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(a) Mitosis of a spermatogonial stem

cell involves a single cell division that

results in two identical, diploid
daughter cells (spermatogonia to
primary spermatocyte). Meiosis has
two rounds of cell division: primary
spermatocyte to secondary
spermatocyte, and then secondary
spermatocyte to spermatid. This
produces four haploid daughter cells
(spermatids). (b) In this electron
micrograph of a cross-section of a
seminiferous tubule from a rat, the
lumen is the light-shaded area in the
center of the image. The location of the
primary spermatocytes is near the
basement membrane, and the early
spermatids are approaching the lumen
(tissue source: rat). EM × 900.
(Micrograph provided by the Regents
of University of Michigan Medical
School © 2012)
Some of the positions of the placenta are:
The placenta is a temporary organ that connects the baby to •Posterior placenta: The placenta grows on the back wall of
uterus during pregnancy. The placenta develops shortly after uterus.
implantation and attaches to the wall of the uterus. Baby is •Anterior placenta: The placenta grows on the front wall of
connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord. Together, the uterus
placenta and umbilical cord act as your baby's lifeline while in closest to abdomen.
the uterus. Functions of the placenta include: •Fundal placenta: The placenta grows at the top of uterus.
•Lateral placenta: The placenta grows on the right or left
wall of the uterus.
Human placental hormones
Human Placenta act as endocrine glands as its secret certain hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, human chorionic
gonadotropin (HCG) and human placental lactogen (HPL).

Functions of Placenta
1) help in nutrition of embryo as the nutrient like amino acids, mono Sugars, vitamins etc pass from the maternal
blood into fetal blood through placenta.

2) also helps in respiration of embryo as oxygen of the maternal blood and carbon dioxide of the fetal blood diffuse
through placenta in the into the foetal blood and maternal blood respectively.

3) human Placenta act as an endocrine glands it secret certain Harman like oestrogen, progesterone, human chorionic
gonadotropin and human placental lactogen.

4) antibodies (against diphtheria, smallpox, Scarlet fever, measles etc) pass from maternal blood to fetal blood through
Placenta and it provide passive immunity in foetus.

5) placenta store the glycogen till the formation of liver.

6) it also help in excretion of embryo as nitrogenous waste of fetal blood like urea pass into maternal blood through
7) through the Placenta act as an effective barrier for certain toxic chemical like histamine but certain germs like AIDS
virus, syphilis bacteria, virus of German measles, and intoxicant like nicotine of cigarette, smoke and addictive drugs
like Heroin and cocaine can pass through the Placenta and cause the developmental defect.

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