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Concepts of anthropology,

sociology, and political


• It came from the 2 greek words

• “anthrophos” = human beings
• “logos” = study

• It is the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space
in relation to physical character, environmental, social relations, and culture.

• Franz Boaz is considered as the “Father of Modern Anthropology” because of

his study Historical Particularism.

• Anthropologist – people who are experts in Anthropology

• Ethnography – research method of long participant observation.
Fields of Anthropology
Biological/physical anthropology Cultural anthropology

Study of the human origin such as Focus on human societies and

genetics, race, evolution, fossils, and elements of cultural life

Linguistic anthropology archeology

Study of the material remains of past

Study of language
human lives and activities
Goals of ANthropology

01 Observe the common things among people

(traditions, language, and others).

02 Discover what make people different from

each other.

Create new knowledge through researches about

human behavior.
Perspective of ANthropology

01 02 03 04

Cross- Evolutionary/ Ecological Holistic

Cultural / Historical Emphasis Emphasis
Comparative Emphasis

• It is the study of society, patterns of social interactions, social life, social

change, and social causes and consequences of human behavior.

• It came from the French word “Sociologie” which means companion.

• The word was coined and developed by French Philosopher named Auguste
Fields of Sociology
Social organization Social psychology

It is the study of how people’s thoughts,

Pertains to a group of interacting
feelings, beliefs, intentions, and
people with common goals.
behaviors are influenced by the social

Applied sociology Human ecology

It is the study of interactions of human

It is the information about the society
beings and its surroundings in
to solve social issues.
different culture.
Goals of sociology

01 Study the nature of humanity

02 Appreciate society
Perspective of sociology

01 02 03

Functionalist Conflict Symbolic

Perspective Perspective Interaction
Political science

• It is the systematic study of government, politcs, and political power.

• Politics was started by ancient greeks specifically in Athens.

• Greek philosopher Aristotle has a book called “Politics”

• Politics came from the greek word “polis” which means city or state.
Political philosophies and

Political Things to know

theory about political Public
science management

International relations and righst
foreigns policies
Goals of political science

01 Make people a better citizens.

02 Keep social order and harmony among different groups of


03 Protect the rights of an individual.

04 Avoid conflict and promote cooperation.

Political Science Perspective

studies the tendencies and

actions of people which cannot
be easily quantified or
examined. Political science is
more focused than most social
sciences. It sticks to the political
arena and to the realm of
politics, either dealing with
situations with two competing
sides or the lateral decisions
that affect the group as a whole.

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