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Arranged by
• Dhela Amelia Ismin Savilia (202101012)
• Exellena Putri (202101014)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) are actions
that help individuals or married couples to avoid unwanted births,
get desired births, regulate the intervals between births, control the
time of birth in relation to the age of the husband and wife, and
determine the number of children in the family (Setyani, 2019).
1. Tubektomi

1. MOW Inhibiting the journey of a woman's egg cell, so that the

cell cannot be fertilized sperm.
2. MOP Obstructing the transport (path) of spermatozoa (sperm
cells), so that they cannot fertilize the egg
Mop mow
2. Condoms
A thin rubber sheath covering the penis whose function is to
collect sperm fluid when a man ejaculates HOW IT WORKS:
Prevents the meeting of spermatozoa (semen) with egg (ovum)
during intercourse Direct barrier with infected fluids
3. Pil /Injection
What are birth control pills? Hormones containing estrogen &
progestin eggplant taken every day for 21/28 days How it works? H
Suppress ovulation which will prevent the release of the egg from
the ovary H Handle the mucus of the mouth of the uterus, until
sperm cannot enter the uterus Thinning the endometrial lining
(mucous membrane in the vagina)
4. Implant
What is a birth control implant (implant)? 1 or 6 capsules (like a
match) inserted under the skin of the upper arm, slowly releases the
hormone progesterone over 3 or 5 years Its success rate
5. Spiral
What's that? Contraceptives that are inserted into the uterus in
various shapes, made of plastic, plastic wrapped in copper or
copper mixed with silver which can contain hormones. The usage
time can be up to 10 years

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