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Science, Technology, and Society

What is Science?
• From the latin word ‘scientia’ means knowledge
• Systematic body of knowledge
• A system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method
• Study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural
• Observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against
the evidence obtained
• Science can only study what is present in the natural world
• Natural Science and Social Science
• From Greek word “techne” and “logos”
• A human attempt to change the world.
• Technology is the application of systematic knowledge toward the
development of a device, machine, or method of making or doing
• The purpose of technology is to meet a human need or solve a
human problem.
• A community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common
traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests.
• A network of relationship between people.
• Solution to a problem.
Science and Technology
• They work together and depend on
one another
• Mutualism/Symbiotic relationship
between Science and Technology
Interconnection between Science, Technology, and Society

Science explores for the purpose of

knowing, while technology explores for
the purpose of making something
useful from that knowledge.
Science is a way of
knowing while Technology
is way of doing.
Which came first?
Science or Technology
01 Elms Activity 3 (Prelim) - ARG
• Instructions: In a one whole yellow paper, answer the following
questions in no more than seven (7) sentences. Be brief and
provide justifications for your answers. (20 points)

• What do you think is the role of science and technology in our

society today?
• Why must STS be offered in an interdisciplinary approach?

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