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Chapter XVI

Historical Document
The gentleman delegate of War said that in his
department the following resolution had been
✣ 1.) Supression of all forms ✣ 3.) Communication sent to the local military
of address with the leaders fixing the number of the force which
exception of “usted.” each town so designated was required to put out
from time for the garrison of its capital.
✣ 2.) Notification sent to the
head of Babaylanis (a cult) ✣ 4.) Communication to the finance
requiring their presence delegate for his delivery to the war delegate the
before the revolutionary sum of ten thousand pesos for the purchase of
government of this prime commodities from Iloilo, earmarked for
province. troop consumption and to remedy the shortage
of same in this capital.
5.) A Provision to the effect that particular Spanish Prisoners should reside within their
respective locality so they could engage in their occupations and manage their concerns
always under the vigilance of the authoritves or their agents .
The gentleman delegate of War said that in his
department the following resolution had been
✣ 6.) Another one providing that properties belonging to absentee Spaniards be safeguarded by the
respective local authorities who will proceed with the appointment of a trustee with faculty to
administer and accomplish in triplicate the corresponding inventory, one for his department, one
the committee, and one for the administrator .
✣ 7.) The establishment of a register of weapons belonging to the government as well as to
particular’s, making the binding upon the owners their registration. The latter could keep their
arms subject to the condition that they render the service assigned to them in case of need under
punishment of confiscation otherwise.
✣ 8.) The creation of a commission in each town to be composed of two citizens of deep rooted
presitge under the chairmanship of the local Delegate of Finance whose duty is to receive the sums
donated voluntarily for the war expense by persons in sympathy with the revolution.
The gentleman delegate of War said that in his
department the following resolution had been
✣ 9.) Communication 10.) Resolution dividing the
requiring from the Manila provincial territory into four military
Expiditionary chief in zones and providing for the
Banate the shipment of appointment of a military commander
arms to this island said for each zone.
request having had negative
due to expidition’s failure to
11.) Communication to the Iloilo committee is answer to the letter’s various communiques
and giving the reasons why it was not possible to make the shipment of arms required by that
The gentleman delegate of War said that in his
department the following resolution had been
✣ 12.) Resolution for the 13.) Another resolution disposing
local military that each delegate of justice take
commanders to acquaint charge of the register of births,
themselves with the marriage, contracts and death
nature of crimes and cases.
offenses committed in
their respective locality.

14.) Authority for Messnegers Diego de la Vina, Jose de la Vina, and Timoteo Unson to
consolidate their forces under the command of the first mentioned gentlemen and
direct their operations towards San Carlos and the province of the east coast until they
The gentleman delegate of War said that in his
department the following resolution had been

15.) Disposal for the remission to Bacolod of the public funds

from the occupied territories with an inventory for their listing
in the finance department.
16.) Disposal for the concentration in the capital of Spanish
prisoners who had resorted to arms against the liberating army.
Don Teodoro “Kapitan Urong” Yulo
✣ Donated 10,000 pesos for the war expenses and purchase of arms.
✣ Wanted to show loyalty to the cause of the revolution.
War Delegate Araneta

- Practically monopolized the

attention of the cabinet in
- Truly the government
within the provisional

The session had not actually ended.
There was still an item requiring immediate attention.
It was no less than the creation of a chamber of deputies of
the Canton Republic.
General Araneta continued with his
address stating:

“And lastly, said gentleman delegate proposed the creation of a body

of delegate who would deliberate on general matters pertaining to
these towns. After sufficient discussion of this a point of the need
for the existence of such a body properly representative of the towns
in the political organization of this island, the resolution was
unanimously approved; and the creation of a chamber of delegates
and all of it pertaining to their election relegated to the President.”

Juan Araneta
The man of Negros Revolution
✣ Can be called a dictator in the modern world.
✣ If he was a dictator, here is what he dictated: an immediate constitution
of a representative government through popular elections.

Faced with different problems since the first day of its independence:
✣ Public order
✣ Organization of Local Governments
✣ Public Finance
Canton Republic
Through the initiative of Araneta, the plan to convert
Negros into a Canton Republic under the republican
federal government was formulated.
The minutes of the session speak thus of this radical and independent
proposal of General Araneta:

“ I propose that this island , after having won its liberty and
independence by a brilliant feat of arms and earning for itself and
honorable place in the concert of the civilized nations, should be
governed by men of prestige of this same nation familiar with its
needs and professing its great ideals. Therefore, I deem that the
best government to fulfill this beautiful aspiration of the Island which
is the same as that of all the Filipino people is the Federal
The minutes of the session speak thus of this radical and independent
proposal of General Araneta:

“With the President and the delegates, Executive, Finance, Justice,

Development, Agriculture and Commerce, setting forth the same
reasons and concurring in the opinion, the proposed plan under
discussion was declared approved in virtue whereof this Island
would be ruled by a Republican Federal Government to be known
as Canton composed of the provinces of Negros, Occidental and
Oriental, in the great Philippine Republic.”

✣ The whole world
✣ The junta had
outside Negros was
approved and
intrigued as to how
adopted the
rebels came up with
“Canton of
Local Government
- The War Delegate became a great authoritative leader.

-The one Measure of Araneta sums up the sincere

honesty of that popular regime in its budding stage.

- One of the best proofs of the mutual tolerance between

the Spaniards and Filipinos will always be the fact that
many wealthy Spaniards had given their treasures for
safekeeping to some Filipinos.
Efficient Masters
✣ The War Delegate busied himself with public works and agriculture:
✣ Ordered to rebuild the warehouse in La Granja.
✣ Informed the provisional government of the complete surrender of
Dumaguete and the whole Oriental Coast of the Island of Negros, having
established in said area a revolutionary government.
✣ Ordered that the repair of roads be made at the expense of the well-to-do
in the form of daguiao (voluntary labor). Until the budget of the coming
year could be enforced.
✣ The War Delegate busted himself with the construction of bridges.
Simeon Lizares
✣ One of the Delegates of the Junta who untiringly exerted
his effort.
✣ Efforts are for the effective telegraphic communication
between towns.
✣ Bacolod to Silay; for proper communication with the
✣ Bacolod to Bago; for proper communication with the
✣ Stations were open from day to night throughout the war.
Third Cardinal Problem
- The government saddled the matter of public finances
under the responsibility Sec. Eusebio Luzurriaga.
- The gentleman of the cabinet saw the urgent need of
restoring the public finances depleting the huge upkeep
of so many armed dependants.
Production of Sugar had not only
come to a halt.

✣ Sugar market closed.

✣ A credit deadline was need to be met and
there was a forced moratorium created by
the circumstances of the situation.
The Finance Delegates
Worried on the inability to meet the incurred obligations for the
maintenance of so many armed men who had to be kept to
prevent them from disbanding and cannot be sufficiently

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