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What’s an Adverb used for?

We use adverbs to describe a verb, an adjective
or another adverb.
 How does she sing? She sings beautifully.
 How fast does he run? He runs very fast.
 Is the new student nice?
Oh, yes, he’s really nice.
Types of adverbs
 Manner: quickly, slowly, easily, …
 Frequency: always, usually, never, …
 Place: outside, nearby, towards, …
 Time: yesterday, tomorrow, now, …
 Certainty: definitely, probably, maybe…
 Degree: very, really, quite, …
• Front-position: At the beginning of a clause
 Suddenly, the phone rang.
 Maybe, I’ll go for a walk.

• Mid-position: Next to the main verb

 I always exercise before work.
 He was probably late for the interview.
• End-position: At the end of the clause
 You speak English well.
 They ate dinner quietly.
Never place an adverb between a verb and its
I like very much tennis.
I like tennis very much.
Adjectives Adverbs
slow slowly
angry angrily
easy easily
gentle gently
careful carefully
Adjective + ‘-ly’
Spelling rules
If a word ends in ‘-y’, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’+ -ly
noisy noisily

easy easily

angry angrily

Ex: He answered the questions easily

If an adjective ends in ‘-le’, change into ‘-
 Gentle  Gently

 Simple  Simply

Ex: He simply told me to leave the room.

If an adjective ends in “-ic”, add “-ally”

 Basic  Basically
 Tragic  Tragically

Ex: It was a tragic

He died tragically..
Irregular Adverbs
Adjectives Adverbs
 Fast
 Fast
Always in
 Hard  Hard
 Late  Late

 Early  Early

 Good  Well

It’s a fast car. He drives fast..

soft softly calm calml public publicall
quick quickly easy easily sad sadly
angry angril perfect perfectly careful carefully
slow slowly polite politely good well
nice nicely bad badly fast fast
quiet quietly hard hard clear clearly
Rewrite the sentences using a verb and adverb.
1. They’re slow workers. 1. They work slowly.
2. He’s a dangerous driver. 2. He drives dangerously.
3. She’s a careful writer. 3. She writes carefully.
4. I’m a loud singer. 4. I sing loudly.
5. She’s a fast swimmer. 5. She swims fast.
6. He’s a bad actor. 6. He acts badly.
7. Jill’s a beautiful painter. 7. Jill paints beautifully.
8. You’re a terrible dancer. 8. You dance terribly.
9. They’re good teachers. 9. They teach well.
10. John’s a patient listener. 10. John listens patiently.
Now you master the English


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