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What is the big bang theory in brief? What is the Big Bang Theory? | Space
Simply put, it says the universe as we know it started with an infinitely hot and dense single point
that inflated and stretched — first at unimaginable speeds, and then at a more measurable rate —
over the next 13.7 billion years to the still-expanding cosmos that we know today. Jul 26, 2023
Why stars can't form elements heavier
than iron through nuclear fusion?
• I’m going to go with the easy answer and let the physicists
and astrophysicists give you the more complicated
• It comes down to energy, gravity and pressure.
• Stars especially giant stars that can fuse elements up to
iron, are a balance of gravitational pressure, and energy
outflow to keep them from collapsing due to gravity. The
are so massive, that gravity wants to take over and
compress all the mass. The energy released by fusion of
elements up to iron, creates pressure, that balances out the
gravitational pressure trying to collapse the star.
What Is a Supernova?

NASA Space Place (.gov) › supernova What is a supernova?
The Short Answer: A supernova is the A supernova is the colossal (adj. napakalaki)
biggest explosion that humans have ever explosion of a star. Scientists have identified
seen. Each blast is the extremely bright, several types of supernova. One type, called a
super-powerful explosion of a star. “core-collapse” supernova, occurs in the last
stage in the life of massive stars that are at least
eight times larger than our Sun.
Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is a medical imaging
technique that uses a magnetic
field and computer-generated
radio waves to create detailed
images of the organs and
tissues in your body. Most MRI
machines are large, tube-shaped
What was the cause of fall of Roman Empire?
What caused the fall of Rome? Corruption, the division of the empire, and invasion by
Germanic tribes were the three main causes of the fall of Rome. Some scholars believe that
there were other contributing factors as well. Jan 17, 2022
The 'Dark Ages' were between the 5th and 14th centuries, lasting 900 years. The timeline
falls between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It has been called the 'Dark
Ages' because many suggest that this period saw little scientific and cultural advancement.
Printing press
Wikipedia › wiki › Printing_press
In Germany, around 1440, the goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable-type
printing press, which started the Printing Revolution.
Inventor: Johannes Gutenberg

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