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Media and

The University Of Perpetual Help System DALTA
believes and invokes Divine Guidance in the
betterment of the quality of life through national
development and transformation, which are
predicated upon the quality of education of its
people. Towards this end, the Institution is
committed to the ideals of teaching, community
service and research as its nurtures the value of
“Helpers of God”, with “Character Building is
Nation Building” as its guiding principle.
The University Of Perpetual Help System DALTA shall emerge as a
premier university in the Philippines. It shall provide a venue for
the pursuit of excellence in academics, technology and research
through local and international linkages.
The University shall take the role of a catalyst for human
development. It shall inculcate Christian Values - Catholic in
Doctrine as a way of strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino, a
people who are
“Helpers of God”, proud of their race and prepared for the
exemplary global participation in the Sciences, Arts, Humanities,
Sports and Business.
It foresees the Filipino people enjoying the quality of life in
abundance, living in peace and building a nation that the next
generation will nourish, cherish and value.
The University of Perpetual Help System DALTA is dedicated
to the development of the Filipino as a leader. It aims to
graduate dynamic students who are physically, intellectually,
socially and spiritually committed to the achievement of the
highest quality of life.
As a system of service in health and in education, it is
dedicated to the formation of Christ-centered, service-
oriented and research-driven individuals with great social
concern, and commitment to the delivery of quality
education and health care. It shall produce PERPETUALITES
as “Helpers of God” a vital ingredient to Nation Building.
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

 Create a log that reflects their current use and

interaction with media and information;
 Define the key concepts (media, information,
technology literacy, and media and information
 Compare and relate media and information
literacy framework to their own understanding
and competencies.
Things to ponder!

1. What is Communication?

2. Why do we communicate?

3. How do we communicate?
What Is Communication?

Process of sharing and conveying

messages or information from one
person to another within and across
channels, contexts, media and

(McCornack, 2014)
What Is Communication?
Two basic types of Communications
Non-Verbal Verbal
Communication Communication
Signs Oral
Symbols Written
Body language
Facial Expressions


What Is Media?
Media is the method in how something is communicated.
Channels or ways we used to transmit or communicate
messages; (communication tools.)
What Is Information?
Processed data and/or knowledge
derived from study, experience,
instruction , signals , or symbols.
What Is Technology?
Application of the scientific knowledge
to the practical aims of human life or to
change and manipulate the human
What Is Literacy?
The ability to identify, understand,
interpret, create, communicate, and
compute using printed and written
materials associated with varying
Literacy involve a continuum of learning
in enabling individuals to achieve their
goals, to develop their knowledge and
potential, community and wider society
- (UNESCO, 2004;2017)
How much time do
you spend consuming
media each day?
Did You
The average teen
spends 6-9 hours per day watching
TV, scrolling on their phone,
listening to music, etc. That is more
than 40% your day.
What Is Media
The ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, create, and act using all
forms of communication.
What kind of content are you absorbing and how did you
ACCESS get to it?

Do you make sense of its messages?

Are you aware that each message is created by someone
EVALUATE with their own goals and opinions?

What is the media creator’s responsibility to those who

CREATE view it?

ACT What do you do with the information?

Media Media
Messages vs. Affects

The values and The influences and

ideas that are consequences on
promoted. the audience.
Introduction to Media and
What Is
The ability to recognize when
information is
needed and to locate,
evaluate, effectively use and
Identify -> Find -> Evaluate -> Apply -> Acknowledge
information in its various formats.
How will you react on
these posts?
What Is
The ability to use digital technology,
communication tools or networks to
locate, evaluate, use, and create
Media and Information Literacy
knowledge skills,
Refers to the essential competencies (__________,
and ____________) that allow citizens to engage with
media and other information providers ___________ and
critical thinking
develop ________ __________and life-long learning skills
for socializing becoming active citizens.
The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and
act using all forms of communication.

The ability to recognize when information is
needed and to locate,
evaluate, effectively use and communicate
information in its various formats.
The ability to use digital technology,
communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate,
use, and create information.
_________1. This type of literacy identifies what
Seatwork No.1 the information is for, where to find it, and how to
Write your answers in
your Activity Notebook evaluate it.
_________2. This type of literacy evaluates
different media forms and how can they be
Identification: analyzed, evaluated, and created to send out
messages efficiently and ethically.
On the space provide before each _________3. This type of literacy is able to access,
number, write ML if the manage, and integrate technologies to create and
communicate information.
statement describes Media
_________4. This literacy discusses that a person
Literacy, IL for Information should first understand the question to figure out
the type of information sources he or she needed.
Literacy, and TL for _________5. It is a collection of communication
Technology Literacy. mediums such as radio, television, newspaper and
the Internet.
Seatwork No.1 _________6. This literacy tells us that a
Write your answers in person cannot learn every technology
your Activity Notebook available out there, but can have
competencies in machines and techniques
Identification: related to his/her field.
_________7. A literacy that evaluates the
On the space provide before each
answers and information.
number, write ML if the _________8. A literacy that shares
statement describes Media information using variety of forms.
_________9. A literacy that helps us to share
Literacy, IL for Information information online.
Literacy, and TL for _________10. It acknowledges opinion and
Technology Literacy. answers from different people’s perspective.

Read and Study the Evolution of Media

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