Final Defense Group 5 Me 3yb3

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The Researchers

Bretana, Allen
Michael B.

Dasigan, Richard E
Arambala, John
Lloyd N.

Candelario, Mharwin Lariza, Kenneth M.

Bungalso, Hargie
Teresita Avecilla Cruz, MME
Research Adviser
Rationale of the study
The rationale for this study is to identify the potential for utilizing solar
power energy on vessels. The proposed study will focus specifically on
evaluating the feasibility, economic and practical implications, and system
design requirements for the integration of reliable solar power supplies onto
marine vessels. The study prototype will assess the efficiency of solar power
in terms of providing electricity and heat on-board vessels, as well as any
additional benefits solar power may offer.
Rationale of the study
The study will enable us to assess the current technical and economic barriers
of implementing solar power on boats, assess the route to market (including
consumer acceptance and attitudes), and provide a platform for further policy
development. Ultimately, this study will give us a better understanding of the
current situation and potential growth markets for this technology.
Benefits of the study
The benefit of studying prototype solar power energy utilizing among
vessels can be vast. First, it provides the researcher with insight into how to
more effectively design and build solar power systems. This can be a great
learning curve, especially since the vessel can give very specific illustrations
of how the power system needs to be designed for use on board. Secondly, it
allows for an opportunity to test the performance of current technologies and
potentially create a better and more efficient vessel.
Benefits of the study
Third, the vessel can provide valuable data and metrics that relate directly to
the use of solar power energy. Finally, the insights gained can be applied to
other forms of renewable energy projects, giving researchers a way to
maximize their impact on the industry.
Statement of the Problem
This study intended to know the perspective of marine engine officers on
prototype solar power energy that will utilize marine vessels.

The objectives of this study include the following:

1. To identify the possible effect of having additional job on maintaining the solar
power system on board.
2. To know the potential advantage and disadvantage of solar power energy on
the operation on board.
3. To identify factor that would affect the operation of the solar power
Objectives of the study
The primary objective of solar power is to provide a clean, renewable source
of energy that can be used to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Solar
energy is abundant, widely available, and can be harnessed to produce
electricity with minimal environmental impact. Solar power can be used to
reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels, help mitigate climate change,
and provide energy security by reducing the need for imported energy
sources. Solar energy is also cost-effective in the long run, with decreasing
costs and increasing efficiency. making it an attractive option for residential,
commercial, and industrial applications.
The solar power is on a steady rise, with more and more people turning to solar energy
for their energy needs. Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular and accepted
renewable energy source, with costs dropping and efficiency increasing. Solar power
has become a viable alternative to traditional energy sources, and the solar power is
expected to continue to rise in the coming years. More goods and systems that include
solar in a way that runs independently of any bigger solar energy installation will be
created as a result of the increasing demand for new solar products.
Significance of the study
• Student: This study is significant because it can be an additional knowledge. As
future seafarer it can be applied and improve on their time as a seafarer. The data
in this study can be use of other upcoming marine student on continuing study
about solar power.
• Instructor: Some of data will be a source to promote the use of solar power. It
can help the instructional style to train a future seafarer.
• Marine Engineers: This study will benefit the experts such as marine engineers
and other people under engine department. The experience of having noise engine
and hot work space can be less.
Theoretical Framework
Research Methodology
The research design, the research tool, and the research settings are
all presented in this chapter including the demonstration of
research sampling, data collection techniques, and statistical
approach to be applied. This chapter also demonstrates the concept
of techniques and steps taken by the researchers to compile the
result of responses from inquiries and questions that would be
beneficial to the study. This chapter includes a detailed explanation
of how the gathered data were analyzed, how the results were
interpreted, and how the conclusion was reached.
Research Design
The researcher uses the quantitative research design utilizing the
descriptive research method which is primarily concerned to the
Study of Prototype Solar Power Energy Utilize among the Marine
Vessels. Questionnaires will be used to collect data since the study
conducted is more descriptive in nature and the researchers can
only measure the extent of the data as it is. The respondents will be
able to understand the questions provided which are based on
experience of changes in shipboard operation system.
Research Instrument

The research instrument used in the study is a survey

questionnaire. Likert-scale is used to investigate which
will be the basis of responses by rating 1-Strongly
Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Moderately, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly
Agree. The researchers will gather a total of 50 engine
officers who will respond to the survey and will total the
answers of the corresponding respondents based on the
majority of their responses.
Research Locale
• “Change is the only constant in life”, this saying reflects the transition
of maritime industry especially in shipboard operation with respect to
the evolvement of technology which leads the researchers in choosing
experienced seafarers as the respondents. The survey will be
conducted in Kalaw Avenue, Manila since it is one of the areas where
seafarers are prevalent. The survey will be conducted on Kalaw
Avenue, Manila since it is one of the areas where seafarers are popular.
Population and Sampling
The researchers will obtain purposive sampling designed to be used
in determining the importance of Solar Power Energy Utilize among
the Marine Vessels. The said sampling design involved studying the
Engine Officers and was conducted on the population located in
Kalaw Avenue, Manila, through a random selection of seafarers. The
respondents were chosen because they have a sufficient
understanding of the Prototype Solar Power Energy Utilize among
the Marine Vessels and the effects of fully implementing it. From the
surveys, the researchers have randomly selected fifty (50)
experienced and currently active seafarers of different position in the
engine department.
Data Collection
The data to be collected is primary data. The primary data will be
obtaining the means of survey by using questionnaire. The researcher
will go to Kalaw Avenue, Manila to find qualified respondents. The list
of 10 predetermined questions must be answered by the 50 engine
officers. The gathered data will be collected and clarify through a pie
graph to perceive the result.
Results and Discussions
• Base on the result of the survey, the average age of the respondents
that include in the study is ranging 46 to 50 years old. Majority of the
marine engineers are in operational level where almost of them are
third engineers. These engineers are well good, most of the engineer
experience 24 to 26 years in their career.
• The outcome of the conducted survey is successfully achieved the
objective of the study. The researcher is able to identify the effects of
additional solar power system to the marine engineers and to the
operation on board. Base on the result, marine engineers have the
knowledge and understand the solar power utilize marine vessel.
1. What is the benefit of solar power energy?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

204 4.08 Agree

1 4 21 88 90
209 4.18 Agree
1 2 27 64 115
1 2 21 80 105 209 4.18 Agree

Less noise Pollution No emissions Reduce use of fossil fuels

1 7 1 1 9 1 1 7

22 16 20

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
2. What is the effect of solar power energy as
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

169 3.38 Moderately

3 10 63 48 45
194 3.88 Agree
5 2 18 84 85
4 4 18 88 80 194 3.88 Agree

Stress Additional knowledge Additional Responsibili-

6% 10% 2 ties
18% %
10% 34% 8%
12% 4%
32% 12%

42% 42% 44%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
3. What is the effect of solar power energy in
the operation of the vessel?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

155 3.1 Moderately

8 6 63 48 30
173 3.46 Agree
5 1 54 68 45
4 6 39 64 70 183 3.66 Agree

Fast operation High productivity Safety operation

12% 10% 2 8% 6
16% % 28% %
9% 12%

42% 42% 32%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
4. What can be save with the use of solar power?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

190 3.8 Agree

8 10 27 60 85
200 3.46 Strongly
2 4 21 88 85
3 2 27 44 130 206 4.12 Strongly

Money Time Fuel Consumption

4 2
4% %
12% 8% 12% 12% 6% %
10% 14%


18% 44% 24%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
5. What part of the vessel will you change with the
use of solar power?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

149 2.98 Moderately

10 18 33 48 40
194 3.88 Agree
2 4 36 72 80
4 10 33 72 60 179 3.58 Agree

Main Engine Navigational Equipment Lighting System

8% 4% %
20% 10%
43% 43%
18% 18%

24% 22% 30%


Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
6. What situation you will use solar power
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

170 3.4 Moderately

10 4 26 80 50
180 3.6 Agree
4 10 33 68 65
1 10 36 68 75 190 3.8 Agree

Emergency Maintenance schedule Daily Operation

10% 4 2% 8%
24% % 30% 26% 10%

26% 22%
40% 34%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
7. What is the disadvantage of installing
solar power energy on board?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

195 3.9 Agree

1 8 51 70 65
198 3.96 Agree
0 8 27 88 75
5 14 42 72 30 163 3.26 Agree

Cannot charge at night Uses a lot of space

10% % 4%
30% 24%


36% 34%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
8. How convenient is the solar power energy
on board?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

156 3.12 Moderately

6 16 54 40 40
161 3.22 Moderately
1 24 54 32 50
2 12 54 52 55 175 3.5 Agree

Less time to operate Not heavy work load Easy to access

12% 2% 4%
30% 16% 30% 24% 22% 12%

36% 16% 26% 36%

36% 36%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
9. Why do we need to use solar power
energy ?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

168 3.36 Moderately

7 8 33 80 40
175 3.5 Agree
6 2 39 88 40
4 10 21 52 105 192 3.84 Agree

To lessen the financial To lessen the importing To avoid global warm-

expenses of oil fuels ing
12% 8%
2% 10%
22% 14% 16%
8% 41%
26% 22% 44%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
10. What Factors will affect the operation of
solar power energy?
F1*1 F2*2 F3*3 F4*4 F5*5 Total WM VI

162 3.24 Moderately

8 12 33 64 45
155 3.1 Moderately
10 14 27 64 40
1 8 54 48 75 186 3.72 Agree

Weather The night time The quality of materials

of solar panels
41% 16% 20%
12% 2%
14% 36%
22% 18% 26%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
• This research accomplished its goal of regarding the study of
prototype solar power energy utilize among the marine vessels.
The maritime industry is having modernization from the solar
power supplying industrial and high areas now into the ocean. This
study aims to know the effects of solar power on the marine
engineers and on the operation on board.
• The experience of working on solar power vessel is rare in this
country. The constructing of solar power has so many things to be
consider and it takes time to make sure the good and quality
operation. This solar power is profitable on Passenger vessel.
The first step in researching and developing a solar-powered
system for vessels is to understand the current technologies and
what is currently feasible. You need to evaluate the available
sunlight exposure for your desired vessel, and then determine which
technologies will provide the most efficient use of the available light.
Solar energy technologies include photovoltaics, solar thermal
collectors, and solar heat engines. Photovoltaics convert sunlight
directly to electricity, and solar thermal collectors use the sun’s
energy to generate hot water or steam. If the vessel can't access
sunlight for long periods of time, solar-powered fuel cells may be a
In addition to understanding the different solar energy
technologies, you need to consider what type of vessel
you plan to use, how it can be retrofitted for solar power,
and how it will store and transfer energy. You’ll also need
to assess any environmental conditions the vessel needs
to operate in and determine the best way to protect the
solar equipment from the elements. Finally, you’ll need to
understand the regulatory requirements for installing and
operating the system, as well as the safety precautions
that must be taken when using the energy system.

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