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Hassan Z. Harraz
2017- 2018
What is Perlite ?
• Expanded perlite is a white, ultra-lightweight aggregate
ranging from a very fine powder to an aggregate with a
particle size up to 6mm in size.
• It is inorganic, inert, neutral in pH, biologically stable and
has no asbestos content.
• It has excellent thermal insulation properties over an
extremely wide temperature range from cryogenics at
minus 273oC (absolute zero) up to refractory applications
at over 1000oC.
• It also has a highly adsorbent surface and a very low bulk
density which makes it an ideal carrier or low cost filler for
many compound formulations.

Volcanic Rock Perlite
What Is Perlite?
• Perlite is
• naturally occurring mineral
• silliceous volcanic rock
• pearl-like luster


Perlite is a water bearing natural glass

That contains Silica, Alumina, Iron, Titanium,
Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium

‫ماهو البيراليت ؟‬
‫البيراليت ليس باسم تجاري‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫ولكنه نوع من الصخور البركانية الشفافة المتكونة من الآلفا ذات التكوين الكيميائي المحدد‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫والحاوية على الماء المتبلر‪.‬‬
‫البيراليت عبارة عن حبيبات بيضاء صغيرة الحجم من (‪ 5 : 1‬ملم)‪ ،‬يتدرج لونه من‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الرمادي إلى األبيض‬
‫ويتم طحن الصخر وتسخينه على درجات حرارة عالية تصل من( ‪ 900‬الى ‪ 1000‬درجة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مئوية )‪ ،‬فتتبخر المياه المتبلورة داخلها بسرعة مسببة تمددها ليتضاعف حجمها من ‪ 4‬إلى‬
‫‪ 20‬مرة قدر حجمها األصلي‪ ،‬وتتكون عليه فجوات هوائية نتيجة خروج الهواء الساخن‪،‬‬
‫مما يحدث تمددًا واتساعًا للحبيبات وانتفاخها بصورة كبيرة‬
‫ينتج عن عملية التمدد هذه فجوات هوائية التحصى في الحبيبات تمنح البيراليت خفة في‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الوزن وتجعل له خاصية عزل ممتازة ‪ ،‬ونسبة لهذه الخواص الفريدة فإن البيراليت يستعمل‬
‫في عزل جدران الطوب ‪ ،‬عزل االرضيات ‪ ،‬العزل في التبريد ‪ ،‬خرسانة البيراليت خفيفة‬
‫الوزن ‪ ،‬مالط عازل للياسة ‪ ،‬في انتاج البلوك خفيف الوزن وعزل األسقف‪.‬‬

Grey Raw Perlite

Perlite Ore
• Expanded Grade
• Un-Expanded Grade

Raw Perlite

Perlite Ore
• The expansion is due
to a change in state
of the water found
within the structure of
the rock.
• The physical
properties of the light
weight expanded

Perlite Ore

 Perlite is an amorphous volcanic
glass that has a relatively high water
content (i.e., typically formed of the
hydration of obsidian).
 It occurs naturally and has the
unusual property of greatly expanding
when heated sufficiently.
 It is an industrial mineral and a
commercial product useful for its light
weight after processing.
 Various grades resulting from
differences in the degree of hydration.
 Used primarily as an insulator with its
high heat resistance and high sound
 Used in fertilizer

Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation 10

Nonmetallic Deposits
‫البيراليت (‪)Perlite‬‬
‫• أهم مواصفات البيراليت ‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬ذو تركيب ثابت من الناحية‬
‫الفيزيائية‪ ،‬و ليس لها القدرة على‬
‫التبادل الكاتيوني‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬خفيف الوزن ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬له قدرة جيدة على االحتفاظ بالماء ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬يتيح تهوية مرتفعة للبيئة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬يتميز بالخاصية الشعرية مما يسهل‬
‫استخدامه كبيئة في طرق الري تحت‬

‫‪Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫‪Nonmetallic Deposits‬‬
Physical Characteristics of Perlite
 Perlite softens when it reaches
temperatures of 850–900 °C.
 Water trapped in the structure of the SiO2 75 - 70
material vaporizes and escapes, and this Al2O3 15 - 12
Na2O 4-3
causes the expansion of the material to 7– K2O 5-3
16 times its original volume. Fe2O3 2 - 0.5
 The expanded material is a brilliant white, MgO 0.7 - 0.2
CaO 1.5 - 0.5
due to the reflectivity of the trapped LOI 5-3
 Unexpanded ("raw") perlite has a bulk
density around 1100 kg/m3 (1.1 g/cm3),
while typical expanded perlite has a bulk
density of about 30–150 kg/m3 (0.03-0.150

Production and Reserves of Perlite

Perlite output in 2015

• Perlite is a non-renewable resource.
• The world reserves of perlite are estimated
at 700 million tonnes.
• In 2011, 1.7 million tonnes were produced,
mostly by Greece (500,000 t), United
States (375,000 t) and Turkey (220,000 t).
• However, no information for China – a
leading producer – was available.
Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation 15
Nonmetallic Deposits
 Because of its low density and relatively low price (about US$50
per tonne of unexpanded perlite), many commercial applications Cost of unexpanded perlite[10]
for perlite have developed. In the construction and manufacturing End of year
.Price in the U.S
fields, it is used in lightweight plasters, concrete and per metric ton $
mortar (masonry), insulation and ceiling tiles. 2001 $36.30
 In horticulture, perlite can be used as a soil amendment or alone 2002 $36.50
as a medium for hydroponics or for starting cuttings. When used
2003 $38.20
as an amendment it has high permeability / low water retention
and helps prevent soil compaction. 2004 $41.80[5]

 Perlite is an excellent filtration aid and is used extensively as an 2005 $40.50[5]

alternative to diatomaceous earth. The popularity of perlite usage 2006 $42.90
as a filter medium is growing considerably worldwide. Perlite 2007 $45.30
filters are fairly commonplace in filtering beer before it is bottled.
2008 $48.00
 Small quantities of perlite are also used in foundries, cryogenic
2009 $49.00
insulation, and in ceramics as a clay additive. It is also used by
the explosives industry.
 Due to thermal and mechanical stability, non-toxicity, and high
resistance against microbial attacks and organic solvents, perlite
is widely used in biotechnological applications. Perlite was found
to be an excellent support for immobilization of biocatalysts such
as enzymes for bioremediation and sensing applications.

Grades of Perlite
Nominal Size Loose Poured
Grade Name (mm) Bulk Density Datasheets
P0 Micronised 0.01 - 0.5 65 - 95 P0
P3 LW Cryogenic 0.75 - 1.2 35 - 55 (LW) P3LW
P3 HD Extra fine 0.75 - 1.2 55 - 85 (HD) P3HD
P05 Ultra-fine 0.01 - 1.0 90 - 180 P05
P10s Super Fine 0.75 - 2.0 80 - 100 P10S
P10B High Fine 0.75 - 2.5 80 - 110 P10B
P15 Medium 0.75 - 3.0 90 - 130 P15
P25 Special 1.0 - 3.0 90 - 120 P25
P35 Standard 1.0 - 5.0 90 - 120 P35
P45 Super-coarse 1.0 - 5.0 90 - 120 P45
SILVAPOR 1.0 - 5.0 110 - 130 SILVAPOR
Note: Nominal particle size indicates the 80% band i.e. up to 10%
above or below the specified range

Grades of Expanded Perlite Perlite Particle Size
Particle size is one
important factor in
determining how
expanded perlite works in
a given application. e
illustration below is meant
to simplify the subject and
indicate, in very general
terms, some common
perlite grades and how
they relate to one another
in particle size. Other
factors such as physical
structure and density can
also be critical in certain
applications but are not
addressed herein.

 Absorbents
 Construction
 Castables
 Cavity Fill: Silvapor
 Chimney Linings
 Firebacks and Boilers
 Fireplace Slabbing
 Horticulture
 Insulation:
 Insulating Concrete for Underground Pipes and Ducting
 Insulating Concrete Roof and Floor Screeds using Perlite
 Pre-formed Insulation Shapes
 Landscaping
 Paints and Coatings
 Refractories
 Tile Adhesive

‫استخدامات البيراليت‬
‫االستخدامات االنشائية ‪:‬‬
‫يتمتع البيراليت اإلنشائي (أنسواليت) بخاصية العزل الحراري وخفة الوزن وعليه فانه‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يستخدم بشكل واسع في عزل الجدران (عزل بمالء الفراغات) ولما يمتاز‬
‫به أنسواليت من مقاومة للحريق وعزل للصوت فهو يستعمل ايضًا في عزل خزانات‬
‫الغاز‪ ،‬وعندما يخلط أنسواليت مع االسمنت والماء يكون خرسانة خفيفة عازلة للحرارة ‪.‬‬
‫ويكون مثاليًا لعزل االسقف ولياسة الجدران وعزل االرضيات في مختلف انواع المباني‪،‬‬
‫وهناك الكثير من االستخدامات االخرى ‪.‬‬
‫االستخدامات الزراعية ‪:‬‬
‫في مجال الزراعة فان البيراليت الزراعي (أقري اليت) يستخدم في جميع أنحاء العالم‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫كمكون لخلطات التربة الزراعية وذلك لزيادة معدل التهوية واالحتفاظ بالرطوبة المناسبة‬
‫للنمو االفضل للنبات‪ .‬أما في إنبات العقل فإن أقري اليت يستخدم وحده ‪ %100‬ولقد أعطت‬
‫الدراسات نتائج واضحة عند استخدام البيراليت بنظام الزراعة المائية (الهيدروبونك) ‪.‬‬
‫‪ pH‬كما انه مادة معقمة وخالية من االعشاب الضارة‪ ،‬إضافة الى ذلك خفة وزنه مما‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يجعله مالئمًا لالستخدام في المراكن والنباتات الداخلية ‪.‬‬
‫ومن االستخدامات الزراعية للبيراليت الزراعي (أقري اليت) فهو يعمل كمادة حاملة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫لالسمدة ومبيدات الحشائش واآلفات وتبطين وحماية البذور‪ .‬ويعتبر مناسبًا في الحدائق‬
‫المنزلية والنباتات الداخلية‪ ،‬كما يطبق على نطاق واسع في االنتاج الزراعي التجاري‬
‫وبنجاح في البيوت المحمية وتنسيق الحدائق والمشاتل ‪.‬‬
‫االستخدامات الصناعية ‪:‬‬
‫يستخدم البيراليت الصناعي (كريواليت) في المجال الصناعي بكفاءة عالية في العديد من‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫االستخدامات مثل استخدامه كمادة مالئة في البالستيك او مع االسمنت في ابار البترول‬
‫والماء‪ ،‬او كمادة منقية لالدوية او االطعمة والمواد الكيماوية والمسابح ومحطات تنقية‬
‫المياه ‪ .‬كما يستخدم في صناع الصابون والمنظفات ومواد التلميع ‪ .‬ولتمتعه بخاصية العزل‬
‫فان له االولوية في صناعة الحديد والطوب ومونة الطوب وعزل االنابيب وخالفه ‪.‬‬

Applications of Perlite
The Versatile Mineral
Sustainability Fact Sheet
Sustainability as the process of making decisions and taking actions to create economic,
environmental and social conditions that generate value for the largest number of people,
today and for generations to come. These decisions and actions are based on continuous
reviews of:
Protection of Resources and the Environment:
 Perlite products help protect land, waterways, and natural flora and fauna. Perlite
works as a filter to clean storm water runoff and hazardous waste spills, helping to
prevent contamination of local rivers and fish habitats.
 Perlite is used in nurseries and greenhouses as a substitute for native mineral soil,
helping to preserve the world's topsoil.
 The global perlite industry actively mines a total of less than 8 square km3 . This is
small fraction of what is available, based on a 2010 survey of worldwide
 Known reserves of perlite will be available for many generations. In the past 60
years less than 1% of the reserve base has been used.
 Perlite mining has little overburden to manage and minimal waste. No chemicals
are used in processing perlite.
 Perlite mining has limited environmental impact. Prior to mining, studies are
conducted to ensure minimal disturbance of local biology and no impact on
archeological sites.
 Perlite Institute mining members actively reclaim and restore mined sites to their
original biological status.
Wise Energy Use
As an industrial mineral, expanded perlite is used as
insulation in high temperature and super cooled
applications. Expanded perlite's excellent insulating
qualities are also used in the construction industry to
insulate floors walls and roofs of homes and
Expanded perlite is added to a host of finished
products, making them lighter weight, and less
costly to ship.
Energy consumed during perlite processing is offset
 insulation applications for long term energy
 effciently growing plants which consume carbon
 water conservation in horticultural and
agricultural applications.
 making products lighter uses less energy for
Minimization of Waste
 Perlite does not create by-products
during processing; only the physical
form is altered.
 Expanded perlite ships in bulk trucks
or in re-usable bulk bags wherever
possible to minimize packaging waste
and reduce the impact on landfills.
 Products are made from all particle
sizes and densities making perlite an
efficient, "no waste" industrial mineral.
Local Economic and Social Benefits
 The perlite industry improves
economic development and well-being
in many communities, providing jobs
which in turn supports many levels of
rural and urban economies.
Why Perlite Works Genesis in Fire
Perlite as a Filler
The physical character of expanded perlite lends itself to a variety of special purposes—
including use as a filler material in milled flake form, aggregate bubble form, and individual


 Weight reduction
 Shrink and/or crack resistance
 Low volume-based cost compared to binders and some other fillers
 Whiteness
 Impact resistance
 Machinability and ease of sanding
 Nail and screw holding ability
 Flexural strength modification
 Very ne texture in coatings
 Gloss and sheen control
 Pigment extension
 Inertness and non-toxicity
 Water and/or air permeability
 Fire resistance
 Insulation
 Modification of acoustic properties
 Available in various sizes and densities
Perlite for Construction
Perlite plays an important role in a The versatile mineral
wide variety of construction-related
uses including: as an aggregate in Construction Uses for Perlite
lightweight insulating concrete and  Lightweight concrete & plaster
plaster; as a loose fill insulation  Loose fill & slab insulation
material for concrete masonry  Fireproofing sprays
blocks, cavity walls, in residential  Chimney fill
homes; and in a variety of  Interstitial floors
specialty applications including  Acoustical sprays & ceiling tiles
fireproofing sprays, chimney fills,  Texturizing agent
interstitial floors, acoustical sprays,
 Fire-rated door cores
 Blast panels
 Tile, mortar and grout

Construction Grade Perlite

Construction Grade Perlite
An all purpose grade designed for use as loose fill
insulation or to withstand crushing forces inside a transit
mixer when mixing with concrete and other aggregates.
Ratings and Specifications
Loose weight density: 8.0 lbs/ft3
Fire rated (UL Design U 905)
Reduces sound transmission (STC Rating
of 51)
ASTM C549: Perlite Loose Fill Insulation
ASTM C332: Lightweight Aggregates for
Insulating Concrete
Thermal Resistivity (R-value): approx 3.0
per inch of thickness

Describing Perlite Particle Size
• Different grades of perlite are often described in
terms of particle size distribution. This is
measured by taking a representative sample of
the product and pouring it onto a stack of
screens – starting with the largest screen size
on top, and getting successively smaller as you
go down.

The amount of perlite collected on each screen is

collected and measured – usually by both volume
Screen sizes can be in inches,
and weight. The results can be described in two US Mesh, millimeters or
equally valid ways – RETAINED or PASSING. For
example: If 70% of the sample was retained on a
specific screen – then it follows that 30% of the
sample passed through that same screen.

 Raw perlite is heated rapidly about 700-1200°C.

 Perlite is ‘popped’ like a corn.
 The contained water is converted to steam.
 Volume is increased to 20 times of its original volume.

Hydrophobic Perlite
Expanded Perlite

Expansion Furnace


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