet (buh) gave strict orders to be extremely kind and generous to
them. Among the captives, were Abbas, uncle of the Prophet pbuh, Aqeel, the brother of
Hazrat Ali r.a, and Abdul Aas, the son in law of the Prophet pbuh and he was released on
the condition that he would send Hazrat Zainab (RA) to Madinah.

A large amount of booty was also captured which was distributed among the Muslims
i.e 115 camels, 14 horses and equipment of war.
Importance of the Battle
The battle of Badr was a decisive battle. It completely changed the destiny of the
Muslims. If the Quraish of Makkah had won the battle, they would have ensured
that the fortress of Islam was destroyed once and for all. Resultantly, the world
would have fallen once again into ignorance and darkness. But the victory of
Islam put an end to the evil plot of the pagans.
The victory at the battle of Badr strengthened the character and enhanced the
confidence and self-reliance of the Muslims.
This victory consolidated Islam in and around Madinah. The tribes who were
determined to uproot Islam from Madinah became more careful to launch any
military action against the Muslims. It also struck terror in the hearts of
The miraculous victory of the small Muslim army at Badr also helped in spreading the
religion of peace. This victory proved that Islam was a true religion and was here to stay.
Hence, more and more people converted to Islam. Moreover, this victory strongly
established the supreme authority of the Holy Prophet pbuh in Madinah. His
Prophethood was confirmed, and he was accepted as the chief judge and ruler of

The victory of Muslims at Badr shattered the power and the leadership of the Quraish. A
number of their leaders such as Abu Jahl, Utbah bin Rabia, Shayba, Walid and Umayyah
bin Khalaf were killed in the battlefield. Abu Sufyan now became the leader of the Quraish
but literally their power and respect were both crushed at Badr and they could not launch
any decisive battle against the Muslims.
The victory brought a lot of riches to the Muslims. They collected a large booty from the
battlefield, which helped to alleviate the power of Muslims, and their economic condition
also improved.
The prisoners of war were treated very nicely by the Muslims. They were allowed to ride,
which the Muslims themselves walked on foot; they were given bread to eat, while the
Muslims themselves satisfied their appetites with dates only. This treatment helped to
create a very favorable impression of Islam and the Muslims.
Banu Qainuqa
Banu Qainuqa was the first Jewish tribe to break the treaty with the
Muslims. During the battle of Badr they did not help the Muslims as
they were bound to do according to the treaty of Madinah.
Moreover, some Jews of Banu Qainuqa insult a Muslim woman in the
market. A fight took place, and as a result a Jew and a Muslim were
killed, which further deteriorated the relationship. The Holy Prophet
pbuh laid siege to their fortresses which continued for 15 days.
Afterwards, Banu Qainuqa accepted defeat and were forced to leave
Madinah. Some went to Syria while others settled in Khyber.
Written Task
Q3. (a) Write an account of the battle of Badr.
(b) Can the Prophet’s conduct during this battle
contain lessons for military leaders today? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
Q3. (a) Write an account of the battle of Badr. [10]

(a) It was fought in 2AH (624CE); the Prophet and a group of around 300 men set off to
intercept a caravan led by Abu Sufyan; they had 2 horses and 70 camels; Abu Sufyan
sent word to the Quraysh and an army of 1300 men was gathered; Abu Sufyan slipped
past the ambush and sent word to the Quraysh to go back but Abu Jahl insisted they
continued; some left leaving 1000 soldiers; the Prophet consulted his companions and
they went to meet the Quraysh army at Badr; it rained heavily that night; the Muslims
camped near a water well; the next day the battle started and ‘Ali, Hamza and ‘Ubaidah
went out to fight and won their duels; the Prophet prayed continuously for the success of
the believers; God sent down angels to help; the Prophet threw some dust which caused
a sandstorm (sura 8:17); eventually the Makkans ran off; Abu Jahl was killed; fourteen
Muslims were killed and 70 from the Quraysh while 70 were taken prisoner. Candidates
should elaborate on the points above to get to the higher levels, and better candidates
should be able to give the names of significant figures involved [Abu Bakr, ‘Ali, Abd ar-
Rahman bin Awf, Bilal, Hamza, Abu Jahl, etc.]
(b) Can the Prophet’s conduct during this battle contain
lessons for military leaders today? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]

(b) Candidates can agree or disagree with this statement but they have to
give valid reasons as to why they have chosen their answer.
If agreeing that there can be lessons for military leaders today they could say
e.g. that the Prophet pbuh participated in the battles himself and leaders now
may learn more or change the way that they fight wars if they had a more
active role on the battlefield.
If saying that there aren’t lessons for military leaders, candidates could
perhaps say that modern warfare is very different to that of the past and so
the rules and conduct cannot be the same.
Different answers may be given but candidates must give reasons whether
they agree or disagree.
(b)To what extent was the Battle of Badr a
turning point in the history of Islam? [4]
(b)Candidates might argue that it was a turning point, because the battle was the first
decisive victory for the Muslims. It gave them confidence in their physical power and
strengthened their faith that God was on their side. Allah says in the Holy Quran, ‘Allah
strengthens his aid to whom he pleases…’. Many people accepted Islam. Tribes around
Medina began to form alliances with the Muslims; this was a loss of prestige for the
Quraish. The victory at Badr inspired the Muslims and encouraged them to consolidate
their success. It dealt a heavy blow to both the political and economic interests of the
On the other hand some candidates might argue that the victory at the Battle of Badr
was followed by a defeat a year later at Uhud. The Muslims were overconfident and
undisciplined. As a result, they lost prestige among other desert tribes. A great moral
lesson still had to be learned – to remain united and disciplined and to become more
resolute and sincere in their loyalty to the Prophet (pbuh) and Islam.
(b) What lesson did we learn from this
battle. [4]
In this battle Muslims were extremely weak as compared to the enemy but still they put
their trust on Allah and decided to stand in His way firmly. Allah wants Muslims to build a
united and purified society. He tells them about the invisible help He sent down to His
obedient servants to enable them to accomplish their noble objectives. This victory helps
Muslims to rid themselves of any characteristic of arrogance that might creep in.
It helps Muslims to emerge as an independent nation rather than considered just as a small
group of people. In the same way in our lives, we should also not get scared of the strength
of oppressor and should have a firm belief in our Lord. We should never bow in front of evil
forces rather we should exert against them with the hope that Allah is the supreme power,
and He surely will give us victory over them. Prophet (pbuh) showed real civilization and
humanity towards the captives of the battle, so we also learn to forgive even our bitterest
enemies and be kind to them, especially when we have all power over them. His wise war
plan, best choices for the single combat also made it best example for the Muslim leaders.
3 Year of Hijrat

Battle of Uhad
Battle of Uhad:
After the battle of Badr, Islam gained a firm footing at Madinah and the importance of the
city began to increase. The Quraish considered the rise of Madinah as a threat to their
political and commercial interests. Moreover, they could not forget their defeat in the battle
of Badr. Several of their important leaders were killed in the battle, and they wanted to
avenge their deaths.
Ka’ab bin Ashraf of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir went to Makkah to participate in the
mourning/grief for those killed at Badr. He and other Jewish poets wrote poems to
instigate the Quraish to fight against the Muslims. Abu Sufyan, the commander of the
Quraish army, which was defeated at Badr, went to meet the Jews of Banu Nazir, who
promised help. Meetings were held where it was decided to collect funds and raise a
strong army for attacking Madinah and wiping out the Muslims. Quran says, “Verily, those
who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder from the path of Allah.”
Some other tribes were also invited to join in this war. Finally a fully armed force of 3000
men left Makkah for Madinah.
The Holy Prophet pbuh consulted his companions about the best way to meet the enemy. The
consensus of opinion was that the Muslims should go out of Madinah to meet the enemy.
Although the Holy Prophet pbuh had a different opinion, yet when the majority insisted on
meeting the enemy outside Madinah, he agreed.
Three miles to the north of Madinah, the Quraish camped at the foot of a hill known as Uhad. The
Holy Prophet pbuh advanced towards Uhad with 1000 companions. On the way, Abdullah bin
Ubbay, the leader of the hypocrites, deserted with 300 of his men on the excuse that the Holy
Prophet pbuh had turned down his suggestion of fighting the enemy from inside the city. This
betrayal demoralized Muslim army so much, but Allah's care saved them from that disgrace. Allah
says, "When two partied from among you were about to lose their hearts, but Allah was their Wali
The Holy Prophet pbuh, with the remaining 700 men, reached Uhad and also set up camp.
Muhammad (pbuh) made a very strong defense plan, he appointed 50 of his best archers under
the command of Abdullah bin Jubair on a mountain behind the Muslim army and gave them very
strict instructions for not leaving their position under any circumstances.
The Holy Prophet pbuh said ,“Protect our back. If you see us being killed, don’t come to our aid. If
you see us winning , don’t join us. If you see vultures flying off with us don’t leave until I send you
a message.”
Several Quraish women accompanied the army of the pagans including Hinda, the
daughter of Utba, who was killed in the ballet of Badr; Umm-e-Hakeem, the grand
daughter of Abu Jahl, also killed in the battle of Badr and Fatima, the sister of Khalid
bin Walid.
The army of Prophet (pbuh) was fully mobilized on 7th of shawwal, 3rd year of Hijra.
When the fighting started, the Quraish attacked first. Makkans sent their bravest
fighter, Talha bin Abdari to challenge Muslims to fight. Everyone refrained from fighting
him, but Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam fell on him like a lion, pulled him down to the
ground and slaughtered him with his sword. Prophet (pbuh) praised him in these
words, "Every Prophet has a disciple, and my disciple is Az-Zubair."
The Muslims fought bravely under the command of the Holy Prophet pbuh and killed
and wounded many warriors of the Quraish, who began to flee in disorder leaving
behind a great deal of booty. When the archers saw the enemy retreating, they left
their posts to collect the booty. Khalid bin Walid, the head of the enemy cavalry, found
the opening in the mountain undefended. He attacked from behind. The Muslim force
was taken by surprise and there was utter confusion.
This encouraged the Makkans to come back and later there was nothing but chaos in the
battlefield that Muslims accidentally killed even their own Muslim brothers. Khalid was
looking for Prophet (pbuh) and Prophet (pbuh) called his companions loudly to divert
Khalid's attention from his companions. Khalid killed seven of the nine companions and
Prophet (pbuh) was left with Talha r.a and Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas r.a. Talha r.a received
eighty wounds on his body and his hand got paralyzed. Prophet (pbuh) unfortunately fell
down in a pit and he lost two of his teeth and the chains of his helmet went inside his
cheeks and when taken out his whole face was filled with blood. Hazrat Fatima (RA) and
Ali (RA) washed his wounds and Talha (RA) took him to the mount of Uhud where
Muslims were gathering.
Prophet (pbuh) said about Talha (RA), "Whosoever is pleased to see a martyr on the surface
of the earth, let him look at Talha bin Ubaydullah." In the meanwhile Hazrat Mus'ab bin
Umair (RA) who resembled to Prophet (pbuh), was killed by the Makkans and a rumor was
spread that Muhammad (pbuh) was killed. Makkans got what they wanted and tried to stop
the battle but when the news was proved false Muslims got enraged and attacked heavily.
Makkans did not opt for the third and decisive round of the war and decided to leave after a
small partial victory.
When the Muslims saw their leader, they joined the battle. Soon, more support came
to the Holy Prophet pbuh and a group of his companions moved him to a well
protected area at the foot of the mountain.
In this encounter 70 Muslims were killed and 40 injured; while the enemy lost only 30
of their men. Hazrat Humza r.a, an uncle of the Holy Prophet pbuh was killed by
Wahshi ,a slave of Hinda, wife of Abu Sufyan. Hinda mutilated the corpse and chewed
his liver in order to avenge the death of her father, Utba, killed in the battle of Badr at
the hands of Hamza.
It was on this occasion, that for the first time, Muslims ladies went to the battlefield
to give water to the soldiers and to nurse the wounded.
The Holy Quran mentions this battle in these words: “What ye suffered on the day the
two armies met, was with the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the
Importance of the battle of Uhad
The loss at Uhad taught Muslims a great lesson to remaining united and loyal in times of
adversity and disappointment. This illustrates the importance of working together and
avoiding disunity and division at any cost.
It was a great lesson to the Muslims that they should always obey the Holy Prophet pbuh
in all conditions. The Holy Quran reminds that disobeying the Holy Prophet’s pbuh orders
can have disastrous consequences in the following manner: “….. Let those who do against
the command of the Messenger fear lest some trial befall them or a painful torment
overtake them.”
Written Task
Q1(a)The Battle of Uhud was fought in the
year 625. Describe the main events of this
battle. [10]
(b)Why is it important for Muslims to show
obedience to God in difficult situations? [4]
Q1(a)The Battle of Uhud was fought in the year
625. Describe the main events of this battle. [10]
Good candidates should be able to provide a clear and detailed narrative of the events of the battle, including names
of the key figures involved. The battle took place in 3AH (625) in revenge for the Makkan defeat at Badr; the Prophet
consulted his companions whether to fight outside or inside the city; the Makkan army numbered 3 000 led by Abu
Sufyan, whilst the Muslims were around 1 000; shortly before the battle started Abdullah ibn Ubayy deserted the
army with 300 of his people; the Muslims decided to meet the Makkan army at Uhud; the Prophet posted 50 archers
on a hill to protect them from being attacked from behind; in the battle Hamza was killed by Wahshi, who earned his
freedom through this act; Khalid bin Walid tried to break the Muslims from behind three times but the archers held
him off; the Muslims were successful in driving back the Makkans, and started to collect the spoils of war; on seeing
this some of the archers left their post on the hill to join those collecting the spoils; Khalid bin Walid noticed this and
used the opportunity to attack the Muslims from the rear; the Quraysh army on seeing this turned back and renewed
the battle; many Muslims fled; the Prophet was surrounded by nine Madinans, and only Talha bin Ubaidullah and
Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas survived; the Prophet was badly injured; remaining Muslims were disheartened on hearing a
rumour that the Prophet had been killed; the Prophet and Muslims retreated to the Uhud mountain; the Makkans
mutilated the dead bodies of the Muslims, including Hind who chewed on the liver of Hamza; the Muslims buried
their martyrs and returned to Madina; around 70 Muslims were killed and 22/37 of the Makkans. Excellent
candidates will provide the above information with considerable detail and accuracy, giving particulars about the
role played by the key figures in the battle, as well as offering some quotations.
(b)Why is it important for Muslims to show
obedience to God in difficult situations? [4]
(b) They could say that in difficult times, such as times of war, they
should not give up hope of victory or of ease in their situation, and
that they should continue to pray and worship God and carry on
doing good deeds, because God is there for those who ask for help.
Or, in times of difficulty such as illness, God is testing how a person
reacts, whether they lose hope and despair, or whether they
continue being steadfast in their faith. God says call on Me and I’ll
answer you. These are just some examples; candidates can give
others but should give reasoning for their choices.
Q3 (a) Write about the events of the Battle of Uhud
fought in 625. [10]
(a) The Battle of Uhud took place in 3AH (625) in revenge for the Makkan defeat at Badr. The Prophet (pbuh)
consulted his companions whether to fight outside or inside the city; the Muslims decided to meet the
Makkan army at Uhud. Arriving at Uhud, the Makkan army numbered 3000 led by Abu Sufyan, whilst the
Muslims numbered around 1000. Shortly before the battle started Abdullah ibn Ubayy deserted the Muslim
army with 300 of his people. The Prophet posted 50 archers on a hill to protect them from being attacked
from behind. The Muslim archers fired arrows into the Makkan cavalry, led by Khalid bin Walid, causing
havoc. Khalid bin Walid tried to break the Muslims from behind three times, but the archers held him off.
The Muslims were successful in driving back the Makkans, and some started to collect the spoils of war. On
seeing this, some of the archers left their post on the hill to join those collecting the spoils. Khalid bin Walid
noticed this and used the opportunity to attack the Muslims from the rear. The rest of the Quraysh army on
seeing this turned back and renewed the battle. Many Muslims fled. The Prophet (pbuh) was surrounded by
a small band of Muslims, and only Talha bin Ubaidullah and Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas survived, whilst the
Prophet (pbuh) was badly injured. The remaining Muslims were disheartened on hearing a rumour that the
Prophet (pbuh) had been killed; the Prophet (pbuh) and Muslims retreated to the Uhud mountain. In the
battle Hamza was killed by Wahshi, who earned his freedom through this act. The Makkans mutilated the
dead bodies of the Muslims, including Hind who chewed on the liver of Hamza. The Muslims buried their
martyrs and returned to Madina. Around 70 Muslims were killed and 22 to 37 of the Makkans.
b) What lesson did Muslims learn from
this battle. [4]
(b) This battle contains many lessons for the Muslims and Makkans. The most
important lesson is to obey the leaders as we saw the whole situation turned against
Muslims purely because the archers disobeyed the strict instructions of Prophet
(pbuh). Specially in a battle disobedience can cause many losses. Before the battle
Prophet (pbuh) consulted his companions and he changed even his own decision for
majority of companions which tells that our approach in our life especially Muslim
leaders should be very democratic in their approach and should honor the opinion of
other people. During the battle Muslims confronted extremely chaotic situation but
even then, Prophet (pbuh) remained composed and dealt the situation very wisely. In
the same way, we should also remain patient to deal the difficult situations in our lives
to take rational decisions and to come out of it. This battle also displayed great spirit
of bravery and their love for the Allah and His Messenger from Muslim soldiers which
inspires us to be ready for sacrificing everything dear to us even our lives in the way of
(b)What lessons might be learned from
the outcome of the Battle of Uhud? [4]
(b) Muslims should listen to and obey the orders of the
Prophet (pbuh) to gain success. The decisions do not have to
be made by leaders on their own, and consultation with
others can be beneficial. Loyalty is important for Muslims and
communities and they should stick together in difficult times.
Responses can further elaborate these ideas and where
possible support them with examples.
4 Year of Hijrat

Banu Nazir
Banu Nazir
In the 4th year of Hijrat, the Banu Nazir tribe of the Jews plotted to murder the
Prophet pbuh and at the instigation of the Quraish planned to rise against the
The Prophet pbuh sent them a message to leave Madinah within 10 days. But
they rejected it and shut themselves up in their fortresses.
At this the Prophet pbuh led an army against them and laid siege to their forts.
After a siege of two weeks, the Jews surrendered,
They were exiled from Madinah.
Few families stayed at Khyber and rest of them went to Syria.
5th Year of Hijrat
Battle of Trench
Banu Quraiza
Battle of Trench 627 A.D:

After the battle of Uhad, the Muslims were able to regain their former position. The Quraish could not
reconcile / settle themselves with the growing power of the Muslims because they felt it was a threat to
their social and religious position as well as their commercial prosperity.
Meanwhile, the Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir who had settled at Khyber kept on plotting against the
Muslims. Huyayy bin Akhtab, their leader, sent envoys all over Arabia and invited various tribes to
attack Madinah. They went to Makkah and asked for help against the Muslims, which the Quraish
agreed to give. Then they went to Ghatafan tribe [one of the biggest Bedouin tribe] and gained their
support too. The three groups, Banu Nazir, Quraish and Ghatafan formed an alliance including some
other tribes. Funds were raised and Jews and Makkans donated freely to the war preparations. So with
an army of 10,000 men under the command of Abu Sufyan they marched to Madinah in 5 A.H / 627
A.D. The army consisted of 4000 well-armed foot-soldiers, 3000 horsemen in full armour, 1500 camels
loaded with provision, 1000 camel riding soldiers and several hundred well-armed soldiers of other
When the Prophet pbuh came to know of this, he consulted his companions. Hazrat Salman Farsi, who
was a Persian, suggested that a trench be built. This suggestion was unanimously accepted by all.
As Madinah was safe from all other sides on account of population and oasis . The fourth
side that was on the Syrian route was unsafe. The Holy Prophet pbuh therefore, decided that
a trench be dug on the side that was open to attack, so a trench was built only in the north.
The Prophet pbuh himself took part in digging the trench. It took 8 days to build a trench 15
feet deep and 3 km wide, The weather was extremely cold, and they did not have enough
food and the fear of huge, expected army was on their nerves.
While digging the trench with the number of 1000 soldiers out of total 3000, Prophet (pbuh)
also suffered all these circumstances and himself took part in its making. Muslims dug the
trench under tiring conditions: they worked with empty stomachs during the blasts of cold
winds, When a companion showed the Prophet pbuh a stone tied to his stomach because of
hunger, the Prophet pbuh showed his own stomach to which he had tied two stones.
Some extraordinary prophetic signs appeared in the process of making this Trench e.g. His
companions were unable to break a heavy stone, Prophet (pbuh) hit that rock thrice and it
was broken into pieces. Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah invited Prophet (pbuh) on food, but
Prophet (pbuh) gathered all the 1000 soldiers, they all ate to their fill and after that when they
left the vessel of meat and the number of baked breads remained as they were before
without decreasing.
Makkans came to Madinah with 10, 000 soldiers and they were surprised and shocked at
seeing the trench as it was not a common way of defense in central Arabia. They were also
worried to manage food and other requirements as they could expect a long siege. Muslims
were monitoring the Trench very strictly and did not let the enemy cross the Trench.
Muhammad (pbuh) was so attentive towards the Trench that he missed some of his prayers
and offered them as Qaza later. To deter their enemies from approaching any gap in their
defenses.The Muslims hurled arrows and engaged in clashes with them. During that siege a
group of fighters from Makkans led by Amr bin Abdu wood, Ikrama bin Abu Jahl and Zarar
crossed the trench from where it was little narrow and challenged Muslims for duel. Ali (RA)
after a short but fierce fight killed Amr which forced the other to leave the battlefield in panic
and confusion.
Meanwhile, Banu Quraiza, a Jewish tribe residing in Madinah first refused to support the
unbelievers. But later they also came out against the Muslims and broke their treaty with the
Holy Prophet s.a.w and they decided to attack from inside Madinah. Prophet s.a.w sent
Zubair r.a to investigate the matter who brought the news that they were bringing their
livestock, which was an indication of war.
Thus there was a mighty attack on Muslims from all sides. For this reason, the battle is also
known as Battle of Azhab or the Battle of Allies.
The hypocrites among the Muslim army, finding the situation dangerous, asked permission from
the Holy Prophet s.a.w to return to their homes on the excuse that their homes were not safe. The
Quran talks about them in these words, “And a party of them asked for leave of the Prophet
saying : “Verily our homes are bare and exposed, whereas they were not exposed; they only
wished to run away.”
In the meanwhile a person Naim bin Masood form Banu Ghattan tribe, converted towards Islam
and came to Prophet (pbuh) to offer his services. Prophet (pbuh) commanded him to do anything
that can help Muslim army. Naim bin Masood raised a conspiracy through which he created
misunderstandings between Banu Quraiza and Makkans and ultimately their alliance was broken.
Allah Almighty also sent angels to this battle to help Muslims.
The siege of Quraish lasted for a month, during which the Muslims had to face hunger, cold and
constant attacks from the enemy. Allah, however, came to the help of the Prophet pbuh and the
Muslims. One night there was a terrible storm came which blew away the tents of the enemies,
the sand and the rain beat their faces. The enemy, stricken by cold and terror from the severe
storm, withdrew in utter confusion. The Holy Quran mentions this incident as, “O believers!
Remember Allah’s favours upon you when some armies pounced on you. Then We sent on them
a strong wind and an army (of angels) which you did not see. And Allah observes your deeds.”
Next morning Prophet (pbuh) sent one of his companions to the Makkans side who reported him
that the enemy had gone. Thus Muslims gained victory. This was the end of the aggressive power
of the chiefs of Makkah. After this battle the strength of the enemy was broken forever.
Banu Quraiza
In the fifth year of the Hijra, the Jewish tribe, Banu Quraiza that still lived in Madinah openly sided with the
Quraish in the battle of Trench. They broke their agreement signed with the Holy Prophet pbuh at a critical
time when Madinah was under siege by the non-Muslim forces. They also collaborated with the enemies of
Islam and tried to attack the Muslims from the rear/back.
After the battle, the Prophet s.a.w laid siege to their fortress, which lasted for 25 days. The chief of Banu
Quraiza offered his people one of the three options:
1. They could accept Islam and save themselves, their families and their possessions.
2. They could go out and fight.
3. They could attack the Muslims on Saturday because they could not expect such an attack on a Jewish Holy
The people did not accept any of their chief’s suggestion. On their request Hazrat Saad bin Muaz,the chief of
the Aus tribe, their previous ally was appointed as a judge to decide their future fate. He asked them, “Is my
judgement acceptable to everyone?” They said, “Yes.” According to the verdict of their holy scripture Torah
(Old Testament), he decided that the men of Quraiza be killed, the women and children to be taken as
captives of war and their lands and properties be divided among the Muslims. Thus, according to the decision
of Hazrat Sa’ad bin Muaz, nearly 700 men of Banu Quraiza were put to death.
Written Task
Q3.(a) Write about the battle of the Trench
(Khandaq) fought in 627. [10]
(b) What can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s
involvement in the digging of the trench? [4]
Q3.(a) Write about the battle of the Trench (Khandaq) fought in 627. [10]

Khandaq: Banu Nadir had broken their treaty agreements and planned to kill the
Prophet (pbuh); they planned an attack with the Makkans and other Arab tribes,
and gathered an army of 10 000; the Muslims gathered 3000 men; Salman al-
Farsi suggested the Muslims dig trenches to keep the army out, wide enough
and deep enough not to be crossed; hypocrites in Madina joined the Makkans;
Banu Qurayza did not initially want to break their agreements with the Prophet,
but later were convinced to help the Quraysh; there was little food and water;
Jabir invited the Prophet (pbuh) to eat after slaughtering a sheep, and the
prophet fed the whole army with this one animal; the Quraysh tried to cross the
trench, a couple of riders managed to cross a part that was narrower; ‘Ali fought
them off; the siege ran into weeks; the Prophet (pbuh) used strategic skills to
create mistrust between the alliances; they eventually gave up after a storm for
three days which prevented them from lighting fires, cooking food and keeping
warm; Banu Qurayza were punished for their treachery by their own laws.
(b) What can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s involvement in the digging of
the trench? [4]

Candidates can offer a variety of lessons but should give an

explanation for their answer. The Prophet (pbuh) was the leader of
the army and yet he took part in digging the trench, despite his
severe hunger. This teaches Muslims that no matter what their
position, whether heads of state or community leaders, they should
take part in hard work required for the benefit of the community or
others. It also provides a lesson in patience and persistence, and that
God will help if you don’t give up. It also teaches humility, that you
do not think yourself above certain types of work.
(b) What can Muslims learn from this event about taking advice from others?

(b) Even if you are in a position of authority or power, you should not
think that you cannot take advice from others. There will often be
people who know more than you, or have more experience or
wisdom about a subject. Therefore when you are in need, or have a
dilemma/ problem, it is good to ask others who know, as the Prophet
(pbuh) would also consult and take advice from his companions. It is
not necessary to always follow the advice, but people should be
open to receiving it.
6 Year of Hijrat

Treaty of Hudaibiya
Treaty Of Hudaibiya:

In 628 A.D/ 6 A.H, the Prophet pbuh had a dream that he had entered the Holy Kaaba in Makkah in
the security of his followers and was performing the rituals of Umrah. Their heads were being
shaved. His companions told him the interpretation of this dream that he will perform Umrah along
with his companions. Therefore, he decided to go to Makkah for performing Umrah, or the minor
The Quran says: “Truly did Allah fulfill the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred
Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, - and without fear ……”
Prophet pbuh openly announced that whoever is a true believers should join him in this journey.
Prophet pbuh mounted his camel Al-Quswa left Ibn-e-Maktoom as a person in charge of Madina and
marched out towards Makkah at the head o. fourteen hundred Muslims including his wife Umm-e-
Salma (RA). They only carried sheathed swords, the animals of sacrifice, called Hady and as they
reached place Dhul Hulaifa, Muhammad (pbuh) ordered his companions to enter the state of Ihram
which was a sign that they had come for worship with purely peaceful intention.
Makhans held a meeting and decided to resist the Prophet (pbuh). They sent Khalid bin Waleed with
an army of two hundred horsemen to be deployed on the path from where Muhammad (pbuh) will
enter with his companions.
Muhammad (pbuh) also got the news through his spies about this secret attack. To avoid the
fight Muhammad (pbuh) used an alternate way to enter Makkah. When they reached in the
valley called Haudiabiya, which was about 3 miles from Makkah, his she camel Quswa
stopped moving ahead and Muhammad (pbuh) told his companions to stay there as the
camel was given divine instructions. So, all the Muslims then stayed at Hudaibiya. Makkans
sent some of their representatives to observe the intention of Muslims, who were highly
impressed by the obedience and love among the companions of Muhammad (pbuh) for
their leader. The Prophet pbuh sent a messenger to the Quraish to inform them that they
had not come to fight, but had come unarmed and wished to enter Makkah only for the
purpose of performing the Umrah.
The messenger sent by the Prophet pbuh did not return and, therefore, another was
sent. When the second messenger also did not return, the Prophet pbuh sent Hazrat Usman
due to his high reputation among the Quraish. He, too, was detained by the Quraish and a
rumour spread that he was killed. The Holy Prophet pbuh collected all his followers near the
oasis of Rizwan. He took from them the oath that they would lay down their lives in the
name of Allah and avenge the blood of Hazrat Usman r.a. This was known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
The Holy Quran says, "Indeed Allah was pleased with the believers when they give their pledge to
you (O Muhammad (pbuh)) under the tree."
The Quraish were very disturbed when they heard of this and decided to negotiate a treaty of peace
with the Muslims. It was called the Treaty of Hudaibiya.
After this, Hazrat Usman r.a returned, and negotiations started with the Quraish, eventually a treaty
known as the treaty of Hudaibiya was devised. Hazrat Ali r.a wrote the treaty. From Muslims,
Muhammad s.a.w signed it and from Quraish, Suhail bin Amr signed the treaty.
Suhail objected to use the words “In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.” He also
objected to the words “Muhammad, the messenger of Allah”, saying that he did not acknowledge
Muhammad pbuh to be the messenger of Allah, or else he would not have fought against him. Holy
Prophet pbuh, considering the larger interests of Islam, raised no objections.
It had the following terms :
• Muslims would return to Madinah that year.
•They would be permitted to come for pilgrimage next year but would stay only for three days in
•There would be no fighting for 10 years.
•Both Makkans and Muslims would stay neutral if there was a war with another group. Agreements could be
made with other tribes.
•If a Quraish from Makkah should join the Muslims without permission from his guardians, he would be sent
back to Makkah. But if a Muslim from Madinah went to Makkah he would not be sent back.
Apparently, the terms did not favor the Muslims and many of the leading companions like Hazrat Umar r.a had
Amid their resentment/ enmity, Abu Jundal, son of Suhail bin Amr appeared, brutally chained because he had
accepted Islam. Muslims were filled with pity at the sight of Abu Jundal’s condition, but Suhail reminded
Muhammad s.a.w of the terms of the treaty. Muhammad s.a.w argued that the treaty had not been signed yet,
but Suhail said that the terms of the treaty had been agreed upon. Muhammad s.a.w returned Abu Jundal to
the Quraish, honoring the terms of the treaty. Muslims were not happy at this. Yet the Prophet pbuh accepted
them with the command of Allah who Himself says: “Verily have we granted thee a manifest victory.”
When this peace treaty had been concluded the Prophet (pbuh) ordered his companions to slaughter the
animals of sacrifice but they were too depressed to do that although Muhammad (pbuh) gave instruction for
this three times. Then his wife Umm-e-Salmah (RA) advised him that he himself should slaughter his animal
first and had his head shaved, seeing this the rest of the Muslims followed Muhammad (pbuh). Muhammad
(pbuh) sacrificed the camel which once belonged to Abu Jahl and Muslims got it at Badr as spoil of war, thus
enraging the Makkans. This agreement, however, was not applicable to the women.
As the subsequent events show, this treaty proved to be beneficial for the cause of Islam.
It ended the atmosphere of constant hostility and the non-believers of Makkah started coming to
Madinah. Having free contacts with the believers, they got the chance to study closely the Islamic
way of life and the success achieved by the Prophet s.a.w and his followers.
After this treaty, a large number of unbelievers accepted Islam. Among them were Khalid bin Walid
and Amr bin Aas.
Khalid bin Walid later conquered Syria for the Muslims and Amr bin Aas was the conqueror of Egypt.
Numerous tribes entered into alliance with Muslims considering them to a power equal to the
Quraish. This alliance opened up an opportunity for the propagation of Islam.
After the Treaty, the Holy Prophet s.a.w sent messages of Islam to kings and emperors some of
whom embraced Islam. He also despatched envoys to different states, governments and tribes for
propagation of Islam.
According to the Treaty, the newly converted Muslims of Makkah were not allowed to visit Madinah
so they established a camp and started looting the caravans of the Quraish. Ultimately, when the
Quraish cancelled the Treaty, they migrated to Madinah. The treaty of Hudaibiya was a turning point
in the great struggle of Islamic revolution which laid the foundation of later success.
Written Task
4 (a) Write about the events surrounding the
Treaty of Hudaybiyya and the main terms in it.
(b) From this event, what can Muslims learn
about the importance of keeping their word?
4 (a) Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of
Hudaybiyya and the main terms in it. [10]
(a) The Prophet had a dream where he entered Makka and did tawaf around the
Ka’ba. In 628, he and a group of 1,400 Muslims marched peacefully towards Makka,
in an attempt to perform umrah. The Muslims had left Madina in a state of ihram, so
were prohibited from fighting. The group camped outside of Makkah, and the
Prophet tried to negotiate entry to the Ka’ba with the Quraysh, through
intermediaries. The Quraysh were unwilling to let the Prophet enter. Bait al-Ridwan
influenced the Quraysh into negotiating a treaty. They sent Suhayl ibn ‘Amr to
negotiate a peace treaty, whereby the Muslims would go back to Makkah and not
return for the pilgrimage until the next year. The treaty was for ten years; each party
was to be secure from the other; if a person from the Quraysh was to migrate to
Madina, he would be sent back to Makkah; however, if a person from the Prophet’s
side went to the Quraysh, they did not have to hand him back; the Muslims were to
go back to Madina without performing umrah and return the next year for three
‘Umar asked why the Muslims were demeaning their religion, and was
reassured by Abu Bakr and the Prophet. ‘Ali was chosen to write the treaty.
When the Prophet asked him to write ‘In the name of Allah, the merciful, the
compassionate’ or that the Prophet was the ‘Messenger of Allah’, Suhayl
objected and instead the Prophet erased it and had ‘Ali write, ‘In your name, O
God’ and ‘Muhammad, son of ‘Abd Allah’, to which the Muslims protested. The
Khuza’a tribe made a pact with the Muslims and the Banu Bakr made a pact
with the Quraysh. At that point, Abu Jandal came to the Prophet asking to be
freed, but the Prophet kept to the terms of the treaty and told him to be
patient. Once they completed the document, the Prophet asked the Muslims to
sacrifice their animals and shave their heads. The Prophet said that Muslims
had been victorious and was supported in this by new revelation: ‘Verily we
have granted thee a manifest victory’. (48:1) Candidates may mention the treaty
was dissolved two years later after the Banu Khuza’a were attacked by the
Quraysh, but it is not necessary for this answer, which is about the forming of
the treaty itself.
(b) From this event, what can Muslims learn about the
importance of keeping their word? [4]
(b) The Prophet pbuh kept his word to the Quraysh for the duration of
the treaty. Even before the treaty was finished being written, he sent
Abu Jandal back to the Quraysh, on account of an agreement having
been made verbally. This shows the importance of promising to do
something, then fulfilling that action, even if it has not been put into
writing. As all actions and agreements are recorded by angels, God
knows what has been promised and by fulfilling promises, no matter
how hard it is, then God will reward you accordingly. So, e.g.
politicians should not go back on the things they promise when they
want to be elected, or people should not take back something that
they have promised to give a friend. Candidates can give other
examples, but should expand on their answer with reasons.
7 Year of Hijrat

Message to Kings and Emperors

Khyber Expedition
Performance of Umrah
Message to Kings and Emperors
The letters sent by Prophet pbuh to different heads of states was an extremely important effort by him for his
preaching mission. These letters did not only convey the message of Tauheed to all emperors but also
introduced Muhammad (pbuh) as the most important political leader in central Arabia and helped to form
foreign relations with other states as well.
Muhammad (pbuh) was always engaged in wars with the Makkans after he migrated to Madinah that he
could not get ample time to focus completely on his preaching mission. But treaty of Hudaibiyah ceased war
hostilities for ten years. So, late in the 6th year of Hijra on his return from Hudaibiya the Prophet (pbuh)
decided to send messages to the kings of states beyond Arabia to call them to Islam. He wrote letters to the
heads of states all around the world which accelerated his preaching success. To authenticate credentials of
his messengers a silver seal was made in which were engraved the words "Muhammad the messenger of
Allah" in a certain formation. Messengers were chosen based on their experience and knowledge and sent on
their responsibilities in Muharram in 7 A.H. Muhammad (pbuh) started these letters with the name of Allah in
the words "'In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most gracious" from Muhammad messenger of Allah
to the respective kings.....". In the letter, first he used to invite towards Tauhid followed by warning of severe
punishments for committing shirk with Allah. Letters sent to Christian states also included the argument of
Adam's birth to convince them.
Holy Prophet pbuh sent Dahya Kalbi to the emperor of Rome Heraclius. At the time when
Dahya Kalbi r.a was going with the letter of Muhammad pbuh, Heraclius was celebrating his
victory over the Persians in Jerusalem, and that was where Dahya Kalbi gave him that letter.
When Heraclius read the letter, he wanted to know about the character of the messenger of
Allah, Muhammad pbuh. At that time, Abu Sufyan happened to be in Syria on account of his
trade expedition. He and his people were taken to the court of Heraclius and Heraclius asked
him some questions regarding Muhammad pbuh and told his companions to stand behind
him and make a sign if he lied. Abu Sufyan later said that he knew that his tribesmen would
not refute/reject him even if he lied, but he was a man of dignity and honor and felt ashamed
to lie. Heraclius asked Abu Sufyan questions about the ancestry of Muhammad pbuh and his
message and his followers. Abu sufyan answered all the questions honestly, and Heraclius
confirmed that Muhammad pbuh indeed was the messenger of Allah. He also expressed the
wish to go to Muhammad pbuh in person and wash his feet out of respect. But because of his
fear that his conversion brought an end to his rule he did not convert but he sends some
expensive gifts and a letter to Prophet (pbuh). But unfortunately. Hazrat Dahya (RA) was
robbed at the border of Syria which was a crime against Madinah. Prophet (pbuh) sent five
hundred soldiers with Zaid bin Haris (RA) to defeat the Judham tribe(‫)بنو جذام‬. There were a lot
of spoils collected but returned later when the leader converted to Islam.
2. Persia
Muhammad (pbuh) chose Abdullah bin Huzaifah (RA) to carry the letter to the Persian
king khusro Pervez, who was very arrogant. Khusro got so angry at the letter that he
ripped it into pieces and threw it and spoke with pride that someone from my nation
dares to put his name before my name (Muhammad's pbuh letter addressed Khüsros:
From Muhammd, to Khusros)? He ordered the governor of Yemen, Bādhān ibn Sāsān to
send two of his trusted men to bring Muhammad pbuh to him as soon as possible.
When the two men go to Muhammad pbuh to take him to their king, Muhammad pbuh
told them to go back to Yemen and tell the governor that Muhammad pbuh says: "My
Lord has destroyed your lord." The same night the son of Khosros Nosherwan turned
against his father and killed him. When Bazaan got the reply of Muhammad pbuh
through his two men, he waited to get the news from Persia. When he heard that
Khusro's son had killed his father, he realized that Muhammad pbuh truly was the
messenger of Allah and he became Muslim along with his soldiers. After their
conversion the whole of the state of Yemen also converted.
The next letter was sent to Al-Muqawqis, the ruler of Egypt,the Christian state,
through the messenger Hatib ibn Abi Balta'ah. Muqawqis asked Hatib why not
Muhammad pbuh prayed for the destruction of his people who'd driven him
out of his land, if he really is a Prophet. Hatib replied that Jesus Christ had also
not prayed for the destruction of his people when he was being crucified by his
people and Allah raised him to the lower heaven. Speechless, Muqawqis
replied: "You're a wise man, sent by a wise man," and he sent back Hatib with
presents and escorts, but did not accept Islam. He also sent Muhammad pbuh
his mule called Duldul, and the slave girl Maria, whom Muhammad pbuh
married and she gave birth to Ibrahim.
Prophet (pbuh) chose Amr bin Umayyah to carry letter to the king of Abyssinia whose
name was Ashamah and the title was Negus. Since it was a Christian state, the letter
included the comparison between the birth of Adam a.s and Isa a.s. Quran also refers
to this invitation in these words, Say (O Muhammad SAW): "O people of the Scripture
(Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we
worship none but Allâh, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of
us shall take others as lords besides Allâh.”
After reading this letter the king moved to tears and converted to Islam at the hands
of Hazrat Jafar r.a. He also wrote a kind reply to Prophet (pbuh) and arranged two
boats for the emigrants of Abyssinia to carry them to Madinah as it was requested in
the letter. King Negus died in the 9 year of Hijra and was blessed enough that Prophet
(pbuh) himself observed prayer in absentia for him.
5. Oman and Bahrain
The Prophet [pbuh] despatched ‘Al-‘Ala’ to the governor of Bahrain, carrying a letter
inviting him to embrace Islam. The governor, Munzir bin Sawa, was confused about
the position of minorities after they embraced Islam. He was told that of the people
of Bahrain whoever wants to go on in their Jewish faith, should be made to pay Jizya.
Hazrat Sulait r.a carried a letter to the governor of Yamama who was a greedy person
and demanded high position in the government for his conversion. Muhammad
(pbuh) did not accept Haudhah's demand, so he did not convert.
Hazrat Amr bin Alas was chosen to carry the letter to the king of Oman, Jaffar who
consulted with his brother and converted to Islam and their people also became
6. Damascus
The Prophet sent Shuja bin Wahb, to Harith bin Abi Shimr, the leader of Ghassanis, with a letter to
invite him to Islam in the month of Muharram in the 7th year of the Migration. Shuja bin Wahb
set off rapidly as soon as he took the letter. When he arrived in Damascus, he could not find the
king in his palace. He had to wait outside the palace for days.
Meanwhile, the doorkeeper of the king asked him why he had come. He said that he was the
envoy of the Messenger of God sent to Harith. Then he told the doorkeeper about the attributes
of the Prophet. Mira, the doorkeeper, could not help crying when he heard what Shuja said. He
said, “I read the Bible. I saw the attributes of this Prophet exactly there. “Then, he accepted the
prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and became a Muslim. However, he kept his belief
secret since he feared that Harith would kill him.After several days, Harith sat on his throne and
accepted Shuja, the envoy. When Harith took the letter of the Messenger of God from Shuja bin
Wahb, he saw the following written in it:
From Muhammad, the Messenger of God to Harith b. Abi Shimr!
Peace be upon those who are on the right path and who believe in God and His Prophet!
“I invite you to believe in God, who has no partners. If you accept my invitation, you will
remain as the king in your country.” The attitude of Harith suddenly changed when he read
those words. He threw the letter on the ground and said furiously, “Who will take my
sovereignty from me? I will attack him even if he is in Yemen before he starts to move
here.”Then, he told his men to shod his horses. Then, he turned to Shuja and said, “Go and
tell your master what you saw.”
Harith, the king, was determined to attack Madinah. He stated it clearly in the letter that he
wrote to the Kaiser, who was in Jerusalem at that time. However, the answer he received from
the Kaiser was just the opposite. The Kaiser said to him, “Do not attack him.”
When he received the letter of the Kaiser, Harith b. Abi Shimr came to his senses; he
summoned Shuja again. He asked Shuja when he would leave and told his men to
give him on hundred mithqals (450 grams) of gold.Mira, the doorkeeper, went to see
Shuja, who left the palace and was preparing to go to Madinah. He gave Shuja the
food and clothes he had prepared for him to use on the way, and said, “Give my
regards to the Messenger of God and tell him that I became a Muslim.”
When Shuja b. Wahb arrived in Madinah, he went to the presence of the Messenger of
God and told him what he had seen and heard in detail.
When the Messenger of God learned the negative attitude of Harith against his envoy
and letter, he damned Harith by saying, “May his sovereignty be destroyed!”
After a while, Harith died as an unbeliever due to the effect of the curse of the Prophet
Written Task
Q(a) Give an account of the letters sent by the Prophet
(pbuh), in the seventh year of Hijrah to the heads of states
all around the world to preach Islam beyond the
boundaries of Arabia. [10]

(b) Explain how these letters helped Muhammad (pbuh)

for his preaching mission and to form a foreign policy with
different states. [4]
b) Explain how these letters helped Muhammad
(pbuh) for his preaching mission and to form a
foreign policy with different states. [4]
(b) These letters were the most important and formal attempt of preaching Islam.
Through these letters Muhammad (pbuh) managed to communicate the message
of Tauheed. These letters not only helped to spread the message of Allah but also
introduced the Holy Prophet pbuh as the most important political leader in Arabia
to all those kings.
Some of the people converted to Islam e.g., the king of Abyssinia, Oman and
Bahrain. Some of them gave rude replies to Prophet (pbuh) however the idea of
embracing Islam and the advent/ arrival of a new Prophet preoccupied all of them.
Some kings although did not convert but replied very kindly and gently to from
good relations with states. Presents and gifts were also sent by the Kings to the
Prophet (pbuh) to which Prophet (pbuh) responded with immense respect and
Agreement with the Christians of Najran
Around 631 AD, Prophet Muhammad began sending letter to various communities, inviting them to
convert to Islam. Such a letter was also sent to the Christians of Najran; it was delivered by Khaled ibn
al-Walid and Ali ibn Abi Talib. When the Christians did not convert, Muhammad sent Al-Mughira to
explain Islam further to Christians of Najran. In response, the Christians sent a delegation of 60 people
(including 45 scholars) to visit Prophet Muhammad in Medina.[11] Among them were Abdul Masih of
Bani Kinda, their chief, and Abdul Harith, bishop of Bani Harith. Muhammad permitted Christians to
pray in his mosque, which they did turning towards the east.
When the delegation arrived, the Prophet Muhammad allowed them to pray in his mosque. Some
Muslims were reportedly uncomfortable with Muhammad allowing the Christians to pray in a mosque.
The Christians are said to have prayed facing the East. Muhammad also provided them with a place to
The Christians delegation tried to convert Muhammad to Christianity and the two sides entered into a
debate. Muhammad concluded that some Christian teachings were incompatible with Islam and that
Islam was the true religion. Prophet (pbuh) was not angry at all for their rejecting the invitation of
Tauheed as the Quran says, "let there be no compulsion in the religion." Though both sides failed to
convince the other, they nevertheless worked out a mutually acceptable relationship, and entered a
treaty of peace.
Details of the agreement:
This treaty was significant both politically and economically. By leaving local leaders intact
Prophet (pbuh) cultivated new allies and facilitated tax collection. The agreement provides
complete rights to Christians even more than provided to them in Christianity. The treaty
of Najran guaranteed to the Christians security for their lives, religion, and their property.
It gave them complete religious freedom that there would be no interference in the
religion of Christianity nor would any cross (church) be destroyed, while the Christians
were required to pay Jizya, a religious tax, they would not have to pay Ushr (land tax). The
tax on them was not to exceed the means of a Christian. Muslim state was responsible for
the security of. their religious places, Monks and Bishops. Even a Muslim husband was not
allowed to force his Christian wife to covert towards slam or change her religion. Prophet
(pbuh) stated, "The Muslims must not abandon the Christians, neglect them and leave
them without help and assistance that I have made this pact with them on behalf of
Khyber Expedition (7 A.H)
After the treaty of Hudaibiya, Prophet pbuh was on peace terms with the Quraish and now he
decided to act against the Jews of Khyber as they were involved in the conspiracies against the
Muslims. It was the Jews of Khyber who persuaded Makhan to invade towards Madina for
battle of Trench. So finally, Prophet pbuh concluded that a military campaign against the Jews
was a must.
Prophet pbuh openly announced on Allah's command that only those would take part on
Khyber expedition who joined him at Hudaibiya. At this, hypocrite, who were so willing to go
to Khyber for wealth, showed great resistance. But the Prophet (pbuh) announced, "Say you
shall not follow us; thus, Allah has said beforehand." So, the number of the Muslims army was
only 1400. Meanwhile, Hazrat Seba was chosen to administer Madinah. The hypocrites, out of
anger, informed the Jews of Khyber about this attack and the Jews tried to make an alliance
with the tribe of Ghatafan to fight the Muslims, which they refused.
Muhammad (pbut) decided to attack Khyber from the Syrian side so that the Jews would not
have any place to run to. The Prophet (pbuh) had chosen a certain plot of land to encamp there,
however, a strong fighter Habab (RA) suggested that Muslims should relocate their position
under the requirements of war. As it was in favor of the Muslim army, Muhammad (pbuh)
accepted and shifted to a safer place. Jews had made fortresses at Khyber and had assembled so
many provisions inside those fortresses for their protection.
Muhammad (pbuh) reached Khyber at night, but he decided to wait for dawn to make an attack
to the enemy. When the Jews come out for their normal routine work, they were surprised by
this attack and immediately ran back to their fortresses and shut themselves in their 7 well-
guarded fortresses, of which the strongest and best fortified was Qamus. . Muslims besieged
those fortresses one after the other and the siege lasted nearly twenty to twenty-five days.
There was a force of about 20,000 Jews in these forts from where they throw stones and
showered arrows on the Muslim army.
The Holy Prophet pbuh did not want a long siege, so he ordered an attack. The Muslims captured
all fortress without much difficulty, but when they reached the fort of Qamus, the fight prolonged
to 20 days. Each day, they had to return without success. Qamus was very well guarded and
Marhab also used to live there. Marhab was the famous warrior of the Jews.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA) attempted to conquer it, but they failed. So,
Muhammad (pbuh) made an announcement, "Tomorrow I will give the banner to the one who
loves Allah and his messenger and Allah, and His messenger love him." In the morning everyone
gathered around Muhammad (pbuh), but he called Ali (RA) who had a problem with his eyes.

Prophet pbuh put his saliva into the eyes of Ali r.a and his eyes were cured. Prophet pbuh then
gave the banner to Ali r.a and advised him to first call the people to Islam and remind them of
their duties to Allah.
Prophet pbuh said to Ali r.a : “By God, if God makes only one of them a Muslim through you, it is
better for you than having many red camels and giving them away to the poor in the way of
God.” Ali r.a walked to the fortress with confidence and opened the gate single-handedly. He
then dropped his shield and used the gate as a shield. He dropped it only when the fort had
been conquered.
Another fortress where Muslims faced resistance was the fortress of Nizar where the Jews had
placed their children and women. They were throwing arrows and stones from inside the
fortress that created difficulty for the Muslims as the fort had thick and strong walls. Prophet
(pbuh) ordered that catapult be used which threw rocks that made holes in the walls of the
fortress, through which the Muslims entered inside and defeated them. After that very easily
Muslim, conquered other forts, one after the other and got victory at Khyber
The Jews requested the Holy Prophet pbuh to grant them peace. The Prophet pbuh
allowed them to stay in Khyber on the condition that they would live in peace, and
give half of the produce of their land to the Muslims.
Even though Muslims had conquered Khyber, Muhammad (pbuh) ordered to make
good relations with the Jews, accepted their request and let them live at Khyber.
Muslims had so many spoils of war from Khyber which Quran also mentions, "Allah
has promised you abundant spoil that you will capture." Muhammad (pbuh)
distribute the spoils of war according to the Quranic law.
Among the captives a women came who was the daughter of the leader of Banu Nazir
and Banu Quraiza her name was Safiya. Muhammad (pbuh), to establish a good
relationship with Jews, paid ransom for Safiya and married her and she became one
among the mothers of the faithful. After the conquest of Khyber, a Jewish woman
Zainab tried to poison Muhammad (pbuh) but Muhammad (pbuh) was protected by
Allah Almighty. The number of Muslims martyred was between sixteen to eighteen
and the Jews lost ninety-three men.
Written Task
3 (a) Write about the main events of the battle of
Khyber. [10]

(b) What lesson did we learn from the conduct of

Muhammad (pbuh) In this bottle? [4]
(b) What lesson did we learn from the conduct of
Muhammad (pbuh) In this battle? [4]
(b) Muhammad (pbuh) introduced many war ethics during the battle of
Khyber. The Muslims reached there at night but Prophet (pbuh) decided to
attack in the morning and not at night when the enemy was completely
unaware. Muhammad (pbuh) was not reluctant to use any modern
techniques to get victory in the battle as he used catapults to break the
defense of the Jews. Muhammad (pbuh) showed his flexibility and
democratic nature when he changed his own decision and relocate the
Muslim army on the suggestion of his companion. He gave an example of
mercy to the non-Muslims when he accepted the request of the Jews and
allowed them to stay at Khyber. So now a days Muslim leaders should follow
this path and even against their enemy they should show humanity and
Performance of Umrah
According to the treaty of Hudaibiya, signed in 6 A.H., Muslims could
perform Umrah the next year. They were also entitled to stay for
three days in Makkah. The Holy Prophet pbuh, therefore, undertook
the journey to Makkah. Before leaving he asked his companions not
to take any arms with them. They were allowed to enter Makkah
where they performed Umrah. After three days the Holy Prophet
pbuh left Makkah with his followers.
8th Year of Hijrat
Battle of Mutah
Conquest of Makkah
Battle of Hunain
Siege of Taif
Battle of Mutah

Holy Prophet pbuh sent a letter through Harith ibn Umair r.a to the governor of Basra that was under the
leadership of Romans. Harith ibn Umair r.a was captured, tortured and killed by Sharhabil bin Amr. In those
times, killing a messenger meant the declaration of war. Holy Prophet pbuh appointed an army of 3000 strong
men to attack the lands of the Romans.
It was the first encounter between Muslims and the Romans. Those 3000 men were led by Zaid bin Harith r.a.
While nominating Hazrat Zaid r.a to command the army, the Holy Prophet pbuh said, “If Zaid is killed Jaafar bin
abi Talib will be your commander, and if he is also martyred then Abdullah bin Rawahah will take the command.
If he too dies, then you can select a commander from among yourselves.” A white banner was raised and
handed over to Hazrat Zaid r.a.
Before sending the army to fight, Holy Prophet pbuh gave them the instructions not to exaggerate in killing, not
to kill children and women, old men or the men of religion. He also told them not to cut tree or destroy houses.
He also told them to call the people of the town where Harith ibn Umair r.a, the messenger was killed, and fight
them only if they refused.
The army reached Jordan, but the Roman had got the news and they had gathered a mighty
army of 2,00,000 men, including 1,00,000 Romans and 1,00,000 Arab Christians who had
formed an alliance with the Romans.
The Muslims held the council and some said they should send a letter to Prophet s.a.w to ask
for more support. Some even suggested to return to Madinah. Abdullah bin Rawahah said
they had come to fight the Romans because they wanted martyrdom. He reminded them
they were not fighting with the strength of their number or artillery, rather with the faith in
Allah. So the army decided to combat Romans. The two armies met at a place called Mutah,
a village that lies on the border of Syria.
Zaid bin Harith r.a divided the army into right and left wings and appointed commander for
both the wings. Abu Huraira, who participated in this battle, said that when the enemy came
close to them, his eyes dazzled at their sight. The enemy was laden with weapons, silk and
gold. The battle took place between an army of 3000 vs 2,00,000, something which had
never taken place in the history of any other religion before.
The Muslims fought with great bravery. Zaid bin Harith was carrying the banner. He tore into the
ranks of Romans until he was lost amid lances and swords. He was wounded and was martyred.
The flag then was held by Jaafar r.a. When his one hand was chopped, he held the banner with
his other hand. When that too was chopped, he held it with his left over arms. At last, he fell
down and died. He was given the title “ the flying Jafar” as Allah awarded him two wings to fly
wherever he desired in Paradise. It is reported that 50 wounds were found on his body and none
of them on the back.
The flag was then taken by Abdullah bin Rawahah who fought with bravery until he fell dead. All
3 commander that Muhammad pbuh had appointed had been martyred.
Now Khalid bin Walid, who had recently accepted Islam after the treaty of Hudaibiya, was made
the commander. Muhammad s.a.w was told through Jibrael a.s that after Zaid, Jaafar and
Abdullah, the banner was given to a sword from among the swords of Allah. Khalid bin Waleed r.a
fought so bravery that he broke 9 swords in his hands. It was due to his military acumen that
Muslims were able to return with minimal loss.
Khalid bin Waleed made a slow retreat so that the army doesn’t understand it’s a retreat
otherwise they would take advantage of it and will strengthen their attack.
At night time, he switched the 2 wings of the army (brought the ones towards right to left and
vice-versa), and in the morning, Romans got the impression that fresh reinforcements had
arrived. This lowered the morale of the Romans and they also retreated. At this, Khalid bin
Waleed brought back the Muslim army with the loss of merely 14 lives.
Many great tribes accepted Islam, such as the tribe of Ghatafan, when they saw that
the Muslims fought the great power of Romans and the Romans were unable to
defeat them.
After the expedition of Mutah, Muhammad s.a.w spoke of the opening of
Constantinople, Jerusalem, Rome and Persia.
Muhammad s.a.w then decided to send letters to various kings and emperors. When
told that they would not accept any message without a seal, Muhammad s.a.w
decided to make a seal on which was written “Muhammad, the messenger of Allah.”
(b) What lesson did Muslim leaders
learn from the battle of Mutah? [4]
(b) Muhammad (pbuh) decided to attack the people of Balqa tribe as they
assassinated Muslim envoy, so Muslim leaders should also be very concerned for the
honor of their representatives. Prophet (pbuh) nominated the best commanders and
proved that their choice as leaders was the best decision. Muslim leaders should also
be aware of the bravery of every single soldier in their army and be able to take
responsible and rational decision. Romans were a mighty empire at that time, but
Prophet (pbuh) took a brave decision to fight against an unstoppable enemy purely
for his strong trust on Allah. Similarly, Muslims should purely believe and rely on
Allah and should never fear anyone other than Allah.
Conquest of Makkah:
Two years after the treaty of Hudaybia, trouble arose. Banu Bakr, which was an ally of the
Quraish, attacked Banu Khuza, an ally of Muslims. One of the terms of the treaty was that
neither party would fight an ally of the other party. The Makkan chiefs who provided them
weapons included Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Safwan bin Ummaya, Sohail bin Amr and others. Some
Quraish also took part in fighting. Consequently, several men of Banu Bakr attacked Banu
Khuza at night when they were asleep. Banu Khuza sought shelter in the Kaba, but the chief of
Banu Bakr, Naufal commanded them to continue their mission.Thus, many innocent people of
Banu Khuza were unjustly killed. As this was against the terms of the treaty of Hudaibiya, so the
leader of Banu Khuza, Amr bin Salim with his forty men went to the Prophet pbuh to seek
justice. On hearing this, the Prophet pbuh sent a messenger to the Quraish offering them three
(i) Pay blood money to Banu Khuza
(ii) Break alliance with Banu Bakr
(iii) Dissolve treaty of Hudaibiya
The Quraish chose the 3rd option and thus the treaty was dissolved. The Holy Prophet pbuh
decided that there was no other alternative but to fight against the Quraish. He, therefore,
However, later the Quraish realized that they had made the wrong decision so their leader
Abu Sufyan went to Madinah for negotiations. Abu Sufyan directly headed for the house of
his daughter Umm-e-Habibah, Prophet (pbuh)'s wife, but she rolled up the bed of
Muhammad (pbuh) and did not allow even her father to sit on it. No one helped him and
then he went to Hazrat Ali (R.A), who suggested him to announce the renewal of the treaty
loudly and he came back to Makkah, where people ridiculed him by telling since
Muhammad (pbuh) did not talk to him, treaty was not restored, and he was fooled by Ali
The Prophet s.a.w gave orders for preparation of war. He initially kept his plans a secret so
that news wouldn’t reach Makkah. But later revealed that it was the city of Makkah that he
wanted to lead his army. The tribes in alliance with Muslims were also invited to join the
Hatib, one of the most trusted followers of the Prophet s.a.w secretly dispatched a female
messenger with a letter to Makkah containing information of the preparations of attack. The
Prophet s.a.w received news from heaven of Hatib’s action and sent Ali r.a and Zubair bin
Awwam with instructions to go after her. They overtook the female messenger and after
search discovered the letter carefully hidden in her locks. The Prophet s.a.w pardoned
Hatib when he told him that he had done this to protect his family that was in Makkah.
Hazrat Umar r.a wanted to cut his head thinking he was a hypocrite but the Prophet
s.a.w refused as Hatib had fought in battle of Badr.
In 630 A.D/ 8 A.H on the 10th of Ramazan, the Prophet pbuh with an army of 10,000
men marched towards Makkah. On reaching Makkah, he encamped at a place
known as Marr al Zahran and told his men to light their torches to show the Quraish
their strength. The Quraish were horrified to see such a large number of Muslims.
When the Muslims were at their camp, the Prophet s.a.w’s uncle Abbas r.a came to
Prophet’s pbuh tent accompanying by Abu Sufyan.
There a very serious dispute took place between Abbas and Umar r.a in the presence
of the Prophet s.a.w. Umar r.a insisted that Abu Sufyan being an enemy of Allah
should be killed immediately whereas Abbas said that he had provided him
protection. The Prophet s.a.w silenced them by asking Abbas to keep Abu Sufyan in
a tent during the night and to bring him in the morning. The next day, Abu Sufyan was
brought before Prophet s.a.w where he embraced Islam.
On the seventeenth of Ramazan Prophet (pbuh) left Marr-Azzahran and ordered
to detain Abu Sufyan at a commanding place so that he could see the full view of
the Muslim army entering Makkah.
Abu Sufyan was sent to Makkah before the Muslim army entered the city. Abu Sufyan
told the Makkans that they could not defeat the army so disciplined as the Muslims
army and announced the general pardon the Prophet s.a.w had announced that
whoever takes refuge in his own home or Abu Sufyan’s home or Ka’abah was safe.The
people of Makkah mocked Abu Sufyan and dispersed in different directions some into
their houses and others into Haram, while some uncontrolled wicked people led by
Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Sufwan bin Ummaya and Sohail bin Amr decided to resist the
Muslim army
Prophet (pbuh) divided the Muslim army in four columns each under an experienced
military commander. These were Khalid bin Walid, Zubair bin Awwam, Abu Ubaidah
(RA) and Muhammad (pbuh) himself.
He gave them special instructions to not shed innocent blood and not be the first one to
fight. Thus all the groups peacefully captured their areas although there was some
trouble in the south where Khalid Bin Waleed’s group was attacked by the people of
Banu Bakr. Khalid bin Walid had, therefore, no option but to fight back. In this
encounter 28 men were killed.
After this the Prophet s.a.w proceeded to the Masjid-e-Haram and performed Tawaf of
the Kaabah. After performing Tawaf, he entered the Kaabah and ordered the
destruction of the 360 idols which had been placed by the non-believers in the Kaabah.
While the idols were being removed, the Prophet s.a.w recited “And say: Truth has
(now) arrived and falsehood perished: for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.”
He went in where he saw the false images of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS),
having arrows in their hands. Prophet (pbuh) ordered to delete these pictures. Prophet
(pbuh) along with Usama bin Zaid (RA) and Bilal (RA), entered the sacred hall and led
them two Raka'at prayer.
When the Prophet s.a.w came out of the kaabah there was a huge crowd of the
Quraish waiting for him. All his bitterest enemies who had for nearly 21 years, injured,
insulted and persecuted the Prophet s.a.w and his followers, were now before him as
his captives. The Prophet s.a.w asked them what treatment they could expect at his
hands. They cried out :“You are a noble brother and a noble cousin.” On this, the
Prophet s.a.w said, “There shall be no reproach against you this day, go, you are free! ”
After the purification of the Kaabah before the Zuhr prayer the Prophet s.a.w directed
Hazrat Bilal r.a to ascend the roof of the Kaabah and announce the Azan. After the
prayers, the Prophet s.a.w proceeded to the Safa Hill and people came in crowds to
embraced Islam. The Prophet s.a.w called Usman bin Talha and returned the keys of
Kaabah to him and openly announced that the office of custodianship of Kaabah would
remain his.
Then Prophet (pbun) went to the house of his Cousin Umm-e-Hani and offered prayer of
Shedding blood of 9 of the worst criminals was declared lawful even under the curtains of
the Ka'bah. Some of them were later pardoned as they converted to Islam for example
Ikrama bin Abu Jahl and some were killed for example Ibn-e-Khat while holding the
curtain of the Ka'bah. Next day to the victory Prophet (pbuh) addressed the people in
matters relating to the sacred position of Makkah. Written instructions were given to Abu-
Shah who came from Yemen. He also took pledge from those who had recently converted
including Hinda and Wahshi. The citizens of Madinah now feared that the Prophet (pbuh)
will now live with the people of Makkah as it was his homeland, but Prophet (pbuh)
dismissed their fears and assured them that he had lived with them and would die with
them. The Prophet pbuh stayed in Makkah for 15 days and after making administrative
arrangements he went back to Madinah.
Written task
Q (a) With reference to the conduct of the Muslims,
describe the events of the Conquest of Makkah. [10]
(b) Can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s
treatment of his former enemies? Give reasons for
your answer. [4]
P1– October/November 2016
Q(a) With reference to the conduct of the Muslims, describe the events of the Conquest of Makkah. [10]

(a) The Quraysh had broken the terms of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, by attacking Banu
Khuza’ah who had allied with the Muslims. Realizing the seriousness of the situation the
Quraysh sent Abu Sufyan to ensure the treaty was intact, but he left Madina without doing
so. After making preparations for war, the Prophet (pbuh) set out with 10000 soldiers. It was
8AH. The Prophet’s (pbuh) army stopped outside Makkah and it was here that Abu Sufyan
became Muslim and his house was made a place of safety. Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah
and warned the Quraysh not to resist the Muslim army; most put down their arms, but a few
(Safwan, Ikrimah, Suhayl) swore to block the Muslim army from entering Makkah. There
were 4 groups, one led by Khalid bin Walid, that faced resistance, leading to some deaths.
The Prophet (pbuh) knocked down the 360 idols in the Ka’ba. The keys to the Ka’ba were
given to ‘Uthman bin Talha, and at the time of prayer, Bilal ascended the Ka’ba and gave the
adhan. Apart from nine people, the Quraysh were pardoned, including Wahshi and Hind.
“You have been my very unreasonable countrymen. You refuted my prophethood and
turned me out of my house. And when I took refuge in a far-off place, you rose to fight
against me. However, Inspite of all these crimes of yours, I forgive all of you and make you
free and declare that you may go after the pursuits of your life." Some Qur’anic verses
related to the incident are 17.81 and 34.49
(b) Can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s treatment of his former enemies? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]

(b) Yes they can learn from his treatment of his former enemies because the Prophet
(pbuh) forgave those who had shown a lot of enmity towards him, such as Abu
Sufyan. Following this example, Muslims can forgive those in their life who call them
names, abuse them, or try to stop them from doing good, especially if they are sorry
for what they have done. A grudge should not be held against them. In Makkah the
Prophet (pbuh) forgave everyone except a handful of people, including those who
had killed his family members such as Wahshi and Hind. Muslims should realize that
forgiveness is always a better option than revenge.
No they can’t learn from his treatment of his former enemies because they live in
different times and people/enemies are different now; the way in which people are
harmed is different now, e.g. using social media, so the way they have to be dealt
with has to be different.
b) Why are the actions of Prophet (pbuh) after the
conquest important for Muslims to learn from. [4]
(b) The Conquest of Makkah was the greatest victory for Prophet (pbuh) but even
then, it does not create any pride or arrogance in him rather he became humbler and
down to earth. This teaches us to handle success in life that incase of any
achievement we should become more grateful to God instead of showing arrogance.
The conquest of Makkah was the greatest example where Prophet (pbuh) showed
mercy and forgiveness towards his bitterest enemies including Hinda and Wahshi
when he was in all the position to punish them whatever way he would want to, this
teaches us we should also develop mercy and flexibility in ourselves towards the
mistakes of other people around us. This would help to create peace, co-operation,
and brotherhood in the Muslim community. Despite of great victory Muslims did not
shed unnecessary blood and destroyed properties, which reflects priority of peace
and humanity in Islam.
Battle of Hunain
Islam flourished in Makkah and the Muslims became stronger and stronger. But south of Makkah
lived a tribe of warriors called Hawazin, who had not become Muslim. They made an agreement
with another tribe from Ta'if, called Thaqif to fight the Muslims and destroy them before they
could spread their religion throughout Arabia.
The Thaqif, who were known for their courage, soon won the support of other tribes living
around the Ta'if area, especially when such tribes were told: “Look what has happened! If
Quraysh, the largest tribe of all, have fallen to Muhammad, it is only a matter of time before the
same will happen to the rest of us. We should strike now before the Muslims are established in
Makkah and have the support of Quraysh.” The Chief of one of these tribes, a fearless warrior
called Malik Ibn Awf, was chosen as the leader. He put forward a plan: 'You should all go out to
battle accompanied by your families, your tents, your sheep and goats, for with all your
belongings at stake, none of you will dare give up the fight.’
Everyone agreed with Malik except an old, blind man called Dorayd. He had been a great warrior
in his day and because of his experience and valuable advice still accompanied the men into
battle. 'I don't like Malik's plan', he insisted. 'If a man is so cowardly as to leave a battle, then he
will leave his family as well. The women and children will be a great worry to us and if we are
defeated all our wealth will fall into enemy hands.' But Malik ignored this advice and stuck to his
original plan.
When the Prophet (pbuh) heard what the enemy tribes were planning, he found himself
forced to fight and ordered his army towards Ta‟if. He had 12000 men, 10000 of which had
come from Madinah and 2000 were the new converts to Islam and the enemy only had 4000
The Muslims were proud of their strength and as they looked around at their number, said to
themselves, 'We will never be defeated!' On hearing this the Prophet (pbuh) knew that the
Muslims had become too proud and because of this would not succeed.
He warned them, 'Look to Allah and not to your own strength.‟ On the 10th of Shawwal the
Muslim army advanced along the Hunain path, a narrow way in the rough mountains,
towards the valley where the Hawazin and the other tribes were waiting. It was very early
morning and not yet light. The Muslims were unaware that, under cover of darkness, the
Hawazin warriors had already climbed up the mountain and were waiting for them. As soon
as all the Muslims were trapped in the narrow passage-way below, the Hawazin
ambushed/attacked them. First they threw rocks down upon them and then attacked with
arrows and swords.
In surprise and fear, the Muslims started to retreat. The Prophet (pbuh) was bitterly
disappointed to see them fleeing in terror but he stayed firmly in his place with Abu Bakr,
'Ali, his uncle Abbas, and a few companions at his side. Abbas then called to the Muslims to
return and not to abandon the Prophet (pbuh). Ashamed at what they had done, and seeing
the Prophet (pbuh) facing the enemy almost alone, the Muslims quickly returned to fight.
Then Allah sent His angels-the hosts ye cannot see-to their aid. A battle followed. The
Muslim warriors advanced, attacking bravely, driving the Hawazin back from the path
into the valley, where the fighting went on long and hard. At the end of the day the
Muslims won but not before having learned a hard lesson about the danger of pride.
Just as the old man had predicted, the defeated enemy fled, leaving their families
and possessions to be captured. In this battle, the Muslims army took 6000 prisoners
of war, 24000 camels and 40000 goats.
Later all the leaders of the tribes except one came to ask for them back and to
declare their acceptance of Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) forgave them and returned
their families to them, but not their belongings. The one exception was the leader of
Hawazin. He fled to Ta'if, where he sought protection in the castle, but the Muslims
followed him and surrounded the city, which they besieged for about three weeks.
They tried to break into the castle but after losing many men in the attempt the
Prophet (pbuh) ordered a withdrawal. The story did not end there, however, for
shortly afterwards Hawazin and most of the other tribes came to Makkah and
declared themselves Muslim, including Malik Ibn Awf, who had led them in battle
and whom the Prophet (pbuh) now made their leader.
After the battle of the Hunayn Valley, the Prophet (pbuh) distributed what goods had
been taken between the people of Quraysh and the other Bedouin tribes. The Ansar
from Madinah, who had been his only support during the long hard years before the
conquest of Makkah, received nothing.
They felt angry about this and went to the Prophet (pbuh) to complain. He said to
them, what is this I hear of you? Do you think badly of me? Did I not come to you
when you did not know the truth and Allah guided you; when you were poor and
Allah made you rich; when you were enemies and Allah softened your hearts? Are
you greedy for the things of this world that I must use to gain people's trust so that I
can then lead them to Islam? Surely for you Islam is enough? Are you not satisfied
that while some men take away flocks and herds you take Allah's Messenger back
with you to Madinah?’
On hearing this, all the men felt very regretful and began to weep then with great
humility and reverence (affection/love) their spokesman said: 'We are indeed well
pleased to have Allah's Messenger as our gift in this life.’
Shortly after this the Ansar left for Madinah accompanied by the Prophet (pbuh).
He could have stayed among his own people and lived out his days in Makkah, but he
returned as he had promised, to live among the people of Madinah, which was a
great blessing for them.
Written Task
Q (a) Write about the main events
of the battle of Hunain. [10]
Written Task
Q (a) Describe the main events of the
Battle of Mu’ta and the Battle of Hunain.
(b)From these battles, what can be
learnt about good leadership skills? [4]
Q (a) Describe the main events of the Battle of Mu’ta
and the Battle of Hunain. [10]
Mu’ta: This was the fiercest battle during the Prophet’s lifetime, fought in 629 (8AH). The Prophet (pbuh) had
sent Al-Harith bin ‘Umair al-Azdi carrying a letter to the ruler of Basra, inviting him to Islam. He was intercepted
and killed by the governor of al-Balqa’. The Prophet (pbuh) had to act over this killing, and so mobilised an
army of 3000 men; people near the scene of Al-Harith’s murder would be invited to Islam and if they accepted
no battle would ensue. Zaid bin Haritha was to lead the army, Ja’far bin Abi Talib would replace him, and
‘Abdullah bin Rawaha would replace Ja’far if he fell. Heraclius sent 100 000 troops with another 100 000 from
tribes allied to the Byzantines. The two armies fought relentlessly. Zaid was martyred and so Ja’far took his
place. He had his right arm cut off, then his left, and eventually he too was martyred. ‘Abdullah then took his
place and fought until he was martyred. Khalid bin Walid stepped up to take leadership and showed his skills as
a strategist; the Muslims from the back were asked to come to the front to give the impression of
reinforcements, then they gradually retreated to save lives. The Byzantines, thinking they had to fight a
renewed army did not come forward again, which allowed the battle to end. Hunain: The sects of Hawazin and
Thaqif did not want to submit to Islam so they decided to fight against the Muslims. The Prophet (pbuh)
marched to meet them with 12 000 men. The enemy were already waiting for the Muslim army, hiding and
waiting to hurl stones and arrows at them. When this happened, the enemy attack became fierce and the
Muslims started to retreat. The Prophet (pbuh) called out: ‘Come on, people! I am the Messenger of Allah. I
am Muhammad, the son of Abdullah.’ Eventually the Prophet’s troops returned and they went on to defeat the
army. Because the enemy’s leader Malik bin ‘Awf had told everyone to take their families and belongings with
them, the Muslims captured huge spoils of war. This battle is mentioned in Sura Tawba, v25–26.
(b)From these battles, what can be learnt about
good leadership skills? [4]
Candidates could say that good leaders should be determined
and not want to give up, especially when they are fighting for
a cause they believe in. They should not give all the
responsibility to others but should take as much responsibility
as they can themselves. They could also say that good leaders
should have strategic skills that would allow them to change
tactics in order to win a battle and that it can be important to
save lives rather than carry on fighting. It is also important to
stay calm in the face of adversity.
b) What lesson did Muslims learn from this
battle. [4]
(b) In this battle Muslim showed reliance on materialistic
resources which Allah did not like and taught them a bitter lesson
during the war. So, we learn that arrogance is bad, and nothing
can bring success to us without the help of Allah almighty and
without having strong belief on the law. Muslims also learn that in
such grave situation / serious situation Muhammad (pbuh)
remained composed, so we should also learn to solve issues
calmly and wisely as panic would only worsen the situation.
9th Year of Hijrat
Tabuk Expedition
Tabuk Expedition

News of the growing power of the Muslims, as more and more of Arabia followed the Prophet
(pbuh), eventually reached Heraclius, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Romans saw
the uniting of the Arabs in Islam as a possible threat to their Empire and the Emperor's advisors
and generals, therefore, decided that the best thing to do would be to attack the Muslims from
the north and east at the same time and destroy Islam once and for all.
Two years had passed since Heraclius had told them of the Prophet's pbuh letter asking them to
submit to Islam, but just as then, they were in no mood now to listen to such ideas. In 9 A.H
when the Prophet (pbuh) heard of the Romans' plans, he decided that it would be better to meet
the Roman army in Tabuk, some 500 kilometers from Madinah on the route to Syria, than to
await an attack on Madinah. One reason for this decision was that the Prophet (pbuh) felt that if
the Muslims were defeated at Madinah, the city as well as the army would be taken, which would
mean the end of Islam. This was a very hard decision for him to make because not only was
Tabuk a very long way away, but it was also harvest time and a particularly hot year.
Added to this was the fact that the enemy had an enormous army. Now at this time there
were some people living in Madinah who were not true believers. They were called
'hypocrites' because they pretended to believe but hid what was truly in their hearts. When
the Prophet (pbuh) invited everyone to war, these hypocrites tried to create fear and doubt
among the Muslims, saying 'How can we hope to defeat the Romans whose great empire
stretches over vast areas of the world? And even if we could, we will not get the chance
because the long journey and the heat will defeat us first. In any case, our crops and fruits
are ready to be harvested; how can we leave them? We will be ruined if we do!’
All that the hypocrites said severely tested the Muslims. Who would continue to fight for his
religion against such odds? Who would have the courage to give his wealth to help equip an
army? This test of faith would indeed show who the true Muslims were. On this question,
Allah revealed the following verse:
“O you who believe! What trouble you that when it is said unto you: Go forth in the way of
Allah, you are bowed down to the ground with heaviness. Do you take pleasure in the life of
the world rather than in the Hereafter? The comfort of the life of the world is but little in the
Hereafter”. (Qur'an 9.38)
To form and equip an army the Prophet (pbuh) needed a great deal of money and despite all
that the hypocrites had said, many Muslims, especially the Prophet’s pbuh close friends,
were willing to help. ‘Usman r.a for instance, generously provided horses and arms for 10,000
soldiers and Abu Bakr r.a gave all that he had in the world. Umar r.a, too, gave half of all his
cash, household goods and cattle, and in this way the Prophet (pbuh) was able to equip an
army of 40,000 soldiers.
Finally everything was ready but just as they were about to leave, seven more men came to
the Prophet (pbuh) to ask if they could go with him. Unfortunately, he had to refuse because
there were no animals for them to ride. The seven men were so upset that they wept as they
left. With nothing more to be done, the army moved off, but just then several spare camels
were found. On learning of this, the Prophet (pbuh) sent for the seven men, who were
overjoyed to find that they could join him in his fight.
By now the Romans had heard that the Muslims were coming out to meet them. They felt
even more sure of victory when they heard this because they believed that it would be quite
impossible for an army to cross a waterless desert in the scorching summer sun. Even if by
some miracle the Muslims succeeded, they would be so exhausted that it would be easy to
defeat them.
The heat was so intense and the journey so difficult that several Muslims did turn back. The Prophet
(pbuh) and most of the others, however, continued until they finally ran out of water. The expedition now
seemed hopeless as the men grew thirstier and thirstier. The Prophet (pbuh) prayed to Allah for help and,
as he finished his prayer, the first drops of rain came splashing down. The rain continued to fall until all the
Muslims had drunk their fill. That night they slept soundly for the first time in days, refreshed by the water
and confident that Hazrat Bilal r.a would wake them as usual for the dawn prayer. But Hazrat Bilal r.a slept
so deeply that he did not wake up. It was the first time that the Muslims had missed a prayer and they
were very upset. The Prophet (pbuh), however, was not angry with Hazrat Bilal r.a and told the Muslims
that they need not be upset because they had not intentionally missed the prayer.
The Prophet (pbuh) and his army continued their journey across the desert and finally arrived at the oasis
(a fertile spot in desert, where water is found) of Tabuk. When they got there, however, they were
surprised to find that the Roman army had retreated in fear on hearing of the miraculous crossing of the
desert by the Muslims. The Prophet (pbuh) waited at the oasis for a while but when it became apparent
that the Romans were not going to fight, he gave the order to return home. The enemy was not pursued
because the Prophet (pbuh) only fought when attacked. The long march to Tabuk had been yet another
test of faith for the Muslims. Even so, there were still some among those who made that heroic journey
who were hypocrites, pretending to be sincere while being enemies of Islam in their hearts. No one could
have suspected that anyone who had made that journey across the desert with the Prophet (pbuh) would
be an enemy of his.
Realizing this, several hypocrites plotted to kill the Prophet (pbuh) by pushing him off the top
of a high, rocky passage that ran between the mountains of Aqabah. Before the army
reached this rocky passage, however, Allah warned the Prophet (pbuh) about this wicked
plan. The Prophet (pbuh), therefore, ordered the entire army to travel through the valley
while he and his two guards went by way of the cliff. As the plotters approached, he shouted
to them so that they could see that he knew of their plan, whereupon they quickly ran back
to the army and tried to hide among the rest of the soldiers.
Later, the Prophet (pbuh) gathered his followers around him and told them what had
happened. He picked out the men who had plotted against him and even told them the exact
words they had spoken to each other. Some of the Prophet's companions said that these
men should be killed, but the Prophet (pbuh) forgave them. As soon as he arrived back in
Madinah, the Prophet (pbuh) went to the mosque and prayed. Many of the hypocrites who
had not gone with him to Tabuk came to give their reasons for not having done so. Three
men of spiritual value who had not joined the army were subjected by the Prophet (pbuh) to
the discipline of waiting for Allah's forgiveness. For fifty days no one spoke to them. Finally,
Allah revealed a verse to the Prophet (pbuh) which declared that these three men were
forgiven. Tabuk expedition was the last military expedition in which the Prophet pbuh
personally took part.
Written Task
3 (a) Write about the main events of the
battle of Tabuk. [10]
(b) The Battle of Tabuk became a mission of
peace instead of war. What can Muslims
learn from this? [4]
2058/12 Paper 1 May/June 2018
(b) The Battle of Tabuk became a mission of peace instead of
war. What can Muslims learn from this? [4]
10th Year of Hijrat
Year of Deputations
Farewell Pilgrimage
Sermon of the Prophet pbuh
Year of Deputations
The 10th year of hijrat is called Am-ul-Wafd, the Year of Deputations, because it was this year that numerous tribes of
Arabia came to the Holy Prophet pbuh to join Allah’s faith.
The Prophet (pbuh) had become the most powerful leader in the whole of Arabia. After the idols in the Ka'bah had
been smashed and Quraysh had become Muslim, most of the other tribes of Arabia came to declare their Islam. The
year in which they came was later to be called the Year of Deputations. As each tribe joined Islam, the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) sent his men to teach them about their new religion. Many people also came to Madinah to
question the Prophet (pbuh) himself. One tribe sent a man called Dimam, who was large and strong. On arriving in
Madinah, he went straight to the mosque, where the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was sitting with some of his
companions, and stood over the Prophet (pbuh). In a loud, rough voice he asked, 'Which of you is the son of 'Abdullah
bin Muttalib?' When the Prophet (pbuh) answered him Dimam went on, 'I am going to ask you a hard question, so do
not misunderstand me. I ask you to swear by Allah, your Allah, the Allah of those before you and the Allah of those
who will come after you, has He sent you to us as a messenger?' 'Yes, He has', replied the Prophet (pbuh). 'Has Allah
instructed you to order us to serve Him; to pray these five prayers; to pay alms; to fast; to make the pilgrimage and to
follow the other laws of Islam)?' continued Dimam. When the Prophet (pbuh) answered that Allah had indeed
instructed him in this way, Dimam became a Muslim and, as he left, added, 'Then I will do the things we are told to do
and avoid the things we are forbidden-no more and no less.` As Dimam mounted his camel to leave, the Prophet(pbuh)
told the people around him, 'If this man is sincere, he will go to Paradise.' When Dimam reached his people they all
thought he had gone mad but by nightfall, after he had finished speaking, there was not among them that had not
accepted Islam.
Farewell Pilgrimage

The most important event of the 10th year of Hijrat was the Prophet’s pbuh farewell
pilgrimage – Hajjat-ul-Wida.
When the time came for the yearly pilgrimage, it was proclaimed that the Prophet (pbuh)
would be going to Makkah. The Muslims flocked /gathered to Madinah from all over Arabia
to join him on his journey to the Kaabah. As the tribes arrived they camped around the city
until they finally numbered more than one hundred fourteen thousand.
The Prophet (pbuh) went out with his family and friends to pilgrimage on 25th of Zul-Qadah,
10 A.H, but before setting off, he led all the Muslims in prayer. After the prayers, the
Prophet (pbuh) got on his camel and headed towards Makkah followed by the pilgrims, all
of whom, for the first time in centuries, worshipped Allah, the One God. The Prophet
(pbuh) and his companions were deeply moved by the sight of the huge number of Muslims
accompanying them to Makkah, carrying no arms, and fearing no one. They could not help
but remember their original flight from Makkah when they had been so few in number and
were forced to leave in order to avoid the anger of Quraysh.
Throughout the journey the Muslims repeated a prayer taught to them by the Prophet
(pbuh) which he in turn had received from Gabriel. This prayer, the talbiyah, has been part
of the Hajj ritual ever since. It is in answer to the call Abraham was commanded to make
when he and Ismael finished building the Kaabah.
Labaik Allahumma labaik, labaik la sharika laka labaik in alhamd wa al-ni'amatu laka wal-
mulk, la sharika laka.
“Here I am at Thy service, O Allah! Here I am at Thy service. There is no partner with
Thee. Here I am at Thy service. All praise and all blessing and favors belong to Thee, and
all Sovereignty is Thine. Thou hast no partner”
After ten days the pilgrims marched at sunset through the same pass by which they had
entered on the Day of Conquest of Mecca. When they reached the Kaabah, the Prophet
(pbuh) stood before it in prayer, then he and all the Muslims walked around it seven times
saying their prayer aloud. Next, just as Abraham had done, they went towards the Mount of
Mercy at 'Arafah, which the Prophet (pbuh) ascended on a camel. From the mountain he
led the people in prayer and then spoke to them as they stood assembled on the vast plain
What the Prophet (pbuh) said is known as the Farewell Sermon, because it was the last
speech the Prophet (pbuh) made before he died. He said, 'surely you will meet your Lord
and He will question you about your works.' He asked the Muslims to take their guidance
from the Qur'an and from his own example. This, he said, was the best way to live. He
ordered them to cease living in the way they had before Islam.
Revenge, one of the oldest traditions in Arabia, was ended forever; usury was prohibited;
property was to be respected. Things which previously were forbidden during the four Holy
months of the year were now forbidden at all times. He then commanded, 'Know that every
Muslim is a Muslim's brother', which was a completely new idea to the tribes who had so
often quarreled in the past. He also said, 'Allah has given everyone his due-exactly what
each one deserves. After each point the Prophet (pbuh) asked, 'Have I explained it well? Is it
perfectly clear?' Everyone answered, 'Yes.' For these were the people who would have to
pass on the Prophet's message and instructions to those who were unable to be present
that day and to future generations.
The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'I have left you two things. If you hold on to them you will be
saved. They are Allah's Book and the words of your Prophet.' He then asked, 'Have I not
conveyed the message?' The multitude shouted out, 'By Allah, yes!' The Prophet (pbuh)
ended, '0 Allah! Bear witness to that.’
“… This day I have perfected your religion, for you, and I have completed My favor unto you,
and have chosen for you as a religion AL-ISLAM”. (Qur'an 5.3)
Many Muslims started to shed tears, knowing that if the Prophet (pbuh) had completed his
message, his life must be near its end. After spending the rest of the day of Arafah in prayer
and contemplation, the Muslims began to complete the pilgrimage by returning to Makkah
with the talbiyah prayer still on their lips.
The first night of the return journey was spent at Muzdalifah. Here they gathered pebbles,
which they carried with them the next day to Mina. There they stood before a huge rock and
stoned it in remembrance of Abraham's meeting with the Devil in that very place. When
Abraham received the order from Allah to sacrifice his son Ismael as a test of his faith, the
Devil had tried to convince him not to do it. He came to Abraham at Mina, as he was on his
way to carry out Allah's command, but Abraham took some stones and hurled/threw them
at the Devil to drive him away since the casting of stones at Mina on the Prophet's 'Farewell
Pilgrimage', this has become another ritual which Muslims perform on the annual
pilgrimage to remind them that they, too, must continue to drive the Devil away when he
tries to prevent them from being obedient to Allah.
After throwing the stones, the pilgrims sacrificed sheep and camels and gave the meat to
the poor. In this way the great faith of Abraham was remembered, for when he had been
ready to sacrifice Ismael, Allah had sent a sheep in his place. The Muslims then completed
the pilgrimage by again circling the Kaabah seven times. They then cut their hair and nails
and changed out of their white clothes to show they had returned to their daily lives.
Before returning to Madinah, the Muslims spent three nights in the valley at Madinah
where the final preparations were made for the journey home.
As for the Prophet (pbuh), he made one final visit before leaving Mecca. This was to the
grave of his devoted wife, Hazrat Khadija r.a, who had been the first person to believe in
Allah's Revelation through him. The Prophet (pbuh) knew that this would be the last time
he would see the grave, or Mecca, because during the pilgrimage he had received the
chapter of the Qur'an called 'Help’, from which he knew that his death was not far away.
11th Year of Hijrat
Illness and Death of the Prophet s.a.w
Illness and Death of the Prophet s.a.w
One Night, shortly after his return to Madinah, the Prophet(pbuh) woke up at midnight and asked
his servant‟ Abd Allah to saddle his mule. They then left the house and went to Jannat al-Baqi, the
burial ground of the Muslims. There the Prophet (pbuh) stood in the front of the graves and, as
though he could see the Muslims buried in them, spoke to them and prayed over them. Later, Abd
Allah reported, “The Prophet (pbuh) told me that he was ordered to pray for the dead and that I
was to go with him.”
After the Prophet (pbuh) had prayed he turned to Abd Allah and said, “I can choose between all
the riches of this world, a long life and then Paradise, or meeting my Lord and entering Paradise
now.” Abd Allah begged him to choose a long, rich life, followed by Paradise, but the Prophet
(pbuh) told him that he had already chosen to meet his Lord now rather than remain in the world.
The following morning the Prophet (pbuh) awoke with a terrible headache, but despite this he
had led the prayers at the mosque. From what he said afterwards to the people assembled there,
they understood that his death was near. The Prophet (pbuh) praised his best friend, Abu Bakr r.a,
who had begun to weep, and told everyone that he knew they would all meet again at a pool in
He added, however that although he was sure they would always worship Allah alone, he
feared that the pleasures of the world would attract them, and they would begin to compete
with one another for material possessions, forgetting spiritual things.
Soon after the Prophet (pbuh) requested that he be moved to the room of Hazrat Aisha r.a,
one of his wives. As the days passed his fever grew worse, until one day he was so ill that he
could not even get to the mosque, which was next to where Hazrat Aisha r.a lived. The
Prophet (pbuh) told Aisha r.a to tell the Muslims to let Abu Bakr r.a, her father, lead the
prayer, which made them very sad for this was the first time anyone had taken the Prophet’s
pbuh place.
Later, on the 12th day of Rabi al-Awal, in the 11th year of Islam (June 8th 632 A.D.), the
Prophet (pbuh) heard the voices of the people in prayer. With great effort he got up and
looked from his door at all the Muslims who were assembled in rows behind Hazrat Abu bakr
r.a; he smiled with great satisfaction. Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a saw him and stepped back to give
the Prophet (pbuh) his place. The Muslims were happy, thinking he was going to pray with
them as before, but the Prophet (pbuh), who looked radiantly beautiful that day signaled to
them to continue on their own. He prayed in a sitting position at the right of Abu Bakr r.a,
after which he went back inside and lay his head on Hazrat Aisha’s r.a lap.
He was in such pain that his daughter Hazrat Fatima r.a cried out in pity. Then the Prophet
(pbuh) said, 'There is no pain for your father after this day; truly, death has appeared to me.
We must all suffer it till the Day of Judgement.' As he lay there, Hazrat Aisha r.a
remembered that he had once said, Allah never takes a Prophet to Himself without giving
him the choice.' Then she heard the Prophet (pbuh) speak. His last words were, 'Nay, rather
the Exalted Communion of Paradise.’
Hazrat Aisha r.a then said to herself, 'So, by Allah, he is not choosing us!' When the people
in the mosque heard that the Prophet (pbuh) was dead, they were filled with grief. Hazrat
Umar r.a could not, and would not, believe it, and exclaimed that it was not true. Hazrat
Abu Bakr r.a then went out and spoke gently to the people, saying 'All praise belongs to
Allah! 0 people, whoever worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead. But for him who
worships Allah, Allah is living and never dies.' He then recited this verse from the Qur'an
which had been revealed after the battle of Uhud: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the
Merciful “Muhammad is but a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) have passed away
before him. Will it be that, when he dies or is slain, you will turn back on your heels?”
After this the people pledged their loyalty to Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a, whom the
Prophet (pbuh) had chosen to lead the prayer. Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a accepted and
concluded what he had to say with these words: 'Obey me as long as I obey Allah
and His Messenger. But if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you owe me no
obedience. Arise for your prayer, Allah have mercy upon you!' The people rose
and asked him; 'Where will the Prophet (pbuh) be buried?' Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a
remembered that the Prophet (pbuh) had said, 'No Prophet dies who is not
buried on the spot where he died.' And so the Prophet (pbuh) was buried in a
grave dug in the floor of Hazrat Aisha’s r.a room, in the house next to the
mosque. The spot became known as the Haram al-Nabawi and Muslims from all
over the world go there to pray and to give their blessings and greetings of peace
to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Usama (RA)
washed his body and Ali (RA) lowered him in his gave
So the Prophet pbuh died on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal. His age at the time of
death was 63 years.
Written Task
Q (a) The Prophet died in 632. Write about
the events of the final year of his life. [10]
(b) The Farewell Sermon given by the Prophet
contains teachings for Muslims of all times.
Explain how two of these teachings can be
applied today. [4]
Q (a) The Prophet died in 632. Write about the events
of the final year of his life. [10]
(a) The Prophet received many delegations in the final year of his life. In 631/10AH, the Prophet
performed his final pilgrimage; at ‘Arafah he addressed the people gathered there; this is considered
his farewell speech, in which he indicated he may not be there the following year; he also gave
instructions for unlawful shedding of blood; usury was forbidden; the obligation towards looking after
wives was emphasised as well as the kind treatment of women; sticking faithfully to the pillars of
Islam was emphasised; equality of humankind was emphasised saying no Arab has superiority over a
non-Arab and vice versa; brotherhood was established; he told them the Qur’an and sunna were left
for them and reminded them they would have to answer for their deeds; then the verses 5.3 were
revealed (today your religion has been perfected); the Prophet completed his pilgrimage and returned
to Madina; he increased his seclusion; Jibril reviewed the Qur’an twice with him; his illness began 13
days before his death; he moved into A’isha’s apartment for the last week; he continued leading the
prayers and would give the congregation advice; he called for Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and his
wives; Abu Bakr led prayers in the last days; the Prophet passed away on 12th Rabi al-Awwal, 11AH.
Candidates could go on to mention the grief of the Companions and the speech that Abu Bakr gave
them to remind them about worshipping God, but it is not necessary for a full answer.
(b) The Farewell Sermon given by the Prophet
contains teachings for Muslims of all times. Explain
how two of these teachings can be applied today.
(b) The last sermon is considered a summary of the main elements of
faith, as it includes the five pillars, equality of humankind, ethics and
morality. It can be used in many modern day issues such as racism,
inequality of women, the financial structure (dealing in interest),
adultery, responsibility of actions (particularly in crimes), treating
other Muslims as brothers, treating slaves/servants well, and
worshipping God.
Candidates can choose any two of these to write about but should
elaborate on how these points in the sermon can be applied in life
Q4 (a) Giving examples from the Prophet’s life, write about how he showed
both the qualities of patience and forgiveness. [10]
(a) The quality of patience is the quality of waiting calmly without complaining. From the
beginning the Prophet (pbuh) was patient in that he waited for guidance from God before
teaching others or preaching openly. He did not try to rush the message to hurry people into
accepting Islam. His patience was shown when the people used to throw rubbish on him, call
him names or commit other atrocities. He never retaliated, nor did he get angry at them. His
enemies would often come when he was praying and try to disturb his prayer by whistling and
clapping, but the Prophet (pbuh) would not say anything or confront them. When the intestines
of a camel were put on his back while prostrating, he did not react or get angry but stayed in
that position until his daughter came and took it off his back. He also showed patience while
preaching Islam in Makka. Despite his best efforts, only a handful of people accepted Islam,
most of whom were poor or slaves but that did not deter him from believing in his mission and
continuing to strive patiently. His patience was also shown when he, along with his whole clan,
were put under boycott by the Makkans and at the end of it he lost those closest to him in a
short period of time, namely Khadija and Abu Talib. Instead of despairing, he sought the reward
of God by praying to Him. He waited for God to allow him to migrate, despite the risk to his life.
The Prophet (pbuh) showed immense patience throughout his life in Madina where he had to
suffer the conspiracies and treacheries of Jewish tribes as well as the hypocrisies of the leaders
in Madina. This included the actions of Abdullah bin Ubayy who often used to misbehave with
the Prophet (pbuh) and betrayed him on several occasions but he never retaliated.
The quality of forgiveness is to not want to punish someone when they have wronged you,
to not seek revenge. Aisha said that the Prophet (pbuh) never took revenge on anyone for
himself. At the time of his visit to Ta’if, the Angel Jibril came to say that he can crush the
people between the two mountains, but the Prophet (pbuh) refused, and prayed for their
guidance instead. When returning to Makka, the Prophet (pbuh) forgave many people who
had been prominent in persecuting him and his companions, e.g. Abu Sufyan. He also gave
a general pardon to the Makkans, despite their actions against him.
He also forgave Wahshi who killed his uncle Hamza as well as Hind who chewed on
Hamza’s liver. Abdullah ibn Ubayy was one of the hypocrites who opposed the Prophet
(pbuh) whilst outwardly saying he supported him. Despite this the Prophet (pbuh) seemed
to show no animosity for Abdullah when he died, attending his funeral and praying at his
grave. Candidates can offer other examples of forgiveness, especially for development of
the answer, such as the Prophet’s forgiveness of Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl, Sufwan ibn Umayyah
and Habbar ibn al-Aswad.
Q4 (b) Why should Muslims show patience in
their everyday lives? [4]
(b) Muslims should show patience for a variety of reasons,
candidates should offer reasons with examples. Candidates might
say it is one of God’s names (as-Sabbur), and He says that He loves
those who are patient (Sura 2.153, Sura 39.10) hence it is one of the
main teachings of the Qur’an. It shows tolerance if a person does
not react negatively to others. It can help change people’s attitude
for the better. It can lead to a more peaceful society if people
continue to strive to do good and stop themselves from doing bad,
even when the result/benefit does not come immediately. The
Prophet (pbuh) showed patience throughout his life, as a Muslim
one is bound to follow the Seerah of the Prophet (pbuh).
Grave and Tomb of the Prophet
Muhammad pbuh (The Sacred
Q(a) Describes the events of the final
year of Prophet (pbuh)'s life. [10]
Final year of Prophet pbuh's life displayed the glorious success of his Prophetic mission and his struggle against
falsehood and evil was completed. There were many other important events as well in the last year of his life.
Tenth year of hijrah was also called the 'Year of deputation'. In this year around hundred Arab tribes were
impressed by the authority of Islam after the conquest of Makkah. They came to either accept Islam or to
become allies with the Muslims. Famous among them were Banu Asad, Banu Fizara and Banu Saqeef. For this
success of Islam Allah said in the Quran, “When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, and you see the
people entering into the religion of Allah in Multitudes." His last son Ibrahim (RA) also died in the last year of his
life which caused so much grief and sadness for Muhammad (pbuh) that he burst into tears. On the same day of
his death, there was a solar eclipse which people thought that it was due to the death of Ibrahim (RA). But then
Muhammad (pbuh) clarified that these eclipses of sun and moon do not occur due to the deaths or births of
human beings. In the last year of his life the evil of false prophets also arose in Central Arabia e.g.. Musailma was
called the liar by Muhammad (pbuh) and Aswad Ansi rose in Yemen and claimed Prophethood. Muhammad
(pbuh) did not get enough time to fight against this evil. During his last days Muhammad (pbuh) was also busy in
preparing an expedition, commanded by Usama bin Zaid (RA) against some Christian tribes on the Syrian border
but it delayed because of the illness of Muhammad (pbuh). He also revised the complete Quran twice along with
Jibreel (A.S).
Allah made Hajj obligation for Muslims in the 9th year of Hijrah. But Muhammad (pbuh) did not
take part in it because of battle of Tabuk. He sent Abu Bakr (R.A) as Ameer-e-Hajj. In the tenth
year of hijrah, Muhammad (pbuh) performed the only Hajj in his life. On the ninth of Zil-Haj, in the
plain of Arafat Muhammad (pbuh) delivered a comprehensive sermon to many followers in front
of him that was 124,000. Hazrat Rabia bin Umayyah repeated his words loudly to the
congregation. This memorable speech by Muhammad (pbuh) is also known as Universal charter of
humanity. After starting his speech with the praise and glorification of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh)
first talked about the self-grooming of an individual. He stopped a Muslim from the practices of
ignorance such as idol worshipping, cheating, stealing, and involving in usury and other evils.
Muhammad (pbuh) advised Muslims to show regard to the lives and property of Muslim as
sacred. Those who are entrusted with someone else's property, should not deceive them. He said,
"He who holds something, belonging to another for safekeeping, must give it back to the person
to whom it belongs." Interest is one of the greatest means of human exploitation that cause
hatred and frustration among people. So, Muhammad (pbuh) declared all usury transaction which
have been made in the past days of ignorance, as abrogated. People may claim only the capital,
neither inflicting/ forcing nor suffering any injustice. The first usury transaction which he
abrogated was of his own uncle Abbas bin Muttalib (RA). Muhammad (pbuh) also waived off all
cases of vengeance killing and the first case of killing that was waived off was of Amir bin Rabiya.
In this address Muhammad (pbuh) explained in detail about the rights and responsibilities of
husband and wife, so, the institution of family works peacefully. He said, "People you have an
obligation towards your women folk, and they have an obligation towards you ...."
Muhammad (pbuh) also instructed Muslims to show kindness, mercy, and compassion, for
women and slaves and fear Allah in their dealings with them. Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Best
among the believers is the one who is best towards his wife." Muhammad (pbuh) removed all
differences among Muslims on basis of color and tribe and taught them equality that they all
are children of Adam (AS) and Adam (AS) was created from dust. He said, "No Arab enjoys
any privilege over non-Arab except through the fear of Allah." Muhammad (pbuh) advised
Muslims to strictly follow teaching of Quran and sunnah, to get success in both the worlds.
Allah Almighty also completed the last divine guide and Muhammad (pbuh) received its last
revelation. "This day I have perfected for you, your religion and completed my favor upon you
and have approved for you Islam as your religion"
As Muhammad (pbut) was poisoned by a Jewish woman at Khyber. It was showing its dead
effect on his health,
During last fifteen days of his illness Muhammad (pbuh) grew too weak to lead the Prayer
and he appointed Abu Bakr r.a. He was shifted to the apartment of Ayesha (RA) permanently,
with consent of all the other wives. Muhammad (pbuh) asked about any claim of wealth and
a person claimed three dirhams that were paid to him. A day before he died the Prophet
(pbuh) set his slaves free, paid seven dinars which he owned, as a charity and gave his
weapon as present to Muslims. He called Fatima (RA) and whispered something to her that
first she cried and then she smiled. Later, she told that first her father informed her about his
death and then he told her that she would be the first among his relatives to meet him in
Paradise, so she smiled. Muhammad (pbuk) passed away on the 12 of Rabi-ul-Awwal 632 AD
leaving all the Arabs in confusion, hurt and panic. Hazrat Umar (RA) was so upset about his
death that he threatened to kill the person who ever will announce his demise. At this Abu
Bakar (RA) wisely announced the death of Prophet (pbuh) and consoled Muslims. Hazrat Ali
(RA) and Hazrat Usama (RA) washed his body and Ali (RA) lowered him in his gave and he was
buried in the apartment of Hazrat Aisha (RA)
b. Explains how any two teachings given in the Prophet (pbuh)'s
farewell sermon can help Muslim communicates today. [4]
(b) The last sermon of Muhammad (buh) is considered as a summary of main element of
faith e.g., it includes the five pillars and equality of humankind. In our society Muslims are
divided on the bases of their cast, sect and wealth which creates hatred and frustration
among them but, this sermon of Muhammad (pbuh) makes it clear to us that the only
criteria be good in the sight of Allah, is the piety and strong character of a person. This
would create equality among Muslims and will remove all the materialistic standards of
respect honor. Muhammad (pbuh) also gave instructions to Muslims about eliminating the
evil of interest from their financial system as it is the greatest mean of human exploitation,
and it divides society into two extremes that is very rich and very poor which is extremely
harmful for the peace and stability of Muslim society. So, Muslims should try to avoid any
business transaction involving usury in it.

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