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The Unsolved Wall Street Bombings

By: Ashton Wilson

The Wall Street Bombing
The wall street bombing was the bombing of Wall street in 1920. This terrorist attack killed 38 people and injured
hundreds of people. When some employees walked onto the street to get some lunch there was a horse carriage
which was rolled in front of the building and blowing up on the spot. It killed 30 people instantly and ended up
injuring about 300 more. The blast of the explosion was heard throughout a lot of New York City.
The Unknown criminals of Wall Street
There's a lot that had to be theorized and speculated about this event. The police had searched the scene for
evidence of the device and motive, they found TNT which was detonated by a timer. Though they did find the
thing that caused it, they never found who or why. Nobody admitted to the crime and they couldn’t find a true
reason for why. They originally guessed that it was just anarchists with the motivation of assassinated J.P.
Morgan Jr, but he was out of the country, so they could never find a true reason.
The potential catastrophe for stocks
While the great depression didn’t come for another 9 years, potentially stock collapse could have come from this
event. The New York Stock Exchange could’ve been collapsed after this and could’ve been a sooner start to the
depression. Its something to learn from, seeing as how easily the criminals got away with it an how to this day we
have not found out who did it.
Works Cited
Britannica: Wall Street Bombings

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