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Investment and

To Finance 1 : the science or study of the
management of funds.

Finance 2 : the obtaining or providing of

funds or capital for something
3 : the system that includes the
4 : money or other liquid circulation of money, the granting of
resources of a government, credit, the making of investments, and
business, group, or the provision of banking facilities
Make a Sentence If you want to buy a phone but you
don’t have money now, you can
finance the phone with a new credit
To Finance card.

Finance Imajored in Finance when I was in

The company closed because of a lack
of finances.
What is investment?

To spend money with the goal of

receiving more money in the future.
What can we invest How can we invest in
in? those things?
1. I invested in a computer. 1. I bought a computer.

2. I invested money in the 2. I bought stocks from the

stock market. Hong Kong stock

3. I invested in my son’s exchange.

education. 3. I paid for my son’s

university tuition.
What does risk and reward mean?

Risk - A possible negative


Reward – A possible positive

Risk and Reward

1. Have you taken big risks 1. Yes I have.

before? 2. I was risking my money.
2. What were you risking? 3. I was trying to get more
3. What were you trying to money.
What are the risks and rewards of…
…cheating on a test

Rewards Risks
The rewards are getting a The risks are writing
good grade and making “cheating is stupid 1000
your parents happy times and taking the test
What are you risking by cheating on a

I’m risking a punishment

from the school by cheating
on a test.
What are the risks and rewards of…
…investing in stocks

Rewards Risks
The reward is getting The risk is losing your
more money. money.
What are you risking by investing in

I’m risking losing my money

by investing in stocks.
What are the risks and rewards of…
…going skydiving?

Rewards Risks
Having a lot of fun and The risk is losing your life.
enjoying yourself.
What are you risking by going skydiving?

I’m risking my life by going

What are the risks and rewards of …?
…studying at Wall Street
Rewards Risks
The rewards are being able The risks are losing your
to speak to many different money and wasting your
people and get more job time.
What are you risking by studying at Wall
Street English?

I’m risking my time and

money by studying at Wall
Street English.
1. What do investors call 1. Profit / gains / returns
the financial reward
they receive from

2. They call it losses!

2. What do they call the
money they lose from
The Ali The Ali Baba
Baba stock
has been increasing stock going up
for the last month for the last
The RMB has been
The RMB has
decreasing for the
last month been going
down for the last
He gave me a stock tip!!
Someone gave me a Someone gave me a
great idea for investing great tip. He said
in stocks. He said that that the Amazon
the price of the Amazon stock will continue
stock will continue to to rise over the next
rise over the next year. year.
What is a tip ?
 tip = advice

What kind of tips have you received

in the past?
Thisis a raw material or primary agricultural
product that can be bought and sold

This is a useful or valuable thing

So what commodities can you think of?

Natural Gas
2nd Conditional

What clothes would you bring if

you visited Russia?

IfI visited Russia I would bring a

very big coat.
2nd Conditional

If you invested in a commodity, which

one would you invest in?

 IfI invested in a commodity I would

invest in gold, because it’s value is stable
over time.

1. I want to invest in a 1. What’s another way to say “I

company. So what invest in stocks” ?
can I do?
2. We can say …………… “I
invest in the equities market.”
2. I can buy stocks!!
or “I invest in equities.”
If you were an investor…..

1. Which stocks I would buy cannabis

would you buy? stocks.

2. How would you I would do a lot of

decide which ones research about which
to buy? stocks to buy.
Ibuy stocks. Then I hold
them for a long time. After
the stocks increase a lot in
value I sell them. I’m a long
term ________ investor.
Ibuy stocks. Then I wait for
a month or two. In a month or
two I sell the stocks. I’m a
__________. day trader
Which one is better…
trading or investing?
1. Which type of investing is the most stressful?
Day trading is more stressful than investing.

2. Which type of investing is more lucrative?

Day trading is more lucrative than investing.

3. Which type of investing requires more work?

Day trading requires more work.
What can you do there?

(Foreign) Currency exchange shop

You can exchange money.

I like to trade currencies from different
countries to make money.

So I’m a ______ trader.

 Forex means __________________
foreign exchange.
How do Forex investors make a lot of

Buy low sell high!

Patterns can tell you when
to buy or sell.

Unified Gartley _______.
To find patterns investors and traders use
indicators. What indicators can you think
1. Looking at charts

2. Reading international news (trade wars and other economic

events have a big impact on prices

3. Other people

4. Pattern recognition software

5. Indicator software
How to make a ton of money or lose a ton of
money !

 A new company is
offering investors an
opportunity to buy Initial
their stocks for the first
time. What’s this
called? offering
Why are IPO’s so lucrative?

When the company is very young the stocks

are cheap. In a year the stocks will probably
be a lot more expensive.
How do investors and traders
manage risk?

I like to invest in many

different things. If my stocks
I like to
go down it’s okay because my
other investments might go up.
diversify my
Lazy investing
I use a broker like
E-toro and I copy
This is called
other people’s
trades. What is this
If you had 10,000 USD (78,500 HKD)
what would you invest in?

 Create an investment plan. Make sure you

diversify your investments. Diversification is very

 If I had 10,000 USD I


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