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Maria D.

Department of Medical Biochemistry
02/10/24 Maria 2
DNA packaging into chromosomes
DNA molecules are very large that require special
packaging to enable them to reside within cells.
• All DNA is packaged as structures called nucleosomes
which are the basic organizational units of chromatin.
• Chromatins are the complexes between eukaryotic DNA
and Proteins
• The DNA in the chromatin is very tightly associated with
proteins called histones.
Histones, which are small basic proteins containing large
amounts of arginine and lysine.
Histones are the major structural proteins of

02/10/24 Maria 3
DNA packaging contd…
The organization of eukaryotic DNA into chromatin is
essential for regulation of transcription
There are different types of chromatin
 Euchromatin- chromatin that is diffuse
 heterochromatin- chromatin that is condensed
There are two types of heterochromatin:
 Constitutive heterochromatin
 Facultative heterochromatin

02/10/24 Maria 4
DNA packaging contd…
The genes in heterochromatin are inactive, whereas those
in euchromatin are active and can produce mRNA.
There are five major classes of histones these are H1, H2A,
H2B, H3, and H4.
H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are known as the core histones,
while H1 is known as the linker histones.

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DNA packaging contd…
In eukaryotes, activation of a gene requires changes in the
state of chromatin (chromatin remodeling) that are
facilitated by acetylation of histones and methylation of
These changes in DNA determine which genes are available
for transcription.

Figure 1. Model for the structure of the nucleosome, in which

DNA is wrapped around.

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DNA packaging contd…
Chromatin has the appearance of beads on a string.
The beads (nucleosome cores) with DNA protruding from
each end are known as nucleosomes.
Two molecules of each of four histone classes (H2A, H2B,
H3, and H4) form the center of the core around which
approximately 140 base pairs of DNA.
The DNA wrapped around the nucleosome core is
continuous and joins one nucleosome core to the next.
The DNA joining the cores is complexed with the fifth
type of histone, H1.

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DNA packaging contd…
Other types of proteins are also associated with DNA in
the nucleus.
These proteins are “non-histone chromosomal proteins.”
The cells of different tissues contain different amounts
and types of these proteins, which include
 enzymes that act on DNA replication and repair
 factors that regulate transcription (proteins involved in
RNA synthesis, processing and transport)

02/10/24 Maria 8
DNA packaging contd…

Figure 2. Histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are known as the core histones,
while histones H1 is known as the linker histones.

02/10/24 Maria 9
DNA packaging contd…
 The histones interact with each other in very specific ways.
 H3 and H4 form a tetramer containing two molecules of
each (H3-H4)2, while H2A and H2B form dimers (H2A-
 These histone oligomers associate to form the histone
octamer of the composition (H3-H4)2-(H2A-H2B)2.

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DNA packaging contd…
These four core histones are subject to at least five types
of covalent modification:
 acetylation,
 methylation,
 phosphorylation,
 ADP ribosylation,
 sumoylation and
 covalent linkage to ubiquitin. (H2A only)

02/10/24 Maria 11
DNA packaging contd…
Histone acetylation and deacetylation.
Histone acetylase and other enzymatic activities are
involved in regulation of gene transcription.
Acetylation is known to occur on -amino group of lysine
residues in the amino terminal tails of histone molecules by
Histone acetyltransferase (HATs)
It reduces the positive charge of these tails and decreases
the binding affinity of histone for the negatively charged
Histone deacetylation (HDAC) would have the opposite

02/10/24 Maria 12
DNA packaging contd…

Figure 3. Histone acetylation and deacetylation and their effects

02/10/24 Maria 13
DNA packaging contd…

Methylation of DNA
Cytosine residues in DNA can be methylated to produce 5-
The methylated cytosines are located in GC-rich
sequences (CpG-islands), which are often near or in the
promoter region of a gene.
In certain instances, genes that are methylated are less
readily transcribed than those that are not methylated.

02/10/24 Maria 14
DNA packaging contd…
Histone methyltransferases (HMTs) are enzymes that
catalyze the methylation of lysine or arginine residues of
histone proteins.
Methylated histones can either repress or activate
Methylation of a pair of lysine amino acids at the 4th and
9th positions of the N-terminus of H3 have different effect.
Methylation of lysine-9 forms a binding site for the
Heterochromatin protein-1 (HP1) protein which induces
chromatin packaging and silences gene expression
Methylation of lysine-4 has the opposite effect and
promotes an open chromatin structure.

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DNA packaging contd…

Possible Roles of Modified Histones

 Acetylation of histones H3 and H4 is associated with the
activation or inactivation of gene transcription.
Acetylation of core histones is associated with
chromosomal assembly during DNA replication.
Phosphorylation of histone H1 is associated with the
condensation of chromosomes during the replication
ADP-ribosylation of histones catalyzed by ADP-ribose
transferases and is associated with DNA repair, cell
proliferation and differentiation

Maria 16
DNA packaging contd…
Possible Roles of Modified Histones
Monoubiquitylation is associated with gene activation,
repression, and heterochromatic gene silencing.
Sumoylation of histones (SUMO; small ubiquitin-related
modifier) is associated with transcription repression.

Maria 17
DNA packaging contd…
Remodeling of chromatin, is also carried out by large
protein complexes SWItch/Sucrose Non-Fermentable
(SWI/SNF) complex.
Sw1/Snf complexes have ATPase and helicase activity.
The Sw1/Snf complex is thought to transiently dissociate
DNA from the surface of nucleosomes, permitting
nucleosomes to “slide” along the DNA and promoting the
unfolding of condensed higher-order chromatin
facilitate the binding of transcription factors to DNA in

02/10/24 Maria 18
DNA packaging contd…
SWI/SNF complexes are also required for the repression of
some genes, because
 they help expose histone tails to deacetylases or
 they assist in the folding of chromatin into condensed,
higher-order structures.
These complexes are thought to recruit histone acetylases
that modify chromatin to make genes accessible to
transcription factors.
Mutations affecting the Swi/Snf chromatin-remodeling
complex, are associated with a variety of tumors.

02/10/24 Maria 19
DNA packaging contd…

Figure 4. Chromatin access:

factor that mainly belong
to the SWI/SNF family
medicate DNA accessibility
by nucleosome
02/10/24 Maria 20
Replication contd…
Nucleic acids are required for the storage and expression of
genetic information.
DNA replication is the process by which the genome's DNA
is copied in cells.
Replication of DNA must be complete and carried out with
high fidelity to maintain genetic stability.
The two strands of the DNA double helix are separated;
each can serve as a template for the replication of a new
complementary strand, producing two daughter molecules.
This process is called semi conservative replication.
The enzymes involved in DNA replication process are
template directed polymerases.

02/10/24 Maria 21
Replication contd…
Polymerases synthesize the complementary sequence of
each strand.
New DNA strands are
synthesized by using the
existing (parent) strands as
The formation of new, daughter
strands that are complementary
to the parent strands.

Figure 5. DNA Double Helix

02/10/24 Maria 22
Replication contd…

Figure 6. Semi-conservative DNA replication

02/10/24 Maria 23
Replication contd…
Synthesis of DNA in Eukaryotes requires
1. DNA polymerase

DNA Polymerases Require a Primer to Initiate Replication.

02/10/24 Maria 24
Replication contd…
Table 1. Class of proteins involved in replications

02/10/24 Maria 25
Replication contd…
DNA polymerases cannot initiate chain synthesis it requires
a short, RNA strand, called a primer, to begin chain growth.

Figure 7. DNA replication

02/10/24 Maria 26
Replication contd…
DNA polymerase catalyzes the stepwise addition of a
deoxyribonucleotide (dAMP, dGTP, dTMP, …) to the 3ʹ-
OH end of a polynucleotide chain.
• Helicases and topoisomerases unwind the parental
strands, and single-strand binding proteins prevent them
from reannealing.
 Type I topoisomerases cleave just one strand of DNA,
 Type II enzymes cleave both strands.

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Replication contd…

Figure 8. DNA replication in Eukaryotes

02/10/24 Maria 28
Replication contd…
Replication of the circular,
double-stranded DNA in
Prokaryotes is almost the same
in eukaryotes.

Figure 8. DNA replication of a

bacterial genome.
02/10/24 Maria 29
Replication contd…
Replication of the Ends of Chromosomes
Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, and the ends of the
chromosomes are called telomeres.
Telomeres consist of a repeating sequence of bases
(TTAGGG for humans).
The enzyme telomerase contains both proteins and RNA
and acts as an RNA dependent DNA polymerase.
(human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene (hTERT)).
The polymerase activity of telomerase then uses the
existing 3- hydroxyl group of the overhang as a primer,
and its own RNA as a template, and synthesizes new DNA
lengthens the 3- end of the DNA strand.
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Replication contd…
The 3 -overhang can also form a complicated structure
telomere binding proteins to protect the ends of the
chromosomes from damage and nuclease attack.

Figure 9. Telomerase action

02/10/24 Maria 31
Mutation ; DNA repair
Genomes are dynamic entities that change over time as a
result of the cumulative effects of mutation and
Mutation is a heritable change in the nucleotide sequence
of a short region of a genome.
Mutations occur at a low frequency as the result of
copying errors introduced by DNA polymerases
Recombination is the exchange of genetic material
between chromosomes.
process responsible for crossing-over and exchange of
DNA segments between homologous chromosomes during
meiosis of eukaryotic cells

02/10/24 Maria 32
DNA damage can be caused by;-
 spontaneous cleavage of chemical bonds in DNA,
 by environmental agents such as ultraviolet and ionizing
 by reaction with genotoxic chemicals that are by-products
of normal cellular metabolism or occur in the
environment. Eg. aflatoxin B1 is the most potent liver
several “proofreading” mechanisms that act sequentially to
correct any initial mispairings
Many mutations are point mutation that replace one
nucleotide with another; others involve insertion or
deletion of one or a few nucleotides.
02/10/24 Maria 33
DNA repair
Cells possess efficient DNA repairing systems.
All cells possess DNA-repairing enzymes that attempt to
minimize the number of mutations that occur.
The different DNA repairing system :-
1. Direct repair:-
act directly on damaged nucleotides, converting each
one back to its original structure.
2. excision repair
involves excision of a segment of the polynucleotide
containing a damaged site, followed by resynthesis of
the correct nucleotide sequence by a DNA polymerase.

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DNA repair contd….
3. Mismatch repair
corrects errors of replication, again by excising a stretch
of single-stranded DNA containing the aberrant
and then repairing the resulting gap.
4. Recombination repair:-
is used to repair double-strand breaks.

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DNA Repair contd…

Figure 10. DNA damaging factors, DNA lesion types and possible
repair mechanisms
02/10/24 Maria 36
DNA Repair contd…
Table 2. Mechanisms of DNA Repair

02/10/24 Maria 37
DNA repair
Excision endonuclease, also known as excinuclease or UV-
specific endonuclease
Xeroderma pigmentosum results from failed DNA repair.
Patients with this disorder are highly sensitive to light,
exhibit premature skin aging, and are prone to malignant
skin tumors.

02/10/24 Maria 38
DNA repair

Figure 11. The general pathway of Nucleotide excision repair

02/10/24 Maria 39
DNA Repair contd…
Once cells lose their ability to effectively repair damaged
DNA, there are three possible responses

 The cell may become senescent, i.e., irreversibly dormant.

stopping mitosis.
 The cell may become apoptotic. Sufficient DNA damage
may trigger an apoptotic signaling cascade, forcing the
cell into programmed cell death.
 The cell may become malignant.

02/10/24 Maria 40
Mitochondrial DNA
Major Features of the Structure and Function of Human
Mitochondrial DNA
1. Is circular, double-stranded, and composed of heavy (H)
and light
2. Contains 16,569 bp
3. Encodes 13 protein subunits of the respiratory chain (of
total of about 67).
4. High mutation rate (5 to 10 times that of nuclear DNA)

02/10/24 Maria 41
Mitochondrial DNA

Figure 12. Human Mitochondrial DNA structure

02/10/24 Maria 42
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Genetic transcription

• RNA is a working copy of DNA. The copying process,

which uses one of the two strands of DNA as a template is
called transcription.
• RNA is the only macromolecule known to have a role both
in the storage and transmission of information and in
• Transcription requires the action of enzymes called RNA

02/10/24 Maria 43
Genetic transcription contd….
• There are four major types of RNA:-
1. mRNA- mRNA is transcribed from DNA and contains the
genetic blueprint to make proteins that encode the
amino acids sequence of one or more polypeptides
specified by a gene
2. tRNA- serve as adapters molecule
3. rRNA - rRNA forms ribosomes, which are essential in
protein synthesis.
4. Small RNAs- small nuclear RNA (snRNA) Small
Interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and micro RNA (miRNA)….

02/10/24 Maria 44
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd….

• RNA polymerase (RNA pol) is a complex enzyme (8 to 14

subunits) that synthesizes RNA in the 5′ to 3′ direction.
• Eukaryotic cells contain three distinct nuclear RNA pol
that transcribe different classes of genes.
RNA pol II transcribes Protein-coding genes to yield
RNA pol I and III transcribe ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and
transfer RNAs (tRNAs).
RNA pol I is specifically devoted to transcription of the
three largest species of rRNAs (28S, 18S, and 5.8S).

02/10/24 Maria 45
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd….

 RNA pol III transcribes the genes for tRNAs, for the 5S
rRNA, snRNAs and scRNAs.
• RNA Pol II is responsible for the synthesis of mRNA
from protein-coding genes.
• Many different proteins are involved in the activation
of transcription.
• Transcription in the eukaryotic system requires
specific Proteins called transcription factors required
for RNA pol
II to initiate transcription.

02/10/24 Maria 46
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd…
• Expression of eukaryotic protein-coding genes is regulated
by multiple protein-binding DNA sequences referred to as
transcription control regions.
These include:-
 promoters
 TATA box
 CAAT box
 CpG Islands
 silencer sequence, and others

02/10/24 Maria 47
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd…
Transcription factor is a protein that binds to a specific
site on DNA and regulates the rate of transcription of a
• These Proteins bind to specific regulatory sequences and
modulate the activity of RNA pol.
The expression of eukaryotic genes is controlled primarily
at the level of initiation of transcription.
The sequence of an RNA is complementary to the
sequence of DNA in one strand of the double-stranded

02/10/24 Maria 48
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd….
The strand that is transcribed into an RNA molecule is
referred to as the template strand of the DNA.
The other DNA strand, the non-template strand, is
frequently referred to as the coding strand of that gene.
Transcription has initiation, elongation, and termination
steps and the newly synthesized RNA is called the primary
DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase initiates Transcription
at a Distinct site called the Promoter

02/10/24 Maria 49
Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd….
Eukaryotic genes encoding proteins have promoter sites
with a TATAAA consensus sequence, called a TATA box or
a Hogness box.
The TATA box is usually located 25–30 bp upstream from
the transcription start site in mammalian genes.
Promoters also have a CAAT box with a GGNCAATCT
consensus sequence centered at about -75.
The starting point of transcription corresponds to the 5
nucleotide of the mRNA and is designated as +1 position.
The base in the coding strand of the gene serving as the
start point for transcription is numbered +1.

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Eukaryotic genetic transcription contd….
Untranscribed sequences to the left of the start point,
known as the 5-flanking region of the gene and numbered
as –1, –2, –3, etc., starting with the nucleotide (–1)
immediately to the left of the start point (1).
By analogy, the sequences to the left of the start point are
said to be upstream from the start point and those to the
right are said to be downstream.
This designation provides a conventional way of defining
the location of regulatory elements in the promoter.

02/10/24 Maria 51
Transcription contd….
Five general transcription factors (TF) (or basal TF) are required
for initiation of transcription termed TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE,

The human TATA box is bound by the 34 kDa TATA-binding

protein (TBP), which is multisubunit complexes.

 The non-TBP subunits of TFIID are proteins called TBP-

associated factors (TAFs).

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Transcription contd….

Figure 13. Promoter site for transcription of eukaryote and

02/10/24 Maria 53
Transcription contd….
Binding of the TBP-TAF, TFIID complex to the TATA box
sequence is thought to represent a first step in the
formation of the transcription complex on the promoter.

Figure 14. The eukaryotic basal transcription complex

02/10/24 Maria 54
Transcription contd….
Some mRNA-encoding genes lack a consensus TATA box.
In this case, additional cis elements, an initiator sequence
(Inr) and downstream promoter element (DPE), direct the
RNA polymerase II transcription machinery.
The Inr element spans the start site (from −3 to +5).
The DPE has the consensus sequence localized about 25
bp downstream of the +1 start site.
The Inr, DPE sequences are also bound by the TAF
subunits of TFIID.

02/10/24 Maria 55
Transcription contd….

Figure 15. Schematic diagram showing the transcription control regions in

a hypothetical mRNA producing, eukaryotic gene transcribed

by RNA polymerase II.
02/10/24 Maria 56
Transcription contd….
Sequences just upstream from the transcription start site
also determine how frequently a transcription event
Typical of these elements are the cis-acting the GC rich
sequence and CAAT boxes in the region between –40 and
Eukaryotic genes also contain promoter-proximal
elements in the region of –100 to - 200.
These boxes bind to transacting transcription factors Sp1
and CTF (CAAT box binding transcription factor).
Sp1 binds to the GC rich motif and CTF to the CAAT box;
through their distinct DNA binding domains (DBDs).

02/10/24 Maria 57
Transcription contd….
There are other class of sequence elements that can either
increase or decrease the rate of transcription initiation of
eukaryotic genes. These elements are:-
 Enhancers
 Repressors (or silencers)
They have been found in a variety of locations both
upstream and downstream of the transcription start site
and even within the transcribed protein coding portions of
some genes.

02/10/24 Maria 58
Transcription contd….
Enhancers and silencers (repressors) can exert their effects
when located thousands of bases away from transcription
start site.
Enhancer binding transactivator factors have been shown
to interact with other transcription proteins like:-
 Chromatin-modifying coactivators,
 Mediator, (mediate signals from DNA-binding TF directly
to RNA Pol II)
 Components of the basal transcription machinery.
transactivator factor-enhancer DNA binding events result
in an increase in the binding of the basal transcription
machinery to the promoter.

02/10/24 Maria 59
Transcription contd….
Some regions are controlled by complex DNA elements
called insulators.
It blocks enhancer-promoter interactions.
Regulation of transcription also requires that regulatory
proteins bind with high affinity and specificity to the
correct region of DNA.
 Three unique motifs—
 the helix-turn- helix,
 the zinc finger, and
 the leucine zipper—account for many of these specific
protein-DNA interactions.

02/10/24 Maria 60
Transcription contd….

conserved structural motif in

DNA binding domain of the
transcription factors.

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Transcription contd….

Figure 16. Mechanism of Transcription

02/10/24 Maria 62
Transcription contd….

Figure 17. Schematic view of a eukaryotic gene and steps required

to produce an mRNA
02/10/24 Maria 63
Transcription contd….
After RNA poly II has finished the region of the
transcription unit encoding the 3′ end of the transcript,
RNA endonucleases cleave the primary transcript at a
position about 15 bases 3′ of the consensus sequence
AAUAAA that serves in eukaryotic transcripts as a
cleavage and polyadenylation signal

Figure 18. Relationship between the coding strand of DNA, the

DNA template strand, the mRNA transcript
02/10/24 Maria 64
Transcription contd….
Function, structure and synthesis of RNAs
tRNA- serve as adapters for the translation of the
information in the sequence of nucleotides of the mRNA
into specific amino acids.
It has a cloverleaf shape
They vary in length from 74 to 95 nucleotides.
tRNAs compose roughly 20% of total cellular RNA.
All tRNA molecules contain four main arms that contain
modified bases by posttranscription.
•The acceptor arm terminates in the nucleotides 3’-CCA.

02/10/24 Maria 65
Genetic transcription contd….
These three nucleotides are added posttranscriptionally by a
specific nucleotidyl transferase enzyme.
T-loop (TC) contains both ribothymidine (T) and
pseudouridine ().
Near the 5’ end the D arm is there where D is
The anticodon, loop contains the trinucleotide anticodon
that base pairs with the codon on mRNA.
A fourth loop, known as the variable loop because it varies in
Some tRNA precursors contain introns that are removed by

02/10/24 Maria 66
Genetic transcription contd….

The pre-tRNA is
subsequently cleaved
at the 5- and 3-ends
by RNase P.

Figure 19. tRNA structure

02/10/24 Maria 67
Genetic transcription contd….

Figure 20. Overview of tRNA synthesis

02/10/24 Maria 68
Genetic transcription contd….

3. rRNA - rRNA forms ribosomes, which are essential in

protein synthesis.
 All of the ribosomal RNA molecules except the 5S rRNA,
are transcribed from a single precursor 45S rRNA.
 This large 45S transcript is cleaved to produce the 18S,
28S, and 5.8S rRNAs.
 one portion of the 45S rRNA precursor becomes the 18S
rRNA that, complexed with proteins, forms the small
40S ribosomal subunit.

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Genetic transcription contd….
Another segment of the precursor folds back on itself and
is cleaved, forming 28S rRNA, hydrogen-bonded to the
5.8S rRNA.
Proteins complex with the 28S and 5.8S rRNAs to form
the 60S.
In the cytoplasm, the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits
interact with mRNA forming the 80S ribosomes on which
protein synthesis occurs.

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Genetic transcription contd….

Figure 21. rRNA and ribosome synthesis

02/10/24 Maria 71
Genetic transcription contd….
4. Small RNAs- small nuclear RNA (snRNA) Small
Interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and micro RNA (miRNA)……
snRNA involved in rRNA and mRNA processing and gene
of the several snRNAs, U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 are
involved in intron removal and the processing of mRNA
precursors into mRNA.
The U7 snRNA is involved in production of the correct
3′ ends of histone mRNA - which lacks a poly(A) tail.

02/10/24 Maria 72
Genetic transcription contd….
 a class of small RNAs found in most eukaryotes.
 are typically 21–25 nucleotides in length.
 are derived from large primary transcripts through
specific nucleolytic processing
 Majority of miRNA are transcribed by RNA pol II into
primary transcripts termed pri-miRNAs.
• In the nucleus, the DROSHA and DGCR8 microprocessor
complex cleaves pri-miRNA to mature miRNA
• The pri-miRNAs are 5′-capped and 3′-polyadenylated
 miRNA cause inhibition of gene expression by decreasing
specific protein production.

02/10/24 Maria 73
Transcription contd….
Reverse Transcriptase
Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme that uses a single-
stranded RNA template and makes a DNA copy.
Retroviruses (RNA viruses) contain a reverse transcriptase,
which copies the viral RNA genome. (HIV, Covid 19,
Hepatitis, …... ).
A double-stranded cDNA is produced, which can become
integrated into the human genome
This enzyme catalyzes the production of a DNA copy from
an RNA template.
The RNA of a DNA-RNA hybrid is degraded, and the
single DNA strand is used as a template to make double-
stranded DNA.
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Transcription contd….

Figure. 22. Action of

reverse transcriptase.

02/10/24 Maria 75
Transcription contd….

Figure 23. Integration of retrovirus into the host chromosomes

02/10/24 Maria 76
Prokaryotic genetic transcription contd….
Transcription and translation are coupled in prokaryotic
Prokaryotic mRNAs are subjected to little processing prior
to carrying out their intended function in protein
Bacterial cells have a single RNA polymerase that
transcribes DNA to generate all of the different types of
RNA (mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA).

02/10/24 Maria 77
Prokaryotic genetic transcription contd….
The DNA-dependent RNA Pol of the bacterium E coli exists as
an approximately 400 kDa core complex consisting of five
 two identical α subunits,
 similar but not identical β and β′ subunits, and
 an ω subunit.
The β subunit binds Mg2+ ions and composes of the catalytic
Another protein called a  (sigma) factor binds the core
enzyme and directs binding of RNA pol to specific promoter
regions of the DNA template.

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Prokaryotic contd….

A number of different  factors are there that recognize

the promoter regions of different genes, the major one is

A number of protein-producing genes may be linked

together and controlled by a single promoter called an
Bacterial promoters are approximately 40 nucleotides (40
bp) in length.

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Prokaryotic genetic transcription contd….

Figure 24. RNA pol catalyzes the polymerization of


02/10/24 Maria 80
Prokaryotic contd….
There are two short, conserved consensus sequence
elements in the promotor region.
 Approximately -35-bp upstream of the transcription start
site there is a consensus sequence of eight nucleotide pairs
(consensus: 5′-TGTTGACA-3′) involved in binding of RNA
 proximal to the transcription start site about -10
nucleotides upstream—is a six-nucleotide-pair A+T-rich
sequence (consensus: 5′-TATAAT-3′)(Pribnow box). It is
recognize by the sigma factor 70

02/10/24 Maria 81
Prokaryotic contd….

Figure 25. Bacterial promoters with the two highly conserved

nucleotide sequence
 By convention, all nucleotides upstream of the transcription initiation
site (at +1) are numbered in a negative sense and are referred to as 5′-
flanking sequences.
 All nucleotides downstream of the transcription start site is in a positive
02/10/24 Maria 82
Prokaryotic contd….
The process of RNA synthesis in bacteria involves first the
binding of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme molecule to
the template at the promoter site to form a preinitiation
complex, or PIC.
A  factor of RNA polymerase binds to the promoter
region of DNA and causes the two DNA strands to unwind
and separate within a region approximately 10 to 20
TATA box is centered about –10 and is recognized by the
sigma factor 70
The sigma factor is released when the growing RNA chain
is approximately 10 nucleotides long.

Maria 83
Prokaryotic contd….
The enzyme polymerizes the ribonucleotides in the
specific Sequence.
Pyrophosphate (PPi) is released following each cycle of
purine ribonucleotide is usually the first to be polymerized
into the RNA molecule.
After 10–20 nucleotides have been polymerized, RNA Pol
undergoes a second conformational change leading to
promoter clearance.
Once this transition occurs, RNA Pol physically moves
away from the promoter.

Maria 84
Prokaryotic contd….
The elongation complex containing the core RNA
polymerase progresses along the DNA molecule.
DNA unwinding must occur in order to provide access for
the appropriate base pairing to the nucleotides of the
coding strand.
Elongation of the RNA molecule from the 5′ to its 3′ end
continues cyclically, antiparallel to its template.
RNA polymerase has an intrinsic helicase activity that
opens the DNA helix.
The elongation reactions continue until the RNA
polymerase encounters a transcription termination signal.

Maria 85
Prokaryotic contd….

• Termination:- a signal that is recognized by a

termination protein, the rho (ρ) factor.
• Rho is an ATP-dependent RNA-stimulated helicase that
disrupts the nascent RNA-DNA complex.
Rho-dependent transcription termination signals have a
distinct consensus sequence, 40 nucleotide pairs in length
and contain a hyphenated or interrupted inverted repeat
followed by a series of AT base pairs.
Transcription continues into the AT region with the aid of
the ρ protein the RNA polymerase stops, dissociates from
the DNA template, and releases the nascent transcript.

Maria 86
Prokaryotic contd….

Figure 26. Formation of a hairpin loop in the transcript, preceding a

number of U residues :- termination signal

RNA hairpin causes RNA polymerase to pause

Maria 87
Prokaryotic contd….

Figure 27. The structural genes of an operon are transcribed as one long
polycistronic mRNA
 mRNA is usually generated from an operon as a polycistronic
mRNA contains multiple sets of start and stop codons that allow
a number of different proteins to be produced from this single
 A cistron is a region of DNA that encodes a single polypeptide
02/10/24 Maria 88
Posttraranscriptional modification
Eukaryotic RNA primary transcripts undergo extensive
processing, whether it be as mRNA, miRNAs, rRNA, 5S
RNA, or tRNA.
Processing occurs primarily within the nucleus.
Eukaryotic pre-mRNA transcripts contain regions known
as exons and intervening sequences (introns).
Exons appear in the mature mRNA; introns are removed
from the transcript and are not found in the mature

02/10/24 Maria 89
Posttranscription Contd…
Regulation of transcription by RNA processing
1. Alternative splicing
Alternating splicing of mRNA is a regulatory mechanism
that can affect quantitative control of gene expression and
functional diversification of protein.
Transcription of a single gene can be initiated from a
variety of alternative promoters and can result in a variety
of isoforms.
These isoforms can be tissue specific, developmental stage
specific, sub-cellular localization specific and sex specific.

02/10/24 Maria 90
Posttraranscription contd….
The coding portions (Exons) of most Eukaryotic genes are
Interrupted by introns.
Exons ultimately translated into the amino acid sequence
of a protein molecule.
The intron RNA sequences are cleaved out of the
The exons of the transcript are appropriately spliced
together in the nucleus before the resulting mRNA
molecule appears in the cytoplasm for translation.
Alternative splicing provides different mRNAs.

02/10/24 Maria 91
Posttraranscription contd….
A special multicomponent complex, the spliceosome, is
involved in converting the primary transcript into mRNA.
Spliceosomes consist five small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs)
(U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6) and more than 60 proteins, many
of which contain conserved “RNP” and “Signal
recognition” protein motifs.
Introns are removed as a lariat-like structure in which the
5’ G of the intron is joined in an unusual 2,5-
phosphodiester bond to an adenosine near the 3’ end of
the intron.

02/10/24 Maria 92
Posttraranscription contd….
The consensus sequences at the intron/exon boundaries of
the pre-mRNA are AGGU (AGGT in the DNA).
Almost all introns begin with a 5’ GU and end with a 3’ AG

Figure 28. Splice junctions in hnRNA intron sequences

shown in blue dashed boxes
snRNA bind to the intron, causing it to form a loop
U1 within the snRNP complex binds first by base pairing
to the 5′ exon-intron boundary.
02/10/24 Maria 93
Posttraranscription contd….

U2 binds within the intron in a region containing an

adenine nucleotide residue.
Another group of snRNAs, U4, U5, and U6, binds to the
complex, and the loop is formed.
The phosphate attached to the G residue at the 5-end of
the intron forms a 2–5 linkage with the 2-hydroxyl group
of the adenine nucleotide residue.

02/10/24 Maria 94
Posttraranscription contd….
Cleavage occurs at the end of the first exon, between the
AG residues at the 3’ end of the exon and the GU residues
at the 5 end of the intron.
A second cleavage occurs at the 3-end of the intron after
the AG sequence.
The exons are joined together. The intron, shaped like a
lariat, is released and degraded to nucleotides.

02/10/24 Maria 95
Posttraranscriptional contd….

Figure 29. Alternative Splicing process

02/10/24 Maria 96

Figure 30. Model of

mediated splicing
of pre-mRNA

02/10/24 Maria 97
Posttranscription contd….
1. Capping of mRNA at the 5’ end
Eukaryotic mRNAs at the 5′ terminal is “capped” by a 7-
methylguanosine triphosphate.
The 5′ cap of the RNA transcript is required both for
efficient translation initiation and protection of the 5′ end
of mRNA from attack by 5′ → 3′ exonucleases.
7-methylguanylate that is connected to the terminal
nucleotide of the RNA by an unusual 5,5 triphosphate

02/10/24 Maria 98
Posttraranscription contd….

Figure 31. Methylated

cap of Eukaryotic
02/10/24 Maria 99
Posttranscription contd….
RNA editing changes mRNA after transcription
RNA editng is a form of post-transcriptional processing
which can involve enzyme-mediated insertion or deletion
of nucleotides or substitution of single nucleotides.
Individual mRNAs may undergo multiple C → U or U → C
editing events.
Example :- C to U editing of human APOB lipoprotein
The cell-type-specific expression of the two isoforms of
apoB results from editing of apoB pre-mRNA
In the liver the APOB gene encodes a 14.1 kb mRNA
transcript and a 4536 amino acid product, ApoB100.

02/10/24 Maria 100

Posttraranscription contd….
In the intestine the same gene encodes a 7 kb mRNA
which contains a premature stop codon and encodes a
product, ApoB48 with 2152 amino acids.

Figure 32. RNA editing of ApoB pre-mRNA

02/10/24 Maria 101

Inhibitors of RNA Pol contd….
Rifampin is thought to inhibit bacterial DNA-dependent
RNA polymerase, by forming a stable drug-enzyme
complex selectively killing the bacteria that cause the
The toxin  amanitin is capable of causing irreversible
inhibition of mammalian RNA polymerases.
 amanitin a peptide toxin from the mushroom Amanita

02/10/24 Maria 102

Inhibitors of RNA Pol contd….
 α-Amanitin blocks the translocation of RNA polymerase
during phosphodiester bond formation.
 Actinomycin D forms a very stable complex with DNA
preventing the unwinding of the DNA double-helix, thus
inhibiting the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity.
 Remedsivir – inhibitor of viral RNA pol.
 Entecavir - viral reverse transcriptase inhibitor

02/10/24 Maria 103

Thank you

02/10/24 Maria 104

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