01 Basics of MS - Excel-2007

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Basic Excel
Muhammad Akhlaq Khan, Dy. Dir. (Fin).
Civil Services Academy, Lahore.
1. The Benefits of Excel
2. The Basics of Excel
3. Hands‐On Exercises
4. Helpful Tips and Shortcuts
5. Functions
6. Combining and Spreading
Contents of Cells


Why Use Excel?
• Excel can be an easy way to review significant
amounts of data to identify particular issues or
• Excel can be used to perform calculations with
accuracy by using CAMA (Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal
• Excel spreadsheets allow analytical capability without
requiring your software vendor to program a specific
analysis for you.
• Excel provides a generally universal method for
sharing data and information with others.
• Excel can be used to prepare custom handouts,
charts, and reports to highlight particular findings.
Types of Works Performed With Excel
1- Preparation of Alpha Numeric Statements
2- Arithmetical as well as Logical Functions.
3- Graphical presentations.
4- It is a generally provided universal application
software, thus make it easy to share data with
5- A file (workbook) contains multiple worksheets
for preparing different statements, which can be
interlinked with each other as well as with other
Common versions:

• Excel 1997 - 2003 (older version, still popular)

• Excel 2007 (version currently being uses mostly)
• Excel 2010 (newer version, not very popular)
• Excel 2013 (newer version, not very popular)
• Excel 2016 (Latest version being used rarely)
• Office 365 (2019 contains the latest version of Excel)
Our discussion will focus on Microsoft Excel 2007,
some of the capabilities discussed in this class would
also be present in other spreadsheet packages.
Microsoft has retired the Excel-2007 in 2020 due to
this the Help option is not available in this version of
Working with Earlier Versions
• In Excel 2007, or any of the latest version can be
used to open files created in any previous
version of Excel i.e. 1995-2003 version.
• You can open and edit older workbooks and
share files with people who don’t have Excel
• A file created in Excel 2007 or later version
cannot be opened in Excel 95 to 2003 versions.
• A file created in any later version can be opened
in 2007 version however the new items added
in the later versions will not be available in
Saving Multiple Versions
When you save
a file in Excel
2007, or later
version you can
choose one of
these extension.
Meanings of these Extension types:
• (*.xlsx). This is Excel 2007.
• (*.xlsm) This is excel file with macro enabled
• (*.xltx) This is excel template file
• (*.xlsb) This is excel file saved in binary format (used for large files)
• (*.xls) is Excel 97‐2003 format of Workbook. It is used when you
need to share with someone working in a previous version of Excel.


• Spreadsheet–Table used to store and display
data. The table is arranged by rows and columns.
• Worksheet–Single page or tab within the Excel
• Workbook–The entire spreadsheet file.

Spreadsheet b
Row–Horizontal array of data.
• Signified by numbers –Row 1, Row 2, etc.
– Maximum number of rows:
• Excel 2003 –65,536
• Excel 2007 –1,048,576

Column–Vertical array of data.

• Signified by letters –Column A, Column B, etc.
– Maximum number of columns:
• Excel 2003 –256
• Excel 2007 –16,384

Cell–Individual cell. Intersection of a row and a column.

• Signified by a combination of the column letter and the row
– Examples: A1, C30, AB42
3 - Exercise
S. Name Address Amount Date Date of
# Appointm Birth
1 Mr. Akhlaq Khan 19 Nawab St. Gulshan 100,000 13-11-1990 15-03-1965
Abbas, Lahore
2 Mr. Muhammad 407-H 120,000 25-11-1988 11-06-1959
Ayub Gulshan Ravi, Lahore
3 Mr. M. Amir 301-H, Wafaqi Colony, 124,000 01-01-2017 05-09-1995
Canal Road, Lahore
4 Mr. Tariq Zafar 33-B, Postal Colony, 25,000 25-01-1995 19-08-1967
Wahdat Road,
5 Mr. Niamatullah Township, Lahore. 15,000 15-02-2020 29-12-2001
6 Ms. Farast Zareen 5-A, wafaqi colony, 145,000 15-03-1995 10-11-1973
Canal bank Road,
7 Mr. Awais Ali Gari Shahoo, Lahore. 15,431 11-05-2019 31-01-2002
8 Mr. Imtiaz Shah Laliani, Qasoor 2,345 01-01-2019 24-07-1999
Total 546,776
• Office Button
• Quick Access Toolbar
• The Menu
– Home Tab
– Insert Tab
– Page Layout Tab
– Formula Tab
– Data Tab
– View Tab
– Help Tab
– Developer
Office Button
and Quick
Manu Bar Tabs and Commands
Manu Bar

1) The Tab
2) Group of
3) Command
Dialog Box Launcher
• An arrow, called the Dialog Box Launcher, appears in the
lower‐right corner of a group of commands.
• This means more options are available for the group.
• When you Click
the Dialog Box
Launcher , you
will see a dialog
box or task pane.
The picture shows
an example:
• On the Home tab, click the arrow in the Font group.
• The Format Cells dialog box opens, with superscript and
other options related to fonts.
Home Tab

• Clipboard ‒ Cut, ‒ Copy, ‒ Paste, ‒ Format Painter

• Formatting ‒ Font ‒ Alignment
– Number — $ , %, Decimal Points
• Style ‒ Conditional Formatting
– Format as Table
– Cell Style
• Cells ‒ Insert ‒ Delete, ‒ Format.
• Editing ‒ AutoSum, ‒ Fill ‒ Clear
– Sort and Filter ‒ Find and Select
Insert Tab
• Tables – PivotTable, Table
• Illustrations – Picture, Clip Art, Shapes Smart Art.
• Charts–Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area Scatter, Other
• Links – Hyperlink
• Text – Text Box, Header & Footer, Word Art, Signature
Page Layout Tab
• Themes – Color, Font, Effect
• Page Setup – Margins, Orientation, Size, Breaks,
Backgrounds, Print Titles.
• Scale to Fit – Width, Height, Scale
• Sheet Options – Right to Left, Gridlines view and print
• Arrange – Send to back, Bring to front etc. (Shapes)
• Functions Library – Insert Function, Auto Sum Recently
used, Financial, Logical, Text,
Date & Time
• Defined Names – Name Manager, Define Name, Create
from selection.
• Formula Auditing- Tracing precedents, dependents,
Remove Arrow, Show Formulas,
Error Checking, Evaluate
Formula, Watch Window
• Calculation – Calculation Options (Automatic, Manual)
Data Tab
• Get External Data
• Connections – Refresh all, Connections
• Sort & Filter – Sort, Filter, Advanced
• Data Tools - Text to Columns, Remove Duplicates, Data
validation, Consolidate, What-if analysis
• Outline – Group, Ungroup, Subtotal.
• Proofing – Spelling, Research, Thesaurus, Translate
• Comments – New comments, Delete, Next, Previous,
Show/Hide Comments
• Changes – Protect Sheet, Workbook, Share, Protect and
Share, Allow Users to Edit Ranges, Track
View Tab
• Workbook Views- Normal, Page Layout
• Show / Hide – Ruler, Gridline, Formula Bar, Headings,
• Zoom- Sized of the Screen
• Window –New Window, Arrange all, Freeze Pans, Split,
Hide, Unhide.
• Macros-
Using Windows Group of Commands
Available in View Tab
• New Window
• Arrange All
• Fareeze Pans
• Split
• Hide
• Unhide
Help Menu
• Microsoft has retired Office-2007 in 2020,
therefore, help is not available on this version.
– However, Internet is a good resource in this
• Example: Go to Google and type in what you are trying
to accomplish “How to sort in Excel”
– Access various user forums and questions and
Cut, Copy and Paste Special
• Cut Row one and place it after number five.
• Cut column “ Amount” and place it after date.
• Cut Name Mr. Ayub and place it after
• Copy column “Names” and place it in the row
bellow the table.
Helpful Tips
Short Cuts
• While working on the Excel the user wants to
perform certain actions without moving his hands
off from the keyboard There are some commands
can be done in Excel by using a keyboard shortcut.
• Most keyboard short cuts involve the Ctrl Key.
– Common short cuts are:
• Copy — Ctrl C
• Cut — Ctrl X
• Paste —Ctrl V
• Undo — Ctrl Z
• Save — Ctrl S
• Select All — Ctrl A
• Find —Ctrl F
Use of control Key
• For selecting different cells at different places
• For moving and selecting the whole words
present in a cell.

Use of Alt Key

• Alt+ Enter is used for creating paragraph in a cell.

Writing in More Than One Cells at a Time

• Select more than one cells in which you want to
right the
Using Home Tab Editing
Sum ‒ Alt+=
Fill ‒ Crtl+R, Crtl+D, Crtl+L, Fill Up, Fill
Clear ‒ All, Contents, Formats, Comments.
Sort and Filter
Find and Replace
Common Function Symbols
• “+” used for Addition
• “—” used for deduction
• “/ “ used for Division
• “*” used for Multiplication
• ^ used for calculating raze to the power
• SQRT (function) is used for calculating square
rut of a value.
Combining and Spreading Contest of
Combining Contents of Different Cells
• The contents of different cells can be
combined by two functions i.e.
Concatenate and use of & sign.
– Example: We have the first name in Cell A1
and last name in B1
• We want first then last with a space in
between, then the following formula
combines the two.=A1&” “&B1 (inverted commas
has been added to provide blank space between the
contents of two different cells joined in this one cell)
Dividing Text in a cell in to different
• The contents of a cell can be distributed in to more than one
cells in a row by using “Text to Column” Command located on
Data Tab.
– Contents of a cell can be divided on two basis
• Fixed Width
• Delimited with a specific character (spaces, commas, semicolons)
• Go to Text to Columns in Data tab:
– Highlight Cell containing data
– Click on the Text to Columns Command
– Click Delimited option
– Click Comma
– Click OK
For Learning Excel
• Make email to the following address. It will
send you lectures on Excel Regularly.

Your Tutor
For Excel Tips Daily Nuggets
• akq153@gmail.com
• 03344225906
• 99220475

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