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Lecture – 7

Physiological Role of Nutrients & Disorders

(Macro Nutrients)
Classification based on mobility

Mobile Elements

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Magnesium

Immobile Elements

Calcium, Boron, Iron, Copper and Sulphur

Mobile and Immobile Elements

Zinc, Molybdenum, Manganese

Macro Nutrients

• Important constituents in plants

• Important Role – Cell level & Plant level

• Mobility

• Deficiency symptoms

• Specific disorder

Amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, hormones,

cytochromes, alkaloids and chlorophylls

Protein synthesis, photosynthesis, respiration,

growth and reproduction

Uptake forms are NO3- & NH4+

N is important for cell division & enlargement

Highly mobile – Symptoms first at older Leaves

Complete yellowing (Chlorosis), stunted growth
General starvation
N deficiency symptom
• Phospholipids, Nucleic acids, NADP and ATP
• Better function of membranes

• Energy transfer reactions of metabolism

• Uptake forms are monovalent, divalent & Trivalent

• P is important for root growth & development

(Resistant to lodging)
• Highly mobile in plant – symptom in older Leaves

• Dark green leaves - Pink or Purple Pigmentation

• Sickle leaf disease
P deficiency symptom
• Primary cation for cell Turgor

• Opening and closing of Stomata

• Activator of many enzymes – DNA Polymerase

• Important for phloem translocation

• Essential for chlorophyll synthesis, PS & RPN

• Highly mobile – Symptoms first in older Leaves

• Marginal Scorching and Tip burning
K deficiency symptom
Potassium deficiency causes

•Weakened stems
•Easy lodging
•Susceptible to drought, high temperature
•Reduce quality of produce
•Increased pest & disease incidence
Potassium deficiency
 Cell wall - Middle lamellae as calcium pectate

 Formation of cell wall & maintain structure

 Cell division & enlargement, Lipid metabolism

 Activator of enzymes - ATPase

 Immobile - Growing points and Young leaves

 Irregular leaf margins-Distorted-Curled - Serrated

 Tip hooking & Blossom end rot

A water-soaked spot at the blossom
end of tomato fruits is the classic
symptom of blossom-end rot
Ca deficiency symptom
Chlorophyll – Central head in chlorophyll

Role - Synthesis of Chlorophyll

Activator of enzymes – Carboxylase & Hexokinase

Binding Ribosome units during protein synthesis

Interveinal Chlorosis - Older leaves

Inverted ‘V’ shape – Sand Drown

Sand-drown – Tobacco; Reddening - Cotton

Mg deficiency

Sand drown
Reddening in cotton

Amino acids : Cystine, Cysteine & Methionine

Vitamins : Biotine & Thiamine – Coenzyme A & Fd

Protein synthesis, catalyst and photosynthesis

Characteristic odour in onion & garlic - Glycosides

Younger leaves – Resemble to Nitrogen

Complete chlorosis & inward rolling of leaf tip

Tea yellow
S deficiency
1. N deficiency Reddening in cotton
2. P deficiency Mg
3. K deficiency K
4. Ca deficiency Glycosides
5. Mg deficiency P
6. S deficiency Marginal scorching and tip drying
7. Root growth &Sickle leaf Blossom end rot

8. Chlorophyll Dark green leaf with purple

9. Stomatal movement Chlorosis in younger leaves

10. S Chlorosis in older leaves

1. N deficiency Reddening in cotton 5
2. P deficiency Mg 8
3. K deficiency K9
4. Ca deficiency Glycosides 10
5. Mg deficiency P 7
6. S deficiency Marginal scorching and tip drying 3
7. Root growth &Sickle leaf Blossom end rot 4

8. Chlorophyll Dark green leaf with purple

pigmentation 2
9. Stomatal movement Chlorosis in younger leaves 6

10. S Chlorosis in older leaves 1

Lecture – 8

Physiological Role of Nutrients & Disorders

(Micro Nutrients)

Cytochrome, Peroxidase, Catalase & Ferredoxin

Catalyst for Chlorophyll synthesis

Activator of Co enzymes in PS & RPN

Younger leaves – Interveinal Chlorosis

Lime induced chlorosis

Lime induced chlorosis
Intera veinal chlorosis

Fe deficiency
Enzyme activator – Carbonic Anhydrase,
Glutamic Dehydrogenase &
Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Biosynthesis of amino acid - Tryptophan

Protein synthesis
Tryptophan – Precursor for auxin (IAA) synthesis
Shortened Internodes – Rosette & Mottle leaf

Chlorosis band from base to tip of the leaf

Khaira of paddy; White bud of maize; Little leaf
Chlorosis band from base to tip of the leaf

Zn deficiency

Shortened inter node

Khaira of paddy
Usually in nursery; chlorotic/ yellow patches at leaf base
on both sides of the midrib; restricted root growth and
usually main roots turn brown.
White bud ( Zn deficiency)
Pale yellow chlorotic zones running parallel to the midrib starting at
base of leaves. Leaf margin, tip and midrib remain green. The
youngest developing leaves may be totally chlorotic yellow or white
("white bud"). Red tints at the leaf margins and the stems may
develop.Inter node growth is reduced and leads to a stunted
Little leaf /Rosette & Mottle leaf
Tryptophan is the precursor of auxin : involved in cell division. Zn is
essential for Tryptophan. Under zn deficient condtion, cell division is
affected and produce little leaf

Pollen germination & pollen tube growth

Translocation of sugars & Hormone metabolism

Cell division, differentiation and development

Deficiency - Young leaves & Terminal buds

Death of shoot tip & malformation

Cracking, bending and splitting of fruits

Abnormal growth, Irregular seed setting


Hen & chicks - Grapes

Yellow top - Lucerne

Seed hollow and blackening / Hollow heart - Groundnut

Heart rot - Sugar beet

Hollow heart/Seed hollow

B deficiency

Yellow top of lucern
Irregular seed setting

B deficiency
B deficiency

Bending of fruits
Hen & chicks - Grapes
B deficiency
Heart rot - Sugar beet
A necrotic cross-hatching inside the leaf petiole.
Young leaves turn brown and die, resulting in a
rosette of small dead leaves at the top of the beet. In
the fleshy root, internal and external black spots of
necrotic tissue develop.
B deficiency

Enzyme activator in respiration & N metabolism

Enzymes: Decarboxylase & Dehydrogenase

Photolysis of water & evaluation of O2

Play vital role in photosynthesis

Younger or older leaves

Interveinal necrosis

‘Marsh spot’ – Peas seeds

‘Pahala blight’ – Sugarcane

‘Speckled yellow’ – Sugar beet

Marsh spot
• Marsh spot is a disorder of peas, which is due to
deficiency or unavailability of manganese.
• The deficiency causes the formation of a brown spot
in the centre of many of the peas produced, and the
produce is spoilt for human consumption and for use as
seed. It is particularly associated with alkaline soils.

Mn deficiency
Grey speck of oats
Speckled yellows in sugarbeet
• Sugar beet is particularly
susceptible to manganese
deficiency. Deficient plants
may show first symptoms
at the 2-leaf stage. Mn deficiency
• Interveinal yellow mottling
appears on the older
leaves and leaf margins
curl inwards to give a
triangular erect leaf. This is
known as 'speckled
Pahala blight – Sugarcane

Mn deficiency
Important constituent Enzymes and Co enzymes

Enzymes: Ascorbic acid oxidase, Cytochrome

Oxidase & Polyphenol oxidase

Co enzyme: Plastocyanin

Used as Fungicide

Necrosis, Spotting and Gummosis

Necrosis – Young leaf tip and un opening of leaf in banana

Exanthema – Citrus; Reclamation disease - Cereals

‘Reclamation disease’ – Cereals & Legumes

Young leaf tip chlorosis / necrosis

Young leaves wither

Failure of seed setting

‘Exanthema’ – Citrus, plum and Apple

Longitudinal breaks on bark (Formation of deep silts)

Gumming from the bark (Gum exudes from the silt)

Brown colour fruit


Co factor nutrient of enzymes

Nitrate reductase & nitrogenase

Essential for nodule formation

‘Whip tail’ of Cauliflower

Ragged leaf margin

Leaf distortion
Long and narrow midrib

Osmotically active solute

Luxury consumption (Rare deficiency)

Photolysis of water

Chlorosis, necrosis & bronzing


Essential part of enzyme – UREASE

Urea -------urease-----------> CO2 + NH4

N fixing Micro organisms requires : Nickel

Essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation

1. Interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves caused by -------------------------------
2. Leaf related Zn deficiency symptom is --------------------------------
3. Khaira of paddy caused by ------------------------------------
4. In maize of yellowing of younger leaves with red tint deficiency called
as---------------------- and caused by-------------------------------------
5. Heart rot of sugar beet due to ------------------------------------ deficiency
6. B deficiency in ground nut seed is called as----------------------------------
7. Hen and chicks in grapes due to -------------------------------------
8. Marsh spot of peas caused by --------------------------------
9. Pahala blight in sugarcane is due to -----------------------------------
10. Triangular leaf in sugar beet is called as--------------------------------------
11. Cu deficiency in citrus is ------------------------------------------
12. Reclamation disease is due to------------------------------deficiency in--------------
13. Mo deficiency in cauliflower is ----------------------------------
14. Nickel is essential for------------------------------------
15. No deficiency symptom in plant even with low level of nutrient is called
as ------
1. Interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves caused by Fe
2. Leaf related Zn deficiency symptom is little leaf
3. Khaira of paddy caused by Zn deficiency
4. In maize of yellowing of younger leaves with red tint deficiency called as
white bud and caused by Zn deficiency
5. Heart rot of sugar beet due to boron deficiency
6. B deficiency in ground nut seed is called as hollow heart/Blackening/seed
7. Hen and chicks in grapes due to boron deficiency
8. Marsh spot of peas caused by molybdenum deficiency
9. Pahala blight in sugarcane is due to molybdenum deficiency
10. Triangular leaf in sugar beet is called as Speckeled leaf
11. Cu deficiency in citrus is exanthema
12. Reclamation disease is due to Cu deficiency in citrus
13. Mo deficiency in cauliflower is whiptail
14. Nickel is essential for symbiotic N fixation
15. No deficiency symptom in plant even with low level of nutrient is called as
hidden hunger
Hidden Hunger
Plants can suffer by low level of nutrients without showing
specific nutrient deficiency symptoms
Situation at which crop needs more of a given nutrient yet for
higher yield has shown no deficiency symptoms
Hidden Hunger

Concentration of element
Critical levels of elements

Concentration of element
Critical Level of elements in plants (%)

Nutrient Deficiency Toxicity

Nitrogen Less than 1.5 4 & above

Phosphorus Less than 0.15 0.8 & above

Potassium Less than 1 5 & above

Calcium Less than 0.1 1.5 & above

Magnesium Less than 0.1 1 & above

Sulphur Less than 0.1 0.8 & above

Critical Level of elements in plants (ppm)

Nutrient Deficiency Toxicity

Iron Less than 20 1000 & above

Zinc Less than 10 120 & above

Boron Less than 10 80 & above

Copper Less than 10 25 & above

Manganese Less than 90 200 & above

Molybdenum Less than 0.1 90 & above

Foliar Recommendation

Nutrient Source Concentration

Nitrogen Urea < 2%
Phosphorus SSP / MAP < 2%
Potassium MOP / SOP < 2%
Calcium CaCl2 0.5%
Magnesium MgSO4 0.5%
Sulphur Any ‘S’ Fert. 0.5%
Iron FeSO4 0.5%
Boron Borax 0.3%
Copper CuSO4 0.1%

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