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Opening prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, As we gather here today, we

invite Your presence into this classroom. Lord, bless
each and every student here, as well as our teacher,
as we embark on another day of learning. Please give
us clear minds and open hearts so we can grasp the
knowledge and lessons set before us.

a.Describe the Physical Self.

b.Examine the self as impacted by the body.

c. Explain how one's culture influences body-

image and self-esteem.

d.Recognize the true meaning of beauty.

e. Construct a Personal Self.

Introduction to the Chapter:

The person's perception of themselves in for their physical

appearance and abilities is an individual's "physical self-
concept". A self-concept is a representation which contains
self-awarenessIt is basically made up of physical
characteristics, capacities of intellect and aesthetics as well
as traits. On this chapter, we will tackle the importance of
having a positive self-awareness, self-consciousness, as well
as self-esteem to be able to achieve life contentment and
"Physical Self"
•refers to the body that includes basic parts such as head,
neck, arms, and legs

•made up of other organs such as the brain, heart, lungs,

stomach, intestines, and muscles

1. A concept of a person's perception of description of

the self which includes his or her physical appearance

2. Physical self is the condition, attractiveness of the

body, power and strength, and self-regard or self-
3. The assessment of the physical including
the evaluation of both physical appearance
and physical competence is called Physical
Self-Esteem. It's also synonymous to self-

4. Physical self is the physical qualities of a

•From the simple definition, it can be
said that the physical self is a
combination of a person's body and
William James- considered the
body as the primary origin of
sensation and vital for the source and
maintenance of the human
Wilhelm Reick- who is most focused
with body, says that the human mind
and body as one and all processes of a
person's psychological faculties, are
parts of physical body and that is very
essential dynamic in all psychological
The person's rationality is the ultimate and
most specific attribute that put human beings
on all God's creations. According to St Thomas,
a person who has an intellectual soul can
rationalize and understand.

It encompasses all that an individual thinks of and all

that he possesses as a member of a particular society.
The customs, beliefs, values and norms make up the
person and in fact one is judged by the type of culture
he belongs to. A person who behaves well receives
admiration and respect by people around him and in
the end he develops self-esteem.
Self Esteem

The basis of beauty in a person is a fit body and

healthy image, and self-esteem. High level of self-
esteem and awareness of the concept of self are
important attributes of a person's happiness. Self-
esteem pertains to the total evaluation of the self.
Self-esteem is likewise self-worth or self-image.
Self-concept is one's own specific evaluation of the
There are five ways to improve self-esteem:

1. Determine the reasons for having a low self-esteem and the

zone of capabilities important to the self.

2. Give emotional support and chance. for approval from the


3. Take accountability and responsibility for one's own self-


4. Reach personal goals

5. Develop coping style and strategies


Self-awareness refers to the extent to

which a person is currently connecting
his/her attention on his/her own self-
concept. When the self-concept turns to
be highly reachable because of one's
concerns about being observed and
potentially judged by others, one
experiences the publicly induced self-
awareness known as self-consciousness.

Private self-consciousness refers to the probability to

introspect about one's inner thoughts and feelings.

Public self-consciousness refers to the tendency to

focus on his or her image to the public and to be
particularly aware of the extent to which people are
reaching the quality set by others.
Here are some ways to improve your body image and
inner self

•Smile a lot
•Take good care of your health
•Live a well balance life
•Dress well and be neat
•Spend some time alone to reflect
•Be creative and do something new all the time
•Avoid temptation
•Respect individuality
•Make friends
•Face your fears
•Be independent
•Accept things as they are
•Ask and listen
•Think positive thoughts
•Be thankful

To keep body in good health is a

duty... Otherwise we shall not be
able to keep our strong and clear.

Closing Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for guiding us
through another day of learning. We're grateful
for the wisdom shared and the friendships that
grow here in this classroom. Lord, help us to
remember and apply what we' ve learned today.

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