Resource Allocation

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Resource Allocation

Roll # 1015,1041,1042,1043,1044

• Introduction
• Resources in project management
• Resource histogram
• Techniques of resource allocation
• Pros and Cons of resource allocation
• Why we need effective resource allocation
What is resource allocation?

• Resource allocation in project management refers to the process of assigning and

utilizing available resources efficiently to achieve project goals and objectives.
• Resources are the life blood of a project management.
• Resources are used to carry out the project and, are returned to their owners if they are
not consumed by the project.
2. Resources in Project
Resources in Project Management
• There are various resources that play a crucial role in successful project management. Here are some key resources in project management:

1. Human Resources:
1. Project Team: The individuals assigned to work on the project. Their skills, expertise, and collaboration are critical for project success.
2. Project Manager: The leader responsible for planning, executing, and closing the project. They coordinate the efforts of the team and communicate with

2. Financial Resources:
1. Budget: The allocated funds for the project, covering costs such as labor, materials, equipment, and overhead.
2. Financial Tools: Software or systems for budgeting, accounting, and financial tracking.

3. Material Resources:
1. Physical Resources: Materials, equipment, and infrastructure required to complete the project tasks.

4. Time Resources:
1. Project Schedule: A timeline outlining the sequence of activities, milestones, and deadlines.
2. Time Management Tools: Software or techniques to track and manage time, such as Gantt charts and critical path analysis.

5. Information Resources:
1. Project Documentation: Plans, reports, and other documents that provide information about the project.
2. Communication Tools: Platforms for effective communication among team members and stakeholders.

• And there can be many more like technology, tools, equipment etc.
3. Resource Histogram
Resource Histogram

• A resource histogram is a graphical representation or chart that illustrates the allocation of resources over time in
a project. It provides a visual overview of how resources, typically human resources, are assigned to different
tasks or activities throughout the project's duration.

• Key features of a resource histogram include:

1. Time Axis: The horizontal axis of the histogram represents time, usually divided into intervals such as days,
weeks, or months, depending on the project's timeline.

2. Resource Axis: The vertical axis represents the amount of resources (usually people or roles) available for the

3. Bars or Blocks: Each resource is represented by a bar or block that spans the time period during which the
resource is assigned to specific tasks or activities. The length of the bar indicates the duration of the resource

4. Color Coding or Stacking: Different resources may be represented by different colors or by stacking bars on
top of each other, allowing for easy differentiation and comparison.
4. Techniques of resource allocation in project
To avoid over-allocation
Techniques of resource allocation
• Divide the project into tasks
• Determine attributes of resources
• Assign the resources to tasks
• Resource leveling
• Re-allocate as necessary
• Track resources utilization
Divide the project into task
In Project management, the project is divided into tasks and managed on task rather than a
whole project. Resource management is an integral part of this process as each task is
assigned the necessary resources.
Determine resource attributes
Each resource comes with the attributes which must me sufficient to carry out the project
These attributes include:
• Skill
• Quality
• Availability
Assign the resource
Each task requires resources to be performed successfully. As a minimum, most tasks
require a human resource to carry out some actions. Usually, the person starts with some
input materials which are used to produce an output.
Generally there are these resources:
• Human
• Materials
• Equipment
Resource leveling
• Resource leveling is a resource management technique that involves balancing available
resources and schedules to complete projects on time. In any given project, you’ll work
with limited resources that need to be used simultaneously to complete tasks within a
timeline. The primary goal of resource leveling is to schedule project tasks.
Re-Allocate as necessary

Resources are limited. They sometimes do not show up on time, are needed by other
projects or lose their usefulness over time.
Many things can happen that require a shift of resources from one task to another, or a
change in a project schedule or budget. This could involve reallocating human resources,
such as assigning different team members to specific tasks based on their skills or adjusting
workloads to meet shifting priorities. It might also involve reallocating other resources,
such as computing resources or budgets, to ensure the project stays on track and meets its
Track resource utilization

• It is surprisingly occurrence that a resource arrives at a project and sits idle for a long
period of time.
• It is equally common that project managers have no idea that the resource is being paid
for but not being used.
• Regularly track and monitor how resources are being utilized throughout the project
lifecycle to minimize wastage and efficient usage.
5. Pros and cones of resource allocation
Pros of resource allocation
• Faster Project Completion: Allocating the right people and tech resources helps finish software
projects quicker.
• Optimized Resource Utilization: Ensures that resources are used efficiently, minimizing waste and
maximizing productivity.
• Saving Money: Smart resource allocation prevents unnecessary spending, especially in cloud
computing, where you only pay for what you use.
• Adapting to Changes: Being flexible with resources lets software teams quickly adjust to new project
• Better Teamwork: Assigning tasks based on skills improves how team members work together,
making the whole team more efficient.
• Avoiding Problems: Planning for potential issues with resource allocation helps to prevent and handle
risks, making the software project more stable and successful
Cons of resource allocation
• Uncertainty and Changes: Changes in project scope, requirements, or timelines can
disrupt initial resource plans.
• Communication Challenges: Ineffective communication can result in
misunderstandings, leading to improper resource allocation.
• Resource Overallocation: Assigning too many tasks to a resource within a given time
frame, leading to burnout and reduced productivity.
• Resource Conflicts: Conflicts may arise when multiple tasks require the same resource
simultaneously, causing delays and bottlenecks.
• Facing unexpected issues: Without good planning for resource use, we might run into
unexpected problems, making the software project less stable and successful.
6. Why we need effective resource allocation
Why we need effective resource allocation
• Save money
• Boost productivity
• Improve time management
• Improve staff morale
• Predict the future project plan
• Manage team workload
• Strategic planning
• Eliminate risk

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