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Written Communication

 Written communication is the exchange of information, ideas, or messages through

written language in the form of letters, emails, notes, and more.

 Written communication skills refer to the ability to convey information effectively and
clearly through written text. It involves using appropriate language, tone, and style to
communicate the intended message, while also taking into account the audience and
purpose of the communication.
Purpose of Writing

 To inform ( Journalist, Lab Report, Research etc.)

 To entertain ( Stories, Jokes )
 To persuade ( Advertisements )
 To express ( Diary, Letter )
 To evaluate ( Reviews )
 To explain ( Content )
Clarity in Writing

 Clarity in writing refers to being clear and concise to your intended audience. Clear
writing communicates ideas effectively, without any ambiguity or confusion. It involves
using plain language and avoiding jargon that might be unfamiliar to the reader.
 Clarity in writing also ensuring that the tone and style of the writing are appropriate for
the audience. It ensures any supporting evidence or data is presented in a way that is
easy to understand and relevant.
 Clarity in proposal writing can help to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations of
your proposal.
 Clarity is a critical element of effective proposal writing. It enables the reader to quickly
and easily understand the message being conveyed.
Principles of Effective Writing

 Make it Correct
 Make it Concise
 Avoid Common Redundancies
 Make it Clear
 Make it Concrete
Importance of Written Communication in Business

 Economical and Efficient

 Accuracy
 Record Keeping
 Goodwill and Branding
Process of Business Writing
Specific Writing Feature: Coherence

 Example:

Richly fertilized plains and river valleys are places where plants
grow, as well as at the edge of perpetual snow in the high
mountains. There is plant growth not only in and around lakes
and swamps but under the ocean and next to it.
Cont. ….

 Plantsgrow not only in richly fertilized plains and river

valleys but at the edge of perpetual snow in high
mountains, not only in around lakes and swamps but
under the ocean and next to it.

 Systematic or logical connection or consistency

 Coherence is the way that the elements in our sentences and paragraphs
hang together to produce meaning.
Cont. …

1. Coherence between words
2. Coherence between sentences
3. Coherence between paragraph (therefore, however, later, then
Electronic Writing Process

 Electronic writing means the taking of notes by electronic means and it includes composition of texts, emails,
instant messages, and postings messages to social media using internet networking services.
 There are various electronic writing processes for communication. They are faster than traditional modes of
communication. Some of them are:

E-mail: This option is the counterpart of traditional letter writing. There are various email service providers
that offer this service.

SMS: This helps you to get short text messages across to others using your cellphone.

Chatting apps: These can be used to send not just text messages but also images, videos, documents, and more
using smartphones provided you have an active data connection on your device or a Wi-Fi connection. Some of
these apps also offer their services online. Examples: WhatsApp etc.

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