2022 General Election.

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2022 General election

Contingency Plan.
Ø Security / MOD’s: Use of VHF Radio communication. Alternative mode of
communication if the GSM network is down or congested- Satellite phones
The phone have been tested and are working perfectly

Managing Public Information

The following will be done to manage public information:
Ø Staff will be updated through notice boards, white board at the colleague’s
Canteen, departmental briefings & text messages sent by the HR
Ø Monitoring of local news in the media by Public relations office/ HOD’s and dissemination of
important information within their departments cc: DOO
Ø The FO Manager guided by the GM will communicate to in-house guests
Information Management and Rumor Control
Ø Ensure guest information is accurate, timely and varied.
Ø Public relations office to ensure monitoring of print and electronic coverage for rumor control
and awareness.
Ø Ensure information is from authorized and authoritative sources.

Information can be monitored through the following websites:

Home safety & security
Ø Establish clear procedures for allowing visitors into your compound, regardless
of you being at home or not.
Ø Physically check that your doors and windows lock correctly - if you are not
sure contact your security provider.ww.securex.co.ke
Ø Arrange with your Security Provider to test your alarm, and if you have them.
Ø Ensure your exterior lights are working and make sure you have some spare
bulbs on site.
Ø Make sure your security provider checks, the perimeter fence / wall for any
signs of attempts to force entry - if possible, examine from the outside.
Ø Ensure your Security Provider alerts you and your Security Guard of any
change in your normal Security Guards - if this does not happen, brief your
guard not to carry out handover. If you do not already have one, consider
creating a Safe Haven - this is relatively inexpensive and your Security Provider
can advise and undertake the work.
Ø Provide your Guards with a phone that you can call ahead and let them know
you are approaching, or at least have
Personal safety & security - precautions
Ø Get contact numbers of relevant authorities and Security Providers.
Ø Write an inventory of your possessions - make it as detailed as possible - if an
expat - refer to your shipping list as a start point. Record serial numbers etc. If
possible, record a video and store a soft copy.
Ø Identify an emergency rendezvous point for your family and store a draft text
message to your family informing them you are heading there.
Ø If you are an expatriate ensure you register with your embassy and let them
know your exact address.
Ø If your Security Provider offers the service, register for SMS Alerts /Updates -
even if it is a paid for service.
Ø If you are an expatriate ensure you register with your embassy for SMS
Ø If you use Social Media such as Face book, YouTube or Twitter, then this is
likely to carry a lot of information, often sooner than official sources. However, be aware that much
will be uncorroborated and that Social Media can be easily manipulated by either side in a period of
civil unrest.
Ø Monitor both Local and International Media as often as you can and if
possible, before leaving home / work.
Ø If you are a local ensure you have your identification documents with you keep
abreast of what is going on in your area through news alerts (register to several
accounts so that you can try and authenticate news).
Ø Avoid spreading unconfirmed news and reports.
Ø Carry out some research of your area; access roads, polling stations, Police
Ø Maintain a Grab bag
Ø Take a backup of your computer files and place in Grab Bag - keep backup up
to date every few days or when you save something important on your
Ø Avoid areas that have political rallies. Avoid crowded areas and gatherings.
Ø Vote at a polling station, conversant to you and in a constituency you have
registered in.
Ø Learn how to use speed dial or voice activation on your mobile.
Ø Make sure you have a full gas cylinder for cooking, where possible, purchase a
Ø If you have family members that require a Visa for your home country - keep
the Visas up to date - better to renew now than in crisis.
Ø Make plans for your pets.
Driving safety rules for Colleagues / Hotel Drivers to note
1. MAKE sure your vehicle is serviceable - Get it serviced well before Election Day and then
check it regularly. If your journey is long or on rough roads carry 2 spare tires. Make sure you
have a serviceable wheel brace & jack - check it.
2. ONLY make necessary journeys - preferably during daylight.
3. ALWAYS keep your doors locked and your windows up - NEVER be tempted to break this
4. ALWAYS trust your instincts - if it feels wrong, it probably is.
5. NEVER take short cuts on isolated or un-illuminated roads.
6. ALWAYS call ahead and alert your Security Guard that you are approaching your gate -
NEVER wait outside, especially if you passed strangers on the way in - if the gate is
Opened upon your arrival, drive off and call your Guard again.
7. ALWAYS plan your journey - take the time to be sure you know where you are
going. Keep a map in your car but be careful of where you read it - if you get lost try not to
advertise the fact.
8. ALWAYS communicate your journey - make sure someone knows where you are going and
when you get there - inform them of the routes you intend to use.
9. If possible ALWAYS PARK in secure, well illuminated areas. If unsecure, actively try and
park in an area open to view.
10. If you are concerned that you are being FOLLOWED or if you suspect something is wrong
in your compound DO NOT WAIT OUTSIDE OR ENTER, call the police.
11. ALWAYS keep your fuel tank at HALF FULL OR MORE: garages are unlikely to
be open when you most need them.www.securex.co.k
12. Know where Security Providers (not just yours) tend to park their Patrol Vehicles near your home and
how to get to the nearest Police Station.
13. Learn areas where violence/ unrest have been prevalent in the past - make sure you know where
these areas are in relation to your home, your work and the routes you take to and from.
14. Be extra vigilant - observe as far ahead as possible and when safe to do so. Think about where you
would go if you need to act quickly.
15. Avoid driving in congested areas where large crowds gather - e.g. Bus Stations, Matatu stands -
better to take a less direct but a longer route.
16. Avoid setting route and time patterns if at all possible - go home via family or
friends if safe to do so - don’t become 100% predictable in your movements.
17. Be alert when returning to your vehicle, especially if you have had to park in an unsecure area - look
for suspicious activity/ people behaving unnaturally.
18. Never carry your cards or Passport unless you need it for that journey.
19. Never carry unnecessary valuables such as laptops etc. and ALWAYS empty your car, even at work.
Personal 72 hours Emergency Kit
Food and Water
Ø At least 9 easily prepared meals Dried milk/ long life milk
Ø Drinking Water (plan for 3 liters per person per day) Children’s food
Ø Water (plan for 5 liters per person per day) plus Ugali / Rice / Pasta
Ø Juice packs/ Cans Dried legumes
Ø Protein/ Granola bars Sugar
Ø Trail mix/ Dried Fruit Cooking oil and baking flour
Ø canned food if you have pets buy additional pet food
Ø Cereals/ Crackers Manual Can Opener

Fuel and Light Vehicle Equipment

Ø Small AM/FM radio with batteries
Ø Shovel
Ø Candle-lights
Ø Pocket Knife
Ø Jerry-cans with fuel (if you have a vehicle)
Ø Rope
Ø Solar panel for charging electrical equipment
Ø Duct Tape/ Glue
Ø Lantern (Kerosene or Propane)
Ø Signaling Whistle
Ø Flash lights
Ø Fire Extinguisher
Ø Spare batteries for everything using batteries
Ø Nylon cord
Ø Fire extinguisher(s) and fire-blanket
Ø Storm-kitchen (gas or liquid fuel) or Gas Powered camp stove
Ø Water proof Matches and/or lighter Flash lights & spare batteries
Personal Supplies and Medication
Ø Blanket and/or sleeping bag
Ø Insect repellent
Ø Sewing kit
Ø Medication such as anti-inflammatory, malaria, antibiotics, pain-killers, etc
Ø Pet Supplies If applicable
Ø Cleaning Supplies (hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, dish soap)
Ø Cup, plate and cutlery
Ø Ice Chest if medication requires refrigeration
Ø First Aid kit
Ø Rain-coat and/or umbrella
Ø Toilet paper/ wet wipes
Ø Glucose sweets
Ø Toiletries, Salt tablets
Ø Water containers & water purification tablets
Personal Items for a grab bag
Ø Medical/ dental records, immunization cards Bills/ address book
Ø Land Title Deeds or Mortgage Papers
Ø Current power of attorney List of doctors, dentists, lawyers used in Kenya and
your home Country
Ø Birth certificates, naturalization certificates, Marriage certificates
Ø Household effects inventory
 Passports Insurance policies
Ø Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
Ø Change of clothes including warm clothes
Ø Bottled water
Ø ATM card and credit cards
Ø Snacks
Ø Toilet paper
Ø Personal hygiene items
Ø Local map
Ø Rain gear
Ø Pen and paper
Ø First Aid kit
Ø Local ID card
Ø Flashlight & Spare batteries
Ø UK/US currency/ Local currency
Ø Signaling whistle
Ø Insect repellant
Ø Mobile phone/ spare batteries/ phone credit
Ø Plastic mug and plate Medications
Ø Sleeping Bag/ Blanket Matches/ Lighter
Ø Consider the type of event/ scenario that will trigger Locking Down, meeting
at Emergency Rendezvous or Evacuating.
Ø Development of a plan and make sure that all colleagues easily understand it-
It’s essential that you practice it at least once.
Ø Discussion of various scenarios - being prepared will remove a significant
amount of emotional stress and help prevent decision paralysis.
Ø Prepare your Grab Bag(s)
Ø Ensuring that the work place is as secure as possible. On Lock Down or
Evacuation, lock every window and bolt internal doors where possible. If you have an alarm,
make sure to set it - you have it so use it.
When an emergency situation arises such as a fire, prolonged power outages, violent incident or when an
emergency situation arises such as a fire, prolonged power
outages, violent incident or bomb threat, you may be asked to evacuate the building. All fire alarms and
orders to evacuate must be obeyed, even if the problem is not on your premises. These procedures apply
to all evacuation orders.
Evacuation Routes
Each office has a primary evacuation route, and a secondary one in case of obstructions. Evacuation
routes must be posted in every office.
When you hear a fire alarm or are ordered to evacuate:
Ø Follow any specific instructions given by your Floor Warden or other
emergency responders.
Ø In case of a bomb threat you may be asked to take your briefcase, purse or
other personal belongings with you.
Ø Stay quiet and calm.
Ø Close all filing cabinets and desk drawers.
Ø Leave your office; take personal items required in case you are unable to return
to your office for the remainder of the day. In extreme weather conditions,
wear your outerwear. Do not shut the door. The Floor Wardens will shut the
doors after checking each office.
Ø Staffs are responsible for their visitors and clients, and Reception staffs are
responsible for people in the reception area. Ensure that visitors and clients
follow evacuation procedures.
Ø On-call First Aid Attendant to bring First Aid Kit.
Ø Alert another staff member if you require assistance to evacuate.
Ø If you are aware that another staff member or visitor needs help to evacuate,
ensure that person receives physical assistance and is evacuated.
Ø Follow the evacuation route posted in your office or work area that you are in
at the time of the alarm or evacuation order.
Ø Descend on the right hand side of the stairs, single file.
Ø Merge with other people evacuating.
Ø Go immediately to the Assembly Area (insert the location of your
Departmental/crown corporation assembly area) and report to your supervisor.
Ø If all exits on the top or bottom floor are blocked because of fire and an escape
route cannot be safely made with the use of a fire extinguisher, the floor
warden will instruct you to muster in the office or offices farthest from the fire,
close the door and wait for assistance.
Evacuation Don'ts:
Ø Do not use the elevator in case of a fire.
Ø If you are away from your desk, do not return to your office or work station
prior to evacuating.
Ø Do not carry any food or beverages.
Ø Do not congregate in, or at the bottom of, the stairwell.
Ø Do not remain in the building. Go immediately to the Assembly Area (insert
the location of your departmental/crown corporation assembly area) and
report to your supervisor.
Ø Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the Safety Warden.
Ø If you have questions ask your Floor Warden.
After hours alarms
Ø If you hear or activate the fire alarm outside regular working hours, briefly
check the building and sign-in board for other people before you evacuate, if it is safe to do
Ø Do not re-enter the building until authorized by the Fire Department.
Ø Risk Management Training - completed on quarterly basis (Health &Safety
Committee / Security team)
Ø Review bomb threat, evacuation plan & fire procedures with staff (Osoro)
Background checks on employees
Ø Stationing security guards at hotel entrance
Ø Security patrols of interior
Ø Electrical, boiler and pump rooms secured
Ø Round the clock monitoring of the CCTV
Ø All visitors to pass through metal detectors / Guest’s luggage detected
Ø Restricting parking near the hotel
Ø No vehicles unattended around the hotel
Ø Identification required and recorded for all vehicles entering the parking lot inspecting all
vehicles driving up the hotel entrance
Ø Stock up on critical supplies -adequate Food (Dry / canned) & Beverage
storage by the Procurement department.
Ø Fuel stock - Generator and the Industrial oil - full tanks in all areas plus
additional gas cylinders for kitchen fuel
Ø HR to update staff contact details, home (residential) address, next of kin and
recent photo if necessary - HR to action
Ø Each HOD to have an updated contact details for their staff - HR to action Ø Outlets well
covered by the respective departmental heads
The GM & Security Manager should be the control team leaders.
The following colleagues will be in-house;
1. The GM
2. Security Manager
3. Chief Engineer
v Chef
v F&B managers’
v Front Office Managers
v 2 Receptionists
v 2 Porters
v 5 Service Colleagues
v 1 Barman
v 3 Drivers
v 1 floor Supervisor
v 2 Engineers
v 2 room stewards
The following are the departmental initiatives;
 Prepare staff updated contact lists including an alternative number, their
residential address, their next of kin contacts and a recent photo
 Prepare staff transport contacts
 Prepare an update and publish the HR Helpline and to be on 24/7
 Have an updated staff schedule for all the Departments
 Ensure a system is in place for staff to log in / have a print out for all staff on
 Ensure all the First Aid kits are well stocked
 Identifying trauma counseling services if need be
 Sending colleagues on leave / vacation ( All leave schedules should be attached)  Reduce
colleagues canteen buffet quantity
 Ensure Safety of Colleagues
 Update colleagues via SMS when need be
 Prepare to have food storage that can keep the Hotel running for 3 weeks
Stocking enough dry foods
 stocking of canned food
 Adequate beverage stocks, e.g. UHT milk, sodas, beers, wines

 All meals to be served in one restaurant depending on the guest count, we will decide whether to
do a buffet or a'la carte for breakfast, to ensure minimum wastage
 Room Service to be closed, all calls pertaining to room service to be directed
to Royal service. The royal service colleagues to be briefed and have the restaurant
 Colleague dining area will operate as normal but with less production
 Liaise with the GM and DOO to have a pre statement on enquiries about
elections update to be used by the Telephone
 Be prepared to have guests extend their stay
 Be prepared for walk in guests and people will be looking for deals  Have adequate
 Closing of wings, we will only operate with Acacia wing which has air
conditioning split unit
 Ensure Royal Service has all the major Airlines and Embassies telephone
 Liaise with the GM/ DOS&M to have a pre statement on enquiries about
elections update to be used by the Telephone
 Be prepared to have guests extend their stay
 Be prepared for walk in guests and people will be looking for deals  Have adequate floats
 Closing of wings, we will only operate with Acacia wing which has air
conditioning split unit
 Ensure Royal Service has all the major Airlines and Embassies telephone
 Update all the booked events and provide the contacts details of the same
 Be prepared for cancellations
 Have adequate fuel stocks
 Check serviceability of the standby generator
 Adjust/ reduce the boiler hours
 Check provision of alternative lighting
 Have an updated contacts for essential services e.g. Kenya power, water supply
 Prepare to escort guests with the Police
 Prepare an updated emergency contacts list
 Prepare an updated emergency contacts for Fire Engines
 Prepare an updated contacts list for Emergency services e.g. Ambulances, Fire
Engines, hospitals and police Hot line
 Prepare an updated contact list for the Security services providers
 Prepare an updated contacts for all the Police stations within Nairobi areas and
its environs where staff resides
 Support the other department for purchasing the extra stock piles
 Ensure we have adequate cash - Local and foreign currencies
 purchasing to update a list of all the suppliers and their contacts
 Review our Insurance Policies on effects of loss of business due to Political
 Monitor business loss
 Advice on canceled bookings
 Consider going to your polling station in groups or with people you are familiar with.
 Plans underway for police to form a squad to deal with criminal gangs following the increased operations in the city.

 Increased manned guarding force-adding mobile response team as well as to ensure adequately cover the Capital

city and its environs.

 One vital cog to maintain law and order is Information.-Share critical information regarding security to the

authorities and their loved ones in good time.

 Motorists are also advised to map their routes in advance and monitor situations along the roads prior to their

departure. (Safety is number one perhaps to consider).Cooperating with trusted friends or neighbors especially if it’s

a daily commute, like going to work in the morning

 During elections period, people have different candidates they favor and pledge allegiance to. Some goes as far picking up a fight

with those that are not in their camp.

 Whatever the outcome of the elections, be moderate in your discussions as political debates could easily turn violent.

 Be vigilant of happenings around the polling booth and your locality.

 Avoid wearing clothes or carrying items with political insignia which may give you unwanted attention.

 Avoid engaging in political discussions at the polling centers as they could easily turn violent.

 It is advisable to leave under age children at home.

 Make sure your family is posted on your whereabouts at all times.

 Pick every call because the person calling might want to tell you about what will save your life.

 After elections, monitor local media and other sources for regular updates of security situations. Also keep all emergency contact

numbers handy.

 Allow a few days after the elections, before embarking on long distance road trips, so as not to be trapped on possible violent



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