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• Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on every other, and so
gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling through.

• The precise strength of earth’s gravity varies with location. The agreed upon
value for standard gravity is 9.80665 m/s2 (32.1740 ft/s2) by definition.

• The Sun’s gravitational pull keeps our planet orbiting the Sun.

• Gravitational compression is a phenomenon in which gravity, acting on the

mass of an object, compresses it,
reducing its size and increasing the object’s density.

What is so unique about gravity?
• Gravity is unique because it is universal in its influence. Unlike
other forces, such as electromagnetism or the nuclear forces.

• Every planet in the solar system is affected by multiple forces.

The gravity of the Sun pulls planets toward the center of the
solar system. The most basic answer to our question is that
gravity is necessary in order to hold our atmosphere to the
2 interesting fact about gravity
• Dark energy works against gravity.
• Gravity is a weak force, and it isn’t powerful enough to hold the entire
universe together. From the Big Bang, the universe has been expanding. The
pull of gravity in the universe is being opposed by dark energy. Gravity is
only strong over short distances, but dark energy is thought to be distributed
evenly, which accelerates the expansion of the universe – and prevents
gravity from pulling everything back together.
• Without gravity, the solar system will collapse.
• Without gravity, the planets and moons would cease to orbit their parent
bodies and drift away in a straight line.
• For the sun, however, it suffers a graver fate: without gravity in the solar
system, the sun would explode in minutes.

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