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Co n t e m p o ra r y

a l G o v e r n a n c e
Gl o b
Table of contents
01 Introduction
04 The United Nations

Roles and Functions of

What is International
Organization 05 United Nations
Powers of International Challenges of the
Organizations 06 United Nations
Global Governance refers as an
framework of institutions, rules,
norms and procedures that facilitate
collective action and co-operation
among countries and other actors.
It encompasses a wide range of
issues, including economic
development, trade, human rights,
environmental protection, and peace
and security. The objective is to
address global challenges that
transcend national borders and require
collective solutions.
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
What is
Organi z a t i o n ?
g r o u p o f
Refers to a l organizations
intergo v e r n m e n t a i l y
s t h a t a r e p r i m a r
or grou f member-states.
ma d e u p o
Powers of International Organization

Have power of Have power to fix Have the power to

classification meanings diffuse norms
Because IOs can invent This is a broader function IOs do not only classify and fix
and apply categories, related to the first. States, meanings; they also spread
they create powerful organizations, and individuals their ideas across the world,
global standards. view IOs as legitimate sources thereby establishing global
of information. As such, the standards.
meanings they create have
effects on various policies.
The United Nations
• The United Nations was established after Word War II with the aim of
preventing future wars, succeeding the ineffective League of Nations (LON)

• In 1945, representatives of 50 counts met in San Francisco at the United

Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United
Nations Charter.

• The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50

countries. Poland, which we not repented at the Conference signed it later and
became one of the original 51 Member States.
The United Nations
• There are 193 member states with the addition of South
Sudan in July 14, 2011

• Philippines joined UN on October 24, 1945 under the

administration of Sergio Osmeña.
The United Nations
The General Assembly
Is UN’s main deliberative policymaking and representative organ.

The Security Council

Takes the lead in determining the existence of threat to the peace or an
act of aggression.

The Economic and Social Council

The principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue,
and recommendations on social and environmental issues, as well as
the implementation of internationally agreed development goals.
The United Nations
The International Court of Justice
Is to settle in accordance with international law, legal disputes
submitted to it by states and to give advisory opinions referred to it by
authorized UN organs and specialized agencies.

The Secretariat
It consist of secretary-general and 10,00 of international UN staff
members who carry out the day-to-day work of the UN as
mandated by the general assembly and the organization’s other
principal organs.
Roles and Functions of the
United Nations
• Maintain International Peace and
• Protect Human Rights

• Deliver Humanitarian Aid

• Promote Sustainable Development
Other International
The World Health Organization (WHO)
is the UN agency charged with
spearheading international public health
efforts. Over its nearly seventy-five
years, the WHO has logged both
successes, such as eradicating smallpox,
and perceived failures, such as its
delayed response to the Ebola outbreak
in 2014.

The International Monetary Fund

(IMF) works to achieve sustainable
growth and prosperity for all of its 190
member countries. It does so by
supporting economic policies that
promote financial stability and
monetary cooperation, which are
essential to increase productivity, job
creation, and economic well-being.
The IMF is governed by and
accountable to its member countries.
Challenges of the United
• the UN is not a world
government, and it’s
functions primarily because
of voluntary cooperation
from states.
• issues related in security
Global governance is such a complex issue that one can
actually teach an entire course itself. This lesson has
focused on the IOs and the UN in the particular.
International Organizations are highlighted because they
are the most visible symbols of global governance. The
UN, in particular, is the closest to a world government.
What is important to remember is that international
institutions like the UN are always to a precarious
Th a n k

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