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Sunshine Group

Member Names:
• Amos Hamonangan
• Cavien Radedo
• I Jhos Payrenza
• Marchello Sianturi
• Pricilia Octaviani
• Vanessya Natalia
• Eunike Rarasati


Definition of
Are words that modifys nouns. Exactly it give a view,
introduce or give more information about noun.
Examples of Adjectives
• Big • Patient • Old • Red
• Small • Dirty • Hot • Round
• Expensive • Clean • Fresh • Disgust
• Cheap • Smart • Wide • Pointed
• Handsome • Happy • Long • Shady
• Beautiful • Sad • Short • Yellow
• Gorgeous • Kind • Tall
• Comfortable • Dark
• Rich • Young
The examples of The application of Adjectives
(underlined words)

1.There is a big purple car

2.The trees are shady
3.He looks so sad
4.An expensive Indonesian house
5.Emma Watson is beautiful
6.Asep is a smart tall Javanaese student
Kevin and Casey are having dinner in a quiet
restaurant. It's a warm evening. The food is
delicious. Kevin is feeling romantic.
Placement of Adjectives in Phrases

Adjectives can be placed before nouns

(a warm evening, a quiet restaurant)
and after linking verbs (is delicious,
feeling romantic).
Nouns that Become Adjectives

• A noun that is placed in front of another noun will

function as an adjectives

Ex: doors  glass doors  heavy glass doors  two

heavy glass doors  ...
Order of Adjectives in a Phrase

Adjective can be added any number in

front of nouns. However, there are
rules in order.

1. Condition : wonderful, nice, great, a, three.

2. Size/Shape : large, small, long, square.

3. Quality : quiet, famous, important.

4. Age : new, old.

5. Color : red, blue, green.

6. Nationality : American, Indonesian, French.

7. Material : stone, plastic, steel.

8. Type : electric, liquid.

9. Purpose : frying, drying. is used to comparing two nouns
that have similarity.
Ex: Our house is as clean as yours.

In negative sentences, may use

Ex: Our house isn’t as clean as yours.

Our house isn’t so clean as yours.

For words ‘same’, patterns are usually used ‘the same as’

Ex: Our house is the same as yours.

Comparative adjective is used to comparing two nouns that have

There are two forms in the comparative adjective:

Adjective + er (if it consists of 1-2 syllables) ex: nice (r), small

(er), ...

More + adjective (if it consists of 2 or more syllables) ex: (more)

exciting, (more) elegant, ...

After comparative adjective, then followed by ‘than’. Ex: She is taller

than I am / me.

Superlative adjective is used to show the most prominent noun among many other


There are 2 forms in superlative adjective:

Adjective + est (if it consist of 1-2 syllables) ex: nice (st), small (est), ...

Most + adjective (if it consist of 2 or more syllables ) ex: (most) exciting, (most)
elegant, ...

Use article ‘the’ before superlative adjective, then followed by ‘in’ or ‘of’ then
place or group.

Ex: She is the tallest in /of her gang.

If an adjectives ends with –ed, -ful, -ing then used more/most.

Ex: more pleased, more useful, more boring

(afraid, certain, correct, eager, exact, famous, foolish, frequent,

modern, nervous, normal, recent).

If it is –y, then used er /est. Ex: happy (ier/iest), funny (ier /iest).
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