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Environmental Management Systems

Dr. Abhijat Arun Abhyankar
Senior Associate Professor
Reference Book
•Essential Environmental Studies by S. P. Misra, S. N. Pandey, Published
by Ane Book Pvt. Ltd.
•Environmental Science and Engineering, P. Venugopala Rao, Prentice
Hall of India
•Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and
Reuse, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995
•Canter, L., Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill, New York,
•Sawyer, C.N., McCarty, P. L., and Parkin,G. F., Chemistry for
Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1994
•LaGrega, M.D., Buckingham, P.L., and Evans, J.C., Hazardous Waste
Management, McGraw-Hill International Editions, New York. 1994.
•H.S. Peavy, D.R.Rowe, G.Tchobanoglous: Environmental Engineering,
McGraw-Hill, 1985.
•M.L.Davis and D.A. Cornwell: Introduction to Environmental
Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1991.
Any guesses?
•Biogeochemical Cycle
•Complete vs. Incomplete oxidation and its effects
•Societal needs and industry produced-Environmental Pollution?
•Local vs. Regional vs. Global environmental issues
•Solid waste/Hazardous waste/Biomedical waste management
•Ozone depletion
•Love Canal episode?-Hooker Chemicals
•CC-Gases? Why important?
•Nuclear Power-required or not?
•Hydro power-A clean energy source?
• Great Pacific garbage patch
• Sick Building Syndrome
• Tupperware products
• Urban heat Island Effect
•Tissue paper-Environmental impacts?
•Ehrlich Identity
•Paper cup vs. Plastic cup-Which is better
•Environmental Kuznet Curve
•Yokkaichi Asthma,-Air pollution, Yokkaichi Japan- The burning of
petroleum and crude oil released large quantities of sulfur oxide that
caused severe smog, resulting in severe cases of bronchial asthma
among the local inhabitants.
•Hazardous waste vs. Hazardous material
•Fly ash-Hazardous waste? Malwa region of Punjab
•Synergistic effect
Itai-itai disease or ouch ouch
The documented case of mass cadmium poisoning in Toyama Prefecture, Japan

The cadmium poisoning caused softening of the bones and kidney failure.

The disease is named for the severe pains caused in the joints and spine.

The cadmium was released into rivers by mining companies in the mountains. The mining companies were successfully sued
for the damage.

Prior to World War II the mining, controlled by the Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd., increased to satisfy the wartime

This subsequently increased the pollution of the Jinzū River and its tributaries.

The river was used mainly for irrigation of rice fields, but also for drinking water, washing, fishing, and other uses by
downstream populations.

Due to the cadmium poisoning, the fish in the river started to die, and the rice irrigated with river water did not grow well.

The cadmium and other heavy metals accumulated at the bottom of the river and in the water of the river.

This water was then used to irrigate the rice fields. The rice absorbed heavy metals, especially the cadmium. The cadmium
accumulated in the people eating contaminated rice.

The population complained to the Mitsui Mining and Smelting about the pollution. The company built a basin to store the
mining waste water before leading it into the river. It was too little, too late as many people were already sick.
Did you know?
80% of all diseases in the world are associated with water, 25 million people die because of water
borne disease.

According to expert committee on Ganga Action Plan in India, 25% is industrial pollution and 75% is
domestic pollution, in toxicity terms industrial pollution is much more.

70% of all available water in India is polluted. 73 million workdays are lost due to water related

142 major cities are identified as culprits for 80% of water pollution in India

High fluoride intake can cause tooth decay and crippled bones. Arsenic can cause skin cancer and skin
pigmentation (200 districts in 19 states affected). Standard for fluoride and arsenic are 1.5 mg/l and
0.05 mg/l, respectively and excess of these poses health hazard. An estimated 44 million people
impacted, and another 66 million at risk.

About 5 million chemicals have been synthesized in last 4 decades. About 70,000 chemicals are being
used extensively in different commercial products.

All of India's fourteen major river systems are heavily polluted-gastro intestinal diseases

Mothers milk–contain DDT

Malaysia smog worst in 16 years due to Indonesia fires
Malaysian authorities are declaring a state of emergency in the southern
district of Muar where a smoky haze blamed on Indonesian forest fires has
triggered one of the country’s worst pollution levels

In this Saturday, June 22, 2013 photo, a Haze shrouds Malaysia's landmark Petronas
motorist wears a face mask as he rides through Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, on June 23,
a town shrouded with thick haze in Muar, 2013.
northwestern Johor, Malaysia.
Northern China smog closes schools and airport in Harbin

The density of airborne particles was several times above WHO recommended
limits. Visibility was reduced to below 50m (160ft) in parts of the city. The
pollution is linked to switching the public heating system for winter.

PM 2.5 levels, used to measure the amount of particulate matter smaller than 2.5
micrometres in the air, were above 500 micrograms per cubic metre on Monday
morning. WHO guidelines say average daily concentrations of PM 2.5 should be
no more than 25 microgrammes per cubic metre.

All of Heilongjiang province's highways, and the Taiping International Airport in

Harbin were forced to close, Xinhua reported. A red alert for thick smog had been
issued in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning.
Solar panels cover the Narmada canal at Chandrasan
village, about 40 km from Ahmedabad

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon inaugurates 10 megawatt

canal top solar power plant in Vadodara. The power project envisaged
covering of 3.6 km of Vadodara branch canal with solar panels installed on
mounting structures
Rs 5,000 fine for throwing waste in Yamuna
The National Green Tribunal has announced a fine
of Rs 5,000 on individuals spotted throwing waste
and 'religious items' in river Yamuna.

Yamuna, flowing through Mathura, Vrindavan and

Agra, has been reduced to a sewer canal these days,
choked with piles of accumulated garbage and
industrial effluents.

In December 2013, the Supreme Court had sought

expert help from the Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) after being told by CPCB that despite Rs 5,000
crore spent for reducing pollution, the river was
staring at a catastrophe as over 2,400 million litres
of untreated sewage flows into it every day.

Since 1994, when the apex court took up monitoring

of steps to reduce pollution in Yamuna, Uttar
Pradesh has spent Rs 2,052 crore, Delhi government
and its civic bodies Rs 2,387 crore and Haryana Rs
549 crore to clean the river, taking the total to Rs
4,988 crore.
After 21 years of SC monitoring, Yamuna still stinks like a sewer

Central Pollution Control Board on Thursday told the Supreme Court why the
Yamuna in its 22-km course through Delhi mostly stinks like a sewer drain - as
against the norm of 5,000 MPN coliform per 100 ml of water, Yamuna water in
Delhi had between 4 lakh to 16 crore coliform per 100 ml.

The norm of 5,000 MPN/100 ml of water is the quality prescribed for 'C'
category of water, which is fit for drinking after treatment. But, on January 7,
2014, the total coliform in Yamuna water at Nizamuddin was 54000000 (5.4
crore) and at Kalindi Kunj it was 160000000 (16 crore). But, at Palla the river
water is relatively clean. On January 7 last year the total coliform detected at
Palla was 43,000.

After 21 years of intense monitoring of government efforts by the Supreme

Court to clean the Yamuna, the CPCB, through advocate Vijay Panjwani,
submitted to the court a detailed report on the state of pollution of river water at
Palla, Nizamuddin, Kalindi Kunj, Okhla and Madanpur Khadar in the 22-km
stretch it flows through Delhi.
Despite the SC monitoring, Delhi appeared to be the biggest culprit in polluting the river. The
water quality of Yamuna at Palla when it enters Delhi met the standard of "A" grade water,
which is fit for drinking without conventional treatment but after disinfection, in respect of pH
level, dissolved oxygen, bio-chemical oxygen demand as well as coliform on most days except
on five of the 12 testing days between November 19, 2013 and October 8, 2014.

But at the rest of the places through the city, the water did not even qualify to the standard of
"C" grade water and was declared unfit for even bathing. The CPCB also submitted the quality
of water in 22 drains that joins Yamuna during its course through Delhi. A year ago in
December 2013, the Supreme Court had sought expert help from the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) after being told by CPCB that despite Rs 5,000 crore spent for reducing
pollution, the river was staring at a catastrophe as over 2,400 million litres of untreated sewage
flows into it every day.

Since 1994, when the apex court took up monitoring of steps to reduce pollution in Yamuna,
Uttar Pradesh has spent Rs 2,052 crore, Delhi government and its civic bodies Rs 2,387 crore
and Haryana Rs 549 crore to clean the river, taking the total to Rs 4,988 crore.

A joint report by CPCB and DJB had informed the court a year ago that the situation would get
worse as "waste water generation due to growth of urban population will be substantial and
may be in the range of about 5,000 to 6,000 MLD respectively for the corresponding years
2021 and 2031".
Case study on Emissions and major sources of
air pollutants in the UK
Emissions and major sources of air
pollutants in the UK, 2001 (in thousand
thousand tonnes
SO2 1125 Power stations

NOx 1680 Road transport

PM10 178 Construction, mining,

quarrying / road transport

VOCs 1514 Solvent use / road transport

CO 3737 Road transport

Sources of Sulphur Dioxide Pollution
in the UK (2001)
Sources of Nitrogen Oxides Pollution in the
UK (2001)
Sources of Particulate (PM10) Pollution in
the UK (2001)
Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds
Pollution in the UK (2001)
Sources of Carbon Monoxide Pollution in
the UK (2001)
The table below shows how air pollution emissions
have been declining in the UK since 1970
(thousand tonnes)
POLLUTANT 1970 1980 1990 2000

Sulphur dioxide 6460 4854 3719 1188

Nitrogen oxides 2501 2581 2759 1737

542 358 309 178

Volatile Organic
Compounds 2172 2338 2603 1596

Carbon monoxide 8843 7669 7445 4025

Strategies for Control of Air pollution

•Use of purified petrol

•Modernization of Industries
•Installation of air treatment plants
•Use of alternative energy source
•Treatment of emissions
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Pacific Trash Vortex,
is a gyre of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly
between 135°W to 155°W and 35°N to 42°N.
The Patch is characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of pelagic
plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris that have been trapped by the
currents of the North Pacific Gyre.
Environmental Kuznet curve
Ehrlich Identity: I=PAT
The identity relates multiplicative way, P, A and T to environmental
impact, I.

Where, I= Environmental Impact

P= Population
T= Technology

A small change in each, δP, δA, δT give the new impact

(I + δI)= (P+δP) (A+δA) (T+δT)

Dividing through by the identity I=PAT yields

(1 + δI/I)= (1+δP/P) (1+δA/A) (1+δT/T),


δI/I is the percentage increase in impact, affluence and technology

I=PAT can help us to understand the relative causes of the impact of lead from
automobiles on the environment from 1946 to 1968.

During those 22 years, the US population increased by 42%. The measure of

affluence in terms of vehicle miles driven per capita rose by 100% and the measure
of technology in terms of lead emitted per vehicle mile rose by 81%.

Therefore, the increase in environmental impact can be described as

(1 + δI/I)= (1+0.42) (1+1.0) (1+ 0.81),

(1 + δI/I)= 5.14

This amounts to a 414% increase. What caused the increase? Clearly it was not
simply a population effect but joint effect of affluence and technology working
Paper vs. Polyfoam Cup
Per cup (based on M. Hocking (1991)
Item Paper Cup Polyfoam cup

Per cup

Raw materials

Wood and bark (g) 33 (28 to 37) 0

Petroleum fraction (g) 4.1 (2.8 to 5.5) 3.2

Other chemicals 1.8 0.05

Finished weight (g) 10.1 1.5

Wholesale cost 2.5x x

Environmental Impacts during production of the cups-per metric ton of material
Item Paper Cup Poly foam cup

Stream (Kg) 9000-12000 5000
Power (KWh) 980 120-180
Cooling water (m3) 50 154
Water effluent
Volume (m3) 50-90 0.5-20
Suspended Solids (Kg) 35-60 Trace
BOD (Kg) 30-50 0
Organochlorines (Kg) 5-7 0
Metal salts (Kg) 1-20 20
Air emissions
Chlorine (Kg) 0.5 0
Chloride dioxide (Kg) 0.2 0
Reduced Sulfides (Kg) 2.0 0
Particulate (Kg) 5-15 0.1
Chlorofluorocarbon (Kg) 0 0
Pentane (Kg) 0 35-50
Sulfur dioxide (Kg) 10 10
Recyclable Potential of paper Cups and
Polyfoam Cups
Item Paper Cup Polyfoam Cup
Recyclable Potential
To primary user Possible, though Easy, negligible
washing can destroy water uptake
After use Low, hot melt High, resin reuse in
adhesive or coating other applications
Ultimate Disposal of paper cups and
Polyfoam Cups
Item Paper Cup Polyfoam Cup

Ultimate Disposal

Paper incineration Clean Clean

Heat recovery (MJ/Kg) 20 40

Mass to landfill (g) 10.1 1.5
Biodegradable Yes, BOD to leachate, No, essentially inert
methane to air
Approximated time for compounds to biodegrade
Product Time to Biodegrade
Vegetables 5 days - 1 month
Orange peels 6 months
General paper 2-5 months
Paper towel 2-4 weeks
Cardboard box 2 months
Cotton t shirts 6 months
Tree leaves 1 year
Wool socks 1-5 years
Plastic coated milk carton 5 years
Leather shoes 24-40 years
Nylon fabric 30-40 years
Tin cans 50-100 years
Aluminium cans 80-100 years
Glass bottles 1 million years
Styrofoam cups 500 years- forever
Plastic bags 500 years- forever
Population vs. Pollution

Basic Agricultural
need/food products Pesticide

Development projects
Popul uti
ation on

EMS and ISO 14000/14001
•ISO 14000/14001 is an international standard for
environmental management systems; it is not a standard
for environmental performance

The essential elements of EMS are:

Top management commitment and involvement
The environmental policy of enterprise
Environmental Management programs (actions, plan,
project, initiatives
The basic steps in the ISO 14001 EMS are:
•Environmental policy
•Implementation and Operations
•Checking and corrective action
•Management Review

Four step EMS model

Eco-labeling (ISO 14020 through ISO 14024)

e.g. Refreigator-CFC free

Detergent- Phosphate free (German product: Henko)
Car-(Petrol is substituted by CNG or electric or solar)
green seal on PC-Energy efficient, less power consumption

Logo for Eco-label (India)-Earthen pot

Attributes for Green labeling

1. Recyclable
2. Low in HW
3. Low noise
4. Water efficient
5. Energy efficient
6. Biodegradable
7. Low product releases/emissions
Activities, Aspects and Impacts
An environmental aspect is any feature of an organization’s activities,
products, or services that can ‘interact’ with the environment or, in
other words, that may have an impact on the environment.

Activity or operation Environmental Negative Environmental

Aspect Impacts
Generating process Release of sulfur, Air pollution
stream Nitrogen and
carbon oxides Climate change
Product finishing Use of electricity Upstream Air pollution
Use of water Consumption of resources

Fugitive OHS risk

Transport of Potential for Potential soil and Ground
Hazardous waste accidental spills of water contamination
to toxic materials
Air pollution
Sources of Air pollution

1) Stationary combustion sources

2) Mobile combustion sources
3) Industrial processes and other sources
Major Air pollutants
1 Gaseous pollutants:
Oxides of sulphur (SO2, SO3)
Oxides of carbon (CO, CO2)
Oxides of Nitrogen (NO, NO2)
Hydrocarbons Organic

Aldehydes and ketones

2 Particulate Pollutants
dust, fly ash, pesticides, heavy metals, aerosols
Sr. No. Pollutant Sources Health effects Other effects

1 SO2 Combustion • Respiratory Diseases : Corrosion

Bronchitis , Emphysema
Industrial  Reduced Lung Acid Rain (Half
Processes Function Life 4 days)
 Synergistic Effect
with C Particles Chlorosis

2 CO  Incomplete Combustion  Asphyxiation (COHb)  Unknown

 Autoexhaust  Effects Mental Function

3 NO2  High  Respiratory and Textile Damage

Temperature Cardiorespiratory Visibility
Combustion Illness Reduction
Reduced plant
 Autoexhaust  Oedema of Lungs growth
 Dry Drowning smog formation
Sr.No. Pollutant Sources Health effects Other effects
4 HC  Incomplete  Carcinogenic  Photochemical
Combustion smog precursors

5 Oxidants (Ox)  Secondary  Irritation of Eyes  Rubber Cracking

Compounds by and Respiratory  Silvering and
Photochemical Tract Glazing of Leaves

6 Particulates  Combustion  Respiratory  Material damage

 SPM/RPM  Construction Diseases  Effects Photo-
 Aerosols  Industry  Increase synthesis
 Size  Atmospheric Mortality and  Visibility Reduction
Distribution Chemical Morbidity  Cloud Formation
Reactions  Radiative Forcing
 Climate Change
Primary and Secondary Pollutants

Primary pollutants are those which are emitted

directly from source
e.g. CO, sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, HC,
hydrogen sulphide, HF, ammonia

Secondary Pollutants are formed in atmosphere

when primary air pollutants react with one
another or with other chemical in the air
e.g. Sulphur trioxide, nitric acid, sulphuric acid,
ozone, PAN
London Smog
December 1952 - March 1953.

Extreme winter, Light winds and moisture content resulted in smog formation.
Additional coal combustion created congenial environment for smog. Heaviest
winter smog.

Concentration of particulate matter -56 times its normal level

Sulphur dioxide concentrations seven times its normal level

The smoke particles trapped in the fog gave it a yellow-black colour.

Sulphur dioxide reacted with foggy droplets to form sulphuric acid, adding an
intense form of acid rain to the process.

By night of December 5 the smog-dense reduced visibility only to few meters.

Smog easily entered buildings, causing cinemas, theatres and stores to be closed.
Transport became largely impossible. Motor vehicles were abandoned, trains were
disrupted and airports were also closed.
Total deaths –
12.000 people, mainly children, elderly people and people
suffering from chronic respiratory or cardiac disease.

Acidity was not measured, but estimates show that the pH

probably fell to 2 during the peaks in the smog episode.

The highest death rate during the smog episode occurred on

December 8 and December 9, at 900 deaths per day.

This heavy pollution and its resulting death toll made people
aware of the seriousness of air pollution. The London smog
disaster resulted in the introduction of the first Clean Air Acts in
Photochemical Smog
They are formed from a peroxyacyl radical and nitrogen dioxide, for e.g.
peroxyacetyl nitrate, CH3COOONO2:
Hydrocarbons (unburnt) + O2 + NO2 + light → CH3COOONO2
The general equation is; CxHyO3 + NO2 → CxHyO3NO2
The formation of PAN becomes an issue when ethanol is used as an automotive

PANs is a secondary pollutant . Toxic and irritating, as they dissolve more readily
in water than ozone.

They cause eye irritation at concentrations of only a few parts per billion.
Peroxyacetyl nitrate, or PAN, is an oxidant more stable than ozone.

It serves as a carrier for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) into rural regions and causes
ozone formation in the global troposphere.

At higher concentrations they cause extensive damage to vegetation. PANs and

their chlorinated derivates cause skin cancer.
PAN formation

HC + O RCO (acyl radical)

RCO + O2 RCO3 (Peroxy acyl radical)


RCO3 + O2 RCO2 +O3



Ozone formation in Troposphere
The reactions involved in this process are illustrated here with CO but similar
reactions occur for VOC as well. Oxidation begins with the reaction of CO
with the hydroxyl radical (the reaction of excited atomic oxygen with water).

The hydrogen atom formed by this reacts rapidly with oxygen to give a peroxy
radical HO2.

OH + CO → H + CO2
H + O2 → HO2

Peroxy radicals then go on to react with NO to give NO 2 which is photolysed to

give atomic oxygen and through reaction with oxygen a molecule of ozone:

HO2 + NO → OH + NO2
NO2 + hν → NO + O
O + O2 → O3

The net effect of these reactions is:

CO + 2O2 → CO2 + O3
Health effects of Ozone
Irritation of the respiratory system, causing coughing, throat irritation, and/or an
uncomfortable sensation in the chest.

Reduced lung function, making it more difficult to breathe deeply and vigorously.

Breathing may become more rapid and more shallow than normal, and a person's
ability to engage in vigorous activities may be limited.

Aggravation of asthma. When ozone levels are high, more people with asthma have
attacks that require a doctor's attention or use of medication.

Increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.

Inflammation and damage to the lining of the lungs. Within a few days, the damaged
cells are shed and replaced much like the skin peels after a sunburn.
Ozone depletion in stratosphere

CFCl3 + UV energy CFCl2+ Cl

Cl + O3 ClO + O2
O2 + UV energy 2O
ClO + O O2 + Cl
Air pollutants released by the Industry

Industry Pollutants
Cement Cement dust, oxides
paper Merceptons, H2S, SO2
Thermal power plant Fly ash, SO2, NOx
Petrochemicals and HC, CO, dust
Paints Nitrobenzene
Iron and steel Dust
Metallurgical units Dust, fumes, smoke
Typical Size Distribution of Ambient Aerosols
Size Range .01 to 50µm
Human hair: 100 µm
Coal dust: 1-100 µm
Smoke: 0.02 – 0.8 µm

Coarse > 10 µm
Fine < 2.5 µm
Ultrafine < 0.1 µm

Removal Process
0.01 0.10 1.0 10.0
1. Sedimentation
Diameter (µm) 2. Impaction
3. Rainout / Washout
Nuclei mode
Accumulation Coarse mode
agglomeration) mode
V t α r2
Stokes law
If a discrete spherical particle suspended in air and water, its
terminal setting velocity for dilute suspension is given by

Vt=g(ρp- ρw)d2/18μ

Where Vt=terminal velocity

d is the diameter of the particle
ρp= density of particle
ρw =density of water
g is gravitational constant
μ is the dynamic viscosity
Find the terminal settling velocity of a spherical particle whose
radius is 0.25 mm and ρp=2650 kg/m3 settling through water at 20oC

ρw =density of water=998.2 kg/m3
g is gravitational constant=9.81m/s2
μ is the dynamic viscosity=1.002 × 10-3 N.s/m2

Vt= 9.81 m/s2 ( 2650-998.2) kg/m3 × (5.0 × 10-4)2 m2

18 ×1.002 × 10-3 N.s/m2
Vt = 0.22 m/s
Removal of Nitrogen oxides from Flue gases

What not wet scrubbers for NOx?

NO2 has a very low solubility in water. However, NO2 will slowly dissolve.
Once NO2 dissolves, it goes through an auto-oxidation step as follows:

3NO2 + H2O → 2HNO3 + NO↑

The absorption of nitrogen dioxide forms by product nitric oxide (NO). Nitric
Oxide is very low in solubility so it escapes the scrubber as part of the
exhaust air.
Gas Scrubbing with Hydrogen Peroxide
Processes for Nitrogen Oxide Removal
• Gas scrubbing is one of the most common forms of NOx
treatment, with sodium hydroxide being the conventional
scrubbing medium

• However, the absorbed NOx is converted to nitrite and nitrate

which may present wastewater disposal problems. Scrubbing
solutions containing hydrogen peroxide are also effective at
removing NOx, and can afford benefits not available with NaOH.

3NO2 + H2O ⇔ 2HNO3 + NO

2NO + HNO3 + H2O → 3HNO2
HNO2 + H2O2 → HNO3 + H2O
Principle of NOx Removal by Selective Catalytic Reduction

The principle adopted for the NOx

removal is the extremely simple
process of adding ammonia to
flue gas which passes through
catalyst layers, by which NOx
is decomposed into harmless
nitrogen(N2) and steam(H2O):
Advantage of Selective Catalytic Reduction
• Easy to operate: No specialized knowledge required for

• Compact design: Low installation cost.

• Perfect matching with flue gas source.

• Catalyst and reactor selectable to suit the gas characteristics.

• Stable supply of catalysts.

• No risk of secondary pollution.

Flue-gas desulfurization

SO2 is an acid gas, and, therefore,

the typical sorbent slurries are alkaline.
The reaction taking place in
wet scrubbing using a CaCO3
slurry produces CaSO3 (calcium
sulfite) and can be expressed as:
CaCO3 (solid) + SO2 (gas) → CaSO3
(solid) + CO2 (gas)
To partially offset the cost of the FGD installation, in some designs, the
CaSO3 (calcium sulfite) is further oxidized to produce marketable CaSO 4 · 2H2O

This technique is also known as forced oxidation:

CaSO3 (solid) + H2O (liquid) + ½O2 (gas) → CaSO4 (solid) + H2O

A natural alkaline usable to absorb SO2 is seawater. The SO2 is absorbed in the
water, and when oxygen is added reacts to form sulfate ions SO 4- and free H+.

The surplus of H+ is offset by the carbonates in seawater pushing the carbonate

equilibrium to release CO2 gas:

SO2 (gas) + H2O + ½O2 (gas)→ SO42- (solid) + 2H+

HCO3- + H+ → H2O + CO2 (gas)
Removal of SOx and NOx from flue gases

The SNOX process includes the following steps:

1) Dust removal
2) Catalytic reduction of NOx by adding NH3 to the gas upstream the SCR DeNOx reactor
3) Catalytic oxidation of SO2 to SO3 in the oxidation reactor
4) Cooling of the gas to about 100 °C whereby the H 2SO4 condenses and can be withdrawn
as concentrated sulfuric acid product
Wind Rose diagram

A wind rose is a graphic tool used by meteorologists to give a succinct view of

how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular
Using a polar coordinate system of gridding, the frequency of winds over a long
time period are plotted by wind direction, with color bands showing wind ranges.
The directions of the rose with the longest spoke show the wind direction with the
greatest frequency
Penetration of tiny particles into the lungs
Water Pollution
Water pollution may be defined as the presence in water of
impurities in such a quantity and of such nature as to impair the
use for the stated purpose.

Water is used for various purposes such as

1) Domestic
2) Commercial
3) Public
4) Fire fighting needs etc.
Sources of Water Pollution
•Domestic waste
•Industrial waste
•Increased Temperature
•Heavy metals
•Radioactive elements
Biodegradable vs. Non biodegradable

These can be broken down into simpler organic
matter by microbial activity
e.g. Vegetable and fruit peeling, waste food

These cannot be decomposed or broken down into
simpler organic matter by microbial activity.
e.g. Plastic goods, polyethylene bags, glass metal
The sources of pollution of major Indian rivers
Sr. River Sources of Pollution
1 Bhadra Pulp, steel and paper industries
2 Cauvery Distilleries, tanneries, paper, rayon mills and sewage
3 Damodar Fertilizers, thermal power stations, fly ash from steel
4 Godavari Paper mills
5 Ganga Jute mills, chemical factories, tanneries, textile mills etc
6 Hooghly Paper, jute, textiles, paints, metal, steel and rayon mills
and detergents and sewage

7 Yamuna DDT factory, power station and sewage

8 kali Sugar, Paint, silk, yarn, tin, glycerine and rayon
industries, distilleries
Examination of water and waste water
1. Physical
2. Chemical
3. Bacteriological

Physical examination-Temperature, turbidity, colour, odour

Chemical examination-TSS, TDS, salinity, BOD, COD, Chlorides,

Sulphates, Nitrogen, pH, Grease, Oil and fats

Bacteriological examination-type of bacteria, microscopic

examination of water. Allowed to develop under favorable
conditions in culture media
Domestic Sewage Characteristic

Sr. No. Parameters Concentration

1 Total solids 1000 mg/L
2 BOD (5 days at 200C) 200 to 250
3 Total Organic Carbon 200 mg/L
4 COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 300 mg/L
5 Nitrogen 50 mg/L
6 Phosphorous 10 mg/L
7 Chlorides 150 mg/L
8 pH 7.5
Activated Sludge Process
Sewage Treatment Methods-efficiency
Sewage: Liquid and solid waste carried off in sewers or drains
Sr. Type of Purification Process or BOD Removal of Removal of Disposals of
No. treatment effected unit removal Suspended bacterial residue
employed as % of and load as %
original dissolved of original
solids as %
of original
1 Preliminary Removal of Coarse and 5-10 2 to 20 10-20 Burial or burning
treatment floating material fine screens,
like dead animals, Grit
tree branches, Chamber
piece of rags,
wood and other
large sized
floating material,
heavy settle able
2 Primary Removal of large Plain 30-35 60-65 25-75 Sludge containing
treatment suspended sedimentatio organic material has
organic solids n tank to be stabilized first
in digestion tank
and then this
material is used as
Sewage Treatment Methods-efficiency (contd.)
Sr. Type of Purification Process or BOD Removal of Removal of Disposals of
No. treatment effected unit removal Suspended bacterial residue
employed as % of and load as %
original dissolved of original
solids as %
of original

3 Secondary Removal of fine ASP 75-95 85-90 90-98 Sludge containing

or suspended and organic material
Biological dissolved organic has to be stabilized
Treatment matter in digestion tank
and residue used as
4 Tertiary Removal of Chlorinator 100 100 100 Generally not
treatment pathogens and adopted for sewage
remaining fine treatment
organic matter
Advantages and Disadvantages

Diverse; can be used for one household up a huge plant

Removes organics
Oxidation and Nitrification achieved
Biological nitrification without adding chemicals
Biological Phosphorus removal
Solids/ Liquids separation
Stabilization of sludge
Capable of removing ~ 97% of suspended solids
The most widely used wastewater treatment process


Does not remove color from industrial wastes and may increase the color through formation of
highly colored intermediates through oxidation
Does not remove nutrients, tertiary treatment is necessary
Problem of getting well settled sludge
Recycle biomass keeps high biomass keeps high biomass concentration in aeration tanks
allowing it to be performed in technologically acceptable detention times
Characteristic of effluent from selected industries
Sr. Industry BOD pH Solids Others
No. (mg/L) (mg/L)
1 Diary 1000 8 1000 Biodegradable

2 Distilleries 30000 4 50000 Chlorides (5,000 mg/L), N (1,000 mg/L)

3 Fertilizers 500 8.5 2000 N (10,000 mg/L), chlorides (4,000

mg/L), phosphates (1,000 mg/L),
sulphates (5,000 mg/L), F (10 mg/L)
4 Paper 400 8-9 1500 Chlorides (300 mg/L), Fibors matter,
Lignin, Caustic soda, Brown color
5 Pharmaceu 3000 to 4 or 9 1500 to N (500 mg/L), sulphides, phosphates,
ticals 8000 10,000 Toxic organics, strong odor
6 Tanneries 4000 8-9 10,000 Chlorides (5,000 mg/L), High salt
content, sulphates, Chromium, Strong
odour, Colour
7 Textiles 1000 9-10 8000 N (30 mg/L), Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Sulphates,
Wastewater Standards-Effluent Discharge Standards-
The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986
Sr. Parameter Standards
No. Inland surface Public Land for Marine coastal
water Sewers irrigation areas
1 Suspended 100 600 200 For process waste
solids water 100
2 pH 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0
3 Temper- Shall not exceed 5 - - Shall not exceed 5
ature degree above the degree above the
receiving water receiving water
temperature temperature
4 BOD 30 350 100 100
5 COD 250 - - 250
6 CN 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.2
7 Fe 3 3 - 3
Water Quality Criteria
Class of
Designated-Best-Use Criteria
Drinking Water Source • Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be 50 or less
without conventional • pH between 6.5 and 8.5
treatment but after • Dissolved Oxygen 6mg/l or more
disinfection • Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20°C 2mg/l or less
• Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be 500 or less
Outdoor bathing (Organized) B pH between 6.5 and 8.5 Dissolved Oxygen 5mg/l or more
• Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20°C 3mg/l or less

Drinking water source after • Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be 5000 or
conventional treatment and C less pH between 6 to 9 Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
disinfection • Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20°C 3mg/l or less
Propagation of Wild life and • pH between 6.5 to 8.5 Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
D • Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less
• pH between 6.0 to 8.5
Irrigation, Industrial Cooling, • Electrical Conductivity at 25°C micro mhos/cm Max.2250
Controlled Waste disposal • Sodium absorption Ratio Max. 26
• Boron Max. 2mg/l
Below-E Not Meeting A, B, C, D & E Criteria
Drinking Water Quality Standards
Sr. No. Parameters Desirable permissible limit (mg/L)
1 Color 5-10 (hazen’s scale)
2 Turbidity 10 (Nepheloturbidity units)
3 Taste and odor Acceptable
4 pH Neutral or slightly alkaline
5 Total dissolved solids 1000
6 Hardness as CaCO3 200
7 Chlorides 250
8 Sulphates 150
9 fluorides 0.8 to 1.5
10 nitrates 45
11 Iron 0.1
12 Mercury 0.001
13 Phenol 0.001
14 Cr, As, Cu, CN, Se, Cd, Pb Less than 0.01
15 Coliform count Nil
16 Radioactivity Nil
17 Alkyl Benzene sulphonate 1
Let's Start from Home
Do's Don'ts
Use mug instead of running tap while brushing While taking bath, don't use shower run for
teeth. long.
While watering plants, instead of running hose, Don't allow water overflow from the over head
use water cane. tank.
Use a toilet flush which consumes less water. Don’t buy loud crackers during Deepawali

Carry cloth, jute or paper bag to the market. For washing floor, Don't use running hose use
mop and bucket.
Use dustbin for garbage disposal. Don't junk things break rather think to fix
Plant a garden. Even in urban settings, you can Avoid unnecessary use of lights and fans.
grow herbs and flowers in pots.
Wear extra-layer of clothes at home instead of Don't louder the volume of your TV, radio and
turning up the heater. music system.
While shaving, use mug instead running hose. Never leave food residue in your plate uneaten.

If you have a choice, pick paper bags over Don't over packaged’ goods and foods.
plastic bags at the grocer and elsewhere if you Containers and packaging make up about a
do take plastic bags, wash and reuse them. quarter of the waste stream
Prevention and Control of Vehicular Pollution
Do's Don'ts
Do you really need to drive a car Don't use extensively your private
everywhere? Walk to work, or ride a vehicles,try to use public transportation
bicycle whenever possible.
Carpool. Two - or four - can ride as Avoid congested road and rush hours.
cheaply as one.
Get a valid pollution under control Don’t idle away energy. Beyond one
certificate from authorized testing minute, it is more fuel - efficient to restart
centre. your car
Clean up your act. Keep automobiles Don't forget to Keep your vehicle tuned up.
fuel filters clean and save the fuel. When a vehicle is running well, it uses
nine per cent less fuel and thus emits fewer
toxic and noxious fumes.
Clean the air filter and oil filter Don't try to replicate mechanical works
regularly. and experiment with your car.
Clean the carbon deposit from silencer. Don't forget to replace your old battery
with new battery when it required.
Maintain recommended tyre pressure . Don't use clutch pedal as footrest.
Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
Do's Don'ts
Reuse of water whenever possible, Kitchen water can Don't keep on the tap running while having,
be used for watering the plants bath, brushing teeth, or washing dishes it
wastes about 2 liters of water every minute.
Plan your kitchen activity to avoid wastage of fuel and Don’t hose down your lawn or corridor to clean
water. it. Sweep it off.
Fix leaks promptly. A dripping joint can waste more Don’t wash the clothes and kitchen utensils in
than 76 liters of water a day. the water bodies
Take showers instead of baths. Showers use less water Don’t litter. When camping, keep the areas
- if you limit them to five minutes. Install low-flow clean.
Plastic materials can be a murder weapons for wildlife, Avoid throwing flowers, sweets, puja materials
minimise their use. Blown from land and roadsides, into a river. It will degrade the quality of water.
they often end up in the water, where they can entangle The river wont be happy with this.
and kill birds and fishes.
Use sprinkler for irrigation. Avoid throughing dead bodies in a river. This
will ultimately landing in the mouth of dogs,
vultures & other animals.Do you like it to
happen with your bodies.
Use scientific method of application fertilizers. Never dump anything into the water bodies.
Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer Avoid use of weedicides
only when you have full loads. When possible, use an
outdoor clothesline instead of a clothes dryer.
Thank you

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